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We mediate our activities by using language as a tool . Language learning is

mediated by all semiotic sources available in the learning environment which
are actively brought in , created , shared and used under the guidance of the
teacher and also peers. I am a bridge to make a connection to your previous
knowledge and now. Teacher’s role is mediator . Language learning is a
mediation of inputs. Language learning is the result of expressing ‘knowledge
and engagement .’ Engagement means being active in this process .Language
should be in the environment, but is not enough (receiving ) .For language
learning to occur , we need Access to the information in the environment
(responding ). In this information can not be transmitted to us , but we must
pick it up while being engagedin meaningful activities – attention leading to
perception resulted in activity ( valuing ) . LAnguage learning is a kind of
consciousness process. Being aware of the language is not totally enough . I
need to attend this information . I need to internalize this information . I need
to focus on this information . I should be willing to use this information . I
should be willing to communicate . We choose the one that we want to learn or
willing to learn which is important to us . OF course we need enthusiasm ,
motivation . We need to react and a reaction . so , it is cognitive , emotional ,
social and effective .


Acqusition or learning ?

There is no absolute truth . Because learning is complex. It has social

dimensions , cultural dimensions , ideological dimensions and political
dimensions .


Language learning is a kind of awareness. LAnguage awareness starts at the age

of 4 or 5.

But it is unconscious. We learn consciously at school at the age of 6-7 . It is a

kind of activity that we get involved to maintain our life . Language should not
be an object , it should be active .

We must be aware of language right from start . For example ; we consider

English as an object . We should know all of the rules . For instance ; everybody
comes to my class should know all the rules from the begining . The
curriculum , syllabuses or the teacher decides what to teach , or in what order
to teach by the student /learner .

In conclusion ;

Adults , first parents and the teachers , select and organise stimuli that they
consider appropriate for learners , shape them and present them in the
learning .

mediation means enpowering the learner and taking control of learning

process and active participation of learner through interaction between
mediator and learner(reciprocity ) . The learner is very active in this process. In
ELT there are three era concerning the learners .


1) The invisible learner era

2) The learner centered era ( 1970s -1990s)
3) Person centeredness ( 2000-after )

1) THE INVISIBLE LEARNER ERA : It is also known as ‘ abstract ‘ learner .

‘The language learner as an abstaraction – a simplified representation or
personofication of the learning process, lacking any truly individual and
social dimension ‘ . (Riley ,2003)
‘Treating language learners as devices for processing information , rather
than ‘agents ‘ who actively engage in constructing the conditions of their
learning.’ ( Lantolf –Pavlenko 2001)
In the perspective of behaviourism , you are not focus on learning itself .
The learner considered as invisible Also in the terms of Universal
GRammar the learner is invisible . They don’t really pay attention what is
going on . The learner doesn’t have any right to make any decision . The
learner has no right to say ‘ no ‘ to any rule , practice or activity
.Everything is beyond control of the learner . They just sit in the
classroom . So they are invisible

2) The learner centered era

Leraner centeredness grew out of the recognition that language learners are

 Diversity of learners
 Diversity of purposes
 Diversity of teaching and learning situations

We started to give importance to learners in this era . But stil we are not talking
about particular situations . Again we are making generalizations . Learners are
stil abstract in this era .

 Language learning strategies
 Learning styles
 Learner beliefs
 Learner autonmy
 Needs analysis

3)PERSON CENTERED ERA : We have learned the importance of learners . We

give importance to the social dimensions in learning concept . Individual agency
is important . But we also need to look at social context . Agency corresponds to
the visibility of learner process . Learner agency defined as visibility of learner
process in this era . The learning is initiated by the learner actually.

 Alternating focus on social contexts and individual agency

 Agency corresponds to the visibility of the ‘person ‘ in the learning
 Successful language learning depends on crucially on the activity and
intitavie of the learner
 Learner agency as a complex dynamic system
 Agency thus emerges from the interaction between resources and
contexts and the learners’ perceptions and use of them
 Ecological perspective


‘ Ask not what is insight your head , but what is insight your head , but what
your head is insight of.:’ Gibson’s theory of perception is information –based
rather than sensation –based and to that extent , an analysis of the
environment (in terms of affordances –real , perceivable opportunities for
action in the environment ) is central to the ecological approach . Don’t deal
with the insight of the learner’s mind , where this learner is situated is more
important .

It stresses the importance of the environment , in particular ,( the direct)

perception of how the environment of an organism affords various actions to
the organism . Thus, an appropriate analysis of the environment is crucial for
explanation of perceptually guided behavior .


Language is an emergent system , not fixed and is in flux rather than static .
Through new opportunities and changes , gradually , a new system emerges
( interlanguage) . Language emerges within a context that stimulates learning
.Emergenist perspective views language learning as a joined production of
biological system in interaction with a socio-cultural system . Language learning
emerges from participation in linguistic practices in social and cultural meaning

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