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Proiect Engleza

The conflict began in 1588 when Elizabetha 1 supporting the protestants sent trups on
Spanish land to encurage the people to leave Christianity. King Philip the second of Spain
took offense to her actions and chose Don Alonso from Guzaman el Bueno to leed the
Armada into a religios war, but it wasn t the only reason, Philip belived to have rights to
the throne of Ingland because of his daughter with mary.


A long with the moto of Spain ”Get up God and protect your case!” the Armada went well
prepared to war om sea and land along the Parma s army, but due to a storm, the supplies
went bad. Elizabeth s army, led by Howard of Effingham has less time to prepare and so was
supplied with healthy food. Still Elizabeth s army was far smaller than Philips, but the
Armada was defeated and Elizabeth composed a little song about it ”God blew and they were


After the war came Queen Elizabeth s finest hour. She became known as the english
Deborah, the savior of the english people, but also as Bellona, the goddess of war. It is said
that she never was nervous when facing the most powerful country of the world in the 16 th
century. By beliving in her people, they belived in her. She was really brave, but also two
faced. Elizabeth told pirates to steal from Philip and then she used the treasures to fund the
people rebelling against Catholicism. The virgin queen dominated the second half of the 16
th century.


There had been a lot of money spent on both sides, but the Spanish suffered a humiliating
defeat. After the great victory, the Earl of Leincester died and Elizabeth sufferd a lot after
him. Also Elizabetha gained respect from everyone. There came more battles but none as
important or as big as this one. The Spanish never managed to defeat Ingland, they only
managed to bring even more shame upon themselves by continuously trying to take revenge.
WHAT IF.....

What if the Spaniards had crippled the English without getting crippled themselves?
They would become more powerfull and feared. Spain would have defeated England
and taken it under its raign under Philip. Catholicism would have been in full bloom and a lot
of aspects would have changed. Maybe Elizabeth could have escaped the death by Philips
hands, by running away, but she wasn t that kind of woman. Let s suppose she had royal
family in other countries, what if she declared war this time with the support of the
protestants.What if she was so loved by her people that when the day of her execution came,
Philip was assasinated and she rule Spain without winning the battle.
But we will only wander what would have happened.....

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