3.what's Your Opinion About Happiness Without Marriage?

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Happiness Without Marriage

My name is Sara Al-Sabah, a student from UAEU , College of Science, majoring in chemistry. I
would like to give out this survey about happiness and marriage for educational purposes.
Thanks in advance for being a part of this.

Nationality : □ Emirati □ Other from …………………..

Gender : □ Male □ Female

Age : □ 18-21 □ 22-25 □ 26-30 □ 30+

Education : □ Primary □ High school graduate □ University\College

Status : □ Single □ Married □Divorced\Widow

1.What’s your definition of a good marriage?


2.Does marriage improve your life ?

□ Yes , because :………………………………….…………………………………….
□ No , because : …………………………………………….....................................

3.What’s your opinion about happiness without marriage?

□ Marriage isn’t the main source of happiness

□ Single people are more determined and healthier than the married ones
□ You can’t be happy if you live by your own your whole life
□ You might be happy at the beginning , but eventually you will need someone by your side
4.Independence is based on :
□ Marriage

□ Career

□ Wealth

□ Health

5.Is marriage an obligation in our Arab culture?

□ Yes, is it a traditional thing
□ Yes, it helps to build our society
□ No, people decide whether they want to get married or not
□ Other ,because : ……………………………………………………………………………….

6.Can people find happiness without marriage?

□ Yes , because :………………………………….…………………………………….
□ No , because : …………………………………………….....................................

7.If a woman decides to stay single :

□ She can achieve a career
□ She can be independent
□ She can volunteer to help society
□ She is a worthless
□ Other ,because : ……………………………………………………………………………….
8.If a woman decides to get married :
□ She can achieve in a career
□ She can be independent
□ She can volunteer to help society
□ She is a loser
□ Other ,because : ……………………………………………………………………………….

9.Order the lifestyle options from 1 best to 5 worst :

Marriage, health, job, wealth, kids.





10.Is marriage the key to happiness?

*For men : □ Yes , because :………………………………….…………………………………….
□ No , because : …………………………………………….....................................
*For women : □ Yes , because : …………………………….…………………………………….
□ No , because : ………………………………………….....................................

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