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Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


1. What is the numerical aperture of an optical fiber? Deduce an expression for the
2. Explain the phenomenon of total internal reflection using Snell’s law with figures
and calculations.
3. Distinguish step index from graded index fibers.
4. Draw and explain the acceptance angle and numerical aperture of an optical fiber
and derive expressions for both.
5. Draw and explain the refractive index profile and ray transmission in single mode
and multimode step index fibers and graded index fibers. Write the expressions for the
graded index fiber.
6. Explain with neat diagram the elements of an optical fiber transmission link.
7. Discuss the evolution of fiber optic communication system.
8. Draw the structure of step index and graded index fibers with their typical
9. Derive an expression for number of modes propagating in the graded index fiber
from the first principles.
10. Explain with neat block diagram the fundamentals of optical fiber communication.
11. Discuss the mode theory of circular waveguides and linearly polarized modes.
12. Draw the structures of single and multimode step index fibers and graded index
fiber with their typical dimensions.
13. Mention the advantages of optical fiber communication systems.
14. Derive an expression to determine the modes propagating in step index fiber.
15. What are the various features of graded index fiber? Explain the refractive index
profile and ray transmission in a multimode graded index fiber
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


1. With the aid of diagrams discuss the various losses occurring in optical fibers.
2. What do you mean by pulse broadening? Explain its effect on information
carrying capacity of a fiber.
3. What is meant by ‘fiber splicing’? Explain fusion splicing of optical fibers.
4. Explain expanded beam fiber connector with a neat schematic.
5. Explain mechanical splices with neat diagrams.
6. Write a brief note on fiber alignment and joint loss.
7. Explain with suitable diagrams the different mechanisms that contribute to
attenuation in optical fibers.
8. Discuss in detail the intermodal dispersion with relevant expressions and
9. Write a brief note on design optimization of single mode fibers.
10. Explain the scattering and bending losses that occur in an optical fiber with
relevant diagrams and expressions.
11. Discuss polarization mode dispersion and its limitations.
12. Discuss material and waveguide dispersion mechanisms with necessary
mathematical expressions.
13. Write a brief note on pulse broadening in graded index fibers.
14. What are the losses on signal attenuation mechanisms in a fiber? Explain in
15. Explain the effects of signal distortion in optical waveguide.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

1. Compare LED with a LASER diode.
2. With the help of a neat diagram explain the construction and working of a surface
and edge emitting LED.
3. Explain the structure and working of silicon APD.
4. Define S/N ratio of a photo detector. What conditions should be met to achieve a
high SNR.Explain any two injection laser structures with neat diagrams.
5. Draw and explain the LED structures based Double Hetrostucture configuration.
6. Discuss the principle of operation of LASER diodes. What are the effects of
temperature on the performance of a LASER diode?
7. Explain the different lensing scheme available to improve the power coupling
8. Explain the fiber splicing techniques with necessary diagrams.
9. Explain briefly the three key processes involved in the laser action .Describe for a
fabry perot resonator laser diode, modes and threshold conditions. Obtain its rate
equations for steady state output.
10. Derive an expression for the internal optical power level generated in LEDs.
11. Draw and explain the different structures used to achieve carrier and optical
confinement in laser diodes.Give a brief account of the modulation of an LED.
12. Derive expressions for the power coupled from a surface emitting LED into step
index and graded index fibers.
13. Explain the mechanical misalignments that can occur between two joined fibers
with necessary diagrams.
14. Explain the lensing schemes used to improve optical source - to- fiber coupling
15. Explain the basic LED configurations used as optical source. Derive the
expression for quantum efficiency and optical power generated in LED’s.
16. Explain the modulation process involved in LED and discuss its frequency
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

1. Write short notes on the following:
• Multi-channel transmission techniques


2. With the help of a neat block diagram, explain the principle of working
of Point to Point digital link. How is silicon RAPD operated? How does it
differ from p-i-n photodiode? What are the advantage and
3. Define quantum efficiency and responsivity of a photodetector. Briefly
discuss receiver structure. What is a PIN-FET hybrid receiver?
4. Explain the working of a p-i-n photodiode. Also explain the factors that
limit the speed of response of photodiode.
5. Explain the basic detection process of photoconductive detectors and
6. What is understood by the quantum limit of a digital optical receiver?
7. What is the effect of non-zero extinction ratio on the receiver
8. What are the two major requirement of a pre-amplifier in optical
receiver? Explain how these are achieved in a trans-impedance
9. Discuss the three main front end amplifiers configuration currently
adopted for optical fiber communication with circuit diagram. Comment
on their merits and drawbacks.
10. Outline the major practical constraints associated with coherent
optical transmission and discuss the techniques which have been
adopted to overcome them.
11. Compare and contrast the attributes and drawbacks associated
with direct modulation of the laser signal source and indirect
modulation of the source in both ASK and FSK coherent optical fiber
communication system.
12. Explain the losses caused by Longitudinal, Lateral and Angular
displacements in splicing of fibers? List two major types of optical
coupler. Describe construction and working of a simple coupler.
13. Draw and explain a simple low impedance drive circuit for a LED
used for digital transmission application. Explain, with the help of a
block diagram, the working Optical Communication System. What is
Receiver Sensitivity?
14. Explain the requirement of line coding in an optical system. What
are the types of Pulse Formats used for communication?
15. What are the Modulation Formats used for digital optical
communication? Explain the performance parameter of any one
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

1. Explain Optical Power Budgeting. Discuss Hetro-Junction in LED Diodes.
2. Compare and contrast Direct and Coherent detection method.
3. Explain the working of a Heterodyne detection technique suitable for
optical fiber communication.
4. Describe the principle of Optical Power Meter. Write a short note on
Noise sources in optical fiber communication.
5. Discuss with the aid of a suitable block diagram, a coherent optical
fiber communication system.
6. Outline the major techniques employed to achieve nonsynchronous
optical ASK and FSK heterodyne detection. Indicate the benefits of
these schemes over the corresponding synchronous demodulation
7. Explain the necessity of preamplifier in an optical receiver. Mention the
types of preamplifier used and explain the working of any one of them.
8. What is meant by receiver sensitivity and dynamic range in an optical
system? How the optical power budgeting is performed in digital
optical system? How it is helpful in finding maximum optical link
9. What is direct intensity modulation and subcarrier intensity
modulation? Explain the working of a subcarrier intensity modulation
10. What are the advantages of a coherent optical communication
system? Explain the principle of heterodyne detection used in optical
11. Why the format of the transmitted optical signal is an important
consideration? Explain the following terms with respect to coding:
o Baseline wander effect

o Scrambling

o Quantum Shot Noise

o Avalanche Excess Noise

o Fiber Mode Partition Noise

o Thermal Noise

12. Explain the method to find the performance of optical receiver

using digital communication.
13. Describe with aid of a block diagram, the function of the major
elements of an optical fiber receiver. In addition, describe possible
techniques for automatic gain control in APD receivers.
14. What do you understand by "Splicing”? Explain types of splices
and steps involved in splicing of fibers.
15. Explain the following mechanisms associated with noise in optical
fiber communication.
16. What is Mach-Zehnder interferometer? How is it useful for optical
phase modulation? Explain
17. Explain various noises and disturbances associated with signal
detection in optical receiver.
18. Explain the working of trans-impedance preamplifier. What are its
advantages over high impedance FET pre-amplier?
19. Describe the power loss model for a point to point communication
link. How is the link power budget used for system design?

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