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Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education

University of Lampung , ,
I ISO 900 ll

181.SI JL Sumantri <Brojonegoro Wa 1(Bandar Lampung 35145 . y m^Mk « •
"s%v* (Phone €t <F<v(.(0721) 770844, emaiC upt6ahasa@%pa.uni( Komite Akreditasi Nasional

Number: 426/0^26/14/07/2017
Name IsmatuCVmiSiti Gtpziqoli
NPM/NIP/Other 1411031066
Date of Birth 23/04/1997
Times Taken 2
Test Date (December13ik, 2017
Scaled Scores
* Listening Comprehension 47
* Structure and Written Expression 41
* Reading Comprehension 48
Total Score 453
* This test is an(Engbsh (Proficiency Test (CE<ST) and'administered'By V<PT.'Bafiasa ofLampung Vniversity.
* It is notendorsed6y the (EducationalTesting Service.
*'Certificate is VaCidjor one yearafterissueddate.
"^^M^teq^nq, (December20* 2017

i Jot?Muhammad Sukirlan, MA
_^N5Pf9j54^121990031003 \

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