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Global Financial Crisis (GFC)

‘Greed is good’ encapsulated the opportunism of the 80’s with fabulous wealth
associated with phenomena like the ‘’. As it turns out, greed can
have dire consequences as experienced in the GFC with the sub-prime mortgage
scandals and the bail out of the banks that were considered too important to fail.
The opportunism of bankers and investors showed the soulless and callous way of
those who give primacy to wealth and self-interest at the expense of ‘ordinary’
people who lost homes and livelihoods as a consequence. Gecko’s ‘victimless’
crime of the 80’s had a human face in the GFC of 2008. The assumption that
capitalism can continue to expand is flawed.

How does this movie speak into our contemporary global context?

1. When can you say you are greedy and not ambitious? Why one is good and
the other is bad?
2. Do you agree that greed is really a deadly sin?
3. If you are content with what you have, how can you improve?
4. Are you a greedy person by nature? Do you know anyone who is greedy?
5. What other bad behaviors do you associate with greed?
6. Is it bad to be greedy for learning?

7.Have you ever been motivated by greed? What can one end up if he/she is
led by greed?

ORAL TASK: Read and analyse each question, then prepare your talk. Choose the
question(s) that best suit you to prepare 1 minute talk. Individual presentation.

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