Ligurio - Awesome-Software-Quality - List of Free Software Testing and Verification Resources

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11/12/2018 ligurio/awesome-software-quality: List of free software testing and verification resources

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List of free software testing and verification resources…

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List of Free Software Testing Resources

build passing

This page collects resources for anyone considering the use of software testing and formal methods.

There are many axes along which one can organize such a list, such as the level of expertise of the intended audience (from
experts to the public at large) or disciplinary orientation (computer science, mathematics, mathematical logic, etc.). Here I have
chosen to classify the material by type of subject matter.

If you would like add something, just send the text as you would like it to appear to, preferrably already
formatted in markdown.

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Workshops and interactive learning tools
Learned lessons
Awesome lists


In English

Software Testing Theory

Perspectives on Agile Software Testing

A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps
Programs and Proofs. Mechanizing Mathematics with Dependent Types. - Ilya Sergey @ilyasergey
Measure Software Quality using Application Security (WIP) - Dinis Cruz
The "A" Word - Alan Page 1/8
11/12/2018 ligurio/awesome-software-quality: List of free software testing and verification resources

Professional Software Development (Chapter: "5. Software Quality") - Mike G. Miller

Acceptance Test Engineering Guide, Vol. I - RC1
A Software Testing Primer (PDF)
Classic Testing Mistakes (PDF) - Brian Marick
Code Coverage Analysis - Steve Cornett
Practical Software Testing - STH in association with Chindam Damodar
A Tutorial in Exploratory Testing (PDF)
Essential Acceptance Testing
Embedded Software Testing Methods Juho Lepistö
Foundations of Software Testing: Fundamental Algorithms and Techniques Aditya P. Mathur
Introduction to software testing (PDF)
Manual Testing Help
Mobile Testing: Ready Reckoner (PDF) - Ajay Balamurugadas, Sundaresan Krishnaswami
Performance Testing Guidance
Random testing book DRAFT
Software Testing: A Comprehensive Approach - Bill Laboon
Software Testing Tutorial
Software Testing Dictionary
The Way of Testivus
The Littleblack Book On Test Design (PDF)
The Essential Guide to Mobile App Testing (PDF)
UI and UX Testing: Ready Reckoner (PDF) - Ajay Balamurugadas
What If: A collection of tips from a software tester (PDF) - Ajay Balamurugadas
What If: 50+ tips to win testing contests (PDF) - Ajay Balamurugadas
What If: 50+ tips to boost your productivity (PDF) - Ajay Balamurugadas
What If: 50+ tips to improve tester-programmer relationship (PDF) - Ajay Balamurugadas
Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering
Mutation Testing: Better Code by Making Bugs - Filip van Laenen
The Tao of Testing. A Field Manual for Software Engineers. - Jason Polites
Observing and Reasoning About Errors
The Little Black Book On Test Design -- Rikard Endgren
Generating Software Tests. Breaking Software for Fun and Profit. -- by Andreas Zeller, Rahul Gopinath, Marcel Böhme,
Gordon Fraser, and Christian Holler
Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles, and Techniques -- Mauro Pezze, Michal Young (slides)

Standards In software Testing

Testing Standards Working Party

The International Software Testing Standard
Standard for Software Component Testing (PDF)
Everything You Need to Know About Software Test Formats (in Russian)
Software Testing Standards in NASA
ECSS-Q-ST-80C Rev.1 – Software product assurance

Testing of Free and OpenSource Software

Quality Improvement in Volunteer Free and Open Source Software Project (PDF)

Testing by different programming languages

PHPUnit PHP Test-Driven Development - Automated Tools to Improve Your PHP Code Quality
Practical PHP testing
Testing Erlang
Testing in Scala
Test-Driven Development - Extensive Tutorial - Grzegorz Gałęzowski
Testing and Debugging JavaScript 2/8
11/12/2018 ligurio/awesome-software-quality: List of free software testing and verification resources

Web Application Testing in Ruby Željko Filipin

Testing Tools

The Evolving Art of Fuzzing (PDF) - Jared DeMott

AccelTest (PDF)
A Step-by-Step Guide to Functional Testing with TestComplete
HP Quality Center Tutorial
HP QuickTest Professional Tutorial
.NET Performance Testing and Optimization - The Complete Guide (zip) - RedGate, By Paul Glavich and Chris Farrell
Record-Playback Test Automation: Sahi & Selenium IDE
Selenium 2.0 Using the WebDriver API to Create Robust User Acceptance Tests
SoapUI 101: Beginner's Guide to Functional Testing
TestNG Tutorial
JUnit Tutorial
PropEr Testing - Fred Hebert
Better Unit Testing with Microsoft Fakes
Testing for Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio 2012

Formal methods

Learn TLA+ - Hillel Wayne @hwayne

Specifying Systems - Leslie Lamport
The TLA+ Hyperbook - Leslie Lamport
Books and papers about TLA+ and formal verification by Leslie Lamport
Alloy Documentation - Daniel Jackson
Introduction to Spin - Multiple Authors
Software Foundations: 4.0, current, draft , epub - Benjamin C. Pierce & Co
Verified Functional Algorithms - Andrew W. Appel
Foundations of Computer Science - Dr Larry Paulson
Principles of Model Checking - Christel Baier, Joost-Pieter Katoen
Certified Programming with Dependent Types - Adam Chlipala @achlipala
Formal Reasoning About Programs - Adam Chlipala @achlipala
Concrete Semantics - Tobias Nipkow and Gerwin Klein @lsf37
ML for the Working Programmer, 2nd Edition - Lawrence C. Paulson
Proofs and Types - Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont and Paul Taylor
Proof assistants: History, ideas and future - H. Geuvers
Design and validation of computer protocols - Gerard J. Holzmann
Introduction to Logic - Michael Genesereth, Eric Kao (Stanford University)
An Introduction to Formal Logic - P.D. Magnus (University at Albany)
A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic - Stefan Bilaniuk (Trent University)
Language, Proof, and Logic - Jon Barwise, John Etchemendy
Mathematical Logic - Helmut Schwichtenberg
Mathematical Logic - Stephen G. Simpson (Pennsylvania State University)
Formal Logic - Miguel Palomino
Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It? (chapters "Validation" and "Formal verification") -
Paul E. McKenney @paulmckrcu
More books...
Formal Methods of Software Design

In Russian

Управление проектами

Черная книга менеджера (pdf, epub, mobi) Слава Панкратов 3/8
11/12/2018 ligurio/awesome-software-quality: List of free software testing and verification resources

Белая книжная полка менеджера (epub, mobi, zip)

Как стать менеджером (pdf, epub, mobi) - Слава Панкратов, Александр Орлов
It starts with a great product

Тестирование ПО

Test-Driven Development in Practice - Сергей Борисов

Тестирование программного обеспечения. Базовый курс. - Святослав Куликов
Всё, что вам нужно знать о форматах отчётов в тестировании ПО - Сергей Бронников
Руководство по тестированию пользовательского опыта для сайтов, мобильных приложений и прототипов
Автоматизация тестирования от «А» до «Ы» - Gennadiy Alpaev
Учебник по SilkTest - Gennadiy Alpaev
Учебник по TestComplete - Gennadiy Alpaev

Формальные методы

Верификация программ методом Model Checking - А.М.Миронов
Введение в язык Promela и систему комплексной верификации Spin - И.В. Шошмина, Ю.Г. Карпов
Тестирование на основе моделей - В.В. Кулямин
Практикум по математической логике. Coq.


In English
Software Engineering: Introduction
Software Debugging
Software Analysis & Testing
Fundamentals of TDD
Critical Reasoning for Beginners
Reasoning Across the Disciplines
Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory
Mathematical Logic
Engineering Ethics
Engineering Ethics
Software Development Process: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Software Testing

Black Box Software Testing course - Cem Kaner, J.D. Ph.D.

Software Testing
Embedded Software Testing
Software Testing Fundamentals
Software Testing Methods
QA Academy
QA and Automation course
Software Testing and Verification
Introduction to Software Testing
Software Testing - Black-box Strategies and White-box Testing
Diploma in Software Testing
Software Testing - Testing Levels and Object-Oriented Program Testing
Software Testing - Condition Coverage and Mutation Testing Strategies
Software Testing Training
Quality Center Training 4/8
11/12/2018 ligurio/awesome-software-quality: List of free software testing and verification resources

QTP Training
Selenium Tutorials
Selenium WebDriver Course
Software Testing - Mauro Pezz

Fuzz testing

Intro: Unknown vulnerability management and discovery using fuzzing

Part 1: What are unknown vulnerabilities and why should I care
Part 2: What is fuzz testing, and where does it fit in the world of software?
Part 3: How and why fuzz testing, and managing your unknown vulnerabilities saves money
Part 4: Fuzz testing techniques: unfuzzing the fuzzing

Software Testing Management

Software Testing Management

User Testing

Introduction to User Testing

Security Testing

Software security

Performance Testing

Performance Engineering of Software Systems

LoadRunner Tutorials
Computer Systems Analysis

Formal Software Verification

Formal Specification
Formal Software Verification and Formal Software Verification (previous page of the course)
Logic, Languages, Compilation, and Verification (Youtube)
A survey of automated theorem proving
Tutorials and advanced lectures
Types Project
Introduction to Formal Systems and Computation
CSE 814 Formal Methods in Software Engineering (slides)
A survey of automated theorem proving - John Harrison


Coq in a Hurry
Programs and Proofs in the Coq Proof Assistant
An Introduction to the Coq Proof Assistant
Introduction to the Coq Proof Assistant
Coq Intensive - DeepSpec Summer School
Interactive Computer Theorem Proving
Coq tutorials
Type Theory and Coq
Logical Verification
Modelling and verifying algorithms in Coq: an introduction
Formal Reasoning About Programs
Software foundations in Coq 0.1 - Benjamin Pierce
Compiler Certification — Xavier Leroy

Isabelle/HOL 5/8
11/12/2018 ligurio/awesome-software-quality: List of free software testing and verification resources

Advanced Topics in Software Verification

Theorem Proving - Principles, Techniques, Applications

Model Checking

Software Verification - Natasha Sharygina

Alloy Courses
The TLA+ Video Course
Dr. TLA+ Series
Theorem Proving and Model Checking in PVS - Edmund M. Clarke
mCRL2 System Validation: Automata and behavioural equivalences
mCRL2 System Validation (2): Model process behaviour
mCRL2 System Validation (3): Requirements by modal formulas
mCRL2 System Validation (4): Modelling Software, Protocols, and other behaviour

In Russian
Основы программной инженерии, Youtube - Владимир Ицыксон
Введение в программную инженерию
Введение в технологию программирования
Юнит-тестирование и метрики покрытия кода тестами
Методы анализа и обеспечения качества ПО

Тестирование ПО

Основы тестирования программного обеспечения

Основы тестирования ПО
Основы тестирования программного обеспечения
Школа автоматизации процессов разработки
Школа тестирования баннерной системы
Software Testing
Software Testing 101 (на английском, на русском)
Software Testing 102
Software Testing 103
Тестирование ПО
Школа тестирования: Ручное тестирование и Автоматизация тестирования (Youtube)
Тестирование на основе моделей (слайды), Youtube - Кулямин Виктор
Серия семинаров по тестированию (автоматизация) - Сергей Андреев

Формальная верификация ПО

Верификация программ на моделях

Верификация параллельных и распределенных программных систем (PDF), Youtube - Юрий Карпов
Формальные методы обеспечения качества ПО
Верификация программного обеспечения
Software Verification
Теория соответствия для систем с блокировками и разрушением - И.Б. Бурдонов, А.С. Косачев, В.В. Кулямин
Введение в формальные методы верификации программ -- А.С. Камкин
Методы верификации программного обеспечения -- В.В. Кулямин
Формальная спецификация и верификация программ (практикум)

Workshops and interactive learning tools

Software Testing
Foundations of Software Testing - Glossary 6/8
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ISTQB Glossary of Terms in Software testing

Coding and Design
Design Patterns
Object Oriented Design Patterns
Regular Expressions
106 Linux Commands
Bash Command Line For Linux
LPIC 101 and 102
SQL basics
Distributed Computing
Learn how to design large-scale systems
Learn TLA
LibFuzzer Wokshop
LibFuzzer Tutorial
Interactive Z3 Guide
Code-defenders game (mutation testing)
RoboBUG: A Debugging Game
Robot ON! A Program Understanding Game
Threaded Paws: A Concurrency Game

Software Testing Conferences


Radio QA


Test and Code

Python Testing
AB Testing
Test Talks
Testing Bias
The Testing Show
Let's Talk About Tests
Testing In The Pub
Testing Podcast
The Ministry of Testing Podcast
TDD in context

Learned lessons 7/8
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NASA Public Lessons Learned System

Flight Software Engineering Lessons
Forum on Risks to the Public in Computers and Related Systems

Awesome lists
Fuzzing testing
Mutation testing
Chaos Engineering
Static analysis
TAP (Test Anything Protocol)
Awesome Selenium
Symbolic execution
Coq Proof Assistant
Visual regression testing
List of verification and synthesis tools
Testing of distributed systems
A curated list of useful resources for AutoIt
Resources for Teaching with Formal Methods
SecLists - collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place.
Awesome Falsehood


To the extent possible under law, Sergey Bronnikov has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. 8/8

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