Damp Barrier

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1 16.01.2018

- wood - timber construction

• be ventilated (against moisture)

• sanitation - killing the small animals and insects, not poisonous

- treatment with chemical (fungus, biological method e.g. resin)

- treatment with gas (no O2) - fill gas in the whole building’

- windows: changed every 50/70 years

• have to fulfil demands of today’s energy level

• duplication, same style

• frame thickness

- original: 30mm

- today: 70mm

• glass:

- original: one layer - 4mm -> Ug (energy flow) = 100%


- today: 3 layers - 40mm -> Ug ~= 15%



- facade

• outside insulation (non ornamented, plaster facade)

• inside insulation

- advantage: protecting the beauty of the facade

- disadvantage: damp barrier needed because of condensation


• damp barrier used to prevent often moisture change inside the barrier
building and thus avoid damages

- roof
exposed to
rain and
• rain and weather exposed
- damp barrier needed



- soil moisture

• cut a joint -> insert a HDPE layer (high-density polyethylene)

- more vibration and louder

• injection of chemical -> “dance curtain”

- less mechanical impact (less vibration) -> less damage to the building

- success is more difficult to verify

- Technical installations

hot air
• heating system:
- traditional: oven heating

• 1 oven per room

• burning wood or coal

- modern: radiators: - area heating

cold air
• heating the flowing water or central oven combusting natural gas

• offer heated surfaces (3)

• air will be sucked into the radiators, and radiator releases hot air

• temperature level: ~40-55 / 55-70 -> high energy consumption

- modern: floor heating - area heating

• whole heating is hidden in the floor with the tube system (combustion & heat pump

• if a building over 2-storey: floor heating is much better because the heat stays on the

• temperature level: ~20-30 / 20-35 -> low energy consumption

• centrally located valve box

• advantage:

- comfortable

- mostly maintenance free (because of combustion)

- can be used for stone / wood / ceramic / tiles floor (as long as not too thick)

- low energy consumption

• checking the temperature:

- steaming: outside thermometer

• per room: valve temperature measuring device

- mechanically

- electronic device showing temperature

• ventilation

- is needed because:

• human produces moisture (1.5-2 litres per day)

- from breathing

- from skin

- from shower
used air:
~22 degrees
fresh air:

~0 degrees
• if we don’t have ventilation, air accumulates in the room

- condensation happens

• affecting wallpapers / wall paint -> mould

- accumulation of carbon dioxide

• affecting human body

- ventilation system with heat exchanges

• ventilation line: 100/160

- air exchange:

• about every 3 hours (residential)

• air speed: max 1 meter per second

fresh air used air goes
- ventilation heating:
goes inside:
~19 degrees

• windy and loud -> dangerous

-3 degrees

• normally not used

• fire protection

- emergency staircase

- smoke detector

- fire sprinkler system

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