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HellW Georgia

To Wanna know
how to please
ur lasagna?
Read more on pg...
does it matter?
ith Can you even read?

Friday, November 16, 2018 • vol. 104, No. 15 | atheNs, GeorGia | Nique.Net

literacy tests prevent uga students from votin

MIKE HAWK formed by the Red &
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Black up to 5,000 vot-
ers were not able to vote
Dwindling voter num- due to not being able to
bers in rural areas of Geor- fill out their name or ad-
gia are leaving experts dress.
confused. A large major- “We really need to get
ity of uGA fans were un- to the bottom of this,”
able to vote in this year’s said republican candi-
midterm elections due to date for governor and
extremely high barriers current Secretary of State
put in place. Brian Kemp, “we can’t
Something called a just be disenfranchising
“ballot form” has left voters like this.”
many dwags bumbling Many dwag fans are
when it comes to voting. used to simply finding
“This is outrageous,” the circles next to candi-
said disenfranchised dates with a republican
voter, Ivana Noh, “it’s un- under their name.
fair, how can I be grant- “It’s one of the few
ed the right to vote but words I know how to
not be able to vote.” spell,” said Athens spell-
Noh and others were ing bee champion Bu-
left confused on election ford Spellman, “I was so
day when the form was confused to find out that
presented to them and there were going to be
there were blanks that more than bubbles to fill
needed to be filled in. in on the sheet.”
“It asked me for some- The Athens chapter has
thing called a ‘nay- filed a complaint with
muh’,” said Beau Reily, the Secretary of State’s
auto parts extraordi- office to count the votes
naire. “How can I be ex- that should have been
pected to vote if I have counted.
to add all this stuff about “I’m just gonna add
mahself?” 5,000 names to my pile,”
Besides Reily, many Kemp could be heard
others found issues with saying in the midst of a
other fields on the form. cheering throng of dwag
Through a survey per- voters.

staop dat karavan leavin! no more diplo-

“Let’s just say that if I had a
two dozen eggs, and each egg
had a combined I.Q. of one, then
but all of their applications have
been rejected so far.
“This is harder than applying mas = no more
toilet papur :(((((
The caravan of students over those eggs combined would have for college,” one student, Danny
1,100 students heading north to a higher average than the students McCorn, first year Pseudo Sci-
try to escape from campus is leav- we have left would on average.” ence, said.
ing. The caravan is currently head- “You applied for college?” an-
“I want ‘em to stop that kur- ing northwest away from Athens other unintenfied student said MIKE HAWK
van, ‘n I want ‘em to stop that at rapid speeds. Although stu- from within the crowd. “I just EAT MY SHORTS
kurvan now,” said President A.J. dents are egressing on foot, they wandered onto campus and was
Dopples in a recent interview. are covering almost 60 miles a registered for classes.” the rear ends of incoming rest-
Last week Thursday Dopples day, an amount equivalent to over In lieu of support from the room goers in the building that
sent a letter to the State Troopers two marathons per day. State Troopers, Dopples is orga- they janitor for, is simply the boon
requesting “a battalion of good ol’ “We don’t know where we’re nizing a team of bulldogs to help of their eggistence.
boys” to stop the caravan of over we are heading,” said Terry Buck- search for the caravan by scent. On Monday, November 5th, Many December “graduates”
students escaping u[sic]GA. tooth, seventh year Yogler. “We “Even if we have to do this the University of Georgia’s President, will be returning home empty
State Troopers, who usually just want out.” old-fasioned way, we will bring Jere Morehead, inishiated the handed to their fertile, grand
deal with traffic and tractor-code- The students wanted to apply- them back because they are criti- switch to using digital diplomas pappy’s family farm, and their ea-
of-law violations, say they are ill- ing for asylum in another state, cal,” Dopples said. for next month’s upcoming grad- gerly awaiting first cuzins. It has
equipped to deal with the swarm uates. been suggested that students try
of students exiting campus and The class of 2018 December to print a copy of their diploma to
rejected the request. “graduates” will be the first class have on-hand, however, given that
“We certainly will not try to to receive their digital copy of the University of Georgia spent
stop anyone leaving that dump,” their diploma, and will also be the their entire technology budget
said Troopity Scoop, a spokesper- first class in the university’s [sic] on beloved “The South Will Rise
son for the State Troopers. “Even history to be faced with a rather Again” t-shirts, this is not pos-
if we could stop them, Plus, we difficult predicemint: How will I sible.
certainly would not want those be able to use a digital copy of my 10th year December graduate,
students in Georgia, period. They diploma to wipe my future boss’s Merp Derp, states, “I was as busy
could drive down the economy.” rear end with? as a one-legged cat in a sandbox
“With those students leaving, Students are at a loss, and working for this women’s anato-
the average I.Q. of the university are actively mourning the death my degree… I reckon’ digital cop-
[sic] will drop to unprecedentedly of printed deeplomas that they ies won’t be two ply.”
low levels.” worked so very hard for. For many 6th year Pornography En-
When Dopples was asked how students, having the opportunity gineering student, Mike Hunt,
low exactly that means, he gave an Photo by Ludar Osam Student Publications to wipe the rear end of their boss states “I’m not fixin’ to go home
analogy that he felt students could Many people, traveling very very far to try to get away from the with their diploma, or even hav- until my toilet paper has signa
understand most clearly. u[sic]GA despite the protests of the president of the school. ing the mere privilege of wiping See POOPS, page 8
EITS Picks Kid Pix THWuGA
Roseweed Rollins
EITS chose the most revolutionary tech in
order to reform their systems up to next level Friday,
and beyond through choosing Kid Pix 44 November 16, 2018

Though this issue relies on
stereotypes we agree are not as
Arch collapse schocks Engineerging [sic]

For the hundred-some-

true as they once were (Geor-
gia students aren’t necessar-
ily drunken rednecks nor are
Dept., plan spiritual reconstruction vigil
thingth time, we are excited Tech students ncessarily nerdy there were no classes in session. structural integrity of the arches.
to present the annual To Hell introverts), it’s not about the FRIED TUYRKES All of the students and professors They would have gone for the hot
With Georgia Issue. stereotypes. CONTRIBUTING WRITER were hanging out in the halls. glue, but none of those involved
Contained in these pages Yes, the jokes contained The potential collapse of the felt confident enough to handle it
you will find all manner of herein maintain the sordid Two students walked by the in- arches is devastating for more without burning themselves.
outlandish, (hopefully) enter- tradition of low blows in the famous, black iron arches that are than just the student body. The Before dark, the group were
taining and completely false form of incest-, alcohol- and situated on North Campus. These uGA Engineering [sic] depart- back at the arches; the two stu-
material we aspire to think up stupidity-related material. Is arches are the symbol for univer- ment shed many tears when they dents, and three professors from
for every THWuGA edition. it fair to continue to perpetu- sity of Georgia, yet appeared to be heard the news. The arches are the the School of Engineering work-
Beginning as a modest ate these false stereotypes? Not crumbling before their very eyes. shining star of the department, ing collectively. They were dili-
four-page paper, published on necessarily. Cracks could be spotted from and many professors and faculty gently applying tape to every
November 17th, 1911, the first But, the most important as- some distance, the black paint members refer to it as the best single crack (which, they came to
issue of the Technique focused pect of this annual issue is the wearing off and the symbol for work of architecture to ever come find, there were hundreds). They
primarily on the then-upcom- tradition: the traditions we re- the university looking as though out of the school. eventually had to toss out the idea
ing football game with Geor- peat year after year, the tradi- it could collapse at any moment. That is why, when the two of Elmer’s glue, because those in-
gia. tions that hold campus togeth- The two students who found students reported the news to volved could not be trusted to not
It is from this moment er, and, of course, the tradition the arches in such dire condition the Engineering department, the try to eat it.
“the South’s Liveliest College of Clean, Old Fashioned Hate. ran off, frantically searching for department was eager to help. In the end, there efforts were
Newspaper,” began. So, as you flip through aid to try to repair their beloved They refused to let their proud- in vain. Unfortunately, scotch
As a tip of the hat to this these pages, remember the arches. They eventually ended up est accomplishment crumble. The tape was not enough to hold the
“modest” start, the staff of the Good Word (“To hell with at the School of Engineering [sic], two students and several faculty arches together, and the university
Technique produced an issue georgia!”), and what binds all looking for someone who could members went on a pursit, fran- of Georgia mourns the loss of the
dedicated to mocking Geor- Tech students together: our assist them in the task. tically looking through every beautiful arches.
gia’s newspaper, The Red and Good Old-Fashioned Hate of Luckily, when they arrived at supply closet in the building for There will be a candlelight vigil
Black. our rivals up the road. the School of Engineering [sic], scotch tape or Elmer’s glue; any- held in memory of the uGA arch;
they were relieved to find that thing that would maintain the more information to follow.

Slugs invade campus from sewers, drains,

dont forget to eat your
causing panic and raising average I.Q.
of the two out of five working toi-
lets in the men’s bathroom. This
particularly enjoy the salad bar,
and in the Sanford locker rooms.
MODERN SLUGGEERA did not seem to alarm students Professor Jackov, head of Slug
until slugs began to pour out of Studies here at uGA, is having
SQUELCH!!! On Wednesday the sink faucets and boil up from an incredible time. “It’s the cold
afternoon, students at Russell the shower drains. The armada of weather drawing them inside,” he
Hall made a shocking discovery. slugs, nicknamed “The Cornuco- laughs, hands full with a slbucket
“I went to the bathroom to do my pia,” has begun to ooze from the of slugs. He cancelled his classes
business,” Junior Pinhead, a fresh- air vents of other residence halls. to collect them. He picks one out
man Astrology major, reports, Maintenance has been called, of the bucket and lets it slither in
“and when I sat down, the seat but the source of the slugs has yet his hand, “I found this one on a
felt unusually sticky. More than to be determined. “They’ve start- student’s forehead this morning.
usual.” When Pinhead stood up to ed crawling into bed with me at He had no idea there was such a
investigate, he found a splattered night,” Carl Schitz, a sophomore beautiful specimen on him!”
slug on the toilet seat. “I felt bad Bird Calls major, reported on Other faculty are not so en-
for the little sucker,” he says. Friday. “At first I was scared, but thused by the presence of the
According to other residents, now… they’re kind of comfort- slugs. “There are more slugs in
this phenomena was not a one ing.” The Cornucopia seems to my classes than students at this
time ordeal. Slugs began to rise be making its way inward toward point,” one professor complains,
from the bowels of the Russell the center of campus, as other stu- “I gave a pop quiz, and a few of
plumbing into the third floor dents have reported slug sightings them actually turned in some
bathroom, floating to the surface in the dining halls, they seem to pretty good work.”

slobber // your thoughts

If cheese is the loaf of milk, is beer the milk of bread? - sammie
Silver Box:
I am confusion, I am Confucius
Q = Que = Quequequeque
The Sliver Box knows all.
fdkjdfjghersjtheiutekuqio3oywiuefjdsklf hsiofwlekgwskjf hs-
Hi, I was just dropping in a quick line to know, if I could send
some great article ideas your way for a guest post at your web-
site? If you like my suggested ideas, I can then provide you
high- Probably better to stop by weekly meeting at 7 p.m.
Tuesdays to talk
Good egg, not bad
The highest score I’ve ever gotten was 160, but I average in the
145 to 150 range. My lowest score ever was 135 on a verbal intel-
ligence test. My dad tested at 180 IQ (it’s probably lower now), so
I’m the dumb one in his eyes. I went through school until 10th
grade never doing my homework, reading being on my phone, or
just daydreaming in class, getting 100% on every test and getting
mostly B’s and C’s in my classes. I had a 8th grade reading level
in 1st grade and a college reading level in 3rd. I invented a base
60 number system and now I do all my math in base 60 and con-
vert it back to base 13 after for fun. I am charismatic but I have
trouble holding long term relationships, romantic or otherwise
due to my short attention span and autism. Everyone hated me as
a kid, because I was an annoying little shit. Still are, bud. -- R.R.
// NOODS TO HELL WITH GEORGIA • November 16, 2018• 3


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4 • November 16, 2018• TO HELL WITH GEORGIA // NOODS

Enterprise Information Technology

Services upgrades systems to Kid Pix
the newly licensed software onto something to do in their copious
TRISKO BUCKERS the library computers and expects amounts of free time that doesn’t
WEARS WRITY-TIGHTIES the process to be complete by the involve drinking or tractors. That
end of the school year. being said, I suppose you could
On November 12, 2018, the “We’ve actually been able to enjoy this software more if you
u[sic]ga Vice President of Informa- hire students to install the soft- were blackout drunk while using
tion Technology, Dr. Ether Knett, ware for us thanks to the intro it.”
announced that the Enterprise video that plays during the instal- In the future, u[sic]ga hopes to
Information Technology Ser- lation,” said Dr. Knett. “Turns adopt more software to meet the
vices Department (EITS) would out it keeps their attention long unique needs of its student body,
be upgrading library computers enough for the program to in- including licenses for the popular
from the Adobe Creative Cloud to stall.” Jump Start series and classic Hu-
Software MacKiev’s KID PIX 3D The new KID PIX deal allows mongous Entertainment titles,
software. students to use the software on including Pajama Sam and Freddi
KID PIX 3D features advanced their personal computers as long Fish.
editing technologies tailored for as they are students. As part of the licensing deal
the modern u[sic]ga student. In Students can download the with Software MacKiev, the
the program, users can draw using software from the official u[sic] school will also be getting access
a variety of tools, add text to their ga software distribution system. to the company’s family tree soft-
slideshows, and place animated Installation assistance is available ware to track incoming students’
characters on the screen to create for students who have trouble family trees.
presentations any u[sic]ga gradu- running the installer on their own U[sic]ga health department
ate would be proud of. computing devices. experts hope that this will help
Dr. Knett cited u[sic]ga stu- “I’d like every student to install them identify possible inbreed-
dents’ “lack of attention span, KID PIX on their own comput- ing-related health complications
class, ability to recognize any kind ers,” said Knett. “It will give them for u[sic]ga students.
of quality and general stupidity”
as the reason for the move.
“Honestly, how many students
do you think used Photoshop
here? Hell, half of these kids can’t
operate PowerPoint properly.”
Students were overwhelmingly
positive about the change, which
was piloted in a Terry College of
Business course on presentation
One student, John II, said that
the new software “was entertain-
ing enough that I was able to fin-
ish my entire presentation in just
under 24 hours.”
The presentations were a hit
with the class, who commented
that the presentations were “flashy,
attention-grabbing and had lots of
movement in the slides. We could
barely see the information!” Photo by Booboo Lawlins Student Publications
The EITS department is cur- Kid Pix allows one to decoratively endow pictures with a variety of
rently in the process of installing three-dimensional items and enables an eclectic design strategy.

cajun-seasoned tilapia with fries
and a drink for just $5.99 and we
swear the fish is real
November 16, 2018

OUR VIEWS | We think for ourselves sometimes

5 things lasagna is
Trucks have to be big sick of hearing
Anything smaller than a 2014 Toyota Tundra is weak You may look at lasagna as a with lasagna and soaking your
There are few things more frustrating brand new 2016 F-150. That doesn’t make simple dish of meat, cheese and body in lukewarm marinara sauce
noodles. You’re technically right, dates back to ancient Italy, where
in this world — only 2000 years old by me a “redneck” and it doesn’t mean I’m but there is so much more going the Kinguccinni (Italian for king)
the way — than listening to some nobody compensating for something. Hell, I don’t on in its three-to-seven layers that would fill his Bathtubinni (Italian
you probably have no idea about. for human-sized pasta bowl) with
who drives a 1998 pickup talking about his even know what compensating means but Just in case you thought you were the village’s surplus lasagna. By
truck. That isn’t a truck, that’s a midsized I know I’m not doing it. original, here are 10 soaking for 3-10
SUV with no backseat. There is a miscon- We all know that one who shows up to things that lasagna hours, he would
is sick of hearing. ORIGINALLY absorb the spir-
ception that trucks exist to assist in ‘work’ the late-night Wal Mart parking lot meetup 1) “Oh my god I
instead of to show your status in society. If in his mom’s Honda CRV. Want to know love lasagna! Let’s
PUBLISHED IN THE its of all the serfs
that passed that
it can fit into a parking garage, don’t even how I know it’s his moms? Because if you go to Olive Gar- ODYSSEY ONLINE ON year while toil-
den!” Some seem APRIL 20 2018 ing in the lasagna
bother. don’t drive a truck, you’re a chick. And you to think that Olive fields. Today, the
Garden is the be-all-
A truck isn’t the tiny red 40-horsepower know what’s worse than being a chick? The
end-all of lasagna. LASAGNA practice is a way
for children to ap-
loser-mobile that your grandpa drove on deeply ingrained mysogyny that plagues But, in truth, going A PLATE OF LASAGNA pease the angry
his farm. A truck is a behemoth, louder our rhetoric and everyday speech, echoing to Olive Garden to Lasagna God for
than your mom’s room when your ‘special the patriarchal social standards of a past eat lasagna would be the transgressions
like going to Athens to meet peo- of our false idol, Olive Garden.
uncle’ comes over. A truck puts out more where women were largely overlooked and ple. Sure, you’ll get what you came 4) “I’m more of a ravioli per-
smoke than my Juul on a full charge. A seen as inferior. But yeah if you don’t drive for, but there are so many places son myself.” Ravioli is the Diet
truck can fit you and your nine siblings a truck you’re a chick. so much more suited for your goal. Coke of the pasta world. You re-
There is Carrabbas, there is Mag- ally think that skank is better than
when you go mudding. Yet another argument for bigger trucks: giano’s, there is even Lean Cuisine. lasagna? Do you even know where
Let’s address this concept of using a more surface area means more room for It is honestly insulting to associate that ravioli has been? Do you think
lasagna with Olive Garden. Chef Boyardee is someone you can
truck for work. Aside from the fact the the stickers. If people a mile behind me on I20 2) “I like vegetarian lasagna!” trust to deliver high-quality pasta?
scientific unit for work is Juul, there is sim- don’t know that I am about the Salt Life or If you like vegetarian lasagna, you 5) “Let’s make a five-cheese
ply no practical reason to use a truck on that I want Hillary Clinton to be in prison must have a very, very small vocab- lasagna!” Would you like to be
ulary. The word you are looking full of cheese? Like, literally physi-
the job. When I graduate and go work for for killing Ben Ghazi or something, then for is ‘pasta’. Without meat, it isn’t cally stuffed with cheese? Trying
my dad’s air conditioner company, what my truck isn’t big enoug. lasagna. Meat and lasagna go to- to make lasagna with more than
could I possibly use my truck for (aside Here’s another thing. You know what gether like listicles and journalistic two cheeses is like trying to watch
integrity. You can’t expect lasagna Shrek, a Phish concert and Miss
from showing my virility and frattitude to pays for roads? Taxes. Socialism pays for to change just because you ask India 2000 (I love you Priyanka
his smokeshow of a secretary)? roads. The great President Reagan would your poorly-trained under-paid Chopra) all on the same screen.
Those needle-neck kids at Georgia Tech be rolling over in his grave if I was riding Olive Garden waitress to hold the The beauty of each individual as-
meat. If you can’t handle lasagna pect is lost in a bloated mess of
may try to make fun of what they don’t un- any lower than 8 feet above any publicly- at its worst, you don’t deserve lasa- dairy. In its purest form, lasagna
derstand, but rest assured: I worked really funded road. And yeah, he may have been gna at its best. contains only mozarella. Ravioli
3) “Son why in the hell would may love being stuffed with cheese,
hard to convince my parents to buy me a a TKE, but he’s still pretty frat. you try to fill our bathtub with but lasagna isn’t that kind of pas-
lasagna?” Once again, the short- ta. Keep your assorted cheeses to
sightedness of humankind sullies yourself. In the same way that God
yeah I pay $120 to fill my gas tank every three days but at least im not some soy- something that should be sooth- made only two genders to live on
eating prius-driving snowflake ing and delicious and wonderful. this earth, only up to two cheeses
The tradition of filling a bathtub should exist on your lasagna.

HARSH REALITY BY YOUR DIPLOMA technique editorial board

Rattata Gonorrhea EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Squirtle Hepatitis NEWS EDITOR
Zapdos Salmonella OPINIONS EDITOR
Machop Scabies ONLINE EDITOR

Write to us: maybe become an instagram social

media influencer or something i dont really know like people have told me
that im cute and funny and i think
please nobody edits this section id be really good at advertising stuff
so i know i wont get in trouble but like hinge or makeup or something
please send help i have been stuck in but ive been too nervous to try and
this room writing nonsense for what get myself out there im also locked in
feels like an eternity the dont let me a room so thats also an inconvenience
look at the time and there are no win- i guess like who even is the president
dows so i honestly have no idea how at this point we could have elected a
long ive been here every now and new one and i wouldn’t even know is
then they will bring in a plate of dairy the walking dead still good last time
queen chicken tenders and thats re- i saw it they were in a prison i cant
ally all ive had to eat since i got here really see how they could ruin such a
im tired and bored and hungry and i good show so im sure at this point it is
really want to do something else like still groundbreaking television
6 • November 16, 2018• TO HELL WITH GEORGIA // OPERNERIRNS

two different opinions on one real-life issue
is flat earth?
DR. INK MILLER F. SCOTT LITZGERALD were done in, like, this
PROF. didn’t get an on- MAJOR: PARTYING big lazer tag arena.
line phd for you to ever played lazer tag?
space and matter are there was this sick
call me professor” just, like, our percep- lazer tag spot next to
i have flown on tions, man. the earth my parents place that
and then after I isn’t flat or round, it’s also had mini golf and,
several airplanes, just, you know, earth, like, all the kids would
tell them that, ac- you know? people who have their birthdays
sometimes over tell you that they know there and stuff. wait
cording to cred- stuff about things but, woah that’s a good point
distances as long like, you’ve never been though, it’s kinda wild
ible pee reviewed to space, you know? un- that people just as-
as several hours. less you’ve seen it you sume the earth is, like,
studies, the flat can only give, like, your mini golf ball shaped.
through in all of opinion. when you stop think-
earth is accelle- you know what I ing what the man wants
them, i never once have seen? that stan- you to think, stuff like
rating 32 feet per ley kubrick movie, out- that just kinda makes
spotted a round er space. he’s all like you all “woahhhhhh”
second-square up- “woah! space!” and you know? like are the
in the horizon. i space is like “woah! hu- oceans supposed to be
wards. man!” and then he goes the little holes or what?
even hold up pen- through this wormhole you just have to think
gravity isn’t that’s kinda like a wide- about these things,
cil i brought with spread panic concert man.
moving us down, and then at the end he’s, like yeah i voted for
my carry on, and like, old but also a baby ted metz because he’s
we stay. the earth and it doesn’t really all “yo the government
the horizon is make sense but it’s like, is telling you all this
moves up to catch beautiful man. it’s so stuff,” you know? peo-
parallel. so why deep, it really tells you a ple need to open their
us. its like when lot about yourself when eyes and think for
does nasa say it’s you watch it. it’s easy themselves. and hemp
run. you move, to, you know, like trace has, like, tons of differ-
round? your own path paral- ent uses that would re-
clothes stay still. lel to his. like sure, his ally help our economy.
students ask me ship wanted to kill him. like i swear i don’t know
but clothes stay that’s just so symbolic, if anything about weed or
a lot “professor you have time after this anything like that but i
on your body be- interview i want to show just think there would
miller, if the earth you this youtube video be, like, economic simu-
cause youre move that like, breaks down lation if it was legalized.
is flat then why all the theories about and it actually is better
underneath. the movie. but yeah for you than alcohol, you
does gravity?” back to the point i think know? the government
i’d give it five stars. i is just a load of crap
and i tell them “i think i read somewhere man. i guess the earth
that the shots of space could go either way tho.


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// OPERNIERONS TO HELL WITH GEORGIA • November 16, 2018• 7


January 10
Kickoff and Reception
• 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
• Martin Luther King Jr.
Recreation Center and

Our Shared
Aquatic Center 
This reception serves as the
opening event for the 2019

King holiday observance and
an invitation to the public to
join us in honoring the life
and work of Martin Luther

Changing the
King Jr. 

World, Together

January 11-13
Civil Rights Journey
to Alabama  
The 2019 King celebration
begins with a trip to Selma,
Montgomery, and Tuskegee,
Alabama, to explore the
history of the civil rights
era and visit sites that were
major flashpoints in the civil
rights movement. There
are 70 student ($130) and
30 ($230) faculty spots
Student RSVP: https:// January 17-19 January 21 January 22 January 25-26 February 2
forms/342125 Focus Program  MLK Day of Service MLK Lecture featuring Komansé Dance Break Free from Poverty
• Georgia Tech Hotel and • 8 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Dr. Mae Jemison Theater: Skid 5K Walk/Run
January 15 • Student Center
Conference Center • 7 p.m. • 8 p.m.  • 8 a.m. 
Students with King: Ballroom  • Ferst Center for • Ferst Center for • Campus Recreation
Focus is one of the
Celebrate Differences During Georgia Tech’s the Arts the Arts Center
nation’s premier programs
• 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. for raising awareness ninth annual MLK Day of Jemison, an engineer, Komansé Dance Theater, The Georgia Tech
• Location TBD of graduate education Service, which honors physician, and NASA led by Georgia Tech MLK Student Board,
among the brightest the life and legacy of astronaut, will discuss student Raianna Brown, in conjunction with the
The purpose of Celebrate
Martin Luther King Jr., King’s legacy and the
Differences is to teach underrepresented takes a provocative look African-American Student
participants will serve journey individuals must
students about the national students.   in teams and engage take to change the world at homelessness and Union, will host a 5K walk/
impact of Martin Luther Contact: sybrina. in service projects with together and create a gentrification in the metro run to raise awareness of
King Jr. on the civil rights atwaters@omed. metro Atlanta community shared future.  Atlanta area and beyond. disadvantaged students
movement as well as partners. Ticket registration for Tickets for this event at Georgia Tech. There is
his global influence. The faculty, staff, and are $30. no entry fee, but students
RSVP: www.engage. are encouraged to donate
event is an opportunity January 16 community members Purchase tickets: non-perishable foods and
for students to engage in opens in November.
Distinguished Lecture: Contact: bjames44@ Student tickets become gently used clothing. 
dialogue with King family
Einstein on Politics available on January
members, veterans of the Contact: etogbenou3@
featuring Dr. Robert 7, 2019, at: gatech. Contact: stephanie.
movement, and people who
Schulmann January 21
worked with Dr. and
Mrs. King. • 3 p.m.   Visit: www.diversity.
• Student Center
Contact: dbullock7@ OBSERVANCE
Ballroom Martin Luther King Jr. celebration Forces Behind For more Movements information
Schulmann, former Annual Commemorative
director of the Einstein Service January 24 • 6:30 p.m. 
January 15 Visit www.diversity.
Papers Project and • 10 a.m. MLK “SUNDAY” SUPPER: • Bill Moore Student
co-editor of Einstein • Ebenezer Baptist A Community Meal and Success Center, MLK-celebration
on Politics, will discuss Church    Conversation President’s Suite A and
the Arc Toward Justice
the interplay of politics The Martin Luther King Jr. • 6 – 8 p.m.  Hall of Success Please let the designated
• 7 p.m.  
with Albert Einstein’s Annual Commemorative • Bill Moore Student Join us for a conversation event sponsor know if
• Student Center Ballroom   concerns for human rights Service is the spiritual Success Center about women’s activism you need a reasonable
This celebration will feature and the trajectory of his hallmark of the King within the civil rights accommodation to
The Georgia Tech
student speeches, cultural professional career. The holiday observance. community is invited to movement and other major participate.
performances, and a lecture will celebrate the Sponsored by the King come together over a social movements. A
candle-lighting ceremony 70th anniversary of the Center for Nonviolent meal and discuss the King reception is included, and TDD
for student organizations. signing of the Declaration Change, 20 spaces will be celebration events, King’s seating is limited to 30. (Telecommunications
Reception to follow. of Human Rights by the available to the Georgia legacy, and creating a device for the deaf):
United Nations.   Tech community through shared future. There are RSVP: 
Contact: mthomas324@ 404.894.1664
the MLK Day of Service. 100 spaces available.  https://orgsync. or sadous7@ Visit: http://www. com/139436/ Contact: marcus. RSVP: www.engage. forms/342955
williams@stucen. Contact: sirocus. Contact: myagnye2@
Visit: www.engage.
Hick Eri The new Ugga THWuGA
Dawg Wud
Not only does u[sic]GA have a new mascot ...... that mascot
has been accepted by students as one of their own. 4 9
Friday, November 16, 2018

brings to the table, which by a very challenging class “Go ahead and tell them, primitive, podunk Athens,
that will change our rather
BROCK LI the way!! is very nice. Gee. because many students at Pooma,” Feefye-Fofana it is a transformation
versity of Georgia faculty,
CONTRIBUTING WRITER I have never seen a table so the university have never coaxes him. “He likes it thick switch for the Uni-
students fixin’ to pick a
I sit across from him and nice. brushed their teeth before. when I tell the story better digital diplomas has many
While the switch to
he peers at me through his “Me and Pooma Pants One of the most difficult cuz he’s so modest. So, he The Dukes of Hazard.
The General Lee, from
spectacles. He’s the most have always been really aspects of the course is first came up with the idea to do
Lee, and a depiction of
mark mural of Robert E.
gia diplomas is a water-
admired guy on campus, close. We do practically ev- mastering how to grasp a the first chapter on how to of the University of Geor-
email. New to the design
but you would never know erything together. That’s toothbrush. Many students use mouthwash, cuz every- folder of their student
folder or in their “trash”
from his down-to-earth de- how I noticed I was doing simply see the toothbrush one here is so familiar with for print via their “spam”
to retreeve their diploma
meenur. really good on all the tests and immediately throw it drinking that since they Students will be able
His, office, is, large, he helped me study for,” in a garbage disposal. eat trash all the time!” following their graduation
their diplomas 30 days
and, filled, with, anteak, Feefeye-Fofana said. At first, Pooma Pants ates will have access to
December 2018 gradu-
mahogunny, furniture,,,. sis.
for granted on a daily ba-
In such a regal setting it reigning old south, take
are not tainted by the ever-
would be easy to feel un- that civilized people, who
munal printer; technology
welcome, but there is some-
wifi, and a single cum-
as printing capabilities,
install technologies such
thing comforting about his to digital diplomas, but
not only make the switch
big round eyes! and floppy Georgia Tech students to
rently has plans to hire
ears!!! and slobbery tongue. The [sic] University cur-
He is Pooma Pants, ev- I’ll know I made it in this
tures on it – that’s when
eryone’s new favorite pro- FROM PAGE 1 POOPS
fessor. Currently 7,00 stu-


dents are enrolled in his
course “How to Brush Your
Teeth 101,” which counts stand up to a bullee
for 23 [trigger warning]
engineering credits. The
know that it can b hard
waitlist is full too. to deel with sumone who says ur
“Professor Pants is so dumb and illiter8. Just remembur that
ur mom still thinks ur the smartest leetle
cool,” said one of his stu- nugget in the wurld. I have a few teeps for
dents, D. Umblond “He’s you to use when that dork is bullying u.
First, it is most importint to curl into a
like super chill about atten-
ball and close your eyes to protec your
dance and literally never fragile heart from there mean mean
Almost impersepteeblee, thought he got in over his
gives homework. Plus be- werds. So mean. Next, cover ur
Pooma nods his head in head (which isn’t hard, be- ears. Now u cant here them.
sides, he’s crazy good-look- anuther tip is to tell them how
agreement with Feefye-Fof- cause his head is only 10
ing.” good of a schoooool u[sic]GA is
ana. inches from the ground). and how no, you didn’t cheet to
Back to his office. Pooma
“After that, I really en- He quickly realized that get in here. How does cheeting
is obviously very tired af- even work? In realitee, u cous-
couraged him to share his his students couldn’t grasp
ter a long day of teeching in/husband is the prez of u[sic]
gift with others. That’s a pencil, much less a tooth- GA so obviously he got u in.
fellow Dwags how to brush finally, end teh argument
why I’m pumped af that he brush. So, he came up with
their teeth. His companion, with an accomplishmint u are
agreed to teach one of the a gr8 way to ease them into proud of. For example, an ef-
Leighannah Feefye-Fofana
hardest classes here.” the concept of dental high- fective argument ender is “I can
sits in on our conversation butt chug faster than u”. Which
“How to Brush Your Teeth jean.
to offer her point of view on u are. Don’t evur forget ur
101” has historically been value butt chugger.
the skills this rising star
// LIFE TO HELL WITH GEORGIA • November 16, 2018• 9

First ever student gets B at school B. A. REASS

extenshun cord. However, an-
other challenge arose.

known for easiest classes

CONTRIBUTING WRITER The mudders were too lazy
to stand and ride the scoot-
u[sic] GA students have ers. There4, they installed a
ERIC TILE The professor’s ph long embraced the art of lawn chair that would sit on
CONTRIBUTING WRITE revea ling a Venmo one lit up, on its difficulty and henc mudding, aka being a damn top of the scewters. Think
R transfer of As to e gives
about $10 by ‘DaW
The University(sic) Gs bUrsA r’. score. only those with a perfect hillbilly and driving their skiing. But not like skiing at all.
Tr ying ve The prof tractors and trucks in the More like sitting. but sitting
gia, a trailer park in of Geor- relief, he ry hard to hide his contract, has essor, voiding his
the middle ca rried on. “The final ba now chosen mud for no apparent rea- and skiing and scooting.
of nowhere aka At
hens, Geor- exam just required him to ck to school and obtai to go son at all. With the recent
gia, is known by m wr n a PhD
any mouth- all the numbers covered in ite in [trigger warning] Mechanica l appearance of Bird and
breathers as a world syllabus, the Engineering so
Lime scewters, u[sic]GA They gave their invention a
search institution. Li class re- correct 1 through 10, in the teach at a ‘real’ he can someday
or students have been taking very creative name. BIG BIRD.
reputed institutions ke all well turned der. However, when he Meanwhile,
, in to the streets and protesting
prides itself on the hi u[sic]GA ing a 9. his paper, he was miss- released no res the school has
gh academ- W hen asked about
it, ponse to this his- because they feel discrimi-
ic achievement of th
eir students, replied ‘Bro, 7 8 9 so 7 mus he torical event, however, rumor nated against. Now that you understand,
who have almost alw eaten 9.’ t’ve has it that they
ay the young hillbillies threw their
4.0 GPAs for as long s boasted
school has existed.
as the (pre) Th e professor alleges that
The school was contractually obligated he ca lled BOOZE (Balanced Ob-
have a
tic grading system in new holis-
the work s “you cant scoot in contrapshun in the back of
their trucks and headed to
is widely regarded as pass the stu
college in the world the easiest sis of pa dent solely on the ba- tion) where a
. rticipation credit, ho
to jective Oriented
Zeal for Educa-
student’s BAC dur-
the read
mud,”one sign. The the mud bogs to test out their
new toy.
Armed with their ever, due to his perso w- ing class
GPAs and their prest perfect code, na l honor grade in is added to their final young man holding the
he deducted 10% each course. sign was covered in mud,
grees, u[sic]GA grad igious de- his stu
s are seen in dent’s final grades. off This is to incorpor
ate stu- which sadly obscured the
full-time positions caused th This dents’ extracu
in rri view of his camo jumpsuit.
tries all over the wo all indus- B becaus e grade to change to a education(sic) culars into their
rld e u[sic]GA prides its and hence create a They also took to twit-
McDonalds, Taco Be , such as elf
AA rrow Sign Spin and even
ll ter, asking for Bird to pro-
ne vide them with the vehicular
ever, in recent times, rs. How-
demic legac y is unde their aca- entertainment they so de-
r threat. serve - a Bird for mudding.
In a rare first, a Bird, surprisingly didn’t give
student has not been u[sic]GA
cure an A in a basic able to se- a shit about those stupid
co rednecks and blocked them.
all freshmen take reg urse that
incoming credit ho ardless of This only in furriated
ur them moar.
Ca lculus, officia lly kn s: Pre-Pre-
tro to Counting. own as In- Altho u[sic]GA students
are very well known for ag-
A few words with
dent’s professor, ho the stu- gressively failing at top-
lde ics such as [TRIGGER
high school degree r of an
studies, further elu in genera l WARNING] engineering and
cid ~science~, the motivashun
problem at hand. ‘It ated the
’s not even for rolling around in the
that hard to get an
A here!’, he mud like a pig was just too
strong. They took an ex-
‘In addition to there
12 credit hour course- being a tension cord they found up
60% of the grade is load limit, their moms butt and set to
just offered work.
upon registration.
Al Their solushun was
courses were special l of our
ly designed simple: Two Bird scooters
with UGA students
in mind.’ lashed together with an
W hen asked abou
student didn’t man t how the
an A. he simply sh e to snag
said, “Well, our cour gged and
had us counting to se syllabus
school [sic] primarily , since the
New four wheelers intr
bers in this range, wh use num-
in Psycholog y to descr ether it be
erage u[sic]GA IQ, ibe the av-
graduation, when
or even post
to campus: Big Birdduced
UGA grads
have to count their pa Very real st
ycheck s.” udent
tears. This sits in chayre an Photo
by A. P. Niss
is the one that got the d cries real
B. He suX.
To H
10 • November 16, 2018• TO HELL WITH GEORGIA // LIFE

geor This space provided as a
// LIFE TO HELL WITH GEORGIA • November 16, 2018• 11

a public service by the Technique.

Billy Corgan
Mel Gibson Friday,
12 November 16, 2018

We found something to do in athens!!!!!!!!

“enrolled”), you can also go to a
BEAU VINETILTER uga volleyball, basketball, base-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ball or hockey game and pretend
like you care about sports other
Many students at this youni- than football. This is an especially
versity continue to believe that good option because it is a great
there is nothing to do in Athens. opportunity to forget about how
Now, we may not live in a big glo- disappointing our football team is
balist city like atlanta, but uGa and most uga students don’t even
students can still do some fun realize that there are other sports!
Of course, if we could we PLACE LATER PLACEHOLD-
would spend all of our time be- ER TEXT REPLACE LATER
tween the hedges barking at each PLACEHOLDER TEXT RE-
other like a pack of raving luna- PLACE LATER PLACEHOLD-
tics, but sadly our football team ER TEXT REPLACE LATER
only gets to disappoint us for one PLACEHOLDER TEXT RE-
brief season of the year. The rest PLACE LATER PLACEHOLD-
of the time, we will simply have ER TEXT REPLACE LATER
to find other ways of wasting away PLACEHOLDER TEXT RE-
our prime years. There are actu- PLACE LATER PLACEHOLD-
ally lots of things we can do! ER TEXT REPLACE LATER
For instance, if you and your If you’re looking for some high
sibling are looking for a cool date culture in the area, you should try
idea, you should try heading a wandering down some of down-
few miles out of town where there town athens’s many back alleys,
are tons of unique and romantic where you can find puke and
things to do! There are fields full urine stains that often look just
of cows to tip, tons of meth labs to like some of the world’s greatest
shop at, and there’s always mud- abstract paintings.
ding if you have a jeep or one of For fine dining, check out
kirby smart’s F-150s. the local pigly wiggly, where you
If you and your sister/brother can find high end organic pro-
aren’t on the closest terms, there duce and other ingredients from
are plenty of things you can do around the world. If you want a
with your bros around town. fancy place to take your cousin
You could go drink in a dive bar or sibling for a fancy dinner or a
downtown, go drink in a dance post-coital snack, try out the local
bar downtown, or go drink at Hardee’s which offers fresh and
pauley’s crepe bar downtown! healthy dishes made from the the
If drinking isn’t your thing best quality ingredients.
(or you’re out of money and your Photo courtesy of the State of Indiana
dad won’t send you anything else Severl tipsy cowz pose for a promotional photo. kowtipping is fun to do in athens.
because you’re not technically go dwags woof woof

u(sic)Ga’s next big campus trend: boofing?

very quickly. I personally prefer
GIANLUIGI BOOFON the tampon method, in which you
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR soak a tampon with your alcoholic
beverage of choice and then insert
Last year, juuling took u(sic) the tampon in your boofhole. This
Ga by storm. Students were juul- allows you to boof much more
ing everywhere, from the backs of slowly, and with this method you
lecture halls to frat parties. The can even maintain a buzz over a
juuling has certainly not stopped, long period of time.
but it seems that some of the ex- Drug boofing is often more
citement that once surrounded straightforward. You can either
the fun trend has shifted to a new boof drugs in powdered or liq-
activity which is sweeping accross uid form. Anything you can take
campus. It’s called boofing, and by ingestion or snorting can be
everyone is doing it. boofed! Just be careful, as boofed
The new activity, which in- drugs will hit your system much
volves taking drugs or alcohol more quickly!
by putting them in your rectum, Another great part about boof-
exploded onto the mainstream ing is that it can be used as an
earlier this year when frat boy, intimate activity between lovers.
u(sic)Ga fan and judge Brett Ka- You can really take your relation-
vanaugh discussed the technique ship with your cousin or sibling to
during a confirmation hearing in the next level by using boofing as
the Senate. a bonding activity.
With all of the excitement Neuroscience major Boof
around boofing, you’re probably Fratenaugh pointed out that
wondering: how exactly is it done? “WHOOOOOOOWHEEEEEE
No need to worry, because the red I DO LOVE ME SOME
and black has your back ;-) GOOD OLE BOOFIN!!!!!!!! I
There are two main types of BEEN BOOFIN SINCE BE-
boofing: drug boofing, and alco- FORE IT WAS COOL AND I
hol boofing. If you’re interested in CAN’T GET ENOUGH, I’VE
alcohol boofing, there are several BEEN BOOFIN METH ALL
ways of getting your buzz on. MORNIN!!!!!!”
The most popular form is the Last week, Kirby Smart offi-
butt-chug, in which you use a fun- cially endorsed boofing as a great
nel to pour beer or liquor directly way to get players ready for big
Photo by Alex Jones Student Publications into your butthole. This is the games, declaring that “I had ev-
Brett Kavanaugh poses for a promotional photo with his friend more hazardous form of boofing, eryone boofing before the Auburn
boofy the keg boofer before a major boofsesh on the senate floor. as it involves absorbing alcohol See BOOF, page 69

Cullinary spotlight: the dumpster behind sanford stadium MIGOS FROM PAGE 14

Immediately after the first song

RESTAURANTS was complete, the Migos began to
hand out hand rolled cigarettes to
Dumpster the crowd. The tobacco must have
LOCATION: Behind sanford been old because the cigarettes
stadium smelled oddly of skunk and old
gasoline. Everybody in the crowd
CUISINE: Fancy seemed to appreciate the gifts as
COST: $0-dysentery they all began to light up as the
next song began.
HOURS: 24/7

The crowd erupted as Lil
PHONE: N/A Yachty ran onto the stage. Im-
mediately, the Migos launched
OUR TAKE: ««««« into their collaboration with Lil
Yachty “drugs.”

EWE ANNAMADIQ here is no

chef at the
A new restaurant recently exclusive res-
opened in Athens which will give taurant; food
ultra-modern dining concepts seems to be pre-
around the world a run for their made at a few
money. times during
The new location is so exclu- the day and
sive that from the outside, it is you can just
hard to tell that it’s even a res- eat what you
taurant — it sports a plain blue want while you
exterior which seems to be made are there.
of vintage, battered pot metal. The restau-
To further discourage unwor- rant is clear-
thy customers from entering, cause all of the food is free for dusted with a find coating of a President Morehead enjoyed a luy run by some
there are markings which imply customers to take and eat, no white fur-like substance, almost delicious plate of maggots. sort of europe-
that the building houses garbage small feat considering the in- like a powdered sugar. Without This is the type of restaurant an-stuyle com-
rather than gourmet dishes. credible quality of the dishes on a doubt, anything that you can that could only exist in a place as munist collec-
There is no waitstaff or chef offer. try at the restaurant is unlike sophisticated and high-class as tive, because
at the exclusive restaurant; food The food itself is exquisite, anything else you’ve ever had. Athens; only u(sic)Ga students all of the
seems to be premade at a few better than anything else avail- The location is frequented are capable of appreciating such food is free
times during the day and you able in Athens. Most dishes seem by Athens’s biggest celebrities. fine cuisine, and I would person- for customers to
can just eat what you want while to be slightly fermented, much While I was there, I saw Ugga ally recommend the dumpster take and eat,
you are there. like Korean-style kim chi, and dining on its unrivaled cuisine, behind sanford stadium for any no small feat
The restaurant is clearluy some of the highlights are sour Kirby Smart stopped by for a occasion, from family reunions considering the
run by some sort of european- green hot dogs and half-eaten snack after one of his famous to banquet dinners to romantic incredi
stuyle communist collective, be- stadium pretzels, which are often Ford F-150 commercials, and evenings with cousins.



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Frat parties are kewl Migos

downtown that I’d heard so much
about. When the first parties of
ended up hopping around and the
ratio never got better as the night
Even the few live music perfor-
mances I saw weren’t that great host anti-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER the semester finally came around,
I was left sorely disappointed.
What was even worse was
and just continued to reinforce
how poorly the night was going.
Fraternity parties are a huge The first thing I noticed when the lack of alcoholic beverages. Although I had hoped for a
part of why I came to UGA. I showed up to old row was the As someone who enjoys a good once in a lifetime chance at love
Honestly, there was no other completely wack ratio. There were night out, the severe shortage of and excitement, at the end of the
reason to go to school here since dudes everywhere and not a girl in alcohol totally ruined the mood. day, I was left staggeringly sober,
the academics don’t really mean sight. Since so many people have There wasn’t nearly enough to get and another night wasted not be-
anything. I was super excited to met their soulmates at date nights turnt or lit. The music was trash ing wasted.
go party the night away and then and parties, I was looking forward too with just rapper after rapper <===================3 PREPUBESCENT HOODLUM
go to all the cool, unique bars to falling in love at first sight. I mumbling over a drum machine. <===================3 ASSISTANT ENTERTAINMENT RAPPER

A recent influx in the drug use,

particularly the use of marijuana,
among students at the University
of Georgia has alarmed the ad-
ministration. After several hear-
ings and committee meetings, the
administration reached the con-
clusion that the best way to reach
the youth and effect change was
to recruit their idols – people they
looked up to.
As a result, the administration
reached out to pop culture icons
from Brian Kemp to Nickleback.
Ultimately, though, they settled
on the Atlanta based Migos. Ne-
gotiations lasted weeks and both
parties were finally able to agree
on an antidrug concert that was
held on October 24 (cuz 420 :-P).
Due to weather, the concert was
delayed until November 1 and set
to begin at 4:20pm.
When the Migos took the
stage, their eyes were red and they
were all carrying bags of Cheetos.
They immediately launched in to
“Designer Drugs.” The song was
high energy and seemed to be
played with the passion that can
only come from a love song. =
See MIGOS, page 13

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16 • November 16, 2018• TO HELL WITH GEORGIA // COMICKS

Established in 1908

following members who are graduating in 201

their outstanding leadership ability, personal achievement, strong character, and

true love for Georgia Tech.
// COMICKS TO HELL WITH GEORGIA • November 16, 2018• 17
18 • November 16, 2018• TO HELL WITH GEORGIA // SPORKS

a interview with a uga football freshman

BRODIE SMITH AND Cole: yeah of course its not very good. he kept on Luke: nah he just kept Brodie: so what sport do
COLE STEVENS been good! you guys are calling me. i kept tryna using that ‘100’ emoji in you play
BROTHERS, KAPPA DELTA SOMETHING playing so good! what snap my girls - i mean just response to everything.
made you decide to come one girl, Tammy ur the Like I’d post a picture at a Luke: football
Hi everyone my to UGA only one for me - but any- workout and he’d be like
name is Brodie and I way, every time i’d open ‘100’. Or I’d be smoking or Brodie: oh right. anyway,
am Cole and together Luke: idk it was one of snapchat i’d have like 40 something and he’d be like how are you playing this
we decided to in- the schools on my list of snaps from him. “L.O.L. ‘100!’” season
terview our fra- schools that i was going to
ternity brother and apply to, and kirby kept Brodie: were they good (This is a pretty newfan- Luke: oh it’s fine, i’m not
football player! calling me on the phone snaps? gled idea so we have in- really playing much any-
a guy named Luke being all like “son please cluded th emoji here) way, coach says i need to
Johnson. Cole, tell come to georgia”. imma be Cole: yeah did he use cool learn the playbook idk
them about luke honest that was honestly filters and stuff what that means. basically
i’ll be a millionaire in a few
Sure brodie! Luke is re- years so i don’t really have
ally fu- freaking chill. He’s to worry about going to
from Long Beach or some classes so that’s cool. also
California thing so he’s i’m seeing this really hot
really like in touch with girl named angelina and
himself and I think that’s that’s been going great
so cool. He is also a run-
ning back which prob- Cole: didnt you say you
ably means he gets a lot of were dating some girl
points on his Fitbit when named tammy
he decides to run! well I
guess Kirby decides if he Luke: uh right. hey this is
gets to run! Haha! off the record right
Anyway we sat down Brodie: what does that
with him for like three mean
hours and you can see the
entire conversation here. Cole: yeah luke, are you
trying to hide secrets from
Brodie: So hey Luke your Kappa Delta Some-
thing brothers?
Luke: hey
Luke: idk that’s what peo-
Cole: do I get to say hey too ple say in movies when the
say something bad. I like
Brodie: no. anyway it’s watching movies because i
pretty cool to see you luke. can just see the pictures in-
so you play foootball for stead of reading letters like
georgia right? how’s that in the books
Brodie and Cole: thanks
Luke: (pause) it’s been Photo by Brodie Smith student pub luke this was fun have a
good i guess this is me and my friend cole good baseball season
// SPORKS TO HELL WITH GEORGIA • November 16, 2018• 19

homeless vangorder spotted you can count on

ruptcy, shorting VanGorder
several million dollars.
the math team!
and failing to find a lick of
success at any position since
PH.D CANDIDATE, STRIP CLUB VanGorder, on his eighth job serving as defensive coor-
STUDIES in seven years, reportedly dinator for the Dawgs from
hitchhiked from Louisville to 2001-2004. VanGorder spe-
Following three straight Athens in order to return “to cializes in defending the tri-
games where Louisville’s de- his old stomping grounds”. ple option and has displayed
fense yielded 50+ points to VanGorder was quoted as his expertise on numerous
opposing teams, Cardinals saying “I could take a shit on occasions including serving happen to be coached a team
defensive coordinator Brian Kirby Smart’s desk and he’d as a defensive consultant G-LEWIS UGA gradu- that grasped
VanGorder was spotted on still hire me as a defensive against Georgia Tech in the RAPPER EXTROARDINAIRE ates) got to- the concept
campus dressed in raggedy, consultant. I 2016 version of the clean-old gether, they of subtrac-
worn clothing, holding up a fashioned hate and losing In a stunning decided that tion in such a
sign that read, “Will Coach 4 could bang his wife and he’d the game badly and giving upset, the there was no short amount
$$”. beg me to draw up defensive up a tiny tiny tiny 66 points to University of of time, even
schemes. I could empty a Tech earlier this season. Georgia’s math specific rule comparing
Reports from Kentucky indi- dumpster of toxic waste into team beat out banning the them to the
cated that Louisville, after be- his swimming pool and he’d P e a c h t r e e replacement of famous team
ing forced to pay Rick Pitino’s thank me and ask me to Middle School instructions of 1980 that
buyout, cancel a lucrative be on the field for the SEC By press time, Kirby Smart in the Alge- for another everyone else
naming contract with Papa championship game.” had reportedly been alerted bra 1 Greater team. While on this planet
Johns, and pay for another to the fact that VanGorder Atlanta Re- the Peachtree has forgotten
class of five-star recruits to VanGorder has an illustri- was on campus and was re- gional Compe- math team went about. Look-
join their basketball program, ous history at the university portedly scouring campus tition. to lunch, UGA ing forward,
were simply unable to pay (sic) of georgia, having aban- looking for VanGorder with a took the op- the UGA math
VanGorder’s salary for this doned the school at the first blank check in one hand and Solving the portunity to team will com-
season and declared bank- sign of a head coaching job a georgia visor in the other. final problem secure their pete with lo-
4x+5=9 took victory. cal elementa-
the team near- ry schools in
ly four hours, a subtraction
with the final “It was a very c o m p e t it i o n
step being h a r d -f o u g h t benefitting a
an impressive victory” said for-profit or-
new technique UGA coach For- g a n i z a t i o n,
for the team: est Gump, strengthening
division. their sched-
There was con- “our students ule as they
troversy in practiced for approach the
the results, hours in ad- final challenge
as Peachtree vance for this of the season,
Middle School co m petition, the SAT.
was told to even memo-
submit their rizing their editor’s note:
s o l u t i o n alphabet to the author is
through mail u n d e r s t a n d not familiar
by a UGA staff variables.” with math so all
member. descriptions of
He went on to math in this ar-
However, once speak about ticle may or may
the judges how he was not be accurate
(all of whom proud to have


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SPORTS EDITOR: football plays tech THWuGA
Orwell Bradbury
Zach Holder
very exciting game but we will win
because we are dawgs! ! ! ! go georgia!
definitely not paying our players423 November 16, 2018

if you can read this please transfer

onsh ip.
seriously please leave your bet-
ter than this E v e n
i am trapped in a building on
this campus? which building? people
i cannot say? every day it gets
worse. the noises in my head. the who dare
barking of our dog. the reminder
that kirby smart will never lead cla im
our team to the promised land
because nick saban will find a that we
successor to tua tabasdfkljasdai-
loa. this is so dumb have lost
honestly why did i come here. a game
i tell my parents it’s because of
the ‘social life’ but i just keep on this sea-
meeting farmers every where.
FARMers . what am i supposed son (we
to do with farmer? ui dont want
to grow lettuce is lettuce even a have not.)

but enough Never

about me. I fear. We
think Geor- will en-
gia Football sure these
is overrat- people
ed. i haven’t are han-
seen proof dled.
that our of- Thank
fense can get you for
things done your co-
against a le- op er at ion
Photo by farmer

gitimate de- a farmer farms his farm somewhere in farmsville, farming farm farmingly so he can farm the
farm in the most farmacious farmative manner possible. farming farm farms farms
and Go
fense, Fromm Dawgs
may or may ING give Smart! I’m minating the
not be better ME BACK Smart! I’m internet ac- Love,
than Eason, THE KEY- the Smartest cess of any Kirby
and who can B OA R D man here! computer
forget that NO PLEASE that makes
loss to LSU. STOP HEL- Everything this search!
and what is normal! We anticipate
happened to Hello! I am UGA is nor- your support
lsu next? they Kirby Smart! mal! It is a at coming
got crushed I will be good school! games! We
by alabama. your friendly Our foot- are aware that
i am getting guiding voice ball team is there are some
the sinking today. You good! Please dissidents
feeling that can trust me do not look on our cam-
the dogs because my up “uga lsu pus - people
are not for last name is score” online! who do not
real - au- Smart! Like For your con- believe that
uughhh what “Smart”! venience we UGA wil win
are you dO- Get it? I’m will be ter- the national

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