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Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications

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A transmission line decoupling technique for

enhancement of port isolation of dual-band MIMO

Nguyen Khac Kiem & Dao Ngoc Chien

To cite this article: Nguyen Khac Kiem & Dao Ngoc Chien (2018): A transmission line
decoupling technique for enhancement of port isolation of dual-band MIMO antennas, Journal of
Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, DOI: 10.1080/09205071.2018.1426501

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Published online: 18 Jan 2018.

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Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2018

A transmission line decoupling technique for enhancement of

port isolation of dual-band MIMO antennas
Nguyen Khac Kiema  and Dao Ngoc Chienb
School of Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam;
High Technology Department, Ministry of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam


In this paper, a transmission line decoupling network (TLDN) Received 16 August 2017
technique is presented to enhance the isolation of a dual-band Accepted 7 January 2018
multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) antenna. The MIMO
antenna with enhanced isolation is designed by the following steps: MIMO antenna; decoupling
Firstly, each port of an initial 2-port MIMO antenna is connected network; dual-band antenna;
with an admittance transformer formed by two transmission line isolation enhancement;
sections. The length and the width of the admittance transformer microstrip antenna;
are designed to retrieve mutual admittance between ports having transmission line
only imaginary part. The two ports are then connected in parallel
electrically with the proposed TLDN to cancel the resultant imaginary
mutual admittance. At the final stage, a simple dual-band matching
network is added to each port to improve matching performance.
The proposed method is applied to two designs of dual-band printed
MIMO antenna working at 2.45 GHz/5.25 GHz and 1.8 GHz/3.5 GHz.
For the purpose of verification, the two designs were fabricated and
measured. The measured results are in good agreement with the
simulation ones. Both designs yielded a high isolation, low envelop
correlation coefficient, simple structures for design and fabrication.
These features demonstrated the feasibility of the technique in
implementing MIMO antennas.

1. Introduction
Nowadays, wireless communication systems are always required to be capable of accom-
modating multi-band operation and high data rate to meet wide demand of users. As a
result, the use of multi-band antennas in form of multiple input multiple output (MIMO)
configuration is one of the effective ways to not only improve reliability and increase the
channel capacity but also to support multi-band platform [1]. However, it is obvious that
high mutual coupling between antenna elements of a MIMO antenna system could signifi-
cantly degrade the data rate of wireless system. Furthermore, it is difficult to integrate mul-
tiple antennas closely in a size-constrained terminal while maintaining good isolation
between antenna elements. Therefore, many approaches to reduce the mutual coupling,
increasing port isolation, have been proposed [2], such as using of parasitic element [3–5],

CONTACT  Nguyen Khac Kiem

© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

of defected ground structure [6,7], of neutralization line [8,9], etc. Among them, decoupling
network is a promising technique to increase the port isolation since it does not affect the
radiation part of the MIMO antenna structure [10–16].
To our knowledge, decoupling network designed for dual-band MIMO antennas is rarely
appeared in previous literatures. The decoupling networks proposed in [12–14] resort to use
of compact lumped elements. In this way, the total size of the MIMO antenna system can be
reduced. However, problem of this technique is with internal losses and limited bandwidth.
A dual-band version of mode-decomposition and passive decoupling network technique
were also presented in [15]. However, one drawback in this design is the large network size.
In [16], a dual-band decoupling network using a dual-band coupled resonator was imple-
mented. The weakness of this method, to the best of authors’ knowledge, is large inter-res-
onator couplings and hence there are difficulties in fabrication of the thin line and small
spacing of resonators for other dual-band antennas.
In this paper, a decoupling technique using a transmission line decoupling network
(TLDN) for dual-band MIMO antennas is proposed. The TLDN consists of a high impedance
transmission line centered with an open stub. The structure of TLDN is simple for design and
fabrication in comparison with those proposed in previous references. In order to achieve
high port isolation between antenna elements, the TLDN is connected in parallel with a
transformed admittance dual-band MIMO antenna. In the following sections, the design
principle of the antenna model and proposed TLDN will be presented in details. To demon-
strate the robustness of proposed method, two MIMO antenna examples, one is a dual-band
MIMO antenna operating at the 2.45 and 5.25 GHz WLAN bands and another is one operating
at the 1.8 GHz LTE band and 3.5 GHz WiMAX band, are designed, fabricated, and measured.
The results of high isolation and low envelop correlation coefficient (ECC) will be shown.
Finally, the concluding remarks are presented.

2.  Design principle of antenna model

2.1.  Model of a dual-band MIMO antenna using a decoupling network
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of a symmetrical 2-port MIMO antenna connected in
parallel with a decoupling network. Each antenna element is fed by a dual-band matching
network (DMN). It is obvious that
[ ]the initial MIMO antenna can be assumed to be represented
by a 2 × 2 admittance matrix Y A at the p1 plane. Before connecting to decoupling network,
two ports of antennas are connected[ ′ ]to an admittance transformer. Therefore, the new
admittance matrix is expressed as Y A at the p2 plane. The admittance transformer in this
model is formed by two transmission line sections with characteristic impedances of Z1and
Z2 and physical lengths of l1 and l2, respectively [17]. The value of Z1, Z2, l1, and l2 can be
optimized to satisfy the condition that the complex mutual admittance Y21 A′
between ports
of the MIMO antenna having only imaginary part at two center frequencies in the bands of
interest without degrading the matching conditions much [16].
[ DAssuming
] that the decoupling network is lossless, the entries in its admittance matrix
Y are all purely imaginary. Obviously, the total admittance of[the ]MIMO[ antenna
] [Y] at the

plane p3 is the sum of the two individual admittance matrices Y A and Y D . Since the aim
is to eliminate the mutual coupling between the two ports, the value of Y21 D
must have the

Figure 1. Block diagram of a dual-band MIMO antenna using a decoupling network.

same magnitude but opposite sign with the mutual admittance Y21 A
, such that the mutual
admittance entry Y21 of matrix [Y] must be zero in both low and high bands.
Noting that the imaginary part of self-admittance Y11
is usually not equal to zero, resulting
the self-admittance Y11 being not equal to zero and this make the matching condition
degraded. Therefore, an extra matching network must be added to each port of the antennas
to enhance the matching performance.

2.2.  The proposed transmission line decoupling network

The layout and equivalent circuit of proposed decoupling network are shown in Figure 2(a)
and (b), respectively. The decoupling network is a kind of short length of high-impedance
line (impedance of ZD), which is terminated at both ends by relatively low impedance with
impedance of Z0 and centered by an open stub. For a length ld1,ld2 of the short line and the
stub, respectively, assuming that ld1 < 𝜆g ∕4 and ld2 < 𝜆g ∕4), where 𝜆g is wavelength in the
substrate, the circuit parameters are given by [18], as below:
√ √ √
ZD ld1 𝜀e ld1 𝜀e ld2 𝜀e
L= ;C1 = ;C2 = , (1)
2c 2cZD cZD

where εe is the effective dielectric constant of the microstrip line and c is the velocity of
light in free space. [ ]
The admittance matrix entries of decoupling network Y D can be derived as



Figure 2. (a) Layout and (b) Equivalent circuit of the proposed decoupling network.

� �
⎡ 𝜔2 ⎤
⎢ 1 − 2
𝜔0 ⎥
Y11 (𝜔) = Y22 (𝜔) = j ⎢𝜔C1 + � 2
� ⎥, (2a)
⎢ 𝜔L 𝜔2 − 2 ⎥
⎣ 0 ⎦

Y21 D
(𝜔) = Y12 (𝜔) = ( 2 ),
𝜔 (2b)
𝜔L 𝜔2 − 2

where 𝜔20 = 1 LC and ω is angular frequency.
It is evident from (2b) and (1) that, with a suitable set of value for ld1, ld2, and ZD (i.e. width
of line wd), the transmission admittance of the{TLDN } Y21 will have the same magnitude but
opposite sign with the mutual admittance Im Y21 at the two bands simultaneously, that
helps to cancel out the mutual admittance of the dual-band MIMO antenna Y21 in both low
and high bands.

3.  Design examples

In this section, two dual-band MIMO antennas are designed to demonstrate the role of TLDN
for increasing the port isolation of MIMO antenna systems. The first antenna is a dual-band
MIMO antenna for 2.45 and 5.25 GHz WLAN system, while second one is a dual-band MIMO
antenna for 1.8 GHz LTE and 3.5 GHz WiMAX system. Both antennas are implemented on the
FR4 substrates with dielectric constant of 4.4, loss tangent of 0.02, and thickness of 1.6 mm.



Figure 3. (a) Structure and (b) Simulated and measurement S-parameters of the initial MIMO antenna.

3.1.  Design of dual-band MIMO antenna for 2.45 GHz and 5.25 GHz WLAN system
Figure 3(a) shows the initial version of the antenna, which consists of two symmetrical printed
dual-band monopoles placed closely with a separation distance of d = 8.5 mm. All the dimen-
sions of the initial MIMO antenna are shown in Table 1. As shown in Figure 3(b), the initial
MIMO antenna yielded a good impedance matching at 2.45 GHz and 5.25 GHz bands, but

Table 1.  Dimension of initial dual-band MIMO antenna for 2.45 and 5.25  GHz WLAN system (Unit:
Parameter Value
LH 5.54
wH 3.5
LE 2
w0 3
LL 21.79
wL 3
h 3.55
d 8.5

its isolation is low; i.e. the isolation was around 6 and 10 dB at 2.45 and 5.25 GHz,
As can be seen in Figure 4(a), the admittance transformer is designed using a two-section
stepped-impedance transformer. To simplify the design, Z1 = Z0 is chosen, where Z0 = 50 Ω
is the reference port impedance. Simulated results of real part of mutual admittance and of
return loss of the initial MIMO antenna with the values of l1, l2, and Z2 is chosen as 3.14,
13.40 mm, and 55 Ω, respectively,
{ ′} are shown in Figure 4(b). The real parts of the transformed
mutual admittance Re Y 21 become zero within the two 2.45 and 5.25 GHz bands simulta-

neously, while the matching conditions meet the requirement. The designed parameters of
the admittance transformer are listed in Table 2.
In order to reduce the coupling between the two ports, the initial MIMO antenna with
the admittance transformer is connected in parallel electrically with the proposed TLDN to
cancel the resultant imaginary mutual admittance in both low and high bands. The optimized
parameters of the realized TLDN are listed in Table 3. As shown in Figure 5(a), the imaginary
part of Y21 has a value of −0.65 and 0.60 at center frequency of the 2.45 and 5.25 GHz bands,
respectively. Therefore, parameters of the decoupling network based on the method dis-
cussed in Section 2.2 must satisfy the condition that the pole frequency of Y21 D
is located
{ D}
between of the two operating bands of the MIMO antenna and the magnitude of the Im Y21
become 0.65 and 0.60 within the 2.45 and 5.25 GHz bands, respectively. Because of the short
distance between two antenna elements, the proposed decoupling networks are realized
by folding the high-impedance line as shown in Figure 5(b).
It can be also observed from Figure 5(a), with the proper dimension of the TLDN, the
imaginary and real parts of Y21 become zero within both 2.45 and 5.25 GHz bands simulta-
neously. Meanwhile, the imaginary parts of self-admittance Y11 D
is approximately 0.55 and
0.40 within the low and high band, respectively, resulting degradation of matching condition.
Therefore, a dual-band matching network is added to each port of the MIMO antenna to
match the decoupled MIMO antenna in the two operating frequency bands.
The overall physical layout of the final MIMO antenna is shown in Figure 6(a). A dual-band
matching network [17] is used to improve the impedance matching performance of the
MIMO antenna. All the dimensions of the dual-band matching network are given in Table 4.
Figure 6(b) shows the simulated and measured magnitude of S-parameters of the pro-
posed MIMO antenna. It can be seen that the simulations resulted in a decoupling bandwidth
with ||S21 || < −15 dB of about 20 and 8.6% at the low and high bands, respectively and an



Figure 4. (a) Structure and (b) Simulated real part of mutual admittance and return loss of the initial
MIMO with the admittance transformer.

Table 2. Dimension of the admittance transformer for WLAN MIMO antenna (Unit: millimeters).
Parameter Value
l1 3.14
l2 13.4
w2 2.6

Table 3. Dimension of the TLDN for WLAN MIMO antenna (Unit: millimeters).
Parameter Value
la1 2
la3 2.46
wd 1.02
la2 4.14
lb 2.44
dx 0.99



Figure 5. (a) Simulated mutual admittance parameters of the initial MIMO antenna with the admittance
transformer, transmission admittance and self-admittance of the TLDN and (b) Layout of the realized TLDN.

impedance matching bandwidth with ||S11 || < −10 dB of about 10.2 and 6% at the low and
high bands, respectively. The final MIMO antenna can operates over entirely the two WLAN
2.45 and 5.25 GHz bands. Moreover, the mutual coupling between the antenna elements is
less than −20 dB over the two operating bands. Also, a good agreement between the meas-
ured and simulated results shows the feasibility of the final antenna design.
In order to better illustrate the performing mechanism of the proposed TLDN, the simu-
lated current distributions on the decoupled MIMO antenna with Port 1 excited at the fre-
quencies of 2.45 and 5.25 GHz are shown in Figure 7. It can be observed that the current



Figure 6.  (a) The physical layout and (b) Simulated and measured S-parameters of the WLAN MIMO

induced by the element-to-element coupling at Port 2 is well canceled by the current intro-
duced through the TLDN.
Normalized measurement radiation patterns of the proposed MIMO antenna in the xz
plane at 2.45 and 5.25 GHz, when Port 1 and Port 2 are excited and terminated, respectively,
is shown in Figure 8.

Table 4. Dimension of the matching network for WLAN MIMO antenna (Unit: millimeters).
Parameter Value
lma 3.97
lmc1 8.73
wmb 1.73
ls 3.77
lmb 6.75
lmc2 4.82
wmc 3.18
ws 1.84

Figure 7. Current distribution of the MIMO antenna with the TLDN (a) at 2.45 GHz, (b) at 5.25 GHz and
current distribution of the same antenna without a decoupling network (c) at 2.45; (d) at 5.25 GHz when
Port 1 is excited.

Figure 8. Measured normalized radiation patterns in the xz plane at (a) 2.45 GHz, (b) 5.25 GHz with Port
1 excited and Port 2 terminated.

Figure 9(a) shows the simulated peak gain of the initial and the proposed MIMO antenna.
The peak gains of the proposed MIMO antenna are 4.5 dBi at 2.45 GHz and 5.3 dBi at 5.25 GHz,
whereas the peak gains of initial antenna are 3.2 dBi at 2.45 GHz and 4.2 dBi at 5.25 GHz.
Simulated radiation efficiency of the proposed MIMO antenna is shown in Figure 9(b). It
can be seen that radiation efficiency is approximately 85 and 64% at center frequencies of

Figure 9. Simulated (a) peak gain of the initial and the final WLAN MIMO antenna and (b) Radiation
efficiency of the final WLAN MIMO antenna.

the low and high band, respectively. Further improvement in efficiency can be expected by
using a higher quality substrate, especially for high frequency domain.
The behavior of a symmetrical 2-port MIMO antenna can be analyzed by correlation
coefficient between signals received by the two antenna elements. The maximum and min-
imum values for the magnitude of normalized complex correlation coefficients can be cal-
culated by assuming worst cases [19] as follows:
�� �� �
�𝜌 � √ �𝜌 , 0 � ± 1 1
� 21 �max, min = 𝜌 �
e21 max, min = � 21 � − 1 − 1 , (3)
𝜂rad2 𝜂rad1

of which,

Figure 10. Calculated envelope correlation coefficients (ECCs) of the proposed WLAN MIMO antenna.

∗ *
−S11 S21 − S22 S12
𝜌21 , 0 = √( )( ) ,
1 − ||S11 || − ||S21 || 1 − ||S22 || − ||S12 || 𝜂rad1 𝜂rad2
2 2 2 2

where ||𝜌e21 ||max is the upper value of the signal envelope correlation coefficient between the
two antenna elements and 𝜂rad1 , 𝜂rad2 are the radiation efficiencies of the two antenna
Calculated ||𝜌e21 ||max of the proposed MIMO antenna is shown in Figure 10. It can be
observed that the proposed MIMO antenna produces an ||𝜌e21 ||max lower than 0.5 over the
operating bands and hence it is appropriate for mobile communication [20].

3.2.  Design of dual-band MIMO antenna for 1.8 GHz LTE and 3.5 GHz WiMAX
With the same scheme as described above, a dual-band MIMO antenna for 1.8 GHz LTE and
3.5 GHz WiMAX systems was also designed. The configuration of this antenna is shown in
Figure 11(a) while the initial version is provided in Figure 11(b). The designed parameters of
initial version of this antenna are given in Table 5. The parameters of the admittance trans-
former, TLDN, and the matching network of the MIMO antenna are given in Table 6.
Simulated and measured S-parameters of the MIMO antenna is shown in Figure 11(c).
The simulated results show that the decoupling bandwidth with ||S21 || < −15 dB is about 12.7
and 7.8% at the low and high bands, respectively and the impedance matching bandwidth
with ||S11 || < −10 dB is about 10.7 and 6.1% at the low and high bands, respectively. The final
MIMO antenna operates over the frequency bands ranging from 1.71 to 1.88 GHz and from
3.4 to 3.6 GHz which cover entirely two LTE 1.8 GHz and WiMAX 3.5 GHz bands. At the same
time, the mutual coupling between the antenna elements is less than −15 dB over the two
operating bands.

(a) (b)


Figure 11. (a) The physical layout of MIMO antenna for 1.8 GHz LTE and 3.5 GHz WiMAX system, (b) Initial
version of the MIMO antenna, and (c) Simulated and measured S-parameters of the final MIMO antenna.

The normalized measurement radiation patterns of the proposed MIMO antenna in the
xz plane at 1.8 and 3.5 GHz, when Port 1 and Port 2 are excited and terminated, respectively,
is shown in Figure 12.
The simulated radiation efficiency of this antenna is approximately 88 and 65% at the
center frequency of the low and high band, respectively. The proposed MIMO antenna also
produces a ECC lower than 0.5 over its operating bands and hence it is suitable for mobile

Table 5. Dimension of initial dual-band MIMO antenna for 1.8 LTE and 3.5 GHz WiMAX system (Unit:
Parameter Value
LH 9.4
wH 3.17
LE 2.5
w0 3
dH 2.94
LSUB 100
LL 22.83
wL 3
h 2.43
d 9.5
dL 4.03
hA 3.82

Table 6. Dimension of the admittance transformer, the TLDN and the matching network (Unit: millim-
Parameter Value
l1 5
w2 2.7
la2 4.01
lb 6.96
dx 0.91
lmb 11.41
lmc2 11
wmb 1.52
ls 6
l2 15.7
la1 2
la3 9.2
wd 1.09
lma 7.83
lmc1 5.12
wma 3
wmc 2.02
ws 1.48

4. Conclusion
In this paper, a decoupling technique for enhancing the port isolation of dual-band MIMO
antennas has been proposed. A complete design principle of the TLDN and two practical
realizations in planar microstrip form are presented. The two example designs show a good
port isolation less than –15 dB, low correlation coefficient of less than 0.5 over their operating
bands. The first antenna operates in the range from 2.40 to 2.50 GHz and from 5.15 to
5.35 GHz of dual-band MIMO antenna for WLAN systems and the second one covers two
bands from 1.71 to 1.88 GHz and from 3.4 to 3.6 GHz of LTE/WIMAX systems. Good accord-
ance between simulated and measured results, compact size of decoupling network, simple
and cost-effective design have been shown in this paper.
It has been apparent that the decoupling technique using TLDN proposed in this article
is very promising for design of multi-band MIMO antennas for future wireless communication

Figure 12. Measured normalized radiation patterns in the xz plane at (a) 1.8 GHz, (b) 3.5 GHz with Port
1 excited and Port 2 terminated.

The authors would like to thank Prof. Hiroshi Shirai at the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and
Communication Engineering, Chuo University, Japan for the support on antenna measurement.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Nguyen Khac Kiem

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