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W e construct a dynamic rational expectations model of thefederalfinds and deposit

market that provides a rationale for central bank secrecy about current moneta y
aggregate objectives. In this analysis, the Trading Desk values secrecy because it reduces
the influence of monetary control policy on interest rates. W e then examine actual
U.S. experience with monetary control and determine that the reserve bias predicted
by the model is present in the datafrom 2978 to 1985. Finally, w e demonstrate that
central bank secrecy may not lower the value of commercial banks.

I. INTRODUCTION gues that disclosure of the current policy

Central banks are notoriously secretive would cause markets to move interest
not only about the policy making process rates in a manner contrary to the central
but also about the actual policy adopted. bank's objectives.' This paper uses a
For example, the Federal Open Market choice-theoretic framework to formally
Committee of the Federal Reserve System examine the "inappropriate market reac-
(hereafter denoted FOMC) does not keep tion" defense of central bank secrecy.
minutes of its policy meetings and does Specifically, this paper provides a ratio-
not disclose the Domestic Policy Direc- nale for secrecy about a central bank's
tive-the adopted policy-until the direc- current monetary aggregate objectives in
tive is no longer current. While it is easy a dynamic rational expectations model of
to rationalize secrecy about the policy the federal funds and deposit market. In
making process, intuitively, secrecy about the model, secrecy forces commercial
the adopted policy is puzzling since the banks to solve a bivariate signal extraction
uncertainty created might be expected to problem in which they use the current
inhibit a central bank's ability to achieve federal funds rate and the current deposit
the adopted policy. rate to estimate both the current reserve
The FOMC provided several arguments target and future reserve targets. The sig-
for its policy of non-disclosure in Merrill nal extraction problem results in the fed-
v. FOMC, one of which was the "inappro- eral funds rate being less sensitive to the
priate market reaction" defense. The "in- current level of reserves.
appropriate market reaction" defense ar- Central bank concern for the level of
interest rates can induce it to consistently
set total reserves above its current reserve
target. Secrecy, by reducing the sensitivity
Department of Finance at the University of Notre of the interest rate to the current level of
Dame and Department of Economics at Texas ALM
University. Ron Balvers, Michael Dotsey, Burkhard reserves, lowers the marginal interest rate
Drees, Marvin Goodfriend, Raymond Lombra, cost of moving towards the central bank's
Thomas Mayer, Carlos Pinerua, Richard Sheehan, and
Carl Walsh made helpful comments on earlier versions
of this paper. Lisa Narbut provided research assis-
tance. 1. See Goodfriend [1986]and Mayer [1987l.

Economic Inquiry
VO~.XXM,July 1993,370-382 @WesternEconomic Association International

reserve target and, hence, lowers the up- information regime influences the value of
ward bias in total reserves. Consequently, commercial banks through two channels.
the central bank prefers secrecy to disclo- Secrecy motivates the trading desk to sup-
sure. In this analysis, the Trading Desk ply less reserves on average, which re-
values secrecy because it reduces the in- duces commercial bank profits; but se-
fluence of its monetary control policy on crecy increases the covariance of deposits
interest rates. with the spread between the loan rate and
Under both secrecy and disclosure, our the deposit rate, which increases commer-
analysis predicts that the Trading Desk cial bank profits. The analysis reveals that
will exhibit an upward bias in its choice for reasonable parameter values central
of total reserves and, hence, in its choice bank secrecy can increase the value of
of monetary aggregates such as M1 and commercial banks. Consequently, it is pos-
M2. In section IV, we attempt to determine sible that both the central bank and com-
if M1 was above target on average from mercial banks prefer secrecy to disclosure
1978 to 1985. The mean percentage differ- of the current monetary aggregate objec-
ence between M1 and the mid-point of the tive.
ranges for M1 contained in the Domestic
Policy Directive over the period 1978 to II. THE TRADING DESKS MONETARY
1985 was 1.6 percent per year, which is CONTROL PROBLEM
greater than zero at the 5 percent level of The monetary policy process in the
statistical significance. United States can be characterized as fol-
Conventional wisdom holds that the lows. The FOMC solves a decision prob-
welfare of commercial banks is lowered by lem involving objectives such as high em-
central bank secrecy. The influence of cen- ployment, economic growth, price stabil-
tral bank secrecy on the variability and ity, and exchange rate stability. The
predictability of interest rates is a common FOMC's decision problem results in a di-
object of analysis. A standard result is that rective to the Trading Desk at the Federal
secrecy reduces the predictability of inter- Reserve Bank of New York, involving
est rates.2 However, a second more subtle growth rate targets for monetary aggre-
effect of secrecy is that the information gates and a tolerance range for the federal
regime changes the covariance structure of funds rate.3
the economy. In this section we formalize a Trading
Given the choice-theoretic framework Desk's monetary control problem. Sup-
of this paper, it is possible to examine the pose the Trading Desk engages in open
conjecture that central bank secrecy low- market operations in an attempt to
ers the value of commercial banks. In achieve the intermediate targets contained
general, it is not possible to order the in the policy directive from the Central
relative value of commercial banks under Bank. The Trading Desk knows the current
the alternative information regimes. The reserve target, which is contained in the
Policy Directive to the Trading Desk, but
future reserve targets are uncertain. As-
2. See Dotsey (1987, Tabellini [1987, and Rudin sume that the Trading Desk treats interme-
[1988] on the relationshipbetween secrecy and interest diate targets as exogenously given and
rate variability and predictability. See Lombra and that the reserve targets, Rf, evolve accord-
Struble [1979] on the relationshipbetween interest rate
predictability and the welfare of financial institutions. ing to the following stochastic process:
Our manuscript, Cosimano and Van Huyck [1991],
demonstrates that there is no necessary relationship
between interest rate predictability and commercial
bank value. See Hakansson et al. [1982] for an abstract
discussion of necessary and sufficient conditions for
information to have social value in pure exchange. 3. See Cosimano and Van Huyck [1989].

p~licymaking.”~ For whatever reason, it

appears that the Trading Desk is con-
cerned with both reserve and interest rate
where wt is normally distributed with objectives and, hence, for descriptive pur-
mean zero and variance u$ and a, is pos- poses we treat h as greater than 0 but less
itive and less than the reciprocal of the than 1.
Trading Desk’s discount rate. The stochas- In order to formalize the constraints on
tic nature of the reserve targets reflects the the Trading Desk’s decision problem, we
Central Bank’s response to changing mac- need to specify how the federal funds rate
roeconomic conditions. In this paper, se- is influenced by the Trading Desk’s open
crecy refers to an information regime in market operations. It seems reasonable to
which the Central Bank does not disclose believe that the monetary control problem
the current reserve target, RT, to the public is a dynamic problem, that is, the expected
until it is no longer current. supply of reserves in the future will influ-
The Trading Desk chooses total re- ence the current federal funds rate. Con-
serves, R , to minimize the following loss sideration of portfolio adjustment costs
function: (see McCallum [1985,584]) or loan adjust-
ment costs (see Cosimano [1988, 1201)
would produce such dynamics. Section VI
m constructs an explicit dynamic rational
(2)S1= C 6’-’ET “(1- hXR, - RT)*]/2 + hf,), expectations model of the commercial
banking industry in which the dynamics

arise because of deposit adjustment costs.

We delay our discussion of the commercial
where fi denotes the federal funds rate in banking industry in order to focus on the
period t, 6 denotes the Trading Desk’s time Trading Desk’s monetary control problem.
discount rate, and El denotes the expecta- Assume that the federal funds rate is de-
tion operator conditional on the Trading creasing in current reserves, but increasing
Desk’s information set at time T, which in lagged and expected future reserves.
contains realizations of variables dated T Specifically, assume that the federal
or earlier. The parameter h formalizes the funds rate is related to reserves by the
trade off between the reserve target and following equation:
federal funds rate objective.
A concern for low interest rates, h > 0,
weakens the Trading Desk’s incentive to
achieve the reserve targets exactly.
Lombra and Moran [1980] a n d
Karamouzis and Lombra [1989] document
The parameters pOI pl, p2 are positive
the FOMC‘s practice of choosing inconsis-
tent targets for monetary aggregates and constants, which are functions of the
interest rates from the menu of policy parameters of the supply and demand for
options compiled by the staff. Karamouzis deposits. As shown in section VI, the
and Lombra [1989, 61 conclude that ”this contemporaneous effect of reserves on the
tendency to select seemingly inconsistent funds rate is greater than the lagged or
short-run alternatives calling for ‘low’
money growth and ‘low’ interest rates in
order to secure a unanimous or near unan-
4. See Kane [1980]and Woolley [1984]for a dis-
imous vote on the Directive seems to be cussion of political pressure on the Federal Reserve
an e n d u r i n g characteristic of Fed System for low interest rates.

expected future effect, that is, p1 > p2. The The analysis derives a discretionary
parameter p is the representative equilibrium under both a regime of disclo-
commercial bank’s discount rate. The sure and a regime of secrecy. A discretion-
random variable ut denotes an industry- ary equilibrium consists of the following
wide cost shock and the random variable features: an expectations function, which
e, denotes a deposit supply shock. Let ui determines the commercial banks’ expec-
tation of future reserves, (E!R,+l}r, as a
denote the variance of ut and 0: denote
function of the commercial banks’ current
the variance of e,. The industry-wide cost information, either I; or If; a sequence of
shocks and the deposit supply shocks are decision rules for the Trading Desk, which
assumed to be uncorrelated. The term Ei determines the Trading Desk’s choice of
is the expectation operator conditional on total reserves as a function of the Trading
the representative commercial bank’s Desk’s current information. In a discre-
information set at time t . tionary equilibrium the sequence of deci-
Secrecy denotes the information regime sion rules minimizes the Trading Desk’s
in which commercial banks do not observe constrained loss function, given the com-
the current innovation to the reserve tar- mercial banks’ expectation function, and
get, yt. Disclosure denotes the information the commercial banks’ expectations are
regime in which commercial banks do ob- the best linear unbiased forecast of total
reserves, given the Trading Desk’s deci-
serve the current innovation, y.~r. Let fi de- sion rules.5 The alternative discretionary
note the representative commercial bank’s equilibria discussed in the following sec-
information under secrecy, and let If de- tions result from alternative assumptions
note the information set under disclosure. about the information available to the
Equation (3) reflects the commercial commercial banks.
banking industry’s response to Trading
Desk behavior and is a constraint on the 111. DISCLOSURE
Trading Desk’s decision problem. An im- To focus the analysis and provide a
portant characteristic of equation (3)is the useful benchmark case, suppose that, con-
dependence of the federal funds rate on trary to actual practice, the Central Bank
expected future total reserves, which the disclosed the current reserve target, R:. In
Trading Desk can and does influence. This
a linear-quadratic-gaussian framework, a
influence will depend on the information
reasonable conjecture for the functional
form of the Trading Desk’s decision rule,
Substituting the federal funds rate
which turns out to be correct, is
equation, (3), into equation (2) gives the
Trading Desk‘s constrained loss function:
(5) R, = uo + n,RT,

(4)S, = C t-1
6’-’El ([(l - h)(R, - Ry)2]/2 where uo and al are parameters to be de-
termined. If the conjectured decision rule

5. See Cosimano and Van Huyck [1989]for an anal-

where R1-,is an initial condition. The final ysis of dynamic monetary control when the Trading
component needed to complete the ana- Desk can make commitments. Secrecy undermines the
ability of the Trading Desk to make commitments. An
lytical framework is the determination of interesting result is that the value of the Trading Desk’s
the commercial banks‘ expectation of fu- loss function can be smaller under a regime of discre-
tion and secrecy than under a regime of commitment
ture reserves,. [E!R,X. ,..I. and disclosure.

satisfies the conditions of a discretionary Desk puts on keeping the federal funds
equilibrium, then the commercial banks rate low, that is, parameter h. If h equals
would use equations (5) and (1)to forecast 0, then the Trading Desk achieves the
total reserves. reserve target in every period and there is
Substituting (1)into (5) and taking ex- no bias. The greater the concern for low
pectations conditioned on If, which in- interest rates the larger the bias.6
cludes RT, gives the following expecta-
tions equation for the commercial banks:
In reality, central banks almost never
disclose their current policy objectives and
often go to great lengths to conceal them.
Consequently, although providing a use-
f o r t = T, ~ + 1 ,... . Under disclosure the
ful benchmark case, the analysis of dy-
Trading Desk's current choice of total re-
namic monetary control under disclosure
serves, R,, does not influence the commer-
fails to explain observed central bank se-
cial banks' expectations of R,+,, because crecy. Suppose that the Central Bank does
the commercial banks know the current not disclose the current reserve target con-
total reserve target, RT. tained in the policy directive and that this
The final step in deriving a discretion- target is not inferable from known Central
ary equilibrium under disclosure is to ver- Bank objectives and perceivable macro-
ify that the conjectured decision rule, (5), economic conditions.
minimizes the Trading Desks constrained Under secrecy commercial banks fore-
loss function, (4), subject to the conjec- cast R,,, using their knowledge of current
tured expectations equation, (6). Substitut- observable variables and of the Trading
ing (6) into (4) and taking the derivative Desk's decision problem. Again, a reason-
with respect to R, gives the Euler condi- able conjecture for the functional form of
tions for this problem, which can be re- the Trading Desk's decision rule, which
written as follows: turns out to be correct, is R, = bo + b,RT,
where bo and b, are parameters to be
determined. Given the conjectured deci-
sion rule and equation (l), the expecta-
f o r t = T, T+ 1, ... . Equation (7) has the tions function for commercial banks under
conjectured functional form of equation secrecy is
(5) where uo equals h(p, - 6p2)/(l - h) and
u, equals 1.Since the contemporaneous ef-
fect of reserves on the funds rate is greater
than the lagged effect, that is, p1 > p2 and
since 6 is less than 1 by assumption, uo is
a positive constant.
The Trading Desk's decision rule, (7),
prescribes setting total reserves above the
current reserve target by some constant
amount. The analysis predicts that the
Trading Desk will exhibit an upward bias 6. A referee has pointed out that there is a parallel
in its choice of total reserves and, hence, between the reserve bias demonstrated in our discre-
tionary analysis of the dynamic monetary control
in its choice of monetary aggregates such problem and the inflation bias demonstrated in Barro
as M1 and M2. The size of the bias de- and Gordon's (19831 discretionary analysis of the re-
pends on how much weight the Trading peated inflation surprise game.

for t = T, ~ + 1 ...
, . Unlike disclosure, under
secrecy the banks can only estimate RT
based on knowledge of the model and on The final step in deriving a discretion-
contemporaneous observation of the fed- ary equilibrium under secrecy is to verify
eral funds rate and the deposit rate, that that the conjectured decision rule mini-
is, the commercial banks confront a bivar- mizes the trading desk’s loss function sub-
iate signal extraction problem. ject to the conjectured expectations equa-
The bivariate signal extraction problem tion. Substituting (9) and (10) into (4) and
is solved in the appendix using the com- taking the derivative with respect to R,
mercial banking model developed in sec- gives the Euler conditions for this prob-
tion VI. Observing the federal funds rate lem, which can be rewritten as follows:
and the deposit rate when combined with
the model and the history of all stochastic
forcing processes allows commercial
banks to infer two signals

for t = T, ~ + 1 ...
, . Equation (11)is the best
response to the commercial banks’ expec-
tation equations and it has the conjectured
functional form of the decision rule used
to derive the expectations equation: b,
equals h[p1 (1-alPp2d) -bpd/(l-h) and bl
where tf denotes the deposit rate and equals 1. Since it can be shown that b, is
Qi-l denotes all variables dated t-1 or ear- positive, the analysis predicts a positive
lier. The linear least squares projection of reserve bias under secrecy. Comparing the
wt on and s; is Trading Desk‘s decision rule under disclo-
sure, (7), with its decision rule under se-
crecy, (ll),reveals that b, = al and b, = uo
- a1P P Z P l d h / ( W . The term %P P2Pldh
/(l-/z) is positive and reflects the influence
of current reserves on expected future re-
serves under secrecy. Since alpp2pldh
/(l-h) is positive, the analysis predicts that
(It will be useful to know that 0 < dp, < 1 secrecy reduces the upward bias in the
in what follows.) Under secrecy, commer- Trading Desk’s choice of total reserves.
cial banks’ perception of the current inno- A reasonable conjecture, given the
vation to the reserve target E[y,lZ;] is a smaller bias under secrecy, is that the
function of current reserves, R,. The Trad- Trading Desk would prefer to keep the
ing Desk’s current choice of total reserves reserve target secret. To confirm this con-
influences the federal funds rate, which in- jecture, calculate the value of the Trading
fluences the commercial banks’ perception Desk’s loss function under secrecy. Substi-
of the innovation to the reserve target, tuting the stochastic process for the re-
and, hence, influences the commercial serve target, (l),the forecasting equations
banks’ forecast of total reserves in period (9) and (lo), and the Trading Desk’s deci-
t+l, that is, sion rule, (ll),into the constrained loss
function, equation (4)-and after some al-

The funds rate is less sensitive to total re-

serves under secrecy. This result depends
on three features of the analysis. First, the
reserve targets must be positively au-
tocorrelated, that is, a, > 0. Second, the
where S; is the value of the Trading Desk's commercial banks must solve a dynamic
loss function under disclosure. Inspection decision problem, that is, p2 > 0. Third, the
of equation (12) reveals that S: < S:, be- current reserve target must be secret, that
cause b < l and alp,pf/2<1. Conse- is, (6>0.
quently, the value of the Trading Desk's Since the funds rate is less sensitive to
loss function is smaller under secrecy. total reserves under secrecy, a given bias
A concern for the level of interest rates in the supply of total reserves is associated
results in the Trading Desk choosing ac- with a lower interest rate. When the objec-
tual reserves greater than target reserves. tives of the Trading Desk include a con-
The size of this reserve bias depends on cern for the level of interest rates, h > 0,
the sensitivity of the federal funds rate to secrecy lowers the value of its loss func-
the current level of reserves. Because com- tion. In this analysis, the Trading Desk
mercial banks cannot perfectly distinguish values secrecy because it reduces the in-
between changes in reserves and random fluence of its monetary control policy on
shocks to the federal funds market, se- interest rates.
crecy reduces the sensitivity of the federal
funds rate to the current level of reserves.
Hence, secrecy lowers the marginal inter- V. WAS M1 ABOVE TARGET ON AVERAGE
est rate cost of moving towards the Trad- FROM 1978 TO 19857
ing Desk's reserve target and, thus, lowers The previous sections provide a simple
the upward bias in actual reserves. The analysis of the Trading Desk's Monetary
Trading Desk values secrecy because it Control problem. The analysis has ab-
reduces the influence of its monetary con- stracted from many considerations some
trol policy on interest rates. of which may be important. This section
Specifically, the Trading Desk does bet- examines actual U.S. experience with
ter under a regime of secrecy because the monetary control to determine if the pre-
resulting bivariate signal extraction prob- dicted bias is observed.
lem reduces the elasticity of the federal The M1 targets are constructed from the
funds rate with respect to current total M1 target ranges contained in the Domes-
reserves, R,. Substituting the relevant ex- tic Policy Directive reported in the Federal
pectations function and decision rule into Reserve Bulletin as follows. First, calculate
the federal funds rate equation, (3), gives the mid-point of the M1 target ranges to
the reduced-form expression for the funds obtain an annual growth rate target. Sec-
rate under disclosure and secrecy. The ond, convert the annual growth rate target
sensitivity of the funds rate to current total to growth rate target for the intermeeting
reserves under disclosure and secrecy is period. Third, obtain the money supply
figures available to the FOMC at the time
of their meeting7 Fourth, calculate-using
continuous compounding- the M1 target

7. The authors thank Richard Sheehan for provid-

ing this data.

consistent with the best available figure

for M1 and the intermeeting growth rate
target. Table I reports the constructed time
series for the M1 target, the actual value
of M1, the difference between the actual
and target value of M1,and the percentage
While M1 is not uniformly above target, where p is one over one plus the bank’s
the mean percentage difference is 0.2 per- 6
return on equity, is the loan rate, $ is
cent over an intermeeting period. The null the deposit rate, pi is the random compo-
hypothesis that the mean percentage dif- nent of the marginal cost of deposits, and
ference is not positive generates a t-statis- all C ~ are
S positive parameters.
tic of 1.71, which exceeds the critical value Banks hire labor and capital to provide
of 1.658 at the 5 percent level of statistical liquidity services to their depositors.s
significance. Given an average of eight Hence, the marginal cost of deposits de-
meetings a year, the mean percentage dif- pends on the cost of these resources. The
ference between M1 and the mid-point of quadratic term in the level of deposits
the ranges for M1 contained in the Domes- represents the increasing cost of providing
tic Policy Directive over the period 1978 to liquidity with fixed banking locations and
1985 was 1.6 percent per year. Hence, the check clearing facilities. The marginal cost
data does not contradict the model’s pre- of deposits also contains a random com-
diction that a concern for the level of ponent, pf, which represents both bank
interest rates, which is also expressed in specific and industry wide shocks. (Notice
the Domestic Policy Directive over this that without these cost shocks the com-
period, biases monetary aggregates above mercial banks could infer the current in-
the relevant monetary targets. novation in the reserve target from the
funds rate and deposit rate signals and,
hence, we would not have a meaningful
distinction between disclosure and se-
VI. CENTRAL BANK SECRECY AND THE crecy.) The value function is linear in rev-
enue from loans and federal funds.
While something like the federal funds The model’s dynamics arise from the
rate equation used in our analysis could quadratic cost of adjustment term in equa-
be consistent with a number of commer- tion (14).The adjustment term could rep-
cial banking models, this section derives resent the cost of adjusting labor and cap-
it from an explicit model. This will not ital to provide changing levels of liquidity
only allow us to derive the federal funds (see Sargent [1987] on labor and capital
rate equation and formalize the signal adjustment costs) or the adjustment term
extraction problem, but also allow us to could represent transaction specific in-
formalize secrecy’s influence on the value vestment in customer relationships. If a
of the commercial banks. bank wants to attract a customer from a
The banking industry is composed of competitor, it must pay a portion of the
n competitive commercial banks. The ith cost of setting up a customer relationship.
commercial bank chooses deposits, Di, This cost includes the loss of interest in-
loans, Li, and federal funds, 4, to maxi- come on float during the change, evaluat-
mize the present value of expected profits,
8. See Saving [19n], Cosimano [1987], or Sweeney

M1 Target Derived from Domestic Policy Directive
and Actual M1: 1978-1985
Date of Percent
Meeting M1 Target Actual M1 Actual-Target Difference

Jan. 17,1978 341.53 336.10 -5.43 -1.6%

Feb. 28,1978 336.78 335.90 -0.88 -0.3
Mar. 21, 1978 337.45 341.70 4.25 1.3
Apr. 18,1978 343.34 350.50 7.16 2.1
May 16,1978 352.35 349.70 -2.65 -0.7
June 20,1978 351.79 354.10 2.31 0.7
July 18, 1978 355.68 353.10 -2.58 -0.7
Aug. 15,1978 355.14 357.30 2.16 0.6
Sep. 19, 1978 359.22 359.90 0.68 0.2
Oct. 17, 1978 362.15 362.10 -0.05 -0.0
Nov. 21, 1978 363.49 360.70 -2.79 -0.8
Dec. 19, 1978 362.64 357.60 -5.04 -1.4
Feb. 06,1979 359.66 360.10 0.44 0.1
Mar. 20, 1979 361.76 359.40 -2.36 -0.6
Apr. 17,1979 361.47 364.90 3.43 0.9
May 22,1979 366.13 368.60 2.47 0.7
July 11,1979 370.19 372.30 2.11 0.6
Aug. 14, 1979 374.45 376.90 2.45 0.7
Sep. 18,1979 378.09 377.80 -0.29 -0.1
Oct. 06, 1979 379.76 379.20 -0.56 -0.1
Nov. 20, 1979* 382.07 381.70 -0.37 -0.1
Jan. 09, 1980 383.35 389.30 5.95 1.6
Feb. 05,1980 391.17 391.30 0.13 0.0
Mar. 18, 1980 393.18 390.40 -2.78 -0.7
Apr. 22,1980 391.90 388.60 -3.30 -0.8
May 20,1980 392.90 391.60 -1.30 -0.3
July 09,1980 394.35 394.30 -0.05 -0.0
Aug. 12,1980 397.71 403.00 5.29 1.3
Sep. 16,1980 405.51 409.70 4.19 1.o
Oct. 21, 1980 411.49 411.90 0.41 0.1
Nov. 18, 1980 413.65 412.40 -1.25 -0.3
Dec. 19, 1980 414.87 416.40 1.53 0.4
Feb. 03,1981 419.97 420.60 0.63 0.2
Mar. 31, 1981 423.72 430.90 7.18 1.7
May 18, 1981 432.75 429.00 -3.75 -0.9
July 07, 1981 432.22 433.70 1.48 0.3
Aug. 18, 1981 437.79 431.70 -6.09 -1.4
Oct. 06, 1981 435.19 433.20 -1.99 -0.5
Nov. 18, 1981 436.12 440.60 4.48 1.0
Dec. 22, 1981 442.89 450.50 7.61 1.7
Feb. 01,1982 450.50 449.00 -1.50 -0.3

TABLE I continued
M1 Target Derived from Domestic Policy Directive
and Actual M1: 1978-1985
Date of Percent
Meeting M1 Target Actual M1 Actual-Target Difference
Mar. 28,1982 450.81 449.90 -0.91 -0.2
May 18,1982 451.46 452.50 1.04 0.2
June 30,1982 455.98 453.40 -2.58 -0.6
Aug. 24,1982 456.02 461.00 4.98 1.1
Nov. 15,1982‘ - - - -
Dec. 21, 1982 - - - -
Feb. 09,1983 - - - -
Mar. 28, 1983 499.39 506.90 7.51 1.5
May 24,1983 511.34 508.30 -3.04 -0.6
July 12, 1983 512.41 516.90 4.49 0.9
Aug. 23,1983 521.08 517.80 -3.28 -0.6
Oct. 04, 1983 522.29 515.70 -6.59 -1.3
Nov. 15,1983 518.19 522.70 4.51 0.9
Dec. 20,1983 526.32 523.60 -2.72 -0.5
Jan. 31, 1984 529.14 536.10 6.96 1.3
Mar. 26, 1984 541.46 539.40 -2.06 -0.4
May 22, 1984 544.79 544.60 -0.19 -0.0
July 16, 1984 547.47 547.30 -0.17 -0.0
Aug. 21,1984 550.45 549.60 -0.85 -0.1
Oct. 02, 1984 552.76 544.70 -8.06 -1.5
Nov. 07,1984 546.58 547.10 0.52 0.1
Dec. 17, 1984 552.99 559.60 6.61 1.2
Feb. 12,1985 564.78 570.60 5.82 1.0
Mar. 26, 1985 575.88 577.60 1.72 0.3
May 21,1985 582.94 596.00 13.06 2.2
July 10, 1985 599.15 601.90 2.75 0.5
Aug. 20,1985 607.82 610.40 2.58 0.4
Oct. 01, 1985 614.22 613.60 -0.62 -0.1
Nov. 04, 1985* 617.85 626.10 8.25 1.3
*The definition of M1 changes between the Nov. 20,1979 and Jan.9,1980 meetings. The directive
does not contain M1 target ranges for the following meetings: Nov. 15, 1982; Dec. 21, 1982;
Feb. 9,1983. The FOMC ceased including M1 targets after the May 20, 1986 meeting.
Source: Federal Reseive Bulletin, various issues.

ing the cost and benefits of doing business justment costs are an important source of
with a new bank, and learning the loca- dynamics.
tions, hours, and procedures of the new The loan market will only be used to
bank. Additionally, it is costly to establish close the model in order to calculate the
the new customer’s account. Flannery value of commercial banks under disclo-
[1982]presents evidence that deposit ad- sure and secrecy. The cost of loans in-

creases at an increasing rate, which repre- posit rate and on a random shock to de-
sents the resource cost of evaluating and posits:
monitoring loans. For simplicity, the anal-
ysis assumes that loan demand is inelas-
Assume that a bank holds neither ex- where mo and ml are positive parameters,
cess nor borrowed reserves. Relaxing this
and E, is a serially uncorrelated random
assumption merely obscures the analysis
of secrecy in this paper without contribut- variable with mean zero and finite vari-
ing insight. Consequently, the balance ance.,' The deposit rate can be found by
sheet constraint of a bank reduces to using the deposit demand equation (15)
Fi = (1-O)Di - Li, where 8 is the required and the deposit supply equation (16) to
solve out for current deposits, which gives
reserve ratio.
The Euler equation for a bank's deposit
demand is found by substituting the bal- (17) = (1-ndO)f, + dc2D,-l + dc2PE;Dt+,
ance sheet constraint into equation (14)
and taking the derivative with respect to
D:. Let D, denote the sum of the deposits
supplied by the n banks. Summing across where d = 1/ [ n + [cl + c2(l+p)]ml 1.
the n Euler equations gives the aggregate
deposit demand: The equilibrium condition for the fed-
eral funds market is obtained by adding
together the balance sheet constraints of
(15) D, = (n(l-O)f, - nt + c2D,-, the individual banks and by noting that
L , - D, equals the total reserves deter-
mined by the Trading Desk, R,. The federal
funds market clears when OD,= R,.
where u , is the sum of the pi and is serially Together, the equilibrium conditions for
uncorrelated with mean zero and finite the deposit market and the federal funds
variance.10 market yield the federal funds rate that
To complete the market for deposits, simultaneously clears the federal funds
assume that the aggregate supply of de- and deposit market, which was denoted
posits depends linearly on the spread be- equation (3) in section 11:
tween the federal funds rate and the de-

9. See Cosimano [1988] for a more developed + p2R,-, - u , + e ,

model of the loan market. where
10. The signal extraction problem arises because
commercial banks do not observe P I . If was observ-
able, then commercial banks could infer the current
innovation to the reserve target from the deposit rate
and the federal funds rate. In their analysis of the
FOMC's decision problem, Cukierman and Meltzer
[1986] and Lewis [1991] argue that imperfect monetary
control causes private agents to solve a signal extrac-
tion problem. Interestingly, the Trading Desk has no 11. Our analysis focuses on the Trading Desk's
incentive to create ambiguity through imperfect mon- short term monetary control problem. A more complete
etary control in order to hide the current reserve target. model would include the influence of the price level
In fact, it is possible to show that the Trading Desk on deposit demand and supply. However, we do not
prefers perfect monetary control in the framework of believe that these long term considerations will elim-
this paper. inate the effect of secrecy illustrated by the analysis.

equation (18) and (19). Notice that because

p,pf < 1 this second influence increases a
bank's value. Under both regimes the vari-
ance of the reserve target increases the cost
of deposit adjustment and, hence, lowers
Deriving equation (3) from a choice-the- the value of a commercial bank: c2 > 0.
oretic analysis of the commercial banking However, secrecy increases the covariance
industry allows us to determine the rela- between deposits and the spread between
tive magnitudes of the parameters. For ex- the loan rate and the deposit rate, which
ample, we know that p1 is less than one increases the value of a commercial bank.
and greater than p2 as was claimed. When the Trading Desk has little con-
By substituting the Trading Desk's de- cern for the level of the federal funds
cision rule, the market clearing conditions, rate--h is small-then the steady state
the balance sheet condition, and the first- levels of reserves under disclosure and
order conditions into the ith bank's value secrecy are nearly equal and the covari-
function, (14), it is possible to calculate the ance influence of secrecy dominates.
value of a commercial bank, which under Hence, for reasonable parameter values
disclosure is central bank secrecy can increase the value
of commercial banks. Consequently, it is
possible that both the central bank and
commercial banks prefer secrecy to disclo-

and under secrecy is

(19) E< = [ ii+ c l [ % / ( l - ~ ) + b,I2/2e2
This appendix derives equation (lo), which
is the optimal forecast of yt based on the cur-
rent information available to the commercial
banks under secrecy: the deposit rate and the
where SE denotes those terms that do not funds rate. Let = fi,#,Qi-l), where Qf-1 de-
change with the information regime. notes all variables dated t-1 or earlier. By equa-
tion (3) the federal funds rate allows commer-
In general, it is not possible to order the
cial banks to infer the following signal:
relative value of the ith bank under disclo-
sure versus secrecy. The information re-
gime influences the value of a commercial
bank for two reasons. First, the Trading
Desk chooses a smaller steady state level
of total reserves under secrecy, b, < u,, and by equation (17) the deposit rate allows
which reduces a bank's value; see the commercial banks to infer the following signal:
middle term of the right-hand side of
equations (18) and (19). Second, secrecy
(A2) s'; = 8- E [ 8 I Qi-11 =ylut + Y2et,

increases the covariance between deposits where y1 = nde and y2 = (1-nd)e.

and the spread between the loan rate and
the deposit rate. The linear least squares projection of yt on 4
This second more subtle influence of and s; is
secrecy on a bank's value is reflected in
the final term of the right-hand side of ('43) E[yt I d ] = d4 - cp'd,

where Flannery, Mark J. "Retail Bank Deposits as Quasi-

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