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Directions: Hand a book to the child, spine first, and

Child’s name:_________________
then ask the child to find these parts of the book or text.
Mark “yes” if the child is able to identify or do the task.
Date(s) observed: ______________
Mark “no” if (s)he is unable.

No. Parts of Book/ Text to Identify Yes No Comments

1. Can you find the front of the book?
2. Can you find the back of the book?
3. Where is the title of the book?
4. {Open to a page with text} Where do I start
5. Which way do I go when I read the words?
6. When I get to the end of this line, where do I read
7. Follow along with your finger as I read the page.
8. {Turn the page}Where is the first word on this
9. Where is the last word of this page?
10. {Turn the page}Can you show me the first letter of a
11. Can you show me the last letter of a word?
12. Can you find a lowercase/ small letter on this page?

13. Find a period on this page. What is it for?

14. Find a question mark on this page. What is it for?

15. Find a comma on this page. What is it for?

16. Find an exclamation mark on this page. What is it
17. Find quotation marks on this page. What are they

Print Awareness
*For child aged 4-6 years old*

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