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Activity 1- Audience Research

We will be promoting a creative arts show case. The target audience for this campaign is males and
females of school age, between the ages of eleven and eighteen years and their parents, male and
female whose age ranges may vary.

Secondary Research
Before starting the campaign, I have to consider the social background of my target group and factors
that may influence their behaviour or interests. For example, according to the Tower Hamlets
website 42% of children live in poverty, that’s more than double the national average figure. This
means that they may not have been exposed to the Arts industry therefore when carrying out my
planning I would need to consider ways that would engage this segment of the target market. In
addition, according to the school website approximately half the target market are EAL (English as an
Additional language).

Around 7 in 10 residents of Tower Hamlets used the internet for social media, most popular among
young people. National estimates state that there has been an increase in the number of households
that have access to the internet from 9% in 1998 to 83% in 2013 and today almost all, 99% of all
Londoners aged 16 -34 years. Only 65% of 35-59 year olds used the internet for social interaction this
links to the fact that Parents are extremely likely to use a social media platform in some way,
according to one source 74% of parents use Facebook on a daily basis. Whereas the teenage target
market uses a range of social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. According to
Ofcom 75% of those aged 12-15 years have social media profiles. Recently YouTube proved to be the
most popular social networking site for both primary and secondary pupils, with 81 per cent and 82
per cent of pupils saying they used it, respectively. As a results of these findings I will need to
consider which social media platform would be most suitable for parent and students. For instance,
Facebook would be more suitable for parents but not for students as they are more inclined to use
other social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram.

Access to the internet is another factor that I need to consider. Whether individuals have access to
the internet and how they access the internet. A survey conducted in Tower Hamlets discovered that
90% of students had access to computer, laptop or tablet outside of school. The survey also
concluded that Secondary school pupils are more likely to own their own mobile phone and that 81%
of them use it to access the internet furthermore+ 94% of them use social networking sites. This
again supports the idea that during the planning process I will need to consider the most effective
ways to advertise using the internet, possibly advertising the showcase in the school website or the
school media Weebly page in order to appeal to my target market as it is clear that the majority of
my audience have regular internet access. The findings that are shown above also support the idea
that the majority of my audience engage with social networking sites. This again reinforces that fact
that advertising on social media is an efficient yet effect way to connect with my target audience
when promoting a performing arts showcase, particularly the youngest demographic as they are the
most regular users of social networking sites. According to the Tower Hamlets web site a small
minority of pupils said that they didn’t use any social networking sites, showing only 6% of secondary
pupils do not use social media. Although this small percentage do not use social media they would
still have the opportunity to access information regarding the event via the school Weebly page.

During the planning process I would also need to consider the most effective way to appeal to my
oldest demographic audience. The Tower Hamlets web site states that 83% of people aged between
35-59 use the internet for emails and 66% of parents say they prefer to receive information via email.
These Findings suggest that in order to appeal to the parents of the children, I may need to send
emails to the parents that are based on the showcase event. It is clear that this is the most effective
way for them to receive information.

Another factor that I would need to consider is the likelyhood of studends going onto further
education. For example according to the Tower Hamlets website Girls were more likely than boys to
say that they would study at college or sixth form after year 11. These statistics give the impression
that during the planning process I may need to adapt my product to appeal to the males rather than
the females. For example, I would need to use certain colours and images that I feel would be best to
this sector of my target audience.

I would also need to consider how likely it is for my target audience to participate in activities.
Research shows that Pupils reported high levels of participation in activities, with 94.5 per cent of
pupils saying that they have participated in at least one activity in the last four weeks. These findings
show that in order to attract my target audience, I would need to run a competition for the best
photo by creating a hashtag and encouraging them to get involved.

Another factor to be taken into consideration are the barriers that my target audience may face.
When attending the event. Secondary students reported having more barriers than those at primary
school, though around a quarter of both groups cited not having enough time as a barrier to
participating in activities. This statistic shows that in order for this barrier to be broken I will need to
make my event stand out from other events. In order for them to want to make time attend my
event. Research also shows that the biggest difference between age groups was in the proportion of
pupils who said that they have no one to go with. In order for this barrier to be broken it will be my
job to emphasise that when you get to the event there will be lots of other people in the same
position, as a result this would reduce the anxiety of attending alone for audience members. Another
reason why these barriers are broken is to ensure that the children receive support as according to
the Tower Hamlets Website over half of parents say more help to support their children’s learning
would imrpove family life.
Primary Research
Survey of parents of year 8 pupils

Do you follow the schools twitter account?

yes no
don’t have twitter
As part of my primary research I attended a year 8
consultation evening, and asked parents questions in order to find out more information about what
would be the best way to engage in my event.

From these finding it is clear that twitter posts are not the most effective form of advertisement the
can be used when trying to successfully engage this sector of my order. This is because the pie chart
shows that the majority of people who took part in the survey to not follow the school twitter
account and would therefore not be able to access information easily.

What is your preferred way of recieving information of school events?

website email text letter

From this finding it is clear that the people who took
part in the survey prefer to receive information regarding school events via text. This means that it
will be my job to compose text messages to send out to parents in order to ensure that they can
access the information easily and efficiently.

How many school events have you been to in the last year?

0 1 or 2 3 or 4 5+
From these findings it is evident that most people
have attended one 1-2 events in the last year. This information tells me that I have to make my event
stand out from the ordinary so that parents will make time to attend my event over other events that
may be taking place.

What would you most like to see in a creative arts showcase?

dance drama art

media music comedy
From these results it is clear that the majority of
people would like to see Drama and Music at the showcase. Therefore, it is my job to ensure that
these two subjects play a significant part in the event in order to engage this sector of my audience.
What do you value most about your child's school environment?

good teachers
academic results
personal development
From these results it is clear that the most valued
aspect of the school environment for parents is academic results. It is my job to make sure parents
know that even though this is a creative event, their children/child will learn some valuable skills
which they can apply to their academic subjects.
Survey of Year 8 Girls
As additional research I surveyed a group of year eight girls and asked them a series of questions to
help me decide on the appropriate platforms I should use to advertise the showcase and to establish
an overview of their behaviours/ attitudes in response to the uses of different media platforms.

From the information it is clear that 70% of the

students that took part in the survey look at the
display screen around school. This means that this
would be a good place to advertise for the
showcase as a large number of students will view
the screens.

It is clear from the information that the most

enjoyed creative subject by the students who took
part in the survey is Drama. This means that it
would be my job to ensure that Drama plays a
significant part in the showcase.

From this information it is clear that 70% of the

students that took part in the survey use the
library frequently. This means that when
advertising the showcase this could be considered
as a good area to put material as a high a number
of students use this location.
From these results it is clear that 67% of students
that took part in the survey. Meanin that this is a
prime location to advertise materials such as

From these results it is clear that only 33% of

students take part in after school activities. This
means that I would need to consider the timing of
the event and ensure that it was as early as possible
so that students are willing to stay. It may also be
important to use more creative advertising methods
to encourage them to stay after school.

From these results it is clear that 85% of people

who took part in the survey would prefer both
pictures and text from a poster. This would mean
that when designing my posters, I would need to
include both an eye catching image and clear, bold
text that are both relevant to the event.

From these findings it is clear that 52% of individuals that took part in the survey do use the school
website. This means that when advertising for the showcase the website could be an effective
platform to use.
From these results it is clear that 93% of students
bring a book to school daily. This implies that these
students read a lot which gives the impression that
a higher number of students would take the time
to read the posters that will be displayed around
the school.

Activity 2- Responding to the commission

In order to complete this activity an interview took place between myself and the client which I
recorded. The transcript of the interview follows:

T: What is the purpose of the commission?

M: Tallulah, what we’d like you and Kaylee to do is to promote the creative arts showcase which is
taking place on July 12 th, which is going to include all of the creative arts subjects – so drama, dance,
music, media…

S: ..and art.

M: A bit of photography.

S: Yes. And it will be taking place inside the drama pod and also in the theatre. The art and media and
photography media work will be on the display in the drama pod, and the dance and music and
drama performances will be in the theatre.

M: We’re starting in the drama pod with canapés and orange juice, a half hour reception, and then
we’re moving into the theatre for the performances.

S: So we’re looking at the whole thing being an hour and a half.

M: We’re targeting all year groups.

S: Just to highlight the great work that all the creative students do.

M: And we want to invite parents too.

S: And staff.

T: What is the ethos and reputation of the client?

M: The issue that we have in creative arts at the moment is that our profile is being diminished and
students aren’t really taking our subjects at GCSE and A Level and they’re opting for the more…

S: Traditionally academic, or perceived, subjects. The push from the government to take EBAC, more
sciences, and the language, they’re getting that pressure from government, encouraging students to
take those subjects, so we’re feeling the pressure and our numbers taking at GCSE and A Level have
diminished quite significantly. Especially at A Level. It’s to highlight the great work that these subjects
can do, and also maybe highlight the possible career choices they could go on to do.

T: What is the message of your campaign?

S: The message is really to celebrate and have a showcase of all the creative art work that our
students do across year 7 to 13. A mixture of all the different subject and to highlight, to celebrate, to
get people to see and enjoy the work the students do. To promote our subjects as option to Year 9’s
and Year 11’s, if they haven’t decided yet, that these are good options. Have a balance in their

M: It’s also to pre-empt what’s going to happen next year – the year 9’s and the year 8’s are going to
be selecting their options. The Year 8’s will start their GCSEs in Year 9, so we’ll have two year groups
starting GCSE at the same time, this time next year. So we need to start raising our profile now, and
letting them know how great the work is now that we do in our subjects, so that by the time they go
to do their option choices we’re at the forefront of their mind as a quality faculty to join.
T: What geographical and demographical opportunities are there?

M: What we need to think about is using the school. Use it as much as possible to promote the
showcase. Obviously budgets are an issue, we want to avoid sending things by post or too many texts
as that bumps the budget up. We do have a budget for colour printing to print posters and put them
up around the school, but obviously you’d need to think where you’re putting them.

S: You could also work with James Johnson, the school’s media communications officer as he can put
them on the school’s website and the school’s social media and Twitter feed to promote the event.
That would be a very efficient and cheap way to promote the showcase.

M: Briefing, if you want staff to come, you could present in briefing, you don’t have to stand and talk
to everyone, but you could show a video to promote the showcase. That could be show in assembly,
go out in staff bulletins.

S: I also know that the blue year, that’s year 8, they have a newsletter and we could maybe get
something about the showcase in there, and that goes out to all the year 8s and their parents.

M: Good idea.

S: Just thought of that.

M: We have our own Twitter accounts – girls’ school, boys’ school, federation. That could be digital
posters, trailers that would be really great actually.

T: What are the restrictions on the client?

S: The budget is the main restriction.

M: About thirty pounds?

S: Thirty five? The budget’s not going to be very large, between thirty and fifty pounds, to cover
printing costs. The rest, the equipment, you have access to that to produce all the things you need to
produce. Obviously we’ll have food and drinks on the night, but that’s not part of the promotional

M: Also be careful, if you’re sending material out into the community, whether it’s parents, or online
or Twitter, you’re going to have to be very careful about proof-reading everything, because that
reflects on the reputation of the school. Remember, the date is July 12 th.

S: A Thursday.

M: You’ll need at least three weeks at least to start the promotion.

S: Possibly four. You’ll want it up and running in middle or end of June, that’ll give you three weeks to
promote it.

Activity 3- Proposal
Platforms Timeline Plan
Teaser Poster 19/06/18 (3 weeks) Poster designed to promote the creative arts showcase.
Facebook These posters use eye-catching images of creative
Twitter students, limiting text to buzz words that relate to the
Instagram event. Posters should be located in areas such as school
Assembly canteen, school playground, library, in creative
classrooms. Use the posters for cross-media promotion
e.g. post pictures on social media.

Create FB page specifically for the event on the same

day as the poster as it will include a similar theme and
images. This will create brand awareness as the same
hashtag will be used on the Facebook page and the

Twitter page will have same cover image and icon as

the FB page to create cohesion across the platforms.
The first tweet will be of the poster followed by more
information about the showcase. There will be a
hashtag which will give audience members the
opportunity to interact with the event. Also it will help
with competitions that we may want to run, such as
‘Best Photo’ competition. Another way it can be used is
by conducting Polls to gain audience opinions on the

Instagram will have the same image and icons as

Facebook and Twitter. We will include student Stories
about their journey with creative arts. This can also be
used for interactive Stories gaining an audience’s

Assemblies will be held in order to give information to

both students and teachers about the event. The
poster will be shown in order to make the audience
become more aware of it and notice it more.

Flyers 26/06/18 (2 weeks) Flyers will be sent out to parents giving them
Trailers information. Also the same image will be used on the
Blue belles flyer as on the posters, creating cross-media
Snapchat promotion.

Trailers would include interviews with people who have

experience with creative arts. They will include the
hashtag. They will also include information about
different people who have been successful in the arts,
as well as giving students vital information about the
event. This trailer will then be uploaded to YouTube so
it is easily accessible, then post the link on the other
social media platforms.
Bluebells’ magazine will include an article about my
event and a copy of my poster. I will also include links
to my campaign social media accounts, to create
cohesion between the platforms. I’ll also include
appropriate images of students in creative
environments alongside my article.
Snapchat would be commonly used both before the
event start, when setting up. Also live stories as and
when the event is happening I will also be posting
interviews with students who have experience in the
creative arts, giving them the opportunity to share their
stories/ experiences with other. It is also important
they I post similar, if not the same images and video
clips as my other platforms in order to achieve cross-
media marketing.
Text message 03/07/18 (1 weeks) Text messages will be send out to the parents, including
Emails vital information about the event. The text messages
also will include the hashtag for the event and names
of social media pages in order to create cohesion
between platforms. It is important when writing the
text that I use buzz words and include information
about the skills the students may gain from the event,
in order to encourage the parents to attend.
Emails will be send out to the parents and staff
including vital information about the event. The emails
also will include the hashtag for the event and names
of social media pages in order to create cohesion
between platforms. It is important when writing the
emails that I use buzz words and include information
about the skills the students may gain from the event,
in order to encourage the parents and staff to attend. I
will attach a copy of my poster on to the e mail to
achieve cross-media marketing.

Activity 4- Justification of proposal

One platform that I will use to promote my event will be posters. I selected this platform because it is
clear from my primary research that a majority of students bring a book to school daily, implying that
they read a lot. This gave the impression that they would take the time to read the posters. When
designing my posters, I will also take into consideration the primary research that I carried out, as it is
clear that students stated that they prefer both text and images on the poster, therefore I will make
sure I included both an eye-catching image and relevant text to the event. I will place the posters in
areas of the school that are associated with creative arts e.g. the drama pod, media department. I
will also place them in areas where all students go at some point during the day e.g. stairwells, doors,
library, canteen. In terms of cross-media marketing I will ensure that I will include the social media
logos and hashtag for the campaign’s social media accounts. Also to ensure that I am consistent I will
include the Creative Arts logo.

Another platform I will use will be social media. I will create an individual Facebook, Snapchat,
Instagram and Twitter account and post daily for two weeks leading up to the event. I will be posting
a range of different material such as posters, trailers, images of students, and podcasts. I will
promote using social media because it is an easy, accessible platform for the majority of people. The
students that will be attending may find this easier to engage with as they’re less likely to engage
with traditional media. I will use these platforms by posting different material each day, however
each platform will have the same messaging each day to keep consistency in the campaign. Facebook
and Twitter are platforms where I will be able to post a direct link to the Soundcloud where my
podcasts will be held, and the YouTube trailers. Instagram and Snapchat are more image-based
platforms meaning they would give me more freedom to upload images of students’ work.

In terms of cross-media marketing, I will post links to podcasts and trailers. I chose to create podcasts
because I feel that podcasts are a way making the campaign seem more personal and it will give the
audience the opportunity students’ direct experience in a particular subject. I chose to create trailers
as they are a visual representation of the subject and will allow viewers to see different aspects of
the subject. Each trailer will include the same song, ‘Express Yourself’ by Labrinth, as this is
important for consistency of the campaign. I chose this particular song because I felt it was a positive
representation of the creative arts.

Emails are another platform that I will use as they are an efficient way to spread the word of the
event. For example, I will send out the link to a trailer that I will create and then it will be shown to
different form classes to encourage them to attend the event. I will also send out a text message to
all parents close to the event as a reminder. This will be effective as if parents aren’t aware of the
event because of not accessing any other platform, then they still have the opportunity to attend. For
similar reasons, assemblies will be a platform I will use because it is direct and it will include vital
information about the event. The event will also be mentioned in staff briefings which will be an
effective not only to get staff to attend the event, but also to encourage them to spread the word to
students to increase the amount of people that attend.

I will also use face-to-face marketing to promote the event as I will directly ask students if they would
like to attend and encourage them to attend.

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