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Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title: Advanced Properties of concrete

Module Code: CIVE4057 (Old: H24S06)
Session: Spring Semester 2017 - 18
Module Convener: J. Jayaprakash

Prerequisites: Chemistry and H22CM2 (Concrete Part)

Module Aims and Objectives

 To study further aspects of cement and concrete technology to those studied

in H22CM2, involving construction practice, durability, quality control, repair
and maintenance, and special cement and concrete types.
 To carry out numerical analysis of problems related to these subjects.
 To carry out an investigative project in groups of 5 or 6 on a choice of
subjects involving local construction, manufacture and production of concrete
or its raw materials.


- Chemistry and Physical properties of concrete

- Cements and Admixtures
- Volumetric deformations in concrete
- Transportation, compaction, curing and striking of concrete and quality of
- Sulphates attack and alkali aggregate reaction
- Carbonation of concrete and corrosion of reinforcement
- Fibre reinforced concrete
- Pumped and sprayed concrete
- Repair techniques and Maintenance

Summary of Content

This module will give instruction in advanced concrete technology, dealing

extensively with modern techniques used in construction, deterioration and repair. A
wider understanding of the mechanical, chemical and physical behaviour of concrete
will result. Aspects of durability of concrete include sulphate attack, alkali silica
reaction, carbonation and corrosion of reinforcement. Construction matters deal with
curing concrete, pumping and pneumatic techniques, quality control and surface
treatments. Pore fluid content of cement paste is covered.

Module Learning Outcome

LO1 – Have a knowledge of the physical, mechanical and chemical behaviour of

cement and concrete in order to be able to apply basic principles to a range of
construction and inspection/repair scenarios.

LO2 – Be able to carry out investigative studies into new areas of concrete
technology and concrete construction.

Written two hour examination (75%)
Submitted coursework (25%)

Assessment Type Weight Requirements

Exam 1 75 2 hour exam
Coursework 5
Report 12 Group report
Presentation 8


Properties of Concrete: A. M. Neville

Module Title: Advanced properties of concrete
Module Code: CIVE4057 (Old: H24S06)
Session: Spring Semester 2017 - 18
Module Convener: J. Jayaprakash


L01 Introduction
L02 Chemistry and Physical properties of concrete
L03 Cements and Admixtures
L04 Volumetric deformations in concrete
L05 Transportation and compaction of concrete
L06 Curing of concrete and Quality control of concrete
L07 Sulphates attack in concrete
L08 Alkali aggregate reaction
L09 Carbonation of concrete
L10 Corrosion of reinforcement
L11 Fibre reinforced concrete
L12 Pumped and sprayed concrete
L13 Repair techniques and Maintenance


Prerequisites: Chemistry and H22CM2 (Concrete Part)

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