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Published by: Eagle Bible School

ISBN: 978-978-969-689-5


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Chapter 1- Enemies of Progress

Chapter 2- Enemies of your


Chapter 3- Strategic Prayers for

freedom from The Darkness


This book is dedicated to my

wife and children. Thank you for
inspiring me to succeed in life
and Ministry.

Page 1 of 147

Everyone desires to make

progress in life. No one loves
being a failure. But there are
many lofty desires in the hearts
of men that never progress from
desires or dreams to reality.
Some get to start off but never
make progress.

There are powers, forces and

wicked people that specialize in
resisting the progress of people.
Their mission is to stop your
mission. If you do not stop them,
they will stop you. Some of these
wicked people may be your co-
workers, colleagues, your boss, a
subordinate, a neighbour,

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foundational demons, territorial
spirits, your brother, sister,
parent, relative, so called friend
or even total strangers to you.

Some of them do not need you

to offend them in any way
before they begin to attack you.
Your success, strength, skills,
beauty or even your presence
alone is a threat to them. They
are envious and jealous of you,
with or without tangible reasons
and will go to any extent to carry
out their wicked devices.

Many are aggressive and

relentless. They have sold their
souls to the devil in pursuit of

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They are unrepentant and
merciless. You must arise and
engage aggressive and explosive
prayers against these wicked
people and powers.

This book is all about

overcoming these wicked and
diabolic forces by the superior
power of the almighty God. This
is not a book you read once and
drop. It is a lifetime manual.

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Chapter 1

When Sanballat the Horonite, and
Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite,
heard [of it], it grieved them
exceedingly that there was come a man
to seek the welfare of the children of
Neh 2:10

Do not be deceived; it is not

everyone that is glad at your
progress or with your attempt at
succeeding. There will always be
enemies of progress as long as
the earth remains. There are
people who can’t stand your
being blessed. There are people
who prefer that you remain
poor, beggarly or insignificant.

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They will resist every of your
attempt to succeed with
alarming diabolic passion. Why
were Samballat and Tobiahs mad
at the children of Israel? It was
simply because they (the
Israelites) were making progress.
The enemies were not happy
that someone had come to seek
their welfare. You must
therefore learn to arise and
aggressively deploy dangerous
weapons of warfare and
destruction against these sorts
of enemies and their works.

Is your position being

threatened? Is your promotion
withheld? Is your benefit

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prevented or diverted? Is your
health or family under attack? Is
your finance or business under
siege? Stop mopping and start
attacking. Faith does not ignore.
Faith attacks! The only language
the enemy understands is attack,
attack and attack again. You
must not relent, relax or retreat
until the enemies and their
works are defeated and
destroyed. You have all it takes
to overcome the enemy, and
progress in life. The God you
serve is greater than the devils
your enemies depend upon. God
has made available amazing
weapons in his word, with which

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you can totally demoralize and
defeat the enemy of progress.

IsraelWhat is progress? Progress

is the ability to successfully
advance, forge ahead or excel in
anything you do. It is an ability to
prosper in whatsoever you do.
Much as it is not evidently so
with all righteous men, the
righteous is actually meant to
prosper in whatsoever he does.
And he shall be like a tree planted by
the rivers of water, that bringeth forth
his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall
not wither; and whatsoever he doeth
shall prosper.
Ps 1:3

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The Samballat and Tobiahs spirit
is a wicked spirit that wars
against progress. It operates
both from the spirit realm and
physically, through individuals
who yield to them. These
people, like Samballat and
Tobiahs often become obsessed
with disrupting or out rightly
terminating your progress.

I once prayed for a man whose

boss would always take the
worker’s salary to a shrine and
keep it there for seven days
before bringing it to pay the
staff. It was observed that none
of the staff could have any
significant progress in life. The

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boss insisted on paying them
hand to hand, so that the
corrupted money will get into
their hands directly. Every
request to get him to pay the
staff through the bank proved
abortive. The brother in question
only got to know when one of
the senior staff who was privy to
the atrocity revealed it to him. .


1. O you anti progress forces

working against my
progress in life, I command
you to be exposed by the
light of God in the name of
Jesus. You can no longer
operate in secrecy.

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2. In the name of Jesus, I
command God’s hunters
and fishers to locate you
enemies of my progress in
your hideouts and secret
places and terminate you
and your evil work of
hindering my progress.

Behold, I will send for many

fishers, saith Jehovah, and they
shall fish them up; and
afterward I will send for many
hunters, and they shall hunt
them from every mountain,
and from every hill, and out of
the clefts of the rocks. Jer 16:16

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3. In the name of Jesus, I
command every conspiracy
of samballats and tobiahs
against me to scatter. I
command the fan and
whirlwind of the Lord to
blow and scatter every
conspirator and conspiracy
against me. Is 41:16

4. O you enemies of my
progress, I command you
to fall into the pit you dug
for me and be swallowed
up in the evil you devised
against me.

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Then when the copy of king
Artaxerxes' letter was read before
Rehum, and Shimshai the scribe, and
their companions, they went in haste
to Jerusalem unto the Jews, and
made them to cease by force and

Then ceased the work of the house of

God which is at Jerusalem; and it
ceased until the second year of the
reign of Darius king of Persia.

Progress stoppers are

everywhere. They make haste to
stop people’s progress. They will
not rest nor laugh until they
have stopped their target.

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In the verses above, they did not
just stop an individual; they
stopped the work of the house
of God. Pastors, you need to
beware of people whose mission
is to stop your ministry from
progressing. This kind of people
will employ every means at their
disposal to get their evil desires
to come to pass. They are out to
steal, to kill and to destroy. They
will travel far and near to consult
evil forces, instigate insurgences
or crises. They will blackmail,
gain sympathy, petition, gossip,
spread lies and rumours etc, all
in a bid to stop you.

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I know of a man in Ghana who
was once a successful
entrepreneur. His business
spread beyond Ghana to some
neighbouring countries.
Suddenly, evil struck, and the
business began to nosedive.
Witches and wizards so dealt
with him that he practically lost
everything. This man had over a
hundred vehicles in his company
for moving goods around. He
had scores of staff, but by the
time I met him, he had fallen so
flat, that he had nothing to show
for his previous affluence. He
sold off all his assets, and was
left with one car which was
broken down. He could only fix

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the car after I paid him some
money for the rent of his former
factory for church use.

You must stop the stoppers

before they stop you. You must
prevent their progress before
they prevent your progress.


1. O you enemies observing

me with the intent of
stopping my progress, I
command darkness and
blindness to come upon
you like in the days of
God’s judgement in Egypt,
in the name of Jesus.

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2. I command the thunder of
the Lord to descend from
heaven, strike you down
and break you in pieces.
3. In the name of Jesus, I
command ravenous birds
from God to descend upon
and destroy every satanic
coven or gathering where
evil is being planned or
perpetrated against my
progress (Mention the area
of progress in question). Ez
4. I release the rebuke of the
Lord and the voice of
thunder of God upon every
gang up against me and the

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work of my hands. Ps
5. In the name of Jesus, I
forcefully stop and scatter
everyone that is on a
mission to forcefully stop
me from progressing.

A pastor once told me that

he would close down my
ministry in ten days. He
publicly placed curses on
me. He attempted to
defame my character and
present my ministry in bad
light by writing and
spreading lies in a letter
which he circulated round
town. He sent the letters to

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all the churches in town,
military and Paramilitary
agencies and several other
agencies. His mission was
to stir the whole town
against me and thereby
possibly run down my
The Lord, however, turned
it all in my favour; He rose
against the opposition and
advanced my ministry the

There are people who are

not happy at your being
blessed. Some of them will
work feverishly to prevent

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any good thing from
coming to you.

1. In the name of Jesus, I
command the bitterness
and hatred of my
enemies against me to
turn around and work
for my good.
And when the LORD saw
that Leah was hated, he
opened her womb: but
Rachel was barren. Gen

2. I command all of the

wicked plans of my
adversaries to fall back
upon the heads of my
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3. You evil demons that
have been released
against me and the
works of my hands
because of the bitter
hatred of my enemies
against me, I command
you to be blown away
by the east wind of God.
The east wind carrieth him
away, and he departeth:
and as a storm hurleth
him out of his place.
Job 27:21

4. In the name of the Lord

Jesus Christ, I command
the wickedness of the
wicked against my life to

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cease by fire in Jesus
5. O Lord, lift up a standard
against the flood of the
wicked against my life.

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The thief cometh not, but for to
steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I
am come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more
John 10:10

There are different categories of

enemies of your blessing. In the
scripture above, some come to steal,
some kill, while others destroy. In this
chapter, we shall look at various
kinds of enemies of your blessing,
how they operate and how you can
overcome them.

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But the prince of the

kingdom of Persia withstood
me one and twenty days:
but, lo, Michael, one of the
chief princes, came to help
me; and I remained there
with the kings of Persia.
Dan 10:13

There are many people who pray and

are certain that their prayers have
been answered, yet they do not see
the blessing manifesting physically.
Some receive definite prophecies
that were meant to come to pass
quickly, but the manifestations are
delayed. This was a similar situation
with Daniel. He had prayed through
and in fact, his prayer was answered

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from the very first day he prayed, but
a strongman called the Prince of
Persia hindered the delivery of the
answer to his prayers. This strongman
was responsible for blocking and
hindering the prayers of Daniel from
being answered for about three
weeks. But for persistent prayers and
the intervention of a warring angel,
the answer might have been further
hindered or out rightly prevented
from arriving.

There are people and powers that

will employ every means to prevent
your blessing from getting to you.
God is not the author of delays – He
answered Daniel from the very first
day. He has equally answered your
prayer. You just might need to rebuke
the evil powers hindering the blessing
from getting to you.

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Wherefore we would have come
unto you, even I Paul, once and
again; but Satan hindered us.
1Th 2:18

There are hindering spirits that

operate to hinder people in
various areas of life. Paul, the
great Apostle revealed in the
scripture above that he and his
team were hindered from
progressing in the direction they
intended several times. These
spirits are invisible but their evil
works cause all manner of
negative physical effects. They
can hinder people from
progressing in their career,

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business, ministry, and any other
area of life. Paul and his men
must have had great plans they
intended to pursue, but probably
found out that everything
started to go wrong each time
they attempted toembark on the

You should know that hindering

spirits are at work when
suddenly, things start to go
wrong with regards to your plans
or pursuit. For instance, the car
breaks down, the new generator
won’t start, the expected
finances does not come through,
the key player in the team
suddenly falls sick,

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disappointments here and there
etc. When you see things
beginning to work against your
plans like that, you need to
engage against hindering spirits
and break their power and
influence over your life. Rebuke
them by the blood of Jesus and
command their evil activities to

Hindering spirits can hinder your

finances, marriage, academics,
business, spiritual life, building
projects, contracts etc. When
these spirits are at work, things
just suddenly begin to go wrong.
Helpers or sponsors will
suddenly refuse to help you.

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Some of them will begin to avoid
you or give you unreasonable


After my NYSC, I couldn't get a

good job. The one I got was way
below my qualification and
experience. I knew there was a
strange force causing the delay
but I could not get to overcome
it. After a session of deliverance
with Apostle John in 2016, he
gave me a copy of the first
edition of his book, No More
Delay. That book transformed
my life. While reading it and
praying the prayers, I put a call
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through to Apostle John and he
asked me to get a bottle of
water, which he blessed for me.
As soon as I drank the water, I
experienced the power of God
and vomited some evil
deposits. A short while after this,
I divinely got a job with a
multinational organization.

In my new work place, I had an

outstanding review from my
boss. In fact, it was the best in
my department and unit. I was
able to achieve, in three months,
what has never been seen in my
organization. In fact, I got a
global recognition for my
works. However, my

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confirmation was due
February 2017 but strangely,
despite my performance and
global recognition in our
organization, my confirmation
letter wasn’t sent and I wasn’t

My confirmation letter was

misplaced twice. I had to sign
and re-sign the same document
over and over again. Our overall
boss returned my letter more
than twice. The HR Manager
apologized for the delay, and
told me that my letter had a
little issue. My direct boss
assured me that the issue had
been fixed, yet months rolled by

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without my getting confirmed.
Apostle John happened to come
to Lagos again and he prayed
with me on a different issue
which God delivered me from
immediately. As I was leaving, he
gave me his bottle of anointing
oil. When I got home, I felt I
needed to cook with it and bath
with it, which I did. That night I
had a dream in which someone
was telling the HR Manager to
release my letter and she said
okay. The same night, I felt I
needed to praise God, so I
praised and danced so hard that
I couldn’t breathe and my body
The next morning, my

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confirmation which was delayed
till November was backdated,
and the letter was given to me.
Only God could have done this, I
am eternally grateful to the God
who is glorious in holiness,
fearful in praises, and doing
Sis Y- Lagos, Nigeria.


1. In the name of Jesus, I

renounce and rebuke every
hindering spirit at work in
and against my life. I
command you and your
activities to cease in my life

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right now, in the name of
2. I renounce every covenant
or legal pact that gives you
hindering spirit right of
access to me. In the name
of Jesus and by the sword
of the Spirit, I command
your evil link with me to be
severed permanently.
3. I renounce every evil blood
sacrifice (human or
otherwise) that was carried
out on my behalf by my
forebears or whoever,
against my life. I counter,
nullify and destroy all such
evil blood sacrifices and

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their effects by the blood
of the slain lamb of God.
4. In the name of Jesus, I
rebuke every satanic
power, principality or force
delaying my blessing and
benefits from getting to
me. I pray that the
mightiest warring angels of
heaven will swoop down
on them and pave way for
my blessings to get through
to me.

5. Whoever is being
manipulated, to make
mistakes in my matters, so
as to delay me or deny me
of my blessing, in the name

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of Jesus, I command the
manipulation to stop and I
command that person to
handle my matter properly
and speedily in my favour.

6. You manipulative demons,

I rebuke you by the blast of
the almighty (Job 4:9). You
are scattered and driven
far away from me in the
name of Jesus.

7. Wherever you my blessing

(mention the blessing
specifically) is kept or
hidden away, in the name
of Jesus, I command you to
be released and handed

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over to me right now. Let a
wind from the Lord, now
blow all of my blessings
and answers to my prayers
to me in the name of Jesus.

8. O Lord, appear to the

people holding back what
belongs to me, and make
them hand it over to me
without delay in Jesus

9. In the name of Jesus, I

command every roadblock
on the way, preventing my
blessings from getting to
me, to be removed. I

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receive my blessings right
now in the name of Jesus.



And it came to pass on the second

sabbath after the first, that he
went through the corn fields; and
his disciples plucked the ears of
corn, and did eat, rubbing them in
their hands.

And certain of the Pharisees said

unto them, Why do ye that which
is not lawful to do on the sabbath

And Jesus answering them said,

Have ye not read so much as this,
what David did, when himself was
an hungred, and they which were
with him;

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How he went into the house of
God, and did take and eat the
shewbread, and gave also to them
that were with him; which it is not
lawful to eat but for the priests
Luk 6:1-4

The evil powers or people in this

category, hinder you from getting to
or accessing your blessing. It appears
like in the land of IsraelIsrael, it was
permitted for the hungry person
passing through a field to pluck ears
of corn and eat them. This is exactly
what the disciples of Jesus were
doing when certain Pharisees rose up
against them, to prevent them from

They preferred that men be kept

hungry at all cost in respect of a holy
day. Jesus immediately rose in the

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defence of the disciples and silenced
the opposition.





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Then went Samson down, and his

father and his mother, to Timnath,
and came to the vineyards of
Timnath: and, behold, a young lion
roared against him.

And the Spirit of the LORD came

mightily upon him, and he rent him
as he would have rent a kid, and
he had nothing in his hand: but he
told not his father or his mother
what he had done.
Jdg 14:5-6
Samson with his parents was
on his way to get a wife for himself.
Unknown to them, there was a lion

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lurking in the path waiting to prevent
them from accomplishing the
mission. The mission of the lion was
to kill them and terminate their
quest. Samson however was not the
kind of man that you prevent from
possessing his possession. Samson
pounced on the lion and rent it. He
was so furious that he practically tore
the lion up. Some of us really need to
get angry and furious enough to
begin to tear everything that
prevents us from getting our
blessings in pieces.
Some people take for granted
the repeated occurrences of their
losing out of opportunities and losing
blessings and benefits over and over
again. Faith does not ignore. Faith
attacks! You must arise and attack
the enemy. Until you tear them apart
like Samson did, you cannot proceed
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to your destination. Their mission is
to stop you from getting your
blessing but your mandate is to
destroy them.
A sister once told me of how
that whenever she goes for an
interview and is expecting to be
called up to resume work, she would
have a particular negative dream, and
immediately that happens, she gives
up any hope of receiving good news
again. It took the power of God
breaking the yoke, after I prayed for
her, before she could get a job.

And they came to Jericho: and as

he went out of Jericho with his
disciples and a great number of
people, blind Bartimaeus, the son
of Timaeus, sat by the highway
side begging.
And when he heard that it was
Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry
out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of

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David, have mercy on me.

And many charged him that he

should hold his peace: but he cried
the more a great deal, Thou Son of
David, have mercy on me.
Mar 10:46-48

Blind Bartimaeus had a life

time opportunity before him. The
man who could heal him of his
blindness was passing by! He was
filled with excitement and
anticipation. This man was going to
give him what he had been looking
for all his life. As soon as he heard the
noise of the crowd approaching, he
knew Jesus was near. Since he
couldn’t see, all he could do was to
shout out for Jesus to hear him. He
created quite a scene with his loud
cries that some people around
decided to shut him up. They told

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him to shut up and hold his peace.
They were out to prevent him from
getting his blessing. These are the
kind of people who only care about
themselves. They shut every other
person down just to make room for
themselves alone.

Blind Bartimaeus however had

had enough of the blindness thing.
No one was going to shut him up. He
cried out louder and longer until
Jesus heard him and stopped to
attend to his matter. Jesus healed
him, and he came into a brand new
life of possibilities. Those men around
him almost stopped him from
accessing his blessing. They told him
to hold his peace. What peace would
he hold when he had no peace
concerning his eyes? Never you allow
anyone or anything at all to prevent
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you from taking that which is yours.
Do all you can under God, and against
all odds to stake your claims. Men
will try to stop you. Some will accuse
you of being too loud or rough but
you see, you are the one who knows
where the shoe pinches and how
painful it is.

1. In the name of Jesus, I call for the
mightiest warring angels of the Lord
to arise against everyone that
prevents me from accessing my
2. O you Lions blocking the path of my
progress, I tear you in pieces by the
hand of the Lord. I command you
devourers to be devoured in the
name of Jesus.
3. Every gathering or conspiracy to stop
me from reaching my blessing, I
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command the cup of fury and
trembling of the Lord to become your
portion. Drink and suffer grievous

For thus saith the LORD God of

Israel unto me; Take the wine cup
of this fury at my hand, and cause
all the nations, to whom I send
thee, to drink it.

And they shall drink, and be

moved, and be mad, because of
the sword that I will send among
them. Jer 25:15-16

4. In the name of Jesus, I

renounce and destroy every spell,
charm and/or enchantment from
my root and from anywhere at all,
that prevents me from receiving
my blessing.
5. O you divine fanners, fan away all
adversaries of my blessing. Scatter
them beyond recovery. Let them
never be able to gather again.

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And will send unto
Babylon fanners, that shall fan her,
and shall empty her land: for in the
day of trouble they shall be against
her round about. Jer 51:2



And so it was, when Israel had

sown, that the Midianites came
up, and the Amalekites, and
the children of the east, even
they came up against them;
And they encamped against
them, and destroyed the
increase of the earth, till
thou come unto Gaza, and
left no sustenance for Israel,
neither sheep, nor ox, nor

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For they came up with their
cattle and their tents, and
they came as grasshoppers
for multitude; for both they
and their camels were
without number: and they
entered into the land to
destroy it.

And Israel was greatly

impoverished because of the
Midianites; and the children
of Israel cried unto the
Judges 6:1-10

When this category of enemies

is at work in your life, you will
notice that you always have
near success syndrome. The
blessings will come so close,
and then suddenly disappear.
You see it, smell it but you are
never able to taste it. These are
enemies who deprive you of

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the promotion you deserve at
work. These are the powers
that make you get
disappointment at the last
minute. They are the once who
allow a woman get pregnant
but always ensure she has a
miscarriage. When you notice
that your hopes are always
dashed no matter how high
they rise and no matter how
promising they look, it is
because the stealers or
destroyers are at work.

In the text above, the

impoverishment in the lives of the
children of Israel was traceable to the
activities of the stealers and
destroyers by the name, the
Midianites, Amalekites and children

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of the East. They ensured that the
children of Israel laboured in vain.
They allowed them to labour but
never allowed them to reap the
reward of their labours. The invading
armies targeted their harvest and
levelled it to the ground. This is
wickedness of grievous proportions.
Who is it impoverishing you by
stealing or destroying your blessing?
They must be stopped at all cost.
That which is yours must be handed
back to you.

And it came to pass, that when

Isaac was old, and his eyes were
dim, so that he could not see, he
called Esau his eldest son, and said
unto him, My son: and he said unto
him, Behold, here am I.

And he said, Behold now, I am old,

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I know not the day of my death:

Now therefore take, I pray thee,

thy weapons, thy quiver and thy
bow, and go out to the field, and
take me some venison;

And make me savoury meat, such

as I love, and bring it to me, that I
may eat; that my soul may bless
thee before I die.

And Rebekah heard when Isaac

spake to Esau his son. And Esau
went to the field to hunt for
venison, and to bring it.

And Rebekah spake unto Jacob her

son, saying, Behold, I heard thy
father speak unto Esau thy
brother, saying,

Bring me venison, and make me

savoury meat, that I may eat, and
bless thee before the LORD before
my death.

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Now therefore, my son, obey my
voice according to that which I
command thee.

Go now to the flock, and fetch me

from thence two good kids of the
goats; and I will make them
savoury meat for thy father, such
as he loveth:

And thou shalt bring it to thy

father, that he may eat, and that
he may bless thee before his

And Jacob said to Rebekah his

mother, Behold, Esau my brother is
a hairy man, and I am a smooth

My father peradventure will feel

me, and I shall seem to him as a
deceiver; and I shall bring a curse
upon me, and not a blessing.

And his mother said unto him,

Upon me be thy curse, my son:

Page 53 of 147
only obey my voice, and go fetch
me them.

And he went, and fetched, and

brought them to his mother: and
his mother made savoury meat,
such as his father loved.

And Rebekah took goodly raiment

of her eldest son Esau, which were
with her in the house, and put
them upon Jacob her younger son:

And she put the skins of the kids of

the goats upon his hands, and
upon the smooth of his neck:

And she gave the savoury meat

and the bread, which she had
prepared, into the hand of her son

And he came unto his father, and

said, My father: and he said, Here
am I; who art thou, my son?

And Jacob said unto his father, I

Page 54 of 147
am Esau thy firstborn; I have done
according as thou badest me:
arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of my
venison, that thy soul may bless

And Isaac said unto his son, How is

it that thou hast found it so
quickly, my son? And he said,
Because the LORD thy God brought
it to me.

And Isaac said unto Jacob, Come

near, I pray thee, that I may feel
thee, my son, whether thou be my
very son Esau or not.

And Jacob went near unto Isaac his

father; and he felt him, and said,
The voice is Jacob's voice, but the
hands are the hands of Esau.

And he discerned him not, because

his hands were hairy, as his
brother Esau's hands: so he
blessed him.

Page 55 of 147
And he said, Art thou my very son
Esau? And he said, I am.

And he said, Bring it near to me,

and I will eat of my son's venison,
that my soul may bless thee. And
he brought it near to him, and he
did eat: and he brought him wine,
and he drank.

And his father Isaac said unto him,

Come near now, and kiss me, my

And he came near, and kissed him:

and he smelled the smell of his
raiment, and blessed him, and
said, See, the smell of my son is as
the smell of a field which the LORD
hath blessed:
Therefore God give thee of the dew
of heaven, and the fatness of the
earth, and plenty of corn and

Let people serve thee, and nations

bow down to thee: be lord over thy

Page 56 of 147
brethren, and let thy mother's sons
bow down to thee: cursed be every
one that curseth thee, and blessed
be he that blesseth thee.

And it came to pass, as soon as

Isaac had made an end of blessing
Jacob, and Jacob was yet scarce
gone out from the presence of
Isaac his father, that Esau his
brother came in from his hunting.

And he also had made savoury

meat, and brought it unto his
father, and said unto his father, Let
my father arise, and eat of his
son's venison, that thy soul may
bless me.

And Isaac his father said unto him,

Who art thou? And he said, I am
thy son, thy firstborn Esau.

And Isaac trembled very

exceedingly, and said, Who? where
is he that hath taken venison, and
brought it me, and I have eaten of

Page 57 of 147
all before thou camest, and have
blessed him? yea, and he shall be

And when Esau heard the words of

his father, he cried with a great
and exceeding bitter cry, and said
unto his father, Bless me, even me
also, O my father.

And he said, Thy brother came

with subtilty, and hath taken away
thy blessing.

And he said, Is not he rightly

named Jacob? for he hath
supplanted me these two times: he
took away my birthright; and,
behold, now he hath taken away
my blessing. And he said, Hast
thou not reserved a blessing for

And Isaac answered and said unto

Esau, Behold, I have made him thy
lord, and all his brethren have I
given to him for servants; and with

Page 58 of 147
corn and wine have I sustained
him: and what shall I do now unto
thee, my son?

And Esau said unto his father, Hast

thou but one blessing, my father?
bless me, even me also, O my
father. And Esau lifted up his voice,
and wept.
And Isaac his father answered and
said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling
shall be the fatness of the earth,
and of the dew of heaven from

And by thy sword shalt thou live,

and shalt serve thy brother; and it
shall come to pass when thou shalt
have the dominion, that thou shalt
break his yoke from off thy neck.
Gen 27:1-40

It was Esau’s set time to

receive the blessing he so
much anticipated. His father

Page 59 of 147
Isaac told him just what to do
in order to get the blessing. At
last his dreams were coming to
pass. Esau hurried out to go
and get what was demanded
for by his father in other for
him to get his inheritance. But
while he was away, his brother
Jacob, prompted by his
mother, went in, deceived their
father and collected the
blessing. The blessing that was
ripe for Esau was handed over
to Jacob.

Esau was just about to reap the

harvest of all those many years
of attending to his father’s
needs. He had supplied his
father venison for years and his
father was ready to bless him.
His father Isaac even told him
Page 60 of 147
he was going to bless him that
same day. He just needed to
bring one last venison, and
then he would get the blessing.
That did not happen; Jacob
stole the blessing. Esau was so
close to getting it but lost it.
How many times have you
been so close to getting a
blessing but narrowly lost out?
That, I say, is a terrible thing.

1. In the name of Jesus, I
command every conspiracy
to steal away my blessing
and harvest just when I am
about to receive it, be
scattered by the east wind
of God.
2. Every Jacob targeting my
season of harvest, I
Page 61 of 147
command the fiery
judgement of God to befall
3. O you Rebecca scheming to
divert my harvest, I
renounce you and your
wicked ways. I command
the south wind that comes
with heat and burning to
blow upon you and your
cronies for destruction.

And when ye see the

south wind blow, ye say,
There will be heat
(burning); and it cometh
to pass. Luk 12:55.
4. In the name of Jesus, I
command the custodian of
my harvest not to fall for
the deception of the
enemies and hand over my
harvest to them or another.

Page 62 of 147
5. In the name of Jesus, I
renounce the spirit of
“almost there but not
there”. I overcome you and
all of your wiles and
wickedness in the name of
6. I command, rebuke and
bind every evil spirit
assigned to monitor and
prevent me from getting my
blessing in my season of
harvest in the name of
7. I renounce and rebuke you
demons of disappointment
at the point of
breakthrough. I command
your evil works in my life to
cease in the name of Jesus.
8. In the name of Jesus I
renounce and break every
Page 63 of 147
curse that works in my life
to prevent me from getting
my harvest and blessings.
9. By the power of God, I take
possession of that which is
mine. I receive all of my
harvests and blessings
without delay in Jesus
name. Amen.


In the academics, the slogan is to

"publish or perish". For four years, I
kept trying hard to publish my key
research findings and each trial
resulted in one rejection or the other.
Each year passed without success until
I met Apostle John Udoh. He prayed
with me and prophesied success
regarding my publications. I give all

Page 64 of 147
glory to God because in the following
year, after rigorous rounds of peer
review, my research paper was
accepted in one of the topmost
journals in my field. Praise and glory to
Jesus Christ who answered the
heartfelt prayers of the Apostle.

1. O you strange powers and
people waiting for me at the
verge of my breakthrough,
to prevent me from getting
it, I command the blast of
the almighty to descend
upon you and scatter you
beyond recovery.
2. In the name of Jesus, I
renounce you evil spirit of
“almost there but not
there”. I destroy your

Page 65 of 147
power and your work in my
life. I decree that your
manipulation over my life
should come to an end right
now in Jesus name.
3. In the name of Jesus I refuse
to be among those who
labour for others to gather.
I shall never labour in vain
4. O you stealers of my
harvest, in the name of
Jesus, I expose and
terminate you and your evil
5. I declare that my hands are
blessed, empowered and
enabled to receive my
6. Everyone and every power
that has successfully stolen
my blessing, in the name of
Page 66 of 147
Jesus, I pray that angelic
officers would locate, arrest
you and retrieve seven fold
of that which you stole from
me. I collect them all in
Jesus name.

Page 67 of 147

Much people of the Jews therefore

knew that he was there: and they
came not for Jesus' sake only, but
that they might see Lazarus also,
whom he had raised from the

But the chief priests consulted that

they might put Lazarus also to

Because that by reason of him

many of the Jews went away, and
believed on Jesus. Joh 12:9-11.

You must be alert and

watchful over your blessing, because
there might just be an adversary who
is angry at you over it. It is not
everybody that is happy with you

Page 68 of 147
over that blessing you just got. There
are those who are saying, “Why must
it be her?” “Why must it be him?”
The chief priests in the text
above were not happy that Jesus had
done such a powerful miracle in
raising the dead. They weren’t
pleased with Lazarus either. Lazarus
was enjoying a better life since Jesus
raised him from the dead. He had
suddenly become famous. He was the
talk of the town. This did not go
down well with the chief priests. They
preferred that all the attention was
focused on them instead of on Jesus
and Lazarus. These men couldn’t
stand another person being blessed.
They soon hatched a plan to kill
Lazarus. They were ready to
terminate this blessing of a new life
that Lazarus was just beginning to
enjoy. The thing is: Lazarus did not
Page 69 of 147
even realise what they were
planning. He probably thought that
everybody was happy with him.
When God takes you to a new
level; blesses you with a new job,
gives you a new house or gives you
one wonderful miracle or the other,
you must beware of envious people
who are very displeased with you and
wish you didn’t get those things.
Some of them will only wish you evil,
while others will go all out to
perpetuate the evil against you.
I know of a man who once bought a
new car – a lovely one. He looked
good in the car. One day I saw him
somewhere but the car was not with
him. When I asked him about the car,
he said he had a ghastly accident with
it that damaged the car beyond
repairs. He escaped death by the
whiskers. Apparently, there were
Page 70 of 147
those who hated to see him owning a
new car.


About two years ago, I met a couple

at the market. The wife happened to
have sat under my ministration
previously. As they greeted me
heartily, I began to pray and
prophesy to them. The husband had
been out of work many months. He
was having a great time at his work
place until the enemy intercepted
and cut short his blessing. The
organisation promised to reabsorb
him, but it was taking forever.
Months were turning into years, yet
he was still not recalled. By Prophecy,
I told the couple to expect good news
at a particular month of the New
Year. At that exact time of the year,
Page 71 of 147
the organisation called him up and
reabsorbed him into the system.

Last year, I was told the story of an

immigration officer in Abuja. He had
believed for a promotion for some
time. Sometime last year, he finally
got the promotion and was very
excited and was preparing to go and
receive his promotion letter. His
friend that lived together with him,
who was away, returned later in the
day to meet him dead. He died, just
when he was to begin enjoying his

While delivering a young

beautiful lady from the spirit of
witchcraft, she told me that during
her initiation rites, she was given a
human heart to eat and human blood
to drink. She told me that beginning
Page 72 of 147
from that moment forward; she
began to see good as evil and evil as
good. She smiled charmingly at me
and said that whenever something
good happened to somebody around
her, her heart would grieve with deep
sorrow. But whenever some evil
occurred, to anyone around her, her
heart would leap for joy. That is the
way of evil! I sat there wondering
what would become of the young
man who falls in love with this lady
and possibly make the mistake of
marrying her.


And when David was a little past

the top of the hill, behold, Ziba the
servant of Mephibosheth met him,
with a couple of asses saddled, and
upon them two hundred loaves of
bread, and an hundred bunches of
Page 73 of 147
raisins, and an hundred of summer
fruits, and a bottle of wine.

And the king said unto Ziba, What

meanest thou by these? And Ziba
said, The asses be for the king's
household to ride on; and the
bread and summer fruit for the
young men to eat; and the wine,
that such as be faint in the
wilderness may drink.

And the king said, And where is thy

master's son? And Ziba said unto
the king, Behold, he abideth at
Jerusalem: for he said, To day shall
the house of Israel restore me the
kingdom of my father.

Then said the king to Ziba, Behold,

thine are all that pertained unto
Mephibosheth. And Ziba said, I
humbly beseech thee that I may
find grace in thy sight, my lord, O
2Sa 16:1-4

Page 74 of 147
You need to look up the beginning
of this story in 2Sa 9. King David,
in a bid to fulfil his promise to his
departed friend Jonathan, located
and lifted Jonathan’s lame son
He made Mephiboshet to eat at his
table and gave him his grandfather
Saul’s estate. David further
assigned Ziba and all his children
as servants to Mephiboshet and all
his house. Ziba however had evil
plans. He wanted the estate for
himself. He found the right
opportunity in a crises period and
swiftly utilized it to betray his
master Mephiboshet.
He lied to King David about his
master and painted his master as a
traitor. King David fell for the
deception and handed over all of
Mephiboshet’s estate to the wicked
servant. Mephiboshet had only just
started enjoying his luxurious life,
when Ziba pulled the rug from
beneath his feet.

Page 75 of 147
1. In the name of Jesus, o you
sword of death that is lifted
against my blessing, in the
name of Jesus, I command
you to drop and disappear.
2. O you wicked spirits,
powers and humans
conspiring to destroy my
blessings that I have just
begun to enjoy, I command
the horrible tempest of the
Almighty to descend upon
you for destruction.

Upon the wicked he shall

rain snares, fire and
brimstone, and an horrible
tempest: this shall be the
portion of their cup. Psa

Page 76 of 147
3. O you haters of my
blessing, I command your
hatred and evil wishes to
fall back upon your heads in
seven fold. Since you do not
like to see good things in my
life, you will not receive
good things in life in the
name of Jesus.
4. O you treacherous Ziba
lying against me in order to
steal my blessing, I judge
you by fire and command
the vengeance of God to
befall you.
5. Every wicked man or
woman working at turning
my helpers against me, I
command you to be
swallowed up by the wrath
of God.

Page 77 of 147
6. Whoever has already taken
what belongs to me and my
family, in the name of Jesus,
I declare that this is our
season of restoration. I call
for the angels of the
almighty God to arrest you.
I collect back from you
seven fold of all you have
stolen from me and my
father’s house in the name
of Jesus.
7. I command every wicked
man or woman sitting on
my throne of glory to fall
down by fire. I dethrone you
and take back my place in
the name of Jesus. Amen.

Page 78 of 147

And Isaac's s.ervants digged in the

valley, and found there a well of
springing water.

And the herdmen of Gerar did

strive with Isaac's herdmen,
saying, The water is ours: and he
called the name of the well Esek;
because they strove with him.

And they digged another well, and

strove for that also: and he called
the name of it Sitnah.
Gen 26:19-21
There are enemies who specialize
in striving with you over your
blessing. You have the blessing,
but they do not allow you to enjoy
it. They make life miserable for you
by causing all manner of problems
for you on account of your
receiving that blessing. The
herdsmen of Gerar were vicious

Page 79 of 147
attackers of the blessings of Isaac.
Every time Isaac dug a new well,
they showed up and strove for it.
These kind of enemies are not
happy at your being blessed. They
convince themselves that the
blessing should have come to them
and not to you. Therefore they
fight you over your blessings.

This category of enemies are

jealous of your success and will do
anything to take it from you. They
lust after what is not theirs with
untamed passion. The king of
Gerar had many wells, but could
not stand Isaac getting wells of his
own. Moved with greed and
avarice, he sent his herdsmen over
and over again to strive with
Isaac’s herdsmen over every well
that Isaac’s men successfully dug.
These wicked men always want
that which you have, and can kill
you and your family just to take
what belongs to you. In the book
of 1Kgs 21, despite all the lands
and estates that king Ahab owned,
he suddenly set his heart upon

Page 80 of 147
taking Naboth’s vineyard. He and
his wicked wife, Jezebel, plotted
the death of Naboth, and went to
take over the land.

1. O you satanic herdsmen
striving with and attacking
my harvest and blessing, in
the name of Jesus, I call for
God’s tempest and storm to
descend upon you and your

So persecute them with thy

tempest, and make them
afraid with thy storm.
Psa 83:15
2. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke
you spirit of strife contending
with me over my blessing. I
command the battle to turn
against you and swallow you
up. I command the strife

Page 81 of 147
against me to cease in the
name of Jesus.
3. In the name of Jesus, I wipe out
every satanic mark upon my
blessing that marks my blessing
for attacks. I boldly announce
that I and all that is mine bear
upon us the mark of Christ.
Therefore, let no one trouble
4. O ye evil powers fighting to
take away from me that which
the Lord has given me, I
command hail and fire mingled
with blood to fall upon you for
total destruction in Jesus

The first angel sounded, and

there followed hail and fire
mingled with blood, and they
were cast upon the earth:
and the third part of trees
was burnt up, and all green
Page 82 of 147
grass was burnt up. Rev 8:7
5. In the name of Jesus, I
command those attacking my
blessing to become
confounded and scattered.
Let them be ashamed and
confounded that seek after
my soul: let them be turned
backward, and put to
confusion, that desire my
Ps 70:2



But it came to pass within a

while after, in the time of
wheat harvest, that Samson
visited his wife with a kid;
and he said, I will go in to
my wife into the chamber.
But her father would not
suffer him to go in.

And her father said, I verily

Page 83 of 147
thought that thou hadst
utterly hated her; therefore I
gave her to thy companion:
Jdg 15:1

Samson paid a great price to

marry this woman. He almost
lost his life on account of this
marriage; a lion attacked him
on the way to meet the family
of his wife to be. Fortunately
for Samson, the lion was no
match for him as the Spirit of
God was upon him. He tore the
lion apart effortlessly.

After all of these, Samson went to

visit his wife but got a rude shock
from his father-in-law. His wife had
been given to his best man. That was
a great injustice. Samson did not take
this wicked act lightly. He rained
down punishments on them. How

Page 84 of 147
can a man pay the customary bride
price and you go ahead and give his
wife to his best man? That’s



And David sent

messengers to Ishbosheth
Saul's son, saying, Deliver
me my wife Michal, which
I espoused to me for an
hundred foreskins of the

And Ishbosheth sent, and

took her from her
husband, even from
Phaltiel the son of Laish.

And her husband went

with her along weeping
behind her to

Page 85 of 147
Bahurim. Then said Abner
unto him, Go, return. And he
2Sam 314-16

Just like in the case of Samson earlier

mentioned, David’s wife, Michal was
diverted to another man named
Phaltiel. To marry this woman, David
paid a costly and unusual dowry at
the risk of his life. Circumstances that
threatened his life however sent him
running out of town, leaving his wife
behind. His in-law, King Saul, wasted
no time in giving his wife out to
another man. For years, David lived in
exile without his wife – a wife he had
paid so direly for. As soon as David
got the chance to get her back, he
wasted no time in demanding for a
restoration of his possession.

Page 86 of 147
1. In the name of Jesus, I rain
down punishments upon
everyone that has
mischievously diverted my
blessing or harvest.
2. Whoever has taken what I
have laboured for and
handed it over to another,
in the name of Jesus, I
command God’s judgement
rain of fire to descend upon
you in the name of Jesus.
3. O you unfriendly friend
eyeing my possession in the
name of Jesus, I command
you and all your
accomplices to be scattered
away from me by the
turbulent wind from the

Page 87 of 147
4. O you my blessing/harvest
that was diverted, in the
name of Jesus, I reclaim you
in seven-fold.
5. Anybody using or enjoying
what rightfully belongs to
me, I command that
enjoyment to be cut short. I
take back my possession in
the name of Jesus.
6. In the name of Jesus, I will
no longer labour in vain. I
will not labour for another
to possess. I will not bring
forth for naught in Jesus
name. Amen.

Page 88 of 147

This category of enemies does not

prevent, steal, nor kill your
blessing. They only corrupt the
blessing and leave you struggling
with a disadvantaged blessing.
They don’t take it from you, but
they make it useless in your hand.
Yes, you still have it, but it is as
good as not having it, because it is
of little or no benefit to you. When
the cursers of blessing are against a
person, the person will build a house
but will not have peace or rest inside
that house. He can have all manner of
degrees, but they will be of no good
use to him. He will buy a car but the
car will always be in the mechanic
workshop. He will have children but
the children will be thorns in his flesh
or a source of constant sorrow and
pain to their parents.

Page 89 of 147
People whose blessings have been
corrupted have great potentials but
are never able to amount to anything
good. Their potentials hardly ever
profit them. I have met many highly
talented people with amazing million
dollar ideas who never amount to
anything good in life. They struggle
through life hardly able to keep their
heads above water.

What a curse does is that it takes the

beauty and energy out of your
blessing. It allows the tree to live but
does not allow it to bear fruits. A
curse can weaken your defence
against enemy intrusions into your
harvest and blessing and thereby
make you susceptible to easy defeat.

And Moab said unto the elders of

Midian, Now shall this company lick
up all that are round about us, as

Page 90 of 147
the ox licketh up the grass of the
field. And Balak the son of Zippor
was king of the Moabites at that

He sent messengers therefore unto

Balaam the son of Beor to Pethor,
which is by the river of the land of
the children of his people, to call
him, saying, Behold, there is a
people come out from Egypt:
behold, they cover the face of the
earth, and they abide over against

Come now therefore, I pray thee,

curse me this people; for they are
too mighty for me: peradventure I
shall prevail, that we may smite
them, and that I may drive them
out of the land: for I wot that he
whom thou blessest is blessed, and
he whom thou cursest is cursed.
Num 22:4-6

Page 91 of 147
King Balak knew that he could not
defeat the children of Israel in battle.
They were too strong for him. He
therefore sent messengers to
Balaam, a renowned gentile prophet
with unrivalled ability to bless or
curse. The deal was for Balaam to
come and curse the children of Israel
on behalf of King Balak who lacked
the ability to defeat the children of

Come now therefore, I pray thee,

curse me this people; for they are
too mighty for me: peradventure I
shall prevail, that we may smite
them, and that I may drive them
out of the land: for I wot that he
whom thou blessest is blessed, and
he whom thou cursest is cursed.
Num 22:6
The purpose of the curse was to
make the children of Israel weak and
vulnerable in battle, so that King

Page 92 of 147
Balak and his people will easily defeat
them. A curse can break down a
person’s defences or diminish his
strength. When a curse is at work in
someone’s life, the person’s
potentials, possessions, connections,
numerous qualifications all amount
to waste. They never work for the
person’s good. A curse makes the
person struggle much but accomplish

God intervened for the children of

Israel and did not allow Balaam to
curse them. God did not ignore the
curse and conclude that it will not
hurt the Israelites. He went all out to
prevent it. When Balak and Balaam
persisted, He turned the curse into a
blessing instead. Curses are real, and
God doesn’t want them on His

Page 93 of 147

1. O you curses and corruption on

my blessings and harvest, I
renounce you in the name of
Jesus. I plead the blood of
Jesus upon myself, and
command every curse or
corruption on my blessing to
be broken and eliminated by
the power of God.
2. In the name of Jesus, I repent
of the sins of my forbears that
gave room for any kind of curse
to come upon my life and
blessing. I renounce the
covenant right of the devil over
me, and command all the
curses to be broken in the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Page 94 of 147
3. O you cursers of my blessing,
the curse of the Lord rest on
4. I command divine destruction
upon the one who hired, and
the one who is hired to curse
5. In the name of Jesus, I
command every conspiracy
against my blessing to end in
6. In the name of Jesus, I plead
the blood of Jesus upon my
blessing for covering and

Page 95 of 147

I once heard the story of a man

who was so desperate to travel
abroad. Much as he tried, his
efforts always failed; he was
either refused by the embassy
for some flimsy reasons or his
admission would be declined
by the school he applied to,
and so on. This man never gave
up. He kept trying until he died.
The saddest part of the story
was that on the day of his
burial, the mail man arrived at
his house with a letter that
contained his travel
breakthrough. His blessing
arrived too late.

Page 96 of 147
When a person’s blessing arrives too
late, the person is incapable of
enjoying the blessing. You must pray
that you will never be found among
those whose blessings arrive too late.
There are many pensioners who wait
all their lives to receive their benefits,
only to die before such benefits
arrive. Some persons have court
cases that linger until their demise
before their victory is declared. This
leaves other people to enjoy what
they did not labour for.

In the name of Jesus, I
renounce and rebuke every
spirit and power that is out to
make my blessing arrive too
late. I boldly announce that my
blessings will always arrive on

Page 97 of 147
time. I decree that every
roadblock and hindrance on
the path of my blessing be
removed in the name of Jesus.
I will never labour in vain. I will
never labour for another to
come and reap. I will live long
to enjoy the work of my hands
in the name of Jesus.


And Benhadad the king of Syria

gathered all his host together: and
there were thirty and two kings
with him, and horses, and chariots:
and he went up and besieged
Samaria, and warred against it.

And he sent messengers to Ahab

king of Israel into the city, and said
unto him, Thus saith Benhadad,

Page 98 of 147
Thy silver and thy gold is mine; thy
wives also and thy children, even
the goodliest, are mine.

And the king of Israel answered

and said, My lord, O king,
according to thy saying, I am
thine, and all that I have.

And the messengers came again,

and said, Thus speaketh Benhadad,
saying, Although I have sent unto
thee, saying, Thou shalt deliver me
thy silver, and thy gold, and thy
wives, and thy children;

Yet I will send my servants unto

thee tomorrow about this time, and
they shall search thine house, and
the houses of thy servants; and it
shall be, that whatsoever is
pleasant in thine eyes, they shall
put it in their hand, and take it
1Ki 20:1-6

Page 99 of 147
Benhadad, king of Syria was out to
snatch every good thing that
belonged to King Ahab. Did I hear
him say, your silver and your gold is
mine; your wives also and your
children, even the goodliest, are
mine? Such effrontery! There are
wicked men and women who set
their eyes on that which is not theirs.
They go all the way to steal, kill and
destroy. These men are merciless.
They stop at nothing until they lay
hold of other people’s possessions. In
Nigeria, there are some notorious,
highly fetish and diabolic people who
are known as land grabbers and
racketeers. You definitely do not
want to lock horns with them. These
people go about grabbing people’s
lands. They steal your land, arrest you
and harass you till you flee for your
life. In some cases they even kill the
land owner.
Blessing snatchers wait for you to get
your blessing, and then they swing in
Page 100 of 147
and take them all from you. When
you are dealing with these blessing
snatchers you must be aggressive and
ready to tangle. If not, you are bound
to lose. Their mission is defined: grab
it and never return it. There are many
families that are suffering from the
aftermath of their encounter with
blessing snatchers. Some have lost
their joy, peace, wealth, glory,
business etc. to these snatchers.

While ministering in a crusade in

Bayelsa state some years ago, I called
out the case of a man who was
passing by on the highway. The word
of knowledge was so accurate, that
the man ran to the crusade ground
and came up stage to encounter
God’s power. Afterwards, he told me
his pathetic experience with blessing
snatchers. He was a top ranking
officer in an organisation and was
doing well financially until one night,

Page 101 of 147

in a dream, he saw a strange wind
blowing into his flat. The wind blew
into every room in the house and
swept out every of his possessions
through the door and away. When he
woke up from that dream, he began
to have series of problems. He soon
lost his job and all his possessions. He
was stripped bare of all he ever had
and could not rise again.

1. O you wicked blessing
snatchers attacking me and
my possessions, in the
name of Jesus, I expose you
and terminate your
activities in my life.
2. O you evil blessing snatcher
currently strategizing and
targeting my blessing, in the
name of Jesus, I expose you

Page 102 of 147

and command your
destruction by fire in the
name of Jesus.
3. I call for the wind of God to
rise against every evil wind
that blew my blessings
away. Let the wind of God
blow all my blessings back
to me in the name of Jesus.



He that gathereth in summer is a

wise son: but he that sleepeth in
harvest is a son that causeth shame.

Proverbs 10:5

To sleep during harvest means to be

oblivious, ignorant or unaware of

Page 103 of 147

opportunities that are starring you in
the face.

It can also mean to be aware of the

harvest, but be unable or incapable
of taking advantage of it, until it has
passed away. This can be due to lack
of finance, sponsor or means to use.

To be asleep during opportunities is a

great problem. There are many who
only get to know of opportunities
when it is too late.

Harvest time is time to launch in and

gather in abundance. Anyone who
sleeps through the harvest period will
end in shame. Others will reap and he
will weep.

I once prayed for a man who told me

that he always forgot about an
important professional examination
he needed to write until it was too
late. The enemy diabolically
Page 104 of 147
programmed him to forget about
what was important to him. It was
until we prayed and broke the yoke
before he could apply and write the

Another man once came to my house

for prayer. He was struggling
financially with no hope of escape. He
told me that something strange
happened to him. This man who was
one of the best students in his set,
wrote his final paper in the
University, submitted his project and
while their results were being
collated, he left the school and never
remembered that he had a certificate
to collect. This sounds strange and
unbelievable. I would have found it
hard to believe myself, if not that the
man sat in my living room, with his
wife, and told me himself.

I had to make him repeat it more

than once. He totally forgot that he

Page 105 of 147

went to a university, wrote his final
examination, and submitted his

It was many years later, in the midst

of abject poverty that the veil lifted,
and he remembered that he had a
certificate to collect. By then it was
too late.

The enemy made him to sleep during

his harvest.


1. In the name of Jesus, I

rebuke every power and
enemy making me to sleep
during my harvest. I destroy
you by fire and command your
evil in my life to cease.

2. I destroy you power of

satanic sleep, slumber,

Page 106 of 147

forgetfulness and inability from
my life in the name of Jesus.

I awake from sleep by the

power of God. I arise and claim
all that is mine in the name of
Jesus. I reclaim seven fold of all
that I have lost in the name of
Jesus. Amen.

3. In the name of Jesus, I will

never again miss nor be unable
to maximize my opportunities.
I arise and possess my harvest
and blessings in Jesus name.

Page 107 of 147



In the name of Jesus, I repent of

my sin of unforgiveness. Lord,
you forgave me my sins and
commanded me to forgive
others too, therefore, I receive
grace to forgive those who hurt
or harmed me in any way.

In the name of Jesus, I forgive

(mention the names of those
you need to forgive). I release

Page 108 of 147

them from my heart and let go
of the bitterness and grudges I
have against them.

In the name of Jesus, I now

command all tormenting and
oppressing spirits at work in my
life to depart to the abyss and
never return again in the name
of Jesus.

By the grace and power of God, I

possess every good thing that
lack of forgiveness has
prevented me from possessing.
In Jesus name! Amen.

Page 109 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I renounce

every evil covenant and
agreement that has been
established in my life through
Satanic summons of my spirit or
soul. By the power of God, I
destroy every evil that has been
imputed into my life through the
means of satanic summons.

O you summoning spirits at work

in my life, to summon me
against my will in other to attack
me or carry out any form of evil
in my life, I renounce you, and I
bind you and cast you into the
abyss in the name of Jesus.

Page 110 of 147

I command every summoning
instruments and apparatus that
you use to summon me to be
destroyed by the thunder of the
almighty God. I command every
of your portal and access route
for accessing me, to be shut
down and blocked off fin the
name of Jesus.

I plead the blood of Jesus upon

my head, my life, the roof of my
house, my entire residence and
family. In the name of Jesus, no
evil power will ever be able to
access me again.

Page 111 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I decree

and decree that every satanic
market place where my glory
and destiny is being or has been
traded should now receive the
judgement of the Almighty God.

Like Jesus entered the temple

and flogged out all the money
changers and greedy traders, I
engage the ministry of angels to
flog and evacuate all the satanic
marketers against my life. That
which is mine that has been
traded already, I recover them
all right now by fire in the name
of Jesus.

Page 112 of 147


It is written, ‘They shall proceed

no further’. In the name of Jesus,
I decree and declare that the
activities and assignment of very
kind of monitoring spirits in my
life have come to an end.

I call for the blast of the nostrils

of God to blind and blast all
monitoring spirits away from my
life. All your monitoring devices
and instruments of observation
are destroyed by the fire of God
in Jesus name.

Page 113 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I command

the light of God to invade my life
and expose every enemy within.
O light of God, expose all my
secret enemies within my
household, workplace and
family. In the name of Jesus, I
command the devouring storm
of the almighty God to swallow
you and all your evil works up. I
receive deliverance from every
activity of enemies within in the
name of Jesus. Amen.

Page 114 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I sanctify

and purify my dream life. I
declare that my dream life is my
sacred place of divine
encounters and communication.
Therefore, in the name of Jesus,
I rebuke every stubborn demon
spirit promoting anti-progress
dreams in my life.

I command the overflowing

scourge of the Almighty God to
storm you all and sweep you off
into the abyss in the name of

By the blood of Jesus, I cut off

and block off every evil doorway
and portal into my dream life. I
Page 115 of 147
forbid you evil powers from
being able to access my dreams

Page 116 of 147


In the name of Jesus and by the

power of the blood of the slain
Lamb of God, I renounce and
rebuke every spirit of rejection in
my life. Right now, I cancel out
every curse of rejection in my
life. Every evil mark of rejection,
I blot you off my life and
environment in the name of
Jesus. I announce that I have
upon me the mark of Christ
Jesus. Therefore, no one can
trouble me.

Page 117 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I obtain

strength for forceful advance. I
reject and expel every
feebleness, tiredness and
weariness from my life. The joy
of the Lord is my strength at all
times. I can do all things through
Christ which strengthens me.

Page 118 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I renounce

and reject you spirit and curse of
poverty. I expel poverty from my
life perpetually in the name of
Jesus. I know the grace of my
Lord Jesus Christ who despite
being rich, yet for my sake, He
became poor so that I, through
his poverty might become rich.

I am rich in the name of Jesus. I

am prosperous and flourishing in
the name of Jesus. The work of
my hands prospers at all times.
No good thing will ever be
withheld from me in the name of

Page 119 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I renounce

and rebuke the spirit and power
that constitutes short-lived
blessings in my life. I decree that
henceforth, by blessings will be
durable. My sources of blessing
will never dry up. My channels of
income will never decrease but
will rather increase more and
more in the name of Jesus.

Page 120 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I overcome

every force and form of delay in
my life and affairs in the name of
Jesus. I am blessed with
supernatural speed on every side
in the name of Jesus. I will never
lag behind nor arrive late in life
in the name of Jesus. My
blessings and benefits will
always come to me right on
time. No more delay, in the
name of Jesus.

Page 121 of 147


This curse makes people head to

the hospital again and again. The
person will often have to deal
with one critical sickness after
another. Such persons will often
go through one or more surgical
operation until the curse is


In the name of Jesus, I repent of

any sin, wrong doing, error or
any other factor that exposed
me to you curse of destruction,
sicknesses and infirmities. I
renounce you in the name of
Jesus. I cancel out and terminate
Page 122 of 147
every of your power that is at
work in my life. I bind and cast
out all demons and devils at
work in my life. I command you
to be gone into the abyss in the
name of Jesus and never return

In the name of Jesus, I declare

that I am healed by the stripes of
Jesus. I am made whole in the
name of Jesus.

Page 123 of 147


O you wicked power of arrested

development that suddenly
stopped my progress in life
(mention the area of life). I
rebuke you in the name of Jesus.
I refuse to be stopped or stuck. I
call for the mightiest warring
angels of heaven to arrest the
arresters of my development.

In the name of Jesus,

henceforth, I progress
supernaturally in every sphere of
life. I refuse and cancel out
stagnancy and retrogression in
my life in Jesus name.

Page 124 of 147


I command sudden misfortunes

and the forces that sponsor
them in my life, to perish out of
my life in the name of Jesus. I
declare that there is no room for
sudden or any kind of
misfortunes in my life in the
name of Jesus.

Surely goodness and mercy shall

follow me all the days of my life.
I shall not lack any good thing in
the name of Jesus. Amen.

Page 125 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I declare

my triumph over the power of
the grave. Jesus conquered
death and hell on my behalf.
Right now, I proclaim and
enforce that victory over the

I, and all that is mine, come out

of every satanic grave by the
blood of Jesus and by the glory
of the father. I rid myself and my
family of all the evils associated
with the grave. I declare that I
am permanently free from the
power of the grave.

I shall not die but live to declare

the works of the Lord.
Page 126 of 147
I shall no longer be hidden away.

My blessing and possessions

shall no longer be hidden away.

I shall no longer be silent in the


I have Christ, therefore, I have

life. Every good thing that has
been prevented from me is now
released to me in Jesus. Amen.

Page 127 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I renounce,

reject and cast out into the
abyss, every evil power and
factor sponsoring drowsiness,
dullness and weakness in my life.

I am alert, smart and active at all

times. I have a sound, active and
functional mind. I sleep soundly
when it is the proper time for me
to sleep. I always wake up at the
proper time for me to wake up
in the name of Jesus.

Page 128 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I renounce,

rebuke and expel the spirit and
power of barrenness in my life. I
command you spirit of
barrenness to be gone into the
abyss and never return again in
the name of Jesus.

The Lord blessed me, saying, ‘be

fruitful and multiply’. I declare
that I am fruitful and I multiply.
Nothing shall cast my young nor
destroy my seed or fruit.

You power of miscarriage, I

rebuke you and command you to
be gone from my life. I receive
strength to conceive and bring
forth my children according to
Page 129 of 147
the time of life in the name of

Page 130 of 147


In the name of Jesus, I renounce

and expel the spirit and power of
anger influencing and controlling
my life. I refuse to allow anger to
change or ruin my destiny.

I command you spirit of anger to

depart from me and go into the
abyss in the name of Jesus. I
forbid you from ever returning

I receive grace for self-control in

the name of Jesus. I speak the
shalom of Adonai into my heart
and life in the name of Jesus.

Page 131 of 147


(Addictions are like soft chains-

easy to enter but difficult to
come out of, except by the
power of God.)

In the name of Jesus, I repent of

my involvement in this sinful
habit and addiction of (mention
the addiction). Lord, I know it is
sinful in your sight. I am sorry for
my continual involvement in it

In the name of Jesus, I renounce

and break the power of
(mention the addiction) in my
life. I bind you demons of
(mention the addictions). I

Page 132 of 147

command you all to be cast into
the abyss in the name of Jesus.

By the power of God, I overcome

every strange habit and ways of
life. By the law of the Spirit of
life in Christ Jesus, I overcome
the law of sin and of death. Sin
shall no longer have dominion
over me in the name of Jesus.

Page 133 of 147

If you have not yet received
Jesus as your Lord and
saviour, I would love to let
you know that Jesus has
satisfied the claims of justice.
He has fully paid the price for
the sins of mankind by
shedding his blood on the
cross of Calvary. He died for
your sins, rose again and is
seated at the right hand of the
father making intercession for

Page 134 of 147

To receive salvation from
sin and full redemption, say
this prayer:



Page 135 of 147


This is for those who may want

to contact our ministry for
testimonies, prayers,
deliverance, counselling,
purchase of our ministry
materials etc.




Phone: +2348060361421

Page 136 of 147


(You can get Apostle John

Udoh’s books on

Crushing The Forces Of Delay

(Revised Edition)


The Captives Free



WONDERS- Amazing Evidence of
God’s Power in Action

Page 137 of 147

to attract and maximise your


Miracle Water

Page 138 of 147



straight at the root cause of the
hindrances to progress and
blessings in people’s lives. It
exposes the wicked powers
behind the challenges.

With his wealth of knowledge

and years of experience in
tackling all kinds of problems by
the power of the Spirit, the
author, brings you face to face
with the problems, and takes
you through the process of
overcoming them.

Page 139 of 147

The power packed prayers in the
book crowns it all. You cannot go
through this book and not be
tremendously blessed.

Page 140 of 147


John Udoh is the founder and

senior pastor of John Udoh
Global Impact Ministry and
Great Cornerstone Ministry
International. He is a second
generation minister of the
gospel with an amazing Apostolic
and Prophetic Anointing.

He has a unique call to

demonstrate the spirit, power
and love of God in raising great
generals for God in every facet
of life. He is filled with passion to
show the strength of God to this
generation and His power to
everyone that is to come.

Page 141 of 147

His numerous healing and
miracle crusades have
transformed lives across the
world with amazing miracles and
healings. He lives in Abuja
Nigeria with his lovely wife,
Grace and their children. They
serve a growing number of

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