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My expectations

I started to study grammar last month thinking that it would be a

piece of cake, but it was harder than I thought. I have realized that I
forgot everything I had learned before. Also, it was hard because it
was the first time I enrolled in another ICPNA. I made this decision
because the teacher who was teaching in Miraflores wasn't good
enough to make the classes interesting. However, the teacher who
was teaching in Surco was worse than the other teacher, but that's
another long story.

Recently I returned to Miraflores, but in another schedule,

because of the same teacher is still teaching in the same schedule.
This was the reason why I changed my schedule from 7:30 to 5:45.

Currently, I feel really comfortable with the new schedule that I

have. I am really enjoying my classes, so I am thinking about staying
for one more month.

I hope that at the end of the month I will be able to use most of
the new things that I have been learning such as: Noun Clauses,
Adjective Clauses, Indirect speech and the passive voice. In addition, I
hope I will improve my grammar skills quickly, so that I will be able to
teach it to my friends in the future.

2. Writing 1

Write three paragraphs about a situation that did not turn out as you
expected it would. Pay special attention to the modification of nouns.

A year ago I started my interesting English classes at Icpna. My

goal was to get an excellent average of 100 points to obtain a great
scholarship to study for free all the intermediate course. I was doing
really well even though my English wasn't good enough and I was in
the accelerated course. However, I got 99.5 points because I didn't
study for a reading quiz. It was the only mistake that I got during the
first six months. But according to Icpna 99.5 points is like 100 points
and in the case that other good students get 100 points, it would be
considered as a draw.

I was worried because I wasn't sure enough If I would get the

scholarship. My friends told me that I would get it. When I went to the
second floor to get my important English certificated, my score was
registered with 100 points, so I thought that my friends were right.

The time passed and I never received my scholarship. I was

shocked by the result. I just had to overcome this difficult situation.
Later, a 17-year-old friend told me that Icpna could call me to work as
a teacher's assistant if I get the best scores. So, during all the
intermediate course I got 99.1 points that were registered as a 100
points. I thought Icpna was going to call me, but nobody called me.
Then I realized that Icpna just calls to girls. Things didn't turn out as I
expected they would.

I know that my motivation is not what it used to be, but my new
goal is to get the scholarship to study for free in the USA. I hope I will
get it.

3. Writing 2

Write 3 paragraphs about a situation that you witnessed or participated

in that you found humorous. Explain why the situation was funny for

One of the funniest situations happened 3 weeks ago on

WhatsApp. I remember that I wanted to find a WhatsApp group to
practice my writing skills and I found it. That it was a good decision
was obvious.

I joined an ICPNA group where I could find a lot of students with

different levels of English to practice all the time. But the problem was
that we didn't know each other. However, I started to interact and after
a week I made good friends. Whether we will keep our friendship is
hard to tell.

One day we were asking each other some question about food,
family, movies, and music. I don't know if I answered these questions
properly, but I am sure that they could understand me. Later, when we
were answering some questions, a guy named Bad bunny started to
ask for help. It was so weird. So, I said "If you want help, you have to
sing", then all my friends said the same. It was so funny that made me
laugh a lot. I have no idea why it made me laugh a lot. Even my
mother thought that I was crying. But I believe that it was because it
was an unusual moment that changed the conversation.

4. Writing 3

Write a few paragraphs about a recent news story that interested you.
The news story should contain examples of direct and indirect speech.

The headline said, "Paolo Guerrero will not go to the World Cup."
Here is what the story was about:

The Peruvian soccer player Paolo Guerrero was punished for 14

months by the TAS. It means that he is not going to play the World Cup
with the Peruvian team.

Recently a lot of people gave their opinion about it. Some of the
most controversial were what his mother said. She said that Pizarro
and his family were responsible for what had happened. However,
Pizarro´s father told reporters that he had nothing to say about it.

Even Ricardo Gareca did not hesitate to comment on what she

said. He said he could understand what she felt at that moment.

5. Writing 4

Write a composition of five paragraphs describing an unsolved

mystery. Use passive constructions as appropriate.

We have all heard about Men in black as a movie, but it may be


As per the story, an elegant black car is driven by them. Also, a

black suit and black glasses are worn by them.

What happens when some researchers are involved in an

important UFO investigation. Some people say that Men in Black can
kill them or in other cases, they want that all the evidences are deleted

It is little strange because they usually know all about you, but
you don't know anything about them.

They know what your name is, where you live and all kind of
personal information about you.

Some researchers say they can listen to our communications, so

people can’t call anyone to tell something about UFOs incidents
because they could appear at the door of your house in a few minutes
and it is possible this kind of situations don't have a positive outcome.

Different theories are had:

They could be aliens or maybe they are robots that the

government send to conceal any secret information.

I think that we aren't ready to understand the mysteries of the

universe, for this reason, this kind of information couldn't be shown by
Men in Black until they think we are ready for it.

6. Glossary
6.1. Hitchhike (Page 165): to travel by getting free rides in someone
else's vehicle.
Example: Young people don't hitchhike today like they used to.
My example: I will hitchhike across the country to save some money.

6.2.Flatten (Page 244): to make or become flat.

Example: The baker flattened the dough into a shallow loaf.
My example: The worker needed to flatten the gold to make the ring.

6.3.Reassure (Page 267): to comfort someone and stop them from worrying.
Example: I was nervous on my first day at college, but I was reassured to
see some friendly faces.
My example: The company reassured me that my product would arrive

6.4.Cockpit (Page 170): the small closed space where the pilot sits.
Example: Before 9/11, children were allowed to visit the pilot in the
cockpit during a flight.
My example: We couldn't ask for help because the cockpit was destroyed
by the rocks during the accident

6.5.Gauge (Page 170): to calculate an amount, especially by using a

measuring device.

Example: Use a thermometer to gauge the temperature.
My example: I tried to gauge the weight of my laptop.

6.6.Mishap (Page 192): an accident or unlucky event.

Example: I had a little mishap with the new lawnmower.
My example: I passed advanced grammar 2 without mishap.

6.7.Clumsy (Page 192): A clumsy person often has accidents because they do
not behave in a careful, controlled way.
Example: That's the third glass you've smashed this week - you're so
My example: He is so clumsy he has failed that exam three times.


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