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Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with:

a) Only the long rum adjustments to equilibrium in the economy.

b) The functioning of individual industries and the behaviour of individual decision-making

units-business firms and households.

c) Imperfectly competitive markets.

d) The economy as a whole.

2. Human wants are –––– The sources to satisfy wants are ––––

a) Limited, Unlimited

b) Unlimited, limited

c) Unlimited, unlimited

d) Limited, limited

3. ––––– viewed Economics as a science of human welfare?

a) A. Marshal

b) L. Robbins

c) Adam Smith

d) J M Keynes

4. An index of prices of all domestically produced goods in the economy is the:

a) Wholesale price index (WPI)

b) Producer price index (PPI)

c) Consumer price index (CPI)

d) GDP deflator

5. If has become conventional to classify a recession as a period where national output falls
for–––––– or more.

a) six months

b) two years

c) three years

d) a year
6. The length of a business cycle would be measured from:
a) the slump to the expansion

b) trough to peak

c) peak to trough

d) peak to peak

7. The macro-economic came into prominence, after the book (General Theory of
Employment, Interest and Money by)

a) J M Keynes

b) L. Robbins

c) A. Marshal

d) A. Smith

8. Which of the following countries does not have a capitalist economy:

a) India

b)United States of America

c) United Kingdom

d) None of the above

9. In a socialistic economy, the sources are production, controlled by:

a) Individuals

b) Firms

c) Govt.

d) Individuals, firms, market and Govt.

10. In Economics, the term ‘ends’ represents which of the following:

a) Human wants

b) Demanded for goods and services

c) Utility of goods and services

d) Satisfying capacity of goods and services

11. A person has Rs. 5000, which he can use for purchase of clothes, or purchase of and
electronic item or purchase of a gift. This explains which of the following, most

a) Man has unlimited wants

b) The means to satisfy human wants are limited

c) Resources can be put to alternative use

d) Man is to make choice how the means are to be used

12. With which of the following, the micro-economics is related?

a) Employment position in the economy

b) Growth rate of gross domestic product

c) Inflation rate in the economy

d) Behavior of an Individual consumer

13. “There are three ways to measure GDP.” The statement is:

a) True

b) False

14. Real GDP is nominal GDP measured in constant:

a) Exchange rates

b) Prices

c) Interest rates

d) Taxes

15. Which of the following does match in respect of definitions of economics:

a) Adam Smith’s definition is called scarcity definition

b) Marshal’s definition is called welfare definition

c) Robbins’s definition is called wealth definition

a) All the above match

16. Which of the following is the extreme case of a market economy:

a) Capitalist economy

b) Mixed economy

b) Socialistic economy

d) Laissez-faire economy

17. Aggregate supply is the total amount:

a) Of products produces by a given industry.

b) Of labour supplied by all households

c) Produced by the government.

d) Of goods and services produced in an economy

18. Which of the following statement matches the definition of Economics as given by Adam

a) Economics is a study of consumer satisfaction

b) Economics is a study of consumer means and ends

c) economics is a study of employment and growth

d) Economics is a study of wealth

19. In which of the following types of economy, the major decisions are taken by individuals and

a) Capitalist economy

b) Mixed economy

c) Socialistic economy

d) Laissez-faire economy

20. Keynesian Liquidity Preference theory explains the:

a) Operation of the money market in an economy

b) Interaction between the real and monetary sectors

c) Motivation of a speculator

d) Process of adjustment in money and capital markets for bringing about changes in the
interest rate.
21. Economics is a science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends
and scare means, which have alternative used. This definition of economics has been by:

a) A. Marshal

b) L. Robbins

c) Adam Smith

d) J M Keynes

22. With which of the following, the macro-economics is not related?

a) Price index

b) Gross domestic product

c) Employment position in the economy

d) None of the above

23. In Keynes General Theory, investment and savings are brought to equality primarily through
changes in the:

a) Rate of interest

b) Income velocity of money

c) National income

d) Level of prices

24. In a command economy, the major decisions about production and consumption are taken

a) Individuals

b) Firms

c) Govt.

d) Individuals, firms, market and govt.

25. What type of economy, the Indian economy is

our of the following:

a) Capitalist economy

b) Mixed economy

c) socialistic economy
d) Laissez-faire economy


1.d 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.a 6.d 7.a 8.a 9.c 10.a 11.c 12.d 13.a

14.b 15.b 16.d 17.d 18.d 19.a 20.a 21.b 22.d 23.c 24.c 25.b
1. The book titled An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, is
authored by:

a) A. Marshal

b) L. Robbins

c) Adam Smith

d) J M Keynes

2. Liquidity preference refers to:

a) The extent to which investors prefer to keep their assets in money.

b) RBI’s shareholdings in order financial institutions.

c) Community’s preference for gold.

d) Community’s effective demand for capital goods

3. The demand schedule represents which of the following:

a) Relationship between the price of a commodity and quantity purchased

b) Relationship between the demand for a commodity and quantity purchased

c) Relationship between the price of a commodity and its demand

d) Relationship between the price of a commodity, its demand and quantity purchased

4. When the demand curve slopes downwards, it shows that:

a) For rising price, the quantity demanded will increase

b) For rising price, the quantity demanded will decrease

c) For decreasing price, the quantity demanded will decrease

d) For decreasing price, the quantity demanded will not change

5. In the liquidity preference theory of interest of Keynes nioney acts as a link between the
present and the future in the case of:

a) transactions demand for money

b) precautionary demand for money

c) Business demand for money

d) Speculative demand for money.

6. India has:

a) Socialistic economy

b) Gandhian economy

c) Mixed economy

d ) Free economy

7. The most important source of capital formation in India has been:

a) Household savings

b) Public sector savings

c) Government revenue surpluses

d) Corporate savings

8. The term shift in supply stands for which of the following :

a) When change in supply is due to factors of price

b) When increase in supply is due to decrease in price

c) When decrease in supply is due to increase in price

d) When change in supply is due to factors

9. The term market clearing price means:

a) Optimum price

b) Equilibrium price

c) Commercial price

d) Concessional price

10. India’s wage policy is based on:

a) Cost of living

b) Standard of living

c) Productivity

d) None of these
11. Which of the following is CORRECT regarding the Gross Domestic Savings in India?

a) Contribution of household sector is the largest

b) Contribution of Government sector is the largest

c) Contribution of Corporate sector is the largest

d) None of the above

12. Which of the following governmental steps has proved relatively effective in controlling the
double digit rate of inflation in the Indian economy during recent years?

a)Containing budgetary deficits and unproductive expenditure

b) Streamlined public distribution system

c) Enhanced rate of production of all consumer goods

d) Pursuing an export –oriented strategy

13. Which of the following factors affects the supply curve (a) policies changes by govt.

(b) technological changes (c) cost of production.

a) a and b only

b) b and c only

c) a and c only

d) a to c all

14. Which of the following is represented by the supply curve?

a) Quantity supplied to demand

b) Quantity supplied to price

c) Quantity supplied to income

d) Quantity supplied to supply position

15. One of the problems in calculating the national income in India correctly is?

a) Under-employment

b) Inflation

c) Non-monetized consumption

d) Low savings
16. The main source of India’s national income is?

a) Industry

b) Agriculture

c) Forestry

d) None of these

17. The market equilibrium is reached when:

a) Quantity supplied is more than quantity demanded

b) Quantity supplied is less than quantity demanded

c) Quantity supplied is equal to quantity demanded

d) Quantity supplied and quantity demanded have no relationship with the marker

18. Which of the following statement is not correct?

a) The graphical representation of the demand schedule is the demand curve

b) Quantity demanded and price are positively related

c) The demand curve moves from northwest to southwest to

d) The properly demand curve moves from northwest to southwest is called the
downward sloping curve

19. India has:

a) Socialistic economy

b) Gandhian economy

c) Mixed economy

d ) Free economy

20. The most important source of capital formation in India has been:

a) Household savings

b) Public sector savings

c) Government revenue surpluses

d) Corporate savings
21. The term shift in supply stands for which of the following :

a) When change in supply is due to factors of price

b) When increase in supply is due to decrease in price

c) When decrease in supply is due to increase in price

d) When change in supply is due to factors

22. The term market clearing price means:

a) Optimum price

b) Equilibrium price

c) Commercial price

d) Concessional price

23. India’s wage policy is based on:

a) Cost of living

b) Standard of living

c) Productivity

d) None of these

24. Which of the following is CORRECT regarding the Gross Domestic Savings in India?

a) Contribution of household sector is the largest

b) Contribution of Government sector is the largest

c) Contribution of Corporate sector is the largest

d) None of the above

25. Which of the following governmental steps has proved relatively effective in controlling the
double digit rate of inflation in the Indian economy during recent years?

a) Containing budgetary deficits and unproductive expenditure

b) Streamlined public distribution system

c) Enhanced rate of production of all consumer goods

d) Pursuing an export –oriented strategy


1.c 2.a 3.a 4.b 5.d 6.c 7.a 8.d 9.b 10.a 11.a 12.a 13.d

14.b 15.c 16.b 17.c 18.b 19.c 20.a 21.d 22.b 23.a 24.a 25.a
1. Which of the following factors affects the supply curve (a) policies changes by govt.

(b) technological changes (c) cost of production.

a) a and b only

b) b and c only

c) a and c only

d) a to c all

2. Which of the following is represented by the supply curve?

a) Quantity supplied to demand

b) Quantity supplied to price

c) Quantity supplied to income

d) Quantity supplied to supply position

3. One of the problems in calculating the national income in India correctly is?

a) Under-employment

b) Inflation

c) Non-monetized consumption

d) Low savings

4. The main source of India’s national income is?

a) Industry

b) Agriculture

c) Forestry

d) None of these

5. The market equilibrium is reached when:

a) Quantity supplied is more than quantity demanded

b) Quantity supplied is less than quantity demanded

c) Quantity supplied is equal to quantity demanded

d) Quantity supplied and quantity demanded have no relationship with the marker
6. Which of the following statement is not correct?

a) The graphical representation of the demand schedule is the demand curve

b) Quantity demanded and price are positively related

c) The demand curve moves from northwest to southwest to

d) The properly demand curve moves from northwest to southwest is called the
downward sloping curve

7. Which of the following is not a method of estimating national income?

a) Income method

b) Value-added method

c) Expenditure method

d) Export-Import method

8. The quantity demanded tends to fall as price rises for the following reasons

a) Substitution effect, income effect, technological changes.

b) Substitution effect, income effect.

c) Income effect, technological changes.

d) Substitution effect, technological changes.

9. If price of a commodities moves up, the demand for its substitute commodity:

a) Increases

b) Decreases

c) Remains constant

d) any of these can happen

10. The largest revenue in India is obtained from:

a) Sales Tax

b) Direct Taxes

c) Excise Duties

d) None of these
11. Government imposes taxes to:

a) check the accumulation of wealth among the rich

b) run the machinery of state

c) uplift weaker sections

d) None of the above

12. If price of a commodities moves up, the demand for its supplementary commodity:

a) Increases

b) Decreases

c) Remains constant

d) any of these can happen

13. If the demand of a commodity increases due to change in income, it is called:

a) Expansion in demand

b) Construction in demand

c) Shift in demand

d) Decrease in demand

14. The budget is presented to the Parliament on:

a) the last day of February

b) 15th March

c) the last day of March

d) 1st April

15. The income tax in India is :

a) Indirect and progressive

b) Direct and proportional

c) Direct and progressive

d) Indirect and proportional

16. Fiscal Policy is connected with:

a) Issue of currency

b) exports and imports

c) public revenue and expenditure

d) None of these

17. What is the normal slope of the supply curve?

a) Supply curve moves form right to left downward

b) Supply curve moves form right to left upward

c) Supply curve moves from left to right downward

d) Supply curve moves from left to right upward

18. Which of the following statements are not correct?

a) the supply curve is impacted by production cost

b) The supply curve is not affected by prices of related commodities

c) The supply curve is affected by the govt. policy

d) The production cost is affected by technological advancements

19. In an economy M is equal to Currency with public + Demand deposits with bank
+ Demand portion of savings deposits with Banks + Other Deposits with RBI, where
currency with public is equal to :

a) Currency in circulation less currency with commercial banks

b) Notes and coins in circulation and cash with banks

c) Notes and coins in circulation and demand deposits with banks

d) Demand deposits with banks, other deposits and small coins in circulation

e) Notes and coins in circulation and saving deposits

20. In which of the following situations, there is no tendency on the part of price to rise or fall?

a) When quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied

b) When quantity demanded is less than quantity supplied

c) When quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied

d) There is no situation, where the price has no tendency to rise or fall

21. Which of the following statement regarding equilibrium with supply and demand curves
is not correct?

a) When supply is greater than demand, there is surplus which leads to decrease in price

b) When supply is less than demand, there is shortage which leads to decrease in

c) When supply is equal to demand, there is equilibrium which keeps the price at

d) None of the above is incorrect

22. The basic difference between money stock measure M3 and M4 is that:

a) M3 is more than M4

b) M2 is part of M3 whereas M2 is not part of M4

c) M3 is part of M1 and M4 is not part of M1

d) M4 includes all post office deposits, whereas in M3 these are not included

c) M1 is part of M4 whereas M1 is not part of M3

23. Time deposits with banks are included in ________ measure of money stock.

a) M1

b) M2

c) M3

d) M4

e) both ( c ) and ( d ) above

24. If there is shift in supply curve from right to left, without any change in the demand curve,

a) There will be no change in price

b) The price will increase

c) The price will decrease

d) The price can increase or decrease

25. If there is increase in the price of a commodity and its quantity demanded also increase,
this means that there is shift in:

a) Supply curve form left to right

b) Supply curve form right to left

c) Demand curve from left to right

d) Demand curve from right to left


1.d 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.a 10.c 11.b 12.b 13.c

14.a 15.c 16.c 17.d 18.b 19.c 20.c 21.b 22.d 23.e 24.b 25.c
1. The market demand curve is found by:

a) adding together the quantities demanded by all individual at one price

b) adding together the quantities demanded by all individual at each price

2. The RBI can increase the demand deposit component of the money supply by :

I. Lowering reserve requirements

II. Increasing the volume of reserves

III. Decreasing the column of reserves

IV. Increase reserve requirement

a) Only III above

b) Only IV above

c) Both I and II above

d) Both I and III)

e) Both II and IV) above

3. The quantity of notes and coins in private circulation plus the quantity of cash held by the
banking systems is called:

a) Monetary base

b) Stock of high – powered money

c) M1

d) M3

e) Both a and b above

4. If you withdraw Rs. 100 from your checking account, this transaction:

a) Increase the supply of money

b) Decrease the supply of money’

c) Does not change the supply of money

d) Increases the supply of money by more than 100

e) Decreases the supply of money by less than 100

5. Which of the following functions are performed by money (a) medium of exchange

(b) a measure of value (c) a store of value over time (d) standard for deferred payments?

a) a to all

b) A to c only

c) a,c and d only

d) a,b and d only

6. The term money supply relates to which of the following:

a) The money in circulation in the economy

b) The money in circulation + bank deposits

c) The money in circulation+ bank demand deposits

d) The money in circulation + bank deposits + post office deposits

7. Under money supply concept, the term narrow money include which of the following

a) Currency with public + other deposits with RBI

b) Currency with public + demand deposits with banks+ other deposits with RBI

c) Currency with public + bank demand deposits

d) Currency with public + bank deposits +post office deposits

8. Which of the following statements is / are TRUE?

i) M1 = Currency with public + Demand portion of thus a potential change in real GDP.

ii) M2 = M1 + Post office saving deposits

iii) M3 = M1 + Time deposits with banks

iv) M4 = M3 + All post offices deposits

a) Only (i) above

b) Both (i) and (ii) above

c) Both (i) above

d) Both (i) and (iv) above

e) All of (i),(ii), (iii) and (iv) above

9. Under money supply concept, the term board money include which of the following:

a) Currency with public +other deposits with RBI

b) Currency with public + demand deposits with banks + other deposits with RBI

c) Currency with public + demand deposits with banks + other deposits with RBI +
term deposits with banks

d) Currency with RBI + term deposits with banks + post office deposits

10. The demand deposits are those deposits that are (a) paid on demand (b) paid on maturity

(c) are very liquid (d) are less liquid:

a) a and c

b) b and d

c) a and c

d) b and c

11. The term deposits are those deposits that are (a) paid on demand (b) paid on maturity
(c) are very liquid (d) are less liquid:

a) a and c

b) b and d

c) a and c

d) b and c

12. Which of the following terms represents Board Money :

a) M0

b) M1

c) M2

d) M3

13. Commercial Banks create money through credit creation. Which of the following
statements is true with regard to credit creation?

a) Credit creation by Commercial Banks is limited by CRR.

b) Commercial Banks can create as much credit as they want.

c) RBI has no control over the credit created by Commercial Banks.

d) CRR has no impact on credit creation

e) None of the above

14. The term deposits are those deposits that are (a) paid on demand (b) paid on maturity (c)
are very liquid (d) are less liquid:

a) a and c

b) b and d

c) a and c

d) b and c

15. Which of the following terms represents Board Money :

a) M0

b) M1

c) M2

d) M3

16. Commercial Banks create money through credit creation. Which of the following
statements is true with regard to credit creation?

a) Credit creation by Commercial Banks is limited by CRR.

b) Commercial Banks can create as much credit as they want.

c) RBI has no control over the credit created by Commercial Banks.

d) CRR has no impact on credit creation

e) None of the above

17. The difference between M3 and M1 is:

a) Demand deposits

b) Post office saving deposits

c) Savings deposits

d) Time deposits

e) M2
18. All entries in the balance of payments should collectively sum to:

a) GDP of that country

b) GNP of that country

c) Gold reserves of that country

d) Zero

e) Exports of that country

19. Which of the following price index is used in Indian for the purpose of policy formulation:

a) Wholesale price index

b) Consumer price index

c) Producer price index

d) Supplier price index

20. All entries in the balance of payments should collectively sum to:

a) GDP of that country

b) GNP of that country

c) Gold reserves of that country

d) Zero

e) Exports of that country

21. Which of the following price index is used in Indian for the purpose of policy formulation:

a) Wholesale price index

b) Consumer price index

c) Producer price index

d) Supplier price index

22. Which of the following price index measures the prices at retail level:

a) Wholesale price index

b) Consumer price index

c) Producer price index

d) Supplier price index

23. Which of the following refers to the inflation rate:

a) Rise in the general price level over a period

b) Change in general price level over a time period

c) Annualized percentage change in general price index over time

d) Any of the given options

24. All entries in the payments statements should collectively sum to:

a) GDP of the country

b) GNP of the country

c) Foreign exchange reserves of the country

d) Zero

e) Exports of the country

25. When inflation caused due to increasing aggregate demand for goods and services by
consumers, it called:

a) Whole sale inflation

b) Demand pull inflation

c) Cost push inflation

d) Consumer inflation


1.b 2.c 3.e 4.c 5.a 6.a 7.b 8.d 9.c 10.c 11.b 12.d 13.a

14.b 15.d 16.a 17.d 18.d 19.a 20.d 21.a 22.b 23.c 24.d 25.b
1. A reduction in Commercial Bank reserves due to weekly increases in currency in circulation
is :

a) Reserve requirements

b) Open-market operations

c) Terms of customer credit

d) Margins on security loans

e) Moral suasion

2. A reduction in Commercial Bank reserves due to weekly increases in currency in circulation

is :

a) Reserve requirements

b) Open-market operations

c) Terms of customer credit

d) Margins on security loans

e) Moral suasion

3. Inflation rate can be calculated as :

a) Price index in the current year X 100

b) Price index in the base year X 100

c) (Price index in the current year + Price index in the base year) / Price index in the base
year X 100

d) (Price index in the current year - Price index in the base year) / Price index in
the base year X 100

4. In an inflationary period, the appropriate policy for the RBI would be to:

a) Sell government securities in the open market

b) encourage Commercial Banks to increase their loans

c) Reduce cash Reserve Ratio

d) Reduce bank rate

e) Extend credit to government

5. If RBI wants to “sterilize” an inflow of foreign exchange should:

a) Lower the bank rate

b) Lower the CRR

c) Sell government securities in the open market

d) Increase the repo rate

e) Buy government securities in the open market

6. Which of the following is known as Core Inflation?

a) Whole sale inflation

b) Demand pull inflation

c) Cost push inflation

d) Consumer inflation

7. New expenditure patterns are allowed to show up in which of the following:

a) Headline inflation

b) Core inflation

c) GDP deflator

d) Consumer price index

8. In the last few months the forex reserves in India have been increasing. Which of the
following sterilization policies the Reserve Bank of India should adopt?

a) Increase CRR

b) Decrease CRR

c) Decrease discount rate

d) Buy government securities

e) None of the above

9. In India, the consumer price index is related by:

a) Central Statistical Organization

b) Labour Bureau. Ministry of Labour and Employment

c) Ministry of Finance

d) Deptt. Of Economy

10. Which of the following is not an element of interest:

a) Payment for the risk involved in making the loan, payment for the trouble involved

b) Payment for the trouble involved, pure interest i.e. payment for the use of money

c) Payment for the risk involved in making the loan pure interest i.e., payment for the use of

d) Payment for the involved in making the loan, payment for the risk trouble involved,
pure interest i.e., a payment for the use of money

11. Which of the following happens when the Central bank increases open market purchase?

a) Aggregate supply decreases

b) Rate of inflation increases

c) Interest rates will increase

d) Aggregate demand decreases

e) Total output falls

12. What would be the sequence of events when RBI increases money supply by reducing

I. Interest rates fall

II. Increase in investment expenditure

III. Portfolio disequilibrium

IV. Increase in price of financial assets

a) I, II, III, IV

b) III, IV, I, II

c) II, III, IV, I

d) IV, III, II , I

e) III , IV, III, I

13. As per supply and demand analysis, the interest is the :

a) Price of money
b) Price determined by the demand for money

c) Price determined by the demand for money

d) Price determined by the demand for money and supply of money

14. The rate of interest is determined by the liquidity preference or demand for money and
supply of money, as per:

a) Classical Theory of Interest

b) JM Keynes Theory of Interest

c) Modem theory of interest

. d) Hicks and Hansen Theory of Interest

15. The demand for money by the people depends up on how they decide to balance their
portfolio between money and bonds, in the :

a) Open economy

b) Two-asset economy

c) Market economy d) Controlled economy

16 . An economy is already under inflation, and there is increasing inflow of foreign

exchange , the Central Bank can sterilize the impact by:

a) Decreasing discount rate

b) Buying government securities from banks

c) Increasing cash reserve ratio

d) Increasing tax rates

e) Increasing government spending

17. Customs duty is an instrument of:

a) Fiscal Policy

b) Monetary Policy

c) Trade Policy

d) Revenue policy

18. Which of the following items is/are the major components of non-plan expenditure?

a) Interest payments
b) Defense expenditure

c) Subsidies

d) Both (a) and (b) above

e) All of (a), (b) and (c) above

19. Gross fiscal deficit-interest payments of governments is equal to:

a) Revenue deficit

b) Capital deficit

c) Budget deficit

d) Primary deficit

e) Monetized deficit

20. Large fiscal deficit will have implications on:

a) Money supply

b) Inflation

c) Private investments

d) Both (a) and (b) above

e) All of (a), (b) and (c) above

21. The position of money demand curve depends up on (a) the level of nominal income (b) the
expectations about the changes in bond prices in future (c) prices fluctuations.

a) a and b only

b) a and c only

c) b and c only

d) a,b and c all

22. The bond prices and current interest rates are related –––– as per JM Keynes

a) Directly

b) Inversely

c) Indirectly

d) Positively
23. Hicks and Hansen brought about a synthesis between –––– and –––– and succeeded in
propounding an adequate and determine theory of interest.

a) LM curve and JM Keynes theory of interest

b) IS Curve and JM Keynes theory of interest

c) Classical Theory and JM Keynes theory of interest

d) Classical theory and IS curve

24. Budgetary deficit + Government borrowing and other Liabilities is known as:

a) Revenue

b) Capital deficit

c) Budget deficit

d) Primary deficit

e) Fiscal deficit

25. Primary deficit given by:

a) Revenue Deficit-Interest Payment

b) Budget Deficit – Interest Payment

c) Fiscal Deficit – Interest payment

d) Total Receipts –Total Expenditure

e) Revenue Receipts – Revenue Expenditure


1.b 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.c 8.a 9.b 10.d 11.b 12.b 13.d

14.b 15.b 16.c 17.a 18.e 19.d 20.e 21.a 22.b 23.c 24.e 25.c
1. JM Keynes, explained the interest rate, purely in terms of which of the following:

a) Economic phenomenon

b) Monetary phenomenon

c) Social phenomenon

d) Market forces

2. ––––– indicate the various rates of interest at different levels of income, given the
investment demand curve and family of saving curves at different levels of income;
a) LM Curve

b) IS Curve

c) LM and IS Curve

d) Liquidity curve

3. The IS curve and LM Curve relate which of the following variables:

a) Income and money

b) Interest and money

c) Income and interest

d) Income, interest and money

4. The abbreviation LM stands for which of the following:

a) Liquid money

b) Liquidity preference and monetary aggregates

c) Liquidity preference and money supply equilibrium

d) Liquidity Model

5. As per Hicks and Hansen, the equilibrium rate of interest comes at a point where:

a) IS curve and money supply curve intersect

b) IS curve and income curve intersect

c) IS curve and LM curve intersect

d) LM curve and money supply curve intersect

6. Government borrowing to finance large deficits increases demand for loanable funs and:

a) Increases the supply of loanable funds

b) Exerts downward pressure on interest rate

c) Has no impact on interest rates

d) Puts upward pressure on interest rate

7. Which of the following policy measure is/are fiscal policy measures(s)?

a) The government cuts taxes or raises spending to get the economy out of

b) The central bank changes the money supply to affect the price level, interest rates and
exchanges rates

c) The government restricts imports and stimulates exports.

d) Both (a) and (b) above

e) Both (a) and (c) above

8. If a Government is running surplus in its budget, we can expect that public debt will be:

a) Rising

b) Falling

c) Constant

d) Falling if there are tax cuts

e) Falling government uses the surplus to repay its past debts.

9. For the purpose of Liquidity preference theory of Interest, JM Keynes assumed a simplified
economy with 2 assets, which are:

a) Money in the form of currency or bank deposits and long term bonds

b) Money in the form of currency and bank deposits

c) Monetary assets and physical assets

d) Financial assets and physical assets

10. The IS curve is derived from which of the following :

a) Keynesian Theory of Interest called Liquidity Preference theory

b) Classical theory of interest

c) Liquidity Model

d) Law of Money

11. The money demand curve, as per Keynesian Theory of Interest is downward sloping ,

a) Demand for money is directly related to rate of interest

b) Demand for money is inversely related to rate of interest

c) Demand for money is positively related to rate of interest

d) Demand for money is not related to rate of interest

12. Which of the following is a feature of business cycle:

a) It is regular phenomenon

b) It is predictable phenomenon

c) It is repetitive phenomenon

d) None of these is correct

13. In the Keynesian modern, an economy consists of:

a) Labour market, money market

b) Labour market, goods market

c) Money market, goods market

d) Labour market, international trade

e) Labour market, money market, goods market

14. Which of the following is not a feature of recession?

a) The demand exceeds the supply

b) Future investments plans are put on hold

c) Workers are retrenched

d) Producers are forced to reduce the prices

15. In –––––– the general demand falls faster than production and producers are not able to
recover full cost even. The aggregate economic activity is at the bottom:

a) Recovery
b) Boom

c) Depression

d) Recession

16. Which of the following is not a feature of the recovery phase in a business cycle?

a) The consumers who had postponed purchase of goods and services still are
not ready to buy goods and services

b) Banks come forward lend at lower interest rates

c) Economic activity starts picking up

d) Increasing income result in increasing demand

17. In which of the following phases, the underemployment of manpower and material is
prevalent in which of the following:

a) Recovery

b) Boom

c) Recession

d) Depression

18. Which phase of a business cycle is called the crisis phase?

a) Recovery

b) Boom

c) Recession

d) Depression

19. Which one is odd in the following:

a) Slowdown

b) Depression

c) Recession

d) Recovery

20. A wave of prosperity of depression in one industry, in the case of a business cycle, will
generate a waive in other industries soon. Which of the following features of a business
cycle it represents:
a) A business cycle is a wave like movement

b) A business cycle is synchronic

c) Cyclical fluctuations are recurring in nature

d) Any of these

21. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding a business cycle:

a) Various phases in business cycle are repeated

b) There cannot be a definite boom or depression \period

c) business cycles are pervasive in their effects

d) The upward movement is more sudden and violent, than the downward

22. The business cycles are also known as:

a) Vicious cycles

b) Depression cycles

c) Boom cycles

d) Economic cycles

23. Which is the correct sequence of business phases:

a) Depression, recovery, boom and recession

b) Recovery, boom, recession and depression

c) Recovery, boom, depression and recession

d) Recovery, recession, depression and boom

24. The unemployment in the Keynesian model caused by:

a) Demand deficiency

b) Supply deficiency

c) Demand sufficiency

d) Supply sufficiency

e) Both (a) and (b) above

25. Which of the following is not an important sector of Indian economy?

a) Services sector

b) Defense sector

c) Agricultural sector

d) Industrial sector


1.b 2.b 3.c 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.a 8.e 9.a 10.b 11.b 12.d 13.a

14.a 15.c 16.a 17.d 18.c 19.a 20.b 21.d 22.d 23.b 24.a 25.b
1. Which sector of Indian economy has the highest contribution to gross domestic product:

a) Services sector

b) External trade sector

b) agricultural sector

d) Industrial sector

2. The contribution of which sector to GDP does not match:

a) Services sector -64%

b) Agricultural sector – 17%

c) Industrial sector – 19%

d) None of the above

3. Which of the following sectors is called the primary sector of Indian economy?

a) Services sector

b) External trade sector

c) agricultural sector

d) Industrial sector

4. Which of the following sector is called tertiary sector of Indian economy?

a) Services sector

b) External trade sector

c) Agricultural sector

d) Industrial sector

5. Which of the following is a severe challenge that Indian economy is facing presently (a)
poverty (b) environment (c) physical infrastructure (d) fiscal issues

a) a,c and d only

b) b and d only

c) b,c and d only

d) a to d all
6. The contribution of agriculture to GDP in %age terms has ––––– in the last 10 years:

a) Increased

b) Declined

c) Remained constant

d) None of these

7. The structural weaknesses of agriculture sector in Indian are reflected in which of the

a) Low public investment, post-harvest value addition

b) Exhaustion of the yield potential of new high yielding varieties of wheat and rice

c) Unbalanced fertilizers use

d) All the above

8. Central Statistical Organization (CSO) classifies the industrial sector into ––-––– segments:

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

d) Six

9. Central Statistical Organization (CSO) classifies the industrial sector into following
segments (a) mining and quarrying, (b) manufacturing and electricity, (c) gas and water

a) a to c all

b) a and b only

c) b and c only

d) a and c only

10. As per provisions of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, the
enterprises are classified into following 2 categories:

a) Micro and small enterprises

b) Manufacturing enterprises and service enterprises

c) Small and medium enterprises

d) All the above

11. As per provisions of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006,
developing up on the level of investment in plant and machinery or equipment, the
enterprises are classified into:

a) Micro and small enterprises categories

b) Medium and small enterprises categories

c) Micro, small and small enterprises categories

d) Micro, small and Medium and large enterprises categories

12. The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006 provides for creation of
which of the following :

a) Deptt. of MSME

b) Ministry of MSME

c) National Board of MSME

d) All the above

13. Which of the following is correct regarding segments of Indian economy, during the last
15 years:

a) Services sector has gained at the cost of agriculture and industrial sectors.

b) Agricultural sector has gained at the cost of services and industrial sectors.

c) Industrial sector has gained at the cost of services and agricultural sectors.
d) All sectors have gained at the cost of each other.

14. In the first 50 years of 19th century, the economic growth rate was 0.7% .It increased to 3.5
% in the first 3 decades after independence. This is called:

a) Slow rate of growth

b) Hindu rate of growth

c) English rate of growth

d) Sub-standard rate of growth

15. The term MSEs represents which of the following:

a) Medium and small enterprises

b) Micro and small enterprises

c) Middle and special enterprises

d) Medium state enterprises

16. The curve that depicts the relationship between the rate change in prices and the rate of
unemployment is:

a) Laffer curve

b) Phillips curve

c) Aggregate supply curve

d) LM curve

e) IS curve

17. The bank reserves fall rapidly in –––––– stage of business cycle.

a) Recovery

b) Boom

c) Recession

d) Depression

e) Both(c) and (d) above

18. The Inventory stock will be high in –––––– stage of a business cycle.

a) Recovery

b) Boom

c) Recession

d) Depression

e) Both (a) and (c) above

19. During the recessionary phase of a business cycle:

a) The purchasing power of money is likely to decline rapidly

b) The natural rate of unemployment will increases dramatically

c) Potential national income will exceed actual national income

d) Actual national income will exceed potential national income

e) The real rate of interest will exceed the nominal rate of interest

20. Monetary theories believe in the use of:

a) A stable growth rate of the money supply

b) Stable interest rate of stabilize the money supply

c) Fiscal policy as the main stabilization tool

d) A “stop-and-go” monetary policy for fine turning the economy

e) Input-output planning as the main stabilization tool


1.a 2.d 3.c 4.a 5.d 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.a 10.b 11.c 12.c 13.a

14.b 15.b 16.d 17.a 18.d 19.a 20.c

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