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Physical Activity and Sports Studies

Assessment Task for year stage 4: Year 10

Task: Coaching session

Due Date: 8th November 2017- Week 5, Term 4
Assessment task number: 4

Submission Instructions
• Submit the task by handing to your teacher, during the allocated
lesson on the due date
• Sign a class list during your lesson when you submit the task
• This cover sheet must be attached to the task

Penalty for late submissions of an assessment task

Assessments submitted after the lesson on the due date will
immediately receive an after school detention (2 hours) during which
time the assessment task will be completed and submitted, pending a
letter from the students’ parents explaining the absence, in which a
suitable extension will be arranged.

Student Confirmation
By Submitting the task, I acknowledge the following:
1. The work submitted for marking is my own, and I have
appropriately acknowledged all resources where necessary.
2. I am aware that the work may be submitted to plagiarism
detection processes for detecting possible plagiarism.
3. Where the work of others is used and not acknowledged, a
finding of plagiarism will be made and a mark of zero will be
awarded and I will be required to resubmit the task.
4. I have kept a copy of this assessment if the original is lost or

Name: ________________ Signature: _________________

Date Due: _____________ Date Submitted: ____________
Task Details

Description of the task

Part One: Interview a coach

You are to interview a coach of a sporting team or individual and write a 500-
word report about the coach, which should include the following points:
 A brief description of the coach and team/ individual they are associated
 How they got into coaching
 The coaching style/s the coach uses
 One positive attribute the coach has
 One negative attribute the coach has
 Any difficult moments they can think of in their time as a coach
The coach must have a qualification in the chosen sport.

Part Two: Create a small modified game based off any sport
You are required to create a small modified game relating to any sport of your
choice. You must include:
 A description of the game, including how it relates to the sport and the
games rules
 A diagram of the game setup
 A list of equipment needed to play the game
 A list of skills you think are required to play the game

Part Three: Outline a coaching session, aimed at teaching your modified game to
the class
You are required to create a structured coaching session that you would use to
teach your modified game to the class. Use the scaffold attached to structure
your coaching session.

Outcomes to be assessed
 3.1 demonstrates actions and strategies that contribute to enjoyable
participation and skillful performance
 3.2 evaluates the characteristics of enjoyable participation and quality
performance in physical activity and sport
 4.2 displays management and planning skills to achieve personal and group
 4.4 analyses and appraises information, opinions and observations to
inform physical activity and sport decisions.
Marking Criteria
Student Name: Marker: Total mark: /50
Assessment Guidelines for Physical Activity and Sports Studies Assignment 4
Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
0-24.5/50 25-32/50 32.5-37/50 37.5-42/50 42.5-50/50
Part One: Report is not Report is included/ Report is included Report is included Report is included
included/ provides contains a basic and contains a and contains a well and contains a
Provides a detailed no- very little overview of the good summary of organised, detailed highly detailed,
report about an information from the interview the interview overview of the well-constructed
interview with a interview conducted conducted interview review of the
coach which is well conducted interview
structured and conducted
within the word
limit Does not include any Includes a couple Includes most to all Includes all of the Includes all of the
of the required points of the required of the required required discussion required discussion
15 marks discussion points discussion points points points

Is poorly structured/ Has little structure Is well structured Is well structured Is well structured
word limit is not to it/ falls within and falls within the and falls within the and falls within the
accounted for the word limit word limit word limit world limit
Part Two: Modified game is not Included game has Included game has Included game has Included game id
included/ game is not few modifications ample appropriate unique and
Creates a new modified to it and fits to the modifications to it modifications and modifications are
small game by sport and is suitable to is suitable to the highly suitable to
modifying an the sport sport the sport
existing sport Description of the Description of the
game is not included/ game is vague/ Description of the Description of the
15 marks game is detailed game is highly
missing some key missing some key Description of the and includes all key detailed and
points points game includes points includes all key
most key points points
Part Three: Coaching session is Coaching session Coaching session Coaching session Coaching session
not included/ includes activities includes adequate includes a good includes activities
Designs a activities are not but activities are amount of amount of which are
structured described or do not only briefly activities which are activities which are extremely relevant
coaching session relate to the sport described and suitable for the suitable to the to the game and
which could be loosely relate to game, session is game and are the description of
used to teach to a the game described with described well the activities is
group. little detail highly detailed

20 marks The session plan is The session plan The session plan is The session plan is The session plan is
very poorly has some structure structured correctly structured correctly structured correctly
structured to it and activities flow and activities flow
from one to well from one to
another another

Teachers Feedback
Coaching Session Plan Template
Date: Attendance: Equipment needed:

Introduction (aims for session, reminders, etc.):

Warm-up activities: Drills and games: Cool-down activities:

Coaching Class management/energisers:


Review/evaluation (key points from session, what worked and what did not, modifications for next session, etc.)

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