Lesson 4

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Shannon Lewis

Lesson 4/7
World History since the Fifteenth Century- Grade 12 University Prep
Subject / Course:
Topic: Europe and the Renaissance  
Lesson Title:  Religion and the Rise of Protestantism
Strand: B3 75 min    

Lesson Objectives (Big Idea):

Students will get an overview of the role religion played in European society during
the 1450-1650 time period. They will gain background information on the creation of
Protestantism as a reformation against errors made by the Catholic church. As well as
the consequences this had on individuals living in Europe at the time.

Curriculum Expectations:

A1. Historical Inquiry: use the historical inquiry process and the concepts of historical thinking
when investigating aspects of world history since the fifteenth century
● A1.7 evaluate and synthesize their findings to formulate conclusions and/or make
informed judgements or predictions about the issues, events, and/or developments
they are investigating
● A1.8 communicate their ideas, arguments, and conclusions using various formats and
styles, as appropriate for the audience and purpose
● A1.10 use appropriate terminology when communicating the results of their
B3. Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage: analyse, with reference to the contributions of specific
individuals, ways in which ideas, values, and artistic production affected the development of
identity, citizenship, and/or heritage in various societies between 1450 and 1650
● B3.2 analyse how various factors affected the rights and responsibilities of individuals.
and/or groups in various societies during this period.

​ istorical Significance, Historical Perspectives, Continuity and

Historical Frameworks: H
Change, Cause and Consequence


● Teacher needs computer, projector, and speakers for the video and powerpoint
● Students need computers/chromebooks for research, teacher will bring a few
books that relate to the topic from the library
Shannon Lewis

● Whiteboard markers/chaulk
● Handout explaining the debate ​(attached at the end of plan)

Lesson Body:

Hook: 10 min
● Comparison of two European maps that show the shift from Catholic
domination to Protestant reform in certain regions - these will be projected side
by side on the board. Short class discussion, asking students to analyze both
maps and come up with predictions on the 5Ws (Who, What, When, Where,
Why?) this shift took place.
Assessment Type: ​Assessment for learning - teacher can get an overview of level of
understanding the students have on this subject (mental notes can be taken by the
teacher to help guide the rest of the lesson).

Instruction: 20-25 min

● Video that gives and overview of the context of religion in Europe during the
time period (Catholic dominance) and the the rise of Protestantism from Henry
VIII (~15 min)
● video presents the information in a humorous way that is friendly to viewers of
all beliefs ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o8oIELbNxE

Differentiation:​ subtitles will be turned on so for those who not strong auditory
learners or have lower English language proficiency levels.
● Class discussion of key points from the video - these points will be written on
the board for students to copy in their notes (~5 min)

Activity: 40 min
● Debate: The class will be split into 2 groups (split class equally in the middle)
and given a side of Protestant Reform movement (stay with Catholics or move
towards their new religion). They must research and present points for their
assigned side of the argument.
● Research can be done in books provided to the class (textbooks and other
related materials taken from the school library) or by using chromebooks, cell
phones, or personal laptops. Groups should work together to consolidate their
points (~25 min)
● Class debate with each argument presented back and forth by each group for a
total of 4 arguments. (~15 min)

Assessment Type:​ ​Assessment of Learning

● teacher can gauge the understanding of individual students as they participate
in the debate (observation notes will be taken by the teacher to record this).
Shannon Lewis

● Students who might feel uncomfortable taking a side OR speaking in the

debate can write a one-two page assignment on how the issues is historically
● Various in the materials used for research based on the student’s learning style

Closing: 5 min
Class debrief on the debate - ask what was challenging? Offer insights on what went
well or what can be improved (for the class as a whole).

Assessment Type: ​Assessment as Learning - students reflect on what they learned

today and the next steps they need to take for things they find difficult to understand


Rise of Protestantism Debate

-In your group must argue for ​OR​​ against the ​Protestant Reformation​ in 16th Century Europe in
a classic style debate. Your side of the argument will be decided by the teacher.

-Research (using textbooks, online resources, or print resources provided by the teacher) the
historical perspectives of your side of the argument, in order to formulate ​FOUR​​ key points.

-Determine which students will be presenting each argument in the debate and prepare to
speak on each one for no longer than 2 minutes.


-If you do not wish to participate in the debate, you will individually write a ​one-page ​paper that
takes about the historical significance of the ​Protestant Reformation ​in 16th Century Europe.

-Research (using textbooks, online resources, or print resources provided by the teacher) the
important players and events that led to the reformation.

-Write your paper by hand and submit to the teacher by the end of the period.

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