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Ssdfdre Holy Spirit Investment Club Notes

March 17, 2018

Holy Spirit Investment Club Notes

November 3, 2018

11/3 Video on Youtube

 US Job Growth Soars; Europe & China Struggle
 PROHETIC Trade #2: November to Remember!
 Jim Rickards: A Cheaper Dollar
 FAANG Stocks Fall

 There will be prayer at MorningStar from 7 AM to 7PM on Tues Nov 6 for the elections.
Please vote!

Market Wrap-Up: Markets Remain Up & Volatile with Good News Bad News

NASDAQ & SP 500 Rally From Recent Lows

 The NASDAQ, the index of tech companies, plunged and is now coming back.
 The NASDAQ has a close correlation with volatility – as volatility rises, the NASDAQ falls,
and usually falls more % points than the Dow.
 Conversely, as volatility falls, the NASDAQ will rally higher than the Dow.
 The market fell for a number of reasons. One of which is that there are various parties that
don’t want the US stock market to do well coming up to elections.
 For instance, the US market has been growing, the Chinese market has fallen. They are
losing negotiating power in trade agreements with the Trump. They need Trump to be in a
more vulnerable position to negotiate a better deal for them.
 They are hoping the Democrats win on Nov 6, and they are taking whatever action they can
to weaken the US markets.
 They don’t even have to do much, they just talk about not buying as many US Treasurys,
and the market reacts.
 The market may also have fallen because of bond rotation. Rotation is when money travels
from stocks to bonds and back.
 You can see the interest rates of various national bonds by going to and
clicking on “Bonds.”

 In the US, you can currently make about 3% on your money in US bonds – higher than the
2% inflation rate.
 However, in markets where the bond rate is below the inflation rate, money rotates out of
bonds and into the stock market.
 In the US, people can make money by selling stocks and buying bonds.
 With high interest rates, stocks that do well are those that pay dividends.
 President Trump has been having huge success in his agenda, and that is without the full
support of Congress!
 The market has and will be volatile with good news and bad news.
 The bad news is the trade war with China, and good news is fabulous job growth.
 The Dow (DJIA) is currently above the 200 day moving average, but still below the 50:

 The market is already up 1,000 points from its recent low of about 24,000.

US Gross National Debt

 We are in a period where Congress has agreed to unlimited debt.
 This is something Trump needs to take on, but he is trying to get the economy roaring first.

 The government is putting more and more measures in place to require citizens to own US
 For instance, the brokerage Fidelity is now required to put users’ unallocated money into US
 The Fed and US government are also buying their own debt!
 This chart shows who is at risk if the USD is in trouble.

Jobs Report: Growth Soars

US Employers Added 250K Jobs in October, Soaring Past Expectations
The unemployment rate remained at 3.7 percent, the lowest rate in nearly 50 years,
while the labor force participation rate increased to 62.9 percent from 62.7 percent

during the month. Average hourly earnings meanwhile rose by five cents to $27.30, or
3.1 percent year-over-year, the highest it's been since the Great Recession.
 Income is running higher than inflation – the first time in decades.

 Obama and the globalists said that America couldn’t expect to do any manufacturing here
anymore because we couldn’t compete with cheap labor nations.
 They said the best we could hope for is 2% growth.
 Boy, is Trump proving them wrong!

Eurozone Growth Slows to Lowest Level in Four Years, Euro Stumbles on News
Economic growth across the 19-country eurozone slowed in the third quarter to its
slowest level for over four years, official figures showed Tuesday, in a development
that’s likely to stoke worries about the impact of rising trade protectionism around the
Statistics agency Eurostat said the eurozone economy expanded by only 0.2 percent in
the July-September period. That’s half the previous quarter’s rate and below market
expectations for another reading of 0.4 percent.
 When you factor in inflation, the European economy is actually shrinking.
 This is especially bad for those European nations that are deep in debt.

Asia Stocks Lose $5 Trillion This Year With NO End in Sight
 We expect this to get even worse because Trump needs to “twist the tail of the dragon”
(China) in order to get them to agree to more fair trade agreements.


 We believe the Lord may be giving us a prophetic word about a trade that may be
happening NOW!
 Called "Prophetic Trade #2" because it is the second trade the Lord has given us, from
Lance McGinnis and others with multiple prophetic confirmations and matching national
 As always, please weigh words for yourself and pray about the action you should take.
 In October, Lance McGinnis has received two words from the Lord that proved to be very
 We believe these recent confirmed words are to give us faith for Lance’s third word:
“A November to Remember, a record-setting month!”
 A GOP victory on Tuesday, Nov 6 will send the Dow (DJI) soaring.
 Despite what pundits and polls say, several prophets, including Johnny Enlow, have
seen a Red Tsunami coming in these elections!
 In addition to trading on a jump in the Dow, consider implications if the price of gold drops,
as indicated by recent dream by Mike Goforth.
 Don't forget the Cryptocurrency Revelation! We are right at the point when cryptos
could take off again and return their highs of a year ago (we are waiting for
confirmation). We have indications that cryptos will rise to new highs and we have others
that show Bitcoin Falling to $5200 or below).

Lance McGinnis' October Words:

 On 10/5 he received a word: “Beware October, it will be like a kangaroo bouncing up and
down with lots of opportunities.”

 October’s volatility matched this perfectly

 At 8:22 AM on 10/18 he heard “Skyrockets in flight, afternoon delight” and knew this referred
to the DOW making a big move up in the afternoon that day. This occurred as predicted!

Lance McGinnis: "A November to Remember!"

Johnny Enlow: Red Tsumami and the Dow at 27,000

 Early last year, Johnny Enlow prophesied that the Dow would hit 27,000 during October.
Last month it went to up to 26,951.81 which he says he's going to take as a fulfillment of that

 We see the incredible fulfillment of this word of Dow at 27,000 as a significant confirmation
of other things the Lord is also speaking through Johnny.
 He recently released a very powerful and detailed word about the upcoming midterm
elections that we encourage you to read.

 Johnny has been prophesying about a Red Tsumami coming to the nation - not just a
wave of GOP victories, but also of exposure and removal of deep darkness and
Johnny Enlow: God's Rescue Operation and the Red Tsunami Effect
Last year I spoke on how I saw the Dow Jones hitting 27,000 by October of this year.
On October 3, 2018, the Dow Jones got up to 26,951.81 (which I will take as being
27,000). Right now it is going through wild swings and is under 25,000, which is
frightening some people. I have learned since last year that following the Dow Jones
numbers as a sign of economic health, is riddled with some contradictions in light of
present exposures.
Much of the present drop has to do with several major companies complicit with
the deep darkness and losing economic strength, therefore affecting overall Wall
Street numbers. There are certain giant companies involved in dark monopolies that
will either clean up their acts or cease to exist. In the short run, these will affect day-to-
day Dow Jones numbers.
We also have an out-of-control Fed (Federal Reserve) that seems to be doing some
sinister things—things designed to intentionally harm the economic numbers in
order to affect the midterm elections. It is only by the grace of God over President
Trump that the economy is not destroyed, as that is how desperate deep darkness has
become to preserve its positions of power.
However in the long run, the economy will bend toward being the strongest ever, and
all numbers will agree and bear that out. The Fed will have to be reined in. Amazon,
Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, etc. will also have to be reined in—but it will
happen. The red tsunami that comes over them is not just a political result, but
the Blood of Jesus coming in and showing who is Boss. Corrupt billionaire and
corrupt trillionaire families are about to get a wake-up call from Him who paid with His
Blood the price to regain ALL authority in Heaven AND ON EARTH. Psalms 2 says that
He who sits in the heavens laughs at and holds in derision those who believe THEY
have the power.
Things are about to change. Stay encouraged and stay expectant for the
subsequent red waves generated by the Lamb's agenda on Earth.

Impact of the 2018 Mid-Term Elections
 If Republicans hold the House and gain seats in the Senate, Trump’s agenda will be
enacted and the economy will continue to grow at historic levels.
 Trump has been campaigning hard in battleground states, especially for Senate candidates
running in blue states that he won in 2016.
 If crowd size and electric atmosphere at his rallies are any indication of voter enthusiasm
and turnout, Republicans should do very well this Tuesday.
 Please Vote!

Early Voting Trends Point to a Red Wave

 Contrary to what pundits and polls are saying (the same people who told us Hillary had a
85% - 99% chance of becoming president!) there is no sign of a blue wave or a Democrat
 Early voting patterns from multiple states show Republicans beating their 2016
results, even as Democrats are falling behind their 2016 or 2014 numbers.
 Larry Schweikart does an excellent job analyzing actual votes from early voting and mail in
ballots - rather than unreliable polling numbers.
 In state after state, he is finding that the GOP is out-performing expectations!

Rick Reed Dream: Bear Market Fears Don't Come True

 Rick Reed, one of our members had a dream in early October in which he came up roadkill
of several deer and a bear cub that was still alive.
 He wanted to help the bear and put it in a box to contain it.
 The cub was thrashing around and causing the box to jump up and down.
 However, when he opened the box, he found the bear cub had become a bear fetus which
he put in a jar.
 INTERPRETATION: There may be roadkill of several "dear" (deer) or popular stocks (the
tech darlings?) and what looks like it could even be the beginning of a bear market some
were fearing in early October
 The volatility of the market jumping up and down (like the box) ended up to be nothing to
fear because the bear is a cub.

 While some predict that the market could fall by as much as 40% or at minimum a
correction, many are optimistic about the US stock market and are predicting an end of year

Rick Rivera Vision: Jagged Mountain Peak Chart - Election Day
 On 9/25/2018 Rick was praying with others at our IWI weekly prayer meeting when he
received a vision of a graph that went straight down then up quite dramatically.
 Then, the graph turned into a mountain with jagged but small ups and downs around the
 This represents normal volatility that will occur after the market rises substantially, but this
volatility was quite small and did not fall back to the level it rose from.
 On 10/9 while praying about this word Rick asked the Lord when the bottom would
occur before this great rise and heard 11/6.
 This is the day of midterm elections and also his mother's birthday!
 We believe the Lord is saying that after the election, when the market starts to rise, it
will rise dramatically.
 Please pray about getting ready for a substantial rise in the market after the Mid-Term
Election. We all must hear from the Lord ourselves.
 Generally, we wait until the market heads up before we enter new positions,
especially after the market has had a decline or correction.
 Often, people will not wait for the market to change direction before they enter new positions
and the market can continue to drop. We only know when we are coming off a bottom when
the market retraces or starts to go in a different direction.
 Trump has been waiting until after election day to enact much of his agenda.
 Trump will be in France on 11/11, the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI, for the parade.

 This may be the day the “hammer drops” – when some of the 50,000 sealed indictments
begin to be opened up.

How to Trade the Revelation

 The UDOW is the Ultimate Dow ETF.
 The QQQ may go up more with a technology run up.
 If the market is going up, small cap stocks would go up more percentage points than large
 As always, please prayerfully consider before making investing decisions.

Cheap Dollar Coming

Jim Rickards: Trump “Ready to Lower the Boom” on China with Cheap Dollar
The U.S. dollar has been strong for a while now. Too strong, in fact, according to
economists and certainly the president, who is leveraging tariffs to try and get better
trade deals with economies around the globe.
“China, their currency is dropping like a rock. Our currency is going up. I have to tell
you, it puts us at a disadvantage,” Donald Trump said in a July interview with the Wall
Street Journal.
With the trade war against China waging on, the Chinese yuan has fallen to a 7:1 ratio,
which has softened the blow a bit from Trump’s seemingly endless tariff volleys.
While coming just short of labeling China a currency manipulator, the Chinese yuan has
fallen 10 percent in the past six months while the dollar keeps rising.
But all of that is about to change, according to gold speculator and finance expert
James Rickards.
Per a recent column on Daily Reckoning:
Both President Trump and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin have publicly expressed
dismay at the dollar’s persistent strength in the second half of 2018. A strong dollar has
adverse effects relative to Trump’s economic plans.
…a weaker dollar will give the U.S. another growth spurt after the 2018 tax cuts to help
propel Trump’s reelection prospects for 2020.
 A weaker dollar will hit China hard, and Trump needs to play hard ball with them.

Mike Goforth Dream: Gold Price Falls

 If the stock market takes off, we may well see a drop in the gold price.
 This could be the third buying opportunity for gold that Julie Meyers saw in a high-
level prophet dream where she saw that gold was going to fall three times before a
dramatic increase in price.
 In her dream she saw that these three drops in price were in reality an opportunity from the
Lord for his people to be able to buy gold.

Personal Data is Being Weaponized Against Us

 We have been following this for some time, and we know prophetically that the FAANG
stocks will be in trouble because of this scandal.
 FNGD is a 3x reverse ETF (when the FAANG stocks go down, FNGD goes up 3x). You can
see it has been up and volatile recently:

 The Deep State has been using the FAANG stocks for evil purposes, and they will be in
trouble after 11/11.
 They have been attacking Q now as well:

 Q said this would happen!
 You can now go to: to get the latest Qanon posts.
 There are new social media and internet browsers being developed from blockchain. We are
excited to see what comes of this.

 The Deep State are really coming after Q!

 Below is a photo of a guy who went to a Trump rally on 10/5/2018.

 Trump is validating Q and his message.
 It appears that Q has some connection to the NSA.
 Below is the photo of the photo he got taken with Trump:

 You can see what appears to be Trump’s signature on the back of the photo.
 It appears that when you see “Q,” it is just Q writing, but “Q+” means Q and the President.
 We think Trump may reveal Q to the public in the near future.

Cryptocurrency Revelation - Is It Happening Now?

 We have been following the Cryptocurrency Revelation from David Snr. one of our members
for much of the year.
 In his dream, he saw a chart for cryptocurrencies for 2018 that has largely been accurate.
 If the final part of the revelation is true, then starting in November, Bitcoin, Ethereum
and Ripple will soar back to the high values they held at the beginning of 2018.
 Below is a chart showing Ken’s interpretation of DavidSr’s vision:

 The big question is: Will cryptocurrencies triple in value in the next 2 months?
 What would cause this to happen? If currencies were in trouble around the world, capital
controls were put into place, etc.
 For instance, as China struggles, they may put capital controls on the yuan. Just like when
this happened in Greece and Cyprus, the Chinese may flee to cryptos to get their wealth out
of the nation.
 The Global Currency Reset could also stimulate a huge surge in cryptos, as it would cause
a huge transition for many currencies.
 Recently, cryptos have been following the market, which they didn’t before.
 We use to trade the major cryptocurrencies.
 Another cause for a rally of cryptos is if a crypto ETF were approved by the SEC.

Red Nation
One of our members, Roy, shared the following revelation with us:

 Johnny Enlow gave a similar word that the Red Sox beating the (blue) LA Dodgers is a
prophetic sign of the red beating blue.

Johnny Enlow: God's Rescue Operation and the Red Tsunami Effect
A few nights ago, the Boston Red Sox finished off the Los Angeles Dodgers 5-1 and
won the World Series of Baseball in 5 games. Also, Brazil elected Jair Bolsonaro as
Bolsonaro Becomes President of Brazil
I was in Brazil several weeks ago and in fact while there, Jair Bolsonaro was stabbed
and almost died, having to be hospitalized for 23 days. At that time he was considered
a "fringe" candidate that could not possibly win, but obviously the devil knew he was a
threat. At the time he had 22% of the populace who said they would vote for him.
Recently he won the presidential election of Brazil with over 55% of the vote (despite
perhaps losing several more percentage points of the vote to fraud).
Bolsonaro has been called "the Trump of the Tropics" and he seems to craft much of
his message after Trump's messaging. He surrounds himself with Believers, is strongly
pro-life, and has said he will move their embassy in Israel to Jerusalem…
It is part of the red tsunami of the Blood of Jesus going beyond our own borders with a
rescue plan.
 Brazil is part of the BRICs movement which is opposed to the US.
 Trump is undermining the BRICs bank!
 He will do major things with this new “Trumpian” president of Brazil.

Liberty Star (LBSR) Update
 LBSR is down to $0.0004 per share:

 However, there were 420M Shares Traded in the last 2 Days!


 That’s about a quarter of a million dollars worth!

 Somebody is buying lots of shares, but who is selling?

 The document above explains LBSR’s toxic financing.
 All of these shares are being dumped into the market by the financers who just want to get
 This sell off has driven the price down so low that one person we know of recently bought
2.7 million shares for $800.
 Accredited investors can buy standard shares directly through the company.
 Non-accredited investors can also buy directly from the company if you call and ask for
treasury shares.
 Buying directly from the company benefits the company more, as it puts cash in their pocket
instead of the financier’s.
 Although the stock price has been driven down and toxic financers are dumping shares,
someone is buying them up!
 If this is their season for breakthrough, this could be a wonderful buying opportunity.
 LBSR has just acquired more property/mining claims at the Hay Mt project in Arizona. Some
of it used to be owned by Tombstone mining (see map below), but now they feel that they
have the acquisitions they need to move forward:

 The heart of the copper gold anomaly is around the orange circle in the map above. Almost
1/3 of it was on Tombstone’s property.
 However, with their recent acquisition of Tombstone’s property, LBSR nearly doubled their
 Tombstone has also been struggling. The longer a company holds on to claims without
mining them, their fees for those claims goes up.
 Often, companies will pay mining claim fees for a few years, then let them lapse on purpose,
hoping they can then renew their claims at the lower fees.
 This is what Tombstone tried to do, but Jim Briscoe (LBSR) was watching and snatched up
those claims when the opportunity came.
 LBSR has essentially doubled the value of the property.
 Jim ran tests on the Tombstone property years ago that revealed that this is a skarn gold
 Some of the LBSR directors are buying more shares. As directors, they have to report when
they buy or sell company shares.
 This may be an exciting time for LBSR!

Company Updates

GW Pharmiceuticals (GWPH)

EPIDIOLEX® (cannabidiol) Oral Solution – the First FDA-approved Plant-derived

Cannabinoid Medicine – Now Available by Prescription in the U.S.
 We are excited for this news and for the many people that will get relief from this.
 We are not in favor of recreational marijuana, but research has shown what amazing healing
properties are in cannabis apart from the THC.
 Epidiolex is for the treatment of epilepsy. However, there will be many applications for
cannabis-based products.
 The news release explains how to go about getting a prescription if you need it.

Thunder Energies (TNRG)

 Thunder Energies recently had a spike in their share price on the following news:

Thunder Energies Satisfies All PowerUp Convertible Notes
Thunder Energies Corporation (TNRG), a company developing cutting-edge
technologies, announces today that as of this week, the company has completely
satisfied its obligations under all existing, Convertible Promissory Notes from PowerUp
Lending Group for a total due of $215,000... At the time of writing Thunder Energies
Corp has no other convertible promissory notes on record.

 The company had been selling off stock to pay off these loans.
 Now that they are paid, the stock may begin to climb.

BioTime (BTX) / AgeX Therapeutics

BioTime Announces November 16, 2018 Record Date and November 28, 2018 Distribution
Date for the Distribution of Age-X Therapeutics Shares
 This means that if you own BTX on Nov 16, you will automatically receive shares in AgeX, to
be distributed on Nov 28.
 You would receive 1 share of AgeX free for every 10 shares of BioTime that you own.
 AgeX looks like it will be the company that Michael West uses to develop anti-aging

 Normally when you start a company like AgeX, it would take years before you could really
start doing business because of all the required testing protocols.
 However, Trump signed the “Right to Try” law. This allows people with terminal illnesses to
try experimental drugs not yet approved by the FDA.
 AgeX already has fabulous technology using a person’s own stem cells.
 Various prophets have spoken about people living much longer than the current life

Prophetic Word

Sandra Weppler: "In 2019: A Powerful Remnant is Rising up to Possess Their Land"
I heard the Lord say that He has been preparing a powerful remnant to arise out
of the ashes of battle. They are now being assigned individual responsibilities to
defeat strongholds and gates on this earth that have kept their generation in lack and in
wandering. The Lord is comforting them as their trials and tests were severe. His hand
on their past generations was heavy…
The Blessing of Thousand Generations
Deuteronomy 7:9 ESV, "Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God
who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love Him and keep His
commandments, to a thousand generations."
The Lord says, "These small remnants are mighty in My hand—mighty warriors. They
are being called up and out of grave isolation, up and out of severe discouragement, up
and out of deep disappointment as they did not quit trusting and believing My Word for
their generation; even though they went through these tangible emotions. They are My
forerunners and My forward thinkers."
I then heard the thundering voice of the Lord. As He spoke, He flattened the mountains
of strongholds, and raised up the valleys of hope to take out the enemy with one blow,
laying stake to His people's land. The Lord Himself made a way for them out of the
desert of wandering and into their promised Land. The Lord then told me that the
sins of their forefathers have been forgiven, and the heavens that were once like
brass over them are now open. They are crossing over into 2019 with the Lord,
Himself, blessing them to 1000 generations.
The Cross-Over Blessing
Joshua 1:2-3 ESV, "Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people,
into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel. Every place that the sole
of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses."
The Lord says, "This small but powerful remnant is stronger, more determined, and
have weathered the storm. No storm can take them out because they were forged in
the fires of great adversity. I have had My eye on them to ensure that their lives were
preserved because of their undeniable faith in Me. As they cross over, they are
entering into places of great influence, places of significant authority. I am placing
them strategically around the world to be catalysts of change, like My secret agents."
Great Kingdom influencers are arising in every nation, in every city and in every
community. They are crossing over into 2019 like an army taking the land of the enemy,
one city at time, for the Kingdom of the Lord. They have accepted their call, they have
accepted their assignments, and they will not compromise. That's why God chose
them. They are going to take every place that the Lord is giving them, every place their
feet touch, every territory the enemy stole from their ancestors, as the Lord blesses
them a hundred-fold. A powerful remnant is crossing over to possess their land in 2019,
and the Lord their God is leading the charge.

As always, we wish you Godspeed on your investment journey.


Ken Storey
CEO, Investing With Insight

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