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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student teacher’s name: Nawal Hassan Observer’s name: Dr. Samsonova

Unit/Lesson: Language Art Grade Level: 2nd

Date: 10/24/2018

A=Exceptional, B = Very Good, C= Satisfactory, D = Marginal and F = Unsatisfactory

Competency Area F D C B A

Commitment to the Profession X

Planning for learning X

Managing Learning X

Implementing Learning X

Assessment X

Reflection on Practice X

Strength of the Lesson:

 The lesson centered focus was clear for the students:” Short –u”
 The lesson activities were carefully structured and were appropriate to the learners’
levels. An amazing video about short –u was prepared for the students and planned to
be showed as a lesson start! (Don’t worry Nawal for not being able to implement it due
to technical issues!)
 Some assessment techniques were in place during the Nawal’s teaching. At the
beginning of the lesson, she asked the students about what did they know about letter U
and after the short explanation, she proceeded with the lesson objective.
 Nawal actively asked lots of questions about using a short -U to monitor students’
understanding. The students were so enthusiastic to share their knowledge.
 Nawal provided ongoing feedback to the children to enhance their learning.
 Nawal created a positive and active learning environment in the classroom.
 Nawal used lots of demonstrations to model the task and managed class time
effectively. She was writing the words on the board and gave the students
differentiated worksheets with short –u words. When the students finished their
worksheets, Nawal asked the children to share their answers.
Areas for Development:

 The weakness of the lesson was a teacher's voice: Nawal used high voice almost all of
the teaching time.
 Next time, Nawal needs to use her calm and quiet voice to maintain classroom
 Last weakness of the lesson was an informal assessment: Nawal was rushing with the
lesson and didn’t pay too much attention on checking individual students’ work
 Next time, Nawal needs to monitor all students’ understanding carefully and give them
time to finish their work or seek for the peer support.

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