Secondary Curriculum 2b

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Secondary Curriculum 2B Nana Iwasaki 18798005

Assessment two
Part A - Design a school-based assessment task for stage 6 English as a
second language or a dialect

Course: Year 12 English EAL/D, 2018 Weighting

Task: 1
Module: A – Texts ad human experiences Knowledge and understanding of course
Task Title: Conversation and Reflection content: 10%
Skills in responding to texts and
communication of ideas appropriate to
Date for submission: Term 1 Week 8 audience, purpose and context across all
modes: 15%

Total: 25%

Contexts In this unit, students have been studying a variety of texts in many types
of forms and media that explores the central question of what it means to
be human. Students have extended their knowledge and skills to
interpret, respond, explore, analyse and reflect on texts. The prescribed
text chosen in the unit is a famous TV show Go back to where you came
from by O’Mahoney Ivan and a related text of their own choice. In the
process of their studies, students learn to understand and analyse the
ways texts are acts of representation. They will learn to consider on the
purpose and context of the prescribed text and a related text, and use
explicit, specific English language feature on point of view, distinctions
and connections between characters in texts.
Task Nature of the task
Part A
You will need to engage in a conversation with your teacher regarding the
human experiences in the prescribed text, Go Back, and a related text of
your choosing.

When choosing a related text, at least one week prior to your

conversation task, you must discuss with your teacher if the text is
suitable selection for the topic of human experiences.

Assessment one Stage 6 school-based assessment task

Secondary Curriculum 2B Nana Iwasaki 18798005

In your conversation, you will be required to justify a selection of your

chosen text and explain to your teacher about how different types of
experiences are discussed and represented, as well as synthesise
connections to your prescribed text, Go Back.
o Your conversation with the teacher should approximately last for 3-
4 minutes long. Students are allowed to bring in a bullet pointed
notes to help them maintain the conversation, however, they cannot
write in full sentences.

In order to prepare for the conversation task, you can make your dot
point notes under the following:
o Publication and text type of prescribed text and a related text (eg.
author, date of publication and TV shows)
o A brief summary of the two texts
o Ideas and examples of human experiences
o Similarity or differences of the two texts for how the human
experiences are represented
o Language features and techniques used in the texts

Part B
After the conversation with your teacher, you will be required to write a
one page reflection report in answering ‘To what extent are the
experiences represented in your prescribed text Go Back and your related
text shows relevancy to yourself?’. Students will be given one period to
complete this writing task.

Criteria for Assessment:

You will be assessed on your ability to:

o Explain and analyse the representations of human experiences in the texts

o Synthesises the prescribed text Go Back and a related text in relation to
representing experiences
o Demonstrates effective speaking and listening skills, ability to sustain
communication and deep understanding of the question
o Critically evaluate the relevancy of human experiences presented in the texts to
your experience with the use of sophisticated language

Stage 6 English EAL/D Syllabus Outcomes

A student:
EAL12-1A Responds to, composes and evaluates a range of complex and sustained texts for
understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure

Assessment one Stage 6 school-based assessment task

Secondary Curriculum 2B Nana Iwasaki 18798005

EAL12-1B Communicates information, ideas and opinions in a range of familiar and

unfamiliar personal, social and academic contexts
EAL12-3 Identifies, selects and uses language forms, features and structures of texts
appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts, and analyses and evaluates their
effects on meaning
EAL12-6 Investigates and evaluates the relationship between texts
EAL12-7 Integrates understanding of the diverse ways texts can represent personal and
public world

Marking Criteria – Part A Marks

o Explains and analyses how the concept of human experiences are 12-15
specifically represented in texts with substantial textual knowledge
o Synthesises most important ideas of human experiences insightfully to
give an effective evaluation and comparison in texts
o Demonstrates outstanding speaking and listening skills, and responds
logically to questions and prompts with
o Explains and analyses how the concept of human experiences are 9-11
represented in texts with appropriate textual knowledge
o Synthesises important ideas of human experiences effectively to give an
effective evaluation and comparison in texts
o Demonstrates well-developed speaking and listening skills, and
responds appropriately to questions and prompts
o Explains how texts represent human experiences with a good textual 6-8
o Synthesises ideas of human experiences in texts and discusses a
comparison between the texts
o Demonstrates sound speaking and listening skills and responds
properly to some questions and prompts
o Describes how the ideas of human experiences are shown in texts with 3-5
some textual knowledge
o Expresses some ideas about human experiences in texts and discusses
a similarity between the texts
o Demonstrates basic ability in speaking and listening components of the
task and responds to questions and prompts
o Demonstrates an elementary ideas related to human experiences with a 1-2
limited textual knowledge
o Shows a simple and basic ability in speaking and listening components
of the task

Assessment one Stage 6 school-based assessment task

Secondary Curriculum 2B Nana Iwasaki 18798005

Marking Criteria – Part B Marks

o Composes an effective response that demonstrates original ideas in 9-10
relation to the concept of human experiences
o Manipulates highly developed skills and knowledge in spelling,
grammar and punctuation

o Composes a thoughtful response that demonstrates original ideas in 7-8

relation to the concepts of human experiences
o Employs well developed evidence in the use of spelling, grammar and

o Composes a competent response that demonstrates original ideas in 5-7

relation to the concept of human experiences
o Employs developed evidence in the use of spelling, grammar and

o Attempts to present ideas that is related to the concept of human 3-4

o Uses developing spelling, grammar and punctuation
o Attempts to present ideas with a limited control of language 1-2

Teacher’s Feedback
Students will receive general feedback in class on writing component of the task regarding:
o Sophistication of their pieces of writing
o Accuracy of grammar
o Structure of the writing
Teacher does this by choosing some of the sentences that students used and uses it as an
anonymous example. As a class, teacher encourages students to correct the sentence.

Teacher gives an individual feedback in written form through the use of evaluation sheet
according to the marking criteria. Teacher provides each student with comments on those
written feedback in regards to strength and areas of improvements.

Assessment one Stage 6 school-based assessment task

Secondary Curriculum 2B Nana Iwasaki 18798005

Sample Scaffold

(1) In preparation to the speaking task - Use this table to guide your notes

‘Go Back’ Scene Quotes (Your choice of Scene Quotes Analysis?

& the related text) &
Key Key What is this
Character experience Character experience showing?

Assessment one Stage 6 school-based assessment task

Secondary Curriculum 2B Nana Iwasaki 18798005

(2) PETAL paragraph scaffold - a writing component (Go Back and a related text)

Point – What is the theme related to the human experience you are talking about?
Example - Quote sentence, lines or scene as to make reference to certain ideas
Technique – What types of techniques are used in the examples provided?
Analysis – How do these techniques support your point of view on human experiences?
Link – Restate how the ETA links back to your P

P: I believe that Go Back directed by O’Mahoney and _________________________________ (your

choosing of a related text name) demonstrates an important theme of


E: This theme of _____________________ is repeatedly shown in the

______________________________________________________ (text’s name) when ________________________________

(character) said _____________________________________ (lines/quotations) in

_________________________________________ scene and similarly in the

_______________________________________(text name) when _____________________________________

(character) _______________________ said _____________________________(lines/quotations)

_________________________ in __________________________________________ (scene).

T: The use of ______________________________ (Focus on the language/techniques) in the lines

demonstrates ________________________________________________________________________________________


A: By using these techniques, Go Back and ____________________ (a related text)

has created/highlighted/showed ____________________________________________________________________


Assessment one Stage 6 school-based assessment task

Secondary Curriculum 2B Nana Iwasaki 18798005

This idea of human experience is relatable to me because

E: This theme of _____________________ is repeatedly shown in the

______________________________________________________ (text’s name) when ________________________________

(character) said _____________________________________ (lines/quotations) in

_________________________________________ scene and similarly in the

_______________________________________(text name) when _____________________________________

(character) _______________________ said _____________________________(lines/quotations)

_________________________ in __________________________________________ (scene).

A: By using these techniques, Go Back and ____________________ (a related text)

has created/highlighted/showed ____________________________________________________________________


This idea of human experience is relatable to me because


L: Therefore, through the use of ______________________________, Go Back and ____________

(a related text) help us understand the theme of __________________________________________ and

make connections with characters in the text and reflect our experiences in our life.

Assessment one Stage 6 school-based assessment task

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