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The Value
of Project
The search for
competitive advantage

The last 12 months have been a turbulent time I would finally like to thank our partners
for many organizations as the political and who helped to support us in the promotion
economic climate moves into uncertainty. Yet, of the survey, without them, we would
if the last 12 months have shown us anything, not have had such a strong response.
it is that organizations must transform, or Special thanks must go to Algonquin
even simply change, quicker than ever before College, Critical P3M, IIL, PEOPLECERT,
to stay ahead of the competition and survive. POTIFOB, Serview, SPOCE and TSO.
Project and programme management is
crucial to that survival. It is encouraging to CAMERON STEWART
see that in our inaugural PPM Benchmarking HEAD OF PPM PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
survey, although project and programme AXELOS
managers are being asked to deliver more
and more, investment in the development
of staff remains. That said, as the report
shows, there is much room for improvement
to stay competitive and deliver value.
This report, the first of its kind from AXELOS,
seeks to lay the foundation for a yearly
publication aimed at giving insight to the project
and programme management (PPM) market
for our members, community and accredited
partners. I would like to take the opportunity
to thank everyone who took part in the survey.
This deep dive into many of the key issues and
challenges faced by project and programme
managers helped us, and will hopefully give
you vital insight into the PPM industry.

2|Executive summary
There is no doubt that project managers are about the impact of project reviews on the
impacted by changing economic conditions. successful delivery of projects, highlighting
They face the same pressures as the wider common issues that could have been avoided.
business in terms of reduced budgets,
Agile continues to be a hot topic within project
delivering greater value, higher productivity
management. There is a huge appetite amongst
and increased outputs. However, if you delve
project managers for agile techniques, yet this
deeper what becomes apparent is that these
enthusiasm isn’t apparent at an organizational
challenges, if not managed, can lead to some
level. Why are so many organizations wary about
serious risks regarding the successful delivery
adopting agile? It could be through a lack of
of projects. Yet our research still shows a
understanding as ‘agile’ is still perceived as
divide between project management practice
the latest buzzword. Project managers need
and strategic project management with many
to educate the business about the value of
organizations failing to prioritize investment
agile to help deliver the number of projects
in their project management teams.
that organizations are now demanding.
The maturity of project management in many
Awareness of project management
organizations is still behind where it needs to
methodologies is high in the industry, but
be to meet the increased demands of more
there is a gap between awareness and uptake.
projects within existing timeframes and budgets.
PRINCE2® continues to be the most
One measure of maturity can come from the
well-known project management methodology
P3M3® Maturity Model, yet less than 20% of
and is cited by organizations as being the most
organizations described themselves as having
important method to their organization. For
established processes in place, with ongoing
individual project managers it is encouraging
improvements based on monitoring and
to see the majority participating in ongoing
feedback. Although it’s encouraging to
development, driven by a need to do their jobs
see that PMOs are in place in more than half
more effectively. Unfortunately organizations
of organizations, their integration at the
are under-investing in the development of
highest level is far from where it needs to be.
their project managers, which the research
If project management continues to be
shows has far-reaching consequences.
under-represented at a senior level then this will
impact on the successful delivery of projects. This report highlights the issues and
challenges faced by project managers to
Project managers are consistent about the
deliver. If organizations want to be successful
issues they face that could impact the success
in implementing projects that help them to
of a project. These include over-ambitious
achieve their strategy they will need to support
timeframes, changing project briefs and moving
their project managers in order to create a
expectations. These issues are common but
culture of project management excellence.
more importantly they are the main causes of
project failure. Another contributing factor is
the lack of project reviews taking place, with
nearly half of project managers experiencing
project failure in the last 12 months as a
result. The statistics tell an interesting story

3| Today’s project
management pressures
Project managers (and the projects they’re Evolutions in technology bring their own set
responsible for) are not immune to the of challenges resulting in greater complexity
effects of a changing global economy. in project delivery, increased project risks
and an impact on profit margins.
In fact, the majority of project managers
acknowledge that there is increased Project risk and failure
business competition which is causing
a variety of knock-on effects. Many project managers have identified higher
levels of project risk as they’re required
These include a tightening of project budgets to deliver more projects annually, and at a
and timelines as clients and stakeholders quicker pace. However, the increased pressure
seek greater value, which ultimately leads has not led to hiring extra staff, with barely
to more projects in shorter timeframes. more than a third (36%) seeing new intake
Meanwhile, organizations’ expectations of project management colleagues.
of evolving technology mean that they
are relying more and more on projects to
deliver greater competitive advantage.

Agreement with statements about the changing global economic climate,

and its effect on business, % top-2-box agree

The business environment has become more competitive 76

Budgets and timelines are tighter as clients/ stakeholders look for more value from projects 74
Evolutions in business practices and technology has meant that clients/ stakeholders expect
projects to deliver greater competitive advantage
We are expected to deliver more projects over a shorter time frame 65

Project risk has increased 58

Advances in technology has made projects more complex to deliver 55

Profit margins have reduced 48

We have delivered more projects over the last 12-months compared to the previous 12-months 42

We now employ more project managers 36

The strength of our economy/ currency has made us more competitive 32

It has made no difference 19

These emerging business issues are feeding
into the primary pressures on project
managers of over-ambitious timeframes,
changing expectations, lack of the right
people and unrealistic budgets.
This environment – along with poorly defined
business cases and misunderstanding of
risk – is contributing directly to project
failure. However, what is apparent from our
research is the value of formal project reviews.
While reviews do not eliminate all potential
project issues, they are instrumental in
avoiding actual project failure; a topic we will
explore in more detail later in this report.

Project management excellence

Organizations are willing to prioritize
developing the professional skills of their
project managers if it leads to improved
efficiency, productivity and effectiveness and
being competitive in the market. Yet, there is a
lack of commitment from organizations when
it comes to keeping up with the latest best
practice and investing in their future leaders.
Although continuing professional development
(CPD) is actively supported by three-quarters
of organizations, there is a disconnect between
their support for and willingness to fund it.
If organizations are going to overcome the
impact of global economic change, they will
need to reconsider how they equip their project
managers with the methods, processes and
governance to succeed more often than they fail.

4| Project management maturity
within organizations
Our research highlighted that organizations What our research did highlight was how the
are running more projects and expecting success of projects can be determined by an
project managers to deliver them in the organization’s project management maturity.
same timescales. However, there are serious Among the more mature organizations, 67%
questions over whether project management had experienced no project failure in the
in those organizations is well-run, effectively past 12 months, while only 47% among the
governed and aligned with business objectives. less mature organizations had managed to
avoid project failure in the same period.
There is clearly work to do on project
management’s status within organizations,
as only 53% of project managers describe Whether detailed end-of-
the project management function as project reviews %
“influential”. Achieving organizational take place
objectives is clearly under pressure when fewer
than half (47%) say project management Always 18
is “aligned” with those objectives. 44%
Most of the time 26
A measure of maturity
Sometimes 30
During the survey, respondents were asked to
describe the maturity of their organization in a
Rarely 21
high level comparison to the five maturity levels
within P3M3. Only 17% identified established Never 6
processes in place, with ongoing improvements
based on monitoring and feedback. And while
just over a quarter combine processes with
routine monitoring and evaluation, over half
are struggling to implement any significant
best practice of this type. Reassuringly, only
1 in 10 describe their project management as
being “without processes” and “disorganized”.

Description of project management function %

Established processes in place, with ongoing improvements and innovations introduced, based on
feedback from monitoring and evaluation
Established processes in place, with routine monitoring and evaluation 28

Some established processes in place, but no monitoring or evaluation 31

Some very basic processes in place, but no monitoring or evaluation 14

A little disorganized, with no clear or consistent processes in place 10

Description of project management function, % agree on a scale of 1-5 %

PM is influential when it comes to organization strategy 33 20 53

PM is aligned with organizations objectives 32 15 47

Organization’s objectives are clear 36 18 54

Rate 4 Rate 5

The place of the Project In the same report, we found that 90% of
project managers concurred with the need for
Management Office (PMO) a “much stronger strategic vision that aligns
What is the level of effectiveness with the goals of the business”. In practice,
among existing PMOs (or the impact that could mean projects without strategic
of their absence) in organizations? importance being dropped in favour of others.
While half of organizations have a PMO, its However, what our research here is showing
level of internal integration at the highest level is that project management is
is only apparent in 39% of cases. Equally, a under-represented at a senior level and this
third of organizations have no PMO to oversee could have an impact on project success,
project delivery and ensure that organizational regardless of whether project managers
change is managed efficiently and effectively. themselves develop a more strategic approach.
This misalignment between project management
functions and the organizations they serve
seems to affect how individual project
managers view the strategic importance of
their work: for example, when asked about
how much successful projects contribute to
company turnover, more than half the project
managers we asked (55%) didn’t know.
As highlighted in AXELOS’, The Future Project
Management Professional, report released in
early 2017: “Projects don’t finish with output
but when business benefits are realized –
that’s why project managers need to ensure
their projects link to the business strategy.”

For those with PMO, how long it Whether organization has a PMO %
has been established

Able to say how long in years 66

Unsure 25

New/being set up now 9

For those with PMO, level

of integration

Fully integrated (5) 15

(4) 24

(3) 36 Yes 50

(2) 17 No 34

Separate unit (1) 7 No, but is planning one 9

No, it used to have one, but not

any more

5| Challenges affecting success and
failure in project management
Project managers are in no doubt about
the most pressing challenges they face Issues faced by PPM, in descending order
in delivering successful projects. And of importance
the challenges they emphasize tend to (Derived values, from conjoint analysis)
be the product of poor practice, bad
planning and management decisions. Over-ambitious
At the head of the list is “over-ambitious
timeframes” for projects, followed closely Changing project
by “changing project briefs and moving 0.57
brief/ expectations
expectations”. In the context of increasing
project numbers to deliver in the same
Poor communication 0.25
timeframe or less, plus the relative isolation
of the PMO in organizations, these are
serious challenges for project managers. Lacking the right
people for the task
Meanwhile poor communication, absence
of the right people for the job, unrealistic
Unrealistic budgets 0.19
budgets and inefficient work practices are
also significant issues complicating the lives
of project managers today. It’s arguable that Inefficient work practices 0.11
some of these issues are connected to the
lack of concerted effort among organizations
Project management
to direct investment into ongoing training and
does not have 0.05
development, which would enable best practices enough influence
to be embedded in project management.
Lack of skills and training -0.13

Administrative burden -0.34

There is a lack of
effective tools

Lack of innovation -0.53

Teams are located

across multiple locations

The problem of project management lacking
sufficient influence in organizations, although So what were
ranking comparatively lower on the scale of
critical issues, again makes an appearance. the issues that
What is important to understand (and this is also
addressed in our research findings) is that the
commonly led
issues troubling project managers are both real
and lead to significant levels of project failure.
to project failure?
Project issues: their occurrence Where project managers (59%)
and contribution to failure found themselves handling a
In the past 12 months, project managers project that couldn’t be delivered
have been faced with a range of real-world
issues in their work. Some of these issues,
in the timeframe, nearly half (47%)
it could be argued, might be addressed by experienced project failure.
agile project management approaches.

56% of project managers had

witnessed significant changes
to the project brief and
expectations and this led to
project failure in 48% of cases.

In 51% of cases the risks

were not properly understood
and consequently affected
failure in 44% of projects.

Half of project managers felt

their project didn’t have the right
people in place, which led to
project failure in 43% of cases.

Project reviews: the good news That said, the likelihood of project failure caused
by either poor understanding of risks or a
and the not so good news changing project brief seems to affect project
Conducting project reviews is closely linked managers similarly whether they conduct reviews
to the PRINCE2 core principle of learn from or not. Project managers could be forgiven for
experience. Lessons should be captured struggling in these instances, as the challenge
throughout the life of a project, and formalized posed by a changing brief and anticipating
in a lessons report after the project. This all future risks are probably beyond the scope
helps project managers understand what and value of reviewing a previous project.
went well, what didn’t and ensure that
knowledge is carried on to future projects. Key advantages of
However, more than half of project managers project reviews
said they didn’t conduct end of project reviews. When analyzing the way people tackle project
With the majority of project managers not issues, there are some issues that are minimized
undertaking project reviews, how does this most effectively by project managers who
affect successful project management? conduct project reviews either always or most of
the time. Conducting reviews appears to reduce
Project reviews: preventative the problem of encountering a poor business
medicine for project failure justification, with less than a third of those
project managers experiencing it in the past
The statistics tell a story: almost half (48%)
year. The same people are less likely to face the
of project managers who rarely or never
issue of meeting a project deadline or exceeding
conduct project reviews had a failed project
the budget. They also avoid the “wrong people
in the past 12 months. Conversely, that
on the team” challenge more often than
figure falls to about a third (34%) among
those who skip the project review process.
project managers who review projects
either always or most of the time.
Clearly, carrying out reviews doesn’t
guarantee a 100% project success rate.
However, those who do are less likely to
experience actual project failure.
Consistently avoiding project reviews appears
to exacerbate particular issues that lead,
ultimately, to a failed project. The most
serious issue according to project managers
is having had the wrong people on the project,
followed by an inability to deliver the project
on time, having an ill-defined business
justification and running over budget.

6|Project management methods
To support professionals and organizations Turning awareness into uptake
in successful project management and
While awareness is high within the project
to aid and encourage the sharing of best
management industry, the uptake of these
practice, there are numerous methodologies
methodologies falls dramatically beyond
to support project management.
the most well-known. Correlation between
Awareness of these methodologies is awareness and uptake is also mixed.
high within the industry, with just 4%
PRINCE2 and PMBOK/PMP dominate uptake
of professionals unable to recall any
with the conversion rate between awareness
training or certifications whatsoever.
of and completing the certifications at 51%
Project managers are most aware of PRINCE2 for PRINCE2 and 36% for PMBOK/PMP.
(including PRINCE2 Agile®), Agile PM, Scrum, ITIL is close behind with 33% uptake.
ITIL®, PMBOK/PMP and Lean, with well over
What is notable is the discrepancy between
half of respondents saying they had heard of
awareness of approaches less associated
the methods. PRINCE2 had the most awareness
with traditional project management – Scrum
with 86% of respondents selecting it.
and Lean – and their uptake: while 79%
have heard of Scrum and 66% Lean, fewer
than 1 in 5 (18%) have certified in Scrum
and just over 1 in 10 (11%) in Lean.

Training &
& accreditation
accreditation heard of, %
undertaken, %

PRINCE2 (including PRINCE2 Agile) 86 60

Agile PM (Agile Project Management) 83 21

Scrum 79 23

ITIL 79 42

PMBOK/ PMP 76 48

Lean 66 17

What methods matter
Single most important to
to organizations? organization
When asked to name the single most
important project management method within PRINCE2 (including PRINCE2 Agile) 31
their organization, almost a third (31%) of
project managers cited PRINCE2 (including Agile PM (Agile Project Management) 9
PRINCE2 Agile) and close to a quarter (22%)
highlighted PMBOK/PMP. While ITIL was Scrum 6
notable for its importance among 14%, Agile
PM (Agile Project Management) was fourth ITIL 14
(9%) with Managing Successful Programmes
(MSP®) and Scrum sharing fifth place. PMBOK/ PMP 22
The relative importance of the training/ Lean 5
certifications is reflected in the level
of their organizational adoption, with MSP 6
Lean and Agile PM most prevalent. COBIT 1


IPMA (such as the APM) 4


Agile remains a hot topic in project management Too much “buzz” about agile?
as it becomes more accepted and adopted.
In their more detailed comments about agile,
In fact, the recent AXELOS report – ‘The
some respondents called it a ‘buzzword’, not
Future Project Management Professional’
always fully understood by the industry. This
– found that 84% of project managers
supposed lack of understanding of agile and
agreed that agile will grow in importance.
concerns about its implementation at a senior
Exploring individual attitudes to agile in 2017 level were also cited as reasons for the difference
shows a great enthusiasm for the approach, with in perceptions within the 2016 report.
77% of respondents seeing value in working in
Also, there is awareness among some project
a more agile way and just 2% seeing no value
managers that senior management are sceptical
in it. This response closely mirrors that in
about the value of agile, seeing it as a way
AXELOS’ PRINCE2 2016 survey, where over 80%
of by-passing sign-off and controls that they
of individuals scored the value of agile highly.
consider integral to project management.
While agile remains valued highly by individuals,
Within our 2017 survey, respondents were also
there is a disparity between the appetite
asked to offer their own interpretation of agile.
for agile within the project management
These included a range of definitions including:
function and organizations overall. Less
than half (46%) of respondents said there
is significant appetite for adopting agile
techniques within their function and this falls
further to 39% at an organizational level.
There was a similar discrepancy in our
PRINCE2 2016 survey, which showed
only a 59% functional appetite for agile
and 51% for the organization.
However if we look at the difference between the
two as an average, it is reducing. Last year our
research indicated that the disconnect between
the value people saw in agile and the appetite for
agile within their organization was 37.1%. This
year that it has reduced to 28.1%, so while a gap
still exists, the results suggest that is narrowing.

What is AGILE?
Open Change Incremental Performance Evolution Fast
Relevant Collaboration Responsive Team Involvement
Applied Cross-functional Empowers Versatile Adaptable
Process Transformation Communication Commonsense
Fluid Team Milestones Flexibility Responsive Optimise
Values Principles Light-weight Perspective Integrated
Scrum Shaped Perform Deliver Speed Impact Efficient
Smart Rapid Suitability Systemic Enabling Deployment
Simple Solution Rapid Victories Dynamism Effectively
Creative Improvement Perspective Evolving Positive
Co-location Empower Organic Progressive Streamline
Unity Achievable Implement Opportunity Comfortable
Infrastructure Holistically Comprehensive Everchanging
Complex Tailor Methodology Engagement Teamwork
Improvements Capability Cooperation Chunks Perfect
Immediate Parallel Proactive Learn Scope Innovation
Measurable Workable Supported Tangible Independent
Economically Process Incorporate Development Lead
Autonomy Responsive Nimble Defined Manageable
Scalable Human Respond Mindset Priorities Engaged
Agility Smooth Adaptive Doing Game Goals Iterative
“ An iterative approach to planning Some of the purely negative comments in our

” “
and guiding project processes survey about agile ways of working included:

My customers are clearer about their

“ A different way of managing IT goals (with waterfall methods)

development teams and projects
” “ (Agile) has made the IT

“ A new way of management

and organization to deliver
organization less effective

value incrementally
” “ Our customer base is still looking
for time and cost commitments that

“ Brings humanity to management agile has been unable to provide

and organization
” Organizations will have to overcome their

current scepticism about agile because, as
The ability to learn rapidly from mentioned in our ‘Future Project Management
errors and environmental feedback

The wide variety of interpretations among
Professional’ report this year: “Working in
an agile way will allow project managers to
meet evolving business needs by ensuring
their response to project delivery is fast-
project managers also suggests there is a paced, flexible and business oriented.”
potential lack of clarity for organizations to
develop their understanding of and confidence
in employing agile approaches more widely.

Function’s appetite for Organization’s appetite for

% %
adopting agile techniques adopting agile techniques,

Huge appetite (5) 14 Huge appetite (5) 12

43% 39%
(4) 29 (4) 27

(3) 32 (3) 32

(2) 16 (2) 20

No appetite (1) 9 No appetite (1) 9

8|Learning and development
Project managers have an active interest However, for this to happen there needs to
in continuing professional development be a mind-set and budgetary shift among
(CPD) with three-quarters participating. individuals and organizations: lack of budget
for CPD among employers and support for
When asked about employees to take time away from work for
professional development activities are at
their motivations the top of the CPD obstacles list. Currently,
only 30% of project managers said their
for doing CPD we employer was a source of CPD information.

received some Sources of knowledge

Our survey found that, predominantly, project
unexpected results managers source CPD materials via online and
digital outlets. LinkedIn and other business
networking sites came out strongly with over
wanting to do a job most effectively half stating they go there to source learning
materials. Blogs and online resources also made
moving up the career ladder the top three and “Googling” came in at 44%.
Face-to-face sources were also strong, with
satisfying my own almost 50% of project managers picking up CPD
appetite for learning material while on other training courses. Around
half of participants also said colleagues and
being up-to-date with the conferences were sources of CPD information.
Finally, trade and industry journals were also
latest industry knowledge rated highly as a source of CPD material.

ensuring I am one of the Your learning type

very best in my field How do project managers learn? Our
research explored where project managers
learning by doing tend to appear among a range of possible
learning types including; Pragmatists,
Where barriers to CPD exist, it’s because Activists, Theorists, Reflectors.
practitioners are hampered by not More than a third (39%) of our
knowing how to embark on CPD – affecting respondents defined themselves as learning
a fifth of survey respondents. Pragmatists, with just less than a third
This figure suggests that there is a huge (29%) seeing themselves as Activists.
opportunity for the industry: by making sure The finding that most project managers like to
information on CPD is readily available and get stuck in and work things out as they progress
by giving practitioners confidence in how rather than “reflect” is at odds with one element
to go about enhancing their learning we of their personal CPD priorities, which shows
should, over time, expect this 20% to move “learning by doing” as lower down on the list.
into the “interested and active category”.


39% “I experiment, try out

new ideas, theories
and techniques in
the real world”

“I want to learn by

11% observing and avoid

leaping in; standing
back and looking from
different perspectives.”


THEORISTS “I want to learn by
“I prefer to learn by doing; getting my hands
analysis, drawing dirty, diving in and
new information into being open-minded”
a systematic and
logical theory.”

The findings from this research identified a Organizations need to get on board with
range of issues that could all be categorized adopting agile techniques. There is a huge
under one solution – project management appetite for agile amongst individuals and
excellence. Project managers, PMOs and it’s no wonder. Working in an agile way allows
organizations all have a responsibility to project managers to respond to evolving
create this culture of excellence otherwise business needs but still the appetite for
they could find that their investments don’t adoption at an organizational level is low. This
bring the competitive advantages they seek. needs to change. What is clear is that there
are still a lot of misconceptions about agile
It comes as no surprise that project managers
in the market and so project managers need
are being asked to do more with less. This is
to educate their organizations of the benefits
a trend that could be applied to any business
of agile. As the industry evolves so too do the
function. However, a lack of resources or time
tools and methodologies, and organizations
is leading to cutting corners at both a strategic
need to be ready to take advantage of these
and operational level. While it is encouraging
evolutions to stay on to remain competitive.
that half of organizations have invested in
a PMO, the integration at a senior level is This research has identified a lot of challenges
still lacking. Fundamentally projects are the facing project managers, but there were also
investments that businesses make to achieve some positive findings too, especially around
their objectives. If the teams responsible ongoing development. Continuing professional
for those projects don’t have a voice at the development (CPD) is an activity that is
highest level there will always be a disconnect commonly associated across professions such
between strategic expectations and what can be as accountancy, medicine and law. However,
delivered, a common cause of project failure. the majority of project managers recognize its
importance and are actively participating in
Project management methodologies exist to
CPD. The only thing that could hold them back is
embed best practice approaches to successfully
a lack of investment from organizations. If you
deliver projects. However by not following
delve deeper both individuals and organizations
these approaches, some project managers
are on the same page. Individuals want to do
are making the same mistakes time and time
their job more effectively and organizations want
again. Not undertaking project reviews has
to improve the effectiveness of their teams.
serious implications and can be directly linked
These aligned objectives are the building blocks
to project failure. Although project managers
towards project management excellence.
are under pressure to deliver they too have
a responsibility to ensure that the project is
viable from the get go. Project reviews help
project managers to reduce the issues of
poor business justification, meeting project
deadlines and exceeding budgets. Learning from
Experience is a core principle of PRINCE2 and
only by adopting the methodology can project
managers start to build a culture of excellence.

This section provides some of the demographic During the survey, we also asked respondents
breakdown from the research, which provides to give details around their salary. This was
context to some of the findings in this research. an optional response, and although some
chose not to give details, the below offers
a breakdown by the top four countries in
Gender % terms of response (each in local currency):
Male 77 • UK - £52,030 / day rate £547

Female 21
• USA - $97,524 / day rate $1,115
• India - INR 2,220,421 / day rate INR 2,112
Prefer not to say 2
• Australia - AUSD 138,533 /
day rate AUSD 875
Age %

Over 60 8 Employment status %

50-59 22 Employed full time 69

43-49 19 Contracting/consulting/freelance 16

35-42 22 Self-employed 6

30-34 13 Unemployed 3

25-29 6 Employed part time 3

Under 24 2 Semi-retired 1

Prefer not to say 8 Other 3

Region % Industry
(shows only 1% or more)
Europe 54
Information technology 33
North America 16
Teaching and education 7
Asia 12
Financial services 7
Middle East and Africa 7
Engineering 6
Oceania 6
Business and support services 6
Somewhere else 2
Professional services 6
South America 2
Public services and admin 5
Central America and West Indies 1
Healthcare 4

Telecommunications 4

Manufacturing 3

Transport and logistics 2

Science and pharmaceuticals 2

Energy and utilities 2

Arts and entertainment
Property and construction
Charity and voluntary work
Leisure, sport and tourism

No. employees in Role %
entire organization
Project Manager 16
10,000+ employees 27 27
Senior Project Manager 12
5,000 to 9,999 10
Management/ Head 9
2,500 to 4,999 6
21 IT Project Manager 9
2,000 to 2,499 2
Head of PMO/ Project Management 7
1,500 to 1,999 3
Programme/ Program Manager 6
1,000 to 1,499 6
Junior Project Manager 4
500 to 999 7
38 Portfolio Manager 3
100 to 499 14
Technical Project Manager 3
11 to 99 11
Contract Project Manager 2
Less than 10 employees 14 14
C-Suite/ Director 2

PMO Officer 2
Change Manager
Project Support Officer
Agile Project Manager
Transformation Manager
PMO Support
Construction Project Manager

Something else 19

AXELOS®,the AXELOS swirl logo®, ITIL®, PRINCE2®, PRINCE2 Agile®, MSP®,
M_o_R®, P3M3®, P30®, MoP®, MoV® are registered trade marks of AXELOS
Limited. RESILIATM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

Copyright © AXELOS Limited 2017

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