Standard 4

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Individual Reflection

Amber Kennedy
Group: Amber, Emma, Tori and Vittoria

For our contemporary issue our group choose to do technology. Technology was the chosen
topic due to its relevance to new teachers as they come out into the work force from
university. We looked at the significance of technology, the implications, both the
advantages and disadvantages. The group also explored the concept of moving forward.

Together as a group Emma, Tori, Vittoria and I reviewed and analysed a contemporary issue,
otherwise known as a point of discussion found in early childhood education settings. As a
group we determined how the issue was framed by parents, teachers and the wider school
community. the specific topic of discussion was ‘Technology in the early childhood setting’,
this is of importance to Early childhood educators especially because of the highly
technological world that we are living in. Technology is something that children are familiar
with and use regularly therefore as educators we need to be effective users of this resource.

The assignment was completed collaboratively with each group member completing one
significant section with the support of other group members. To ensure a collaborative
approach was taken in completing this assignment, a Google document was created by
Vittoria, where each group member could work on the assignment at the same time. The
group met and collaborated both face to face and online using the Google document. This
was a useful resource for creating a cohesive working platform that allowed everyone to
participate and contribute. Although everyone in the group contributed and brought
valuable information and key ideas I believe that Vittoria took the initiative in ensuring that
the assignment was professional, clear and appropriate. Once we had finalised the
information Vittoria transferred it onto a Power point so that we could finish it off using
Google again so that we were all able to make changes.

As a group we had to overcome 3 main issues, including how to be different from the other
technology group. We did this by discussing the things we liked and didn’t like about the
previous technology group and then decided on how we would be different from this and
what else we needed to incorporate. Next, we needed to develop ways to make our
presentation engaging and hands on, to establish an engaging presentation we decided to
start with a brainstorm then lead in using a block of talking followed by 3 consecutive
activities that were hands on and finish by concluding the relevance of these activities.
The last issue we had to overcome was how to get iPads, I took the initiative to email Jo and
ask for her help. I was lead to Aldo, who I called and he then instructed me on the process
to getting iPads.

The key points I brought to the group were the disadvantages of technology in an early
childhood setting. These included the overall cost of technology, how it has increased
since 1995 and the impact this has on families and the school community (Romeo 2003).
The other main point was the misuse of technology, and how students can abuse the
resource. Technology, although it is useful, also has the potential to be disruptive and
inappropriate if it’s not monitored and used effectively (Hyde 2014). I collaborated with my
group to complete other areas of the presentation and together we supported each other to
be able to identify any gaps in our presentation.

In doing this assignment I have learnt more about the research behind technology the
implications that affect teachers, students, families and schools. Technology is a growing
part of education and as it is forever changing we need to be developing our knowledge and
skills to coincide with this change. I have learnt what a great resource technology can be
providing it is used correctly and has a pedagogical purpose. I have learnt that any resource
can be considered inappropriate or appropriate depending on how it is used.
Reference List

Romeo, G, Edwards, S, McNamara, S, Walker, I & Ziguras, C 2003, ‘Touching the screen:
issues related to the use of touchscreen technology in early childhood education’, British
journal of educational technology, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 329-339.

Hyde, M, Carpenter, L & Conway, R 2014, Diversity, inclusion, and engagement, 2nd edn,
Oxford, Victoria, Australia.

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