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Coin Toss 6+ years 2-4 players or teams

Need – a large 6x6 grid filled with random numbers to be studied, coins
(counters or bottle tops can be used).
Fun way to compare values of numbers!
The large grid is placed on the floor. Use 2 digit numbers if studying 2 digit
numbers. Or use 3, 4 or 5 digit numbers. Each player or one player from each
team takes a turn at tossing a coin onto the grid. If the coins lands off the grid the
player is out. If the coin lands on 2 spaces the space that has most of the coin is
the number that is used. Players compare the numbers. The player whose
number is the largest, scores a point. Repeat keeping score.
Decimal Coin Toss
Played as above but the grid can be filled with decimal numbers.

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