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Juan Daniel Mayta Soria, PUCP Code 20150783


China has been complying with the Montreal Protocol, but it is not controlling its HFCs
emissions. HFCs are being used as substitutes for CFCs and HCFCs (Ozone Depleting Gases),
but many of them are greenhouse gases.

By: Juan Daniel Mayta Soria, PUCP Code 20150783

The Montreal Protocol, smaller industry sectors; Being aware of that, there
agreed in 1987, aims to the amount of future have been two important
minimize depletion of the HFCs emission are very answers to mitigate the
ozone layer by uncertain because of it. HFCs growing emissions
eliminating the sources of to prevent GHGs keep
ozone-depleting China has received increasing in the world:
substances (ODS). China subsidy (1.2 billion of the “2024 phase down”
ratified on it, so it was USD) from the Multilateral scenario and the “2013
obligated to freeze Fund (MLF) of the North American
production of Montreal Protocol for Proposal”, a stricter one.
Chlorofluorocarbons ODS phase-out projects. In ​figure 2,​ HFCs future
(CFCs) and halons since For a real assessment of and projected emissions
1999 to completely phase the progress of it; we are shown.
them out by 2010. It have to analyze its
started replacing CFCs emission inventory of Finally, it’s important to
by ODS and HFCs, and the keep continuously
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons impact on the ozone layer monitoring of the ODS
(HCFC) and other from 1980 to 2014. and HFC levels, to
substances, which have a guarantee the progress of
China is an industrial the efforts to mitigate
smaller ozone-depleting
country and has been the them. There is evidence
effect; then,
principal the contributor of that suggest ODS
ODS by many decades, emissions are being
(HFCs) replaced them.
form 1980 to 2014. emitted again because its
HFCs doesn’t deplete the
Because of its growing rate of decrease it is
ozone layer, but many of
economy, its Montreal slower than the past
them are greenhouse
Protocol ratifying was a years, as it is shown in
key factor to phase out the ​figure 3 (the red line
HFCs emissions in China the ozone layer depletion. represents the actual
are very dependent on In ​figure 1,​ there are the CFC-11 equivalent
the demand for industries CFC-11 equivalent concentration in the
that used to require CFCs emissions progress, atmosphere, and the blue
for their production and which is reducing every line the projected
consumption, such as year, and the CO2 concentration).
refrigeration, air equivalent emissions, that
conditioning, foam are getting bigger
blowing and other 10 because of no control.
Juan Daniel Mayta Soria, PUCP Code 20150783

Figure 1

Figure 2
Juan Daniel Mayta Soria, PUCP Code 20150783

Figure 3

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