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The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Cardiac Rehabilitation

We proudly present our 2015 Standards Document!

The 2009 document included appendices on heart failure, cardiac

transplantation and ventricular assist devices (VADs).

This 3rd edition also contains appendices for a wider range of

patients including those with:
 Angina
 Adult Congenital heart disease
 Atrial fibrillation
 Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
 Cardiac transplantation
 Left ventricular assist devices
 Peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication

The document is available to view and download online, though this document is over 90
pages long! If you would like a printed, glossy bound copy of the new standards for
yourself, your workplace or institution please complete the form below including payment.
A copy of the standards costs £15. Please contact me via email for the cost of the posting
to non-UK addresses.

How to Order:
Please complete the form overleaf and then either send it by post or email.

Post to: Heather Probert, ACPICR Treasurer, c/o Cardiac Rehabilitation, Harefield Hospital,
Hill End Road, Harefield, Middlesex, UB9 6JH
Email to

Would you like your own copies of ALL ACPICR Publications?

For only £5 more you can join the ACPICR and receive a copy of all of our documents
representing a significant cost saving! These include: the 2015 Standards, BACPR
competences, Peer Review, Role of the Physio and Role of the support worker! Application
forms are available on our website

Please complete the form below to order your standards document.

Please write clearly so we can address your document accurately.

ACPICR Standards Order form:

Name: ________________________________________

Email Address:__________________________________

Postal Address:

I wish to pay by cheque / BACS *

For cheques: For BACS:

Please post the completed form and Please include your surname and the word
your cheque addressed to “ACPICR” to “standards” as your payment reference
the address above.
ACPICR’s bank details:
Sort Code 55-50-21
Account number 86073583

* please delete as appropriate

Please note the document will not be sent before payment is received.

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