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T&L Instructional Plan Template

(Updated 4/17/15)
(edTPA Aligned)

The information included in this document is to support faculty in teaching about and supporting students with the
T&L (and edTPA) Instructional Plan. While there are many variations of lesson plans, this format meets
departmental requirements and is aligned with the 2014 edTPA as well.

Background Information (When doing the actual edTPA, leave out identifiers)

Teacher Candidate: _Maddelyn Skeen___________________Date:_Sept. 12, 2018_______

Cooperating Teacher: _Jami Jech_____________________ Grade:_Second_________
School District: Grandview School District_______________ School: _McClure School Distict__
University Supervisor: Lori White
Unit/Subject: Math/ Use the Take from Ten strategy
Instructional Plan Title/Focus: Spin and Take from Ten

Section 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment

a. Instructional Plan Purpose:

By doing this lesson, students will gain understanding of basic number sense. They will practice making 10 and
taking from 10 while using manipulatives to model their thinking. This lesson will be taught in the middle of the
unit. So far this year, and a little in 1st grade, students have been working with strategies to make 10. In this lesson
they will be working with double digit numbers to complete the same task. Tomorrow they will continue practicing
these same strategies and will be given a formal assessment to show mastery of these skills.

State/National Learning Standards:

Model and express taking from 10 when subtracting numbers from 11-18.

Model and express taking numbers from 10 when subtracting numbers 21-28.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.2.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2

topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.2.1.C: Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and
texts under discussion.

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.OA.C.4: Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular
arrays with up to 5 rows and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.B.3: Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract.2

Examples: If 8 + 3 = 11 is known, then 3 + 8 = 11 is also known. (Commutative property of addition.) To
add 2 + 6 + 4, the second two numbers can be added to make a ten, so 2 + 6 + 4 = 2 + 10 = 12.
(Associative property of addition.)

Content Objectives (to be copied in Assessment Chart below) and alignment to State Learning Standards:
SWBAT… Use tens frames and beans to represent the total
Aligned Standard: Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular
arrays with up to 5 rows and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum
of equal addends.

SWBAT… Use combinations of ten to help visualise the red and white beans that will be left when you take
the number from ten.
Aligned Standard(s): Model taking from 10 when subtracting numbers from 11-18.
Model taking numbers from 10 when subtracting numbers 21-28.

SWBAT… Fill out the equation frame to show the ten-frame model before taking from 10 and after taking
from 10.
Aligned Standard: Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular
arrays with up to 5 rows and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum
of equal addends.

SWBAT… Use rectangular arrays (tens frames) to model their equation and aid them in writing their
Aligned Standard: Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular
arrays with up to 5 rows and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum
of equal addends.

Language Objectives:
SWBAT… Read and write the number the 10s way and the regular way.
Aligned Standard: Model and express taking from 10 when subtracting numbers from 11-18. Model
and express taking numbers from 10 when subtracting numbers 21-28.

SWBAT… Write the subtraction equation.

Aligned Standard: Model and express taking from 10 when subtracting numbers from 11-18. Model
and express taking numbers from 10 when subtracting numbers 21-28.

SWBAT… Converse with classmates in an effective and educational way about relevant topics.
Aligned Standard: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade
2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

SWBAT… Ask their partners or teacher for help/assistance when there is confusion.
Aligned Standard: Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and
texts under discussion.

Previous Learning Experiences:

Prior to learning this lesson, students had a lot of practice in 1st grade of making groups of 10 using ten
frames. Students have also had time to review this information using multiple strategies and tools to make

Planning for Student Learning Needs:

In this lesson there are students of all levels. This includes ELL students, SPED students, struggling learners
and advanced learners. In doing this lesson, students will be paired up with their seat partner. This will allow
students at all levels will be able to work with someone at a different level with them. For the advanced students,
they might have the opportunity to explain their thoughts using words (2nd grade standard) to the struggling learners.
Struggling learners, ELLs and SPED students will have the opportunity to work with advances learners to see how
the work should be done efficiently and accurately.

Assessment Strategies (Informal and formal)

Content/Language Objectives Assessment Strategies

Content: SWBAT… Use tens frames and Informal: Teacher will walk around the room to see who
beans to represent the total. knows how to use the beads and ten frames to build the
model. Students who are struggling with their smaller ten
frames will receive a bigger ten frame in order to work
more effectively.
SWBAT...Use combinations of ten to help Informal: Teacher will monitor the room to check that the
visualise the red and white beans that will be beans on the model match the equations that students are
left when you take the number from ten. writing.

SWBAT… Fill out the equation frame to show Informal: Teacher will monitor the classroom to see if the
the ten-frame model before taking from 10 model matches the equations before and after they take
and after taking from 10. away from the 10.
SWBAT… Use rectangular arrays (tens Informal: Teacher will assess if students were listening and
frames) to model their equation and aid them can continue to follow directions. Teacher will monitor if
in writing their equation. students are using the ten frames and beans correctly to help
solve their problems.
Language: SWBAT… Read and write the Informal: Student will ask students to share out their
number the 10s way and the regular way. answers and will assist them with guiding questions if they
are struggling in this area.
SWBAT… Write the subtraction equation. Informal: After modeling this infront of the class, teacher
will walk around the classroom and monitor which students
are able to write the subtraction equations. If students are
doing this incorrectly, teacher will be able to stop them and
redirect them to write these equations in the correct way.
SWBAT… Converse with classmates in an Informal: Teacher will listen in on student conversations. If
effective and educational way about relevant these conversations are not on task or staying on topic,
topics. teacher can redirect these students and get more involved in
the conversation to help students stay focused and on task.
SWBAT… Ask their partners or teacher for Informal: As teacher monitors the classroom, they will
help/assistance when there is confusion. observe which students are asking the questions and what
types of questions they are asking. They will also be
listening for the types of responses those students are
receiving from their partners.
SWBAT… Complete the assessment in order Formal: Teacher will give students an assessment at the end
to show their knowledge on the topic of the of the lesson. Students will have the opportunity to show
lesson. teacher what they know. Teacher will be able to collect
work/data from students to determine which areas need to
be returned to.

Student Voice:

Student-based evidence to be Description of how students

K-12 students will be able to: collected (things produced by will reflect on their learning.
students: journals, exit slips, self-
assessments, work samples,
projects, papers, etc.)
1. Explain student learning targets Work Samples At the end of the lesson an
and what is required to meet assessment will be given.
them (including why they are Students will show if they can
important to learn). meet the learning targets.

2. Monitor their own learning Rubric The rubric for the assessment
progress toward the learning will be given and reviewed
targets using the tools provided with students to assure that
(checklists, rubrics, etc.). they know what they will be
assessed on.
3. Explain how to access Classroom Resources: Students will If students need more
resources and additional be aware of classroom resources and assistance on any
support when needed (and how to access them. assessments, they will know
how/why those resources will where they can access
help them). classroom resources.
Classroom resources will be
available to students at all
times and are easily
accessible within the

Grouping of Students for Instruction:

Students will be partnered with their seat partner. This will allow students at all levels will be able to work with
someone who might not be at the same level as them. For the more advanced students, they might have the
opportunity to explain their thoughts using words (2nd grade standard) to the struggling learners. Struggling learners,
ELLs and SPED students will have the opportunity to work with advances learners to see how the work should be
done efficiently and accurately.

Section 2: Instruction and Engaging Students in Learning

To introduce this lesson, teacher will read the targets aloud with the students. After, teacher will say, “We
will meet these targets by playing a new game called ‘Spin and Take from Ten’. Simply by saying the word
‘game’, the students are automatically drawn in and are excited to start the lesson.

● Visualize the problem. What do you visualize when I read the problem?
● What part of the 10 frame did not change?
● What parts of the 10 frame did change? How do you know?
● How many 10’s do we need to show the number ______?
● How many ones do we need to show the number______?
● How many ones do we need to take away?
● Should we take from the tens or the ones?
● How so we say this number the tens way?
● How do we say this number the ones way?

Learning Activities:

Learning Steps and Activities Supporting Theories/Principles

(Why are you doing what you are doing?)
Review the learning targets and success criteria Ausabel & Mayer: By reviewing the targets and
aloud with the class. criteria, students will be aware of what their goals
are for the day and will have an idea of what to
come in the lesson.
Introduce the activity to the students by saying, “We Piaget: Based on the age of these students, this is a
will meet our targets by playing a game called ‘Spin good way to get the students attention and get them
and Take from Ten.” excited for the lesson to come.
In the front of the class, teacher will model two take Bandura: By modeling in front of the class, the
from ten strategies using the game. Teacher will fill students will be able to learn through observational
out the equations sheet with the class. learning.
Teacher will have students flip their desks and sit Bloom: This procedure is helpful for students of all
quietly to listen to directions. Teacher will tell the levels. By hearing the directions, students are able
directions to the students and and allow them to to listen and comprehend, and then apply these
complete the task in order to prepare for the game. things to their tasks.
Students will begin playing the game with their seat Constructivism: By playing the game in groups,
partners. students will be able to actively engage in new
concepts and strategies. Being able to play the
game and begin to figure it out for themselves will
allow them to have time for productive struggle
and absorbing more information.
Teacher will call attention back to the front of the Constructivism: By reviewing what we did as
class in order to review what we did today and mathematicians today, students will be able to
explain what we will be doing tomorrow. engage with new strategies that we just practiced
and absorb this information to better apply it to
tomorrow’s lessons.

Teacher will call students’ attention to the front of the room and ask them what we did as mathematicians today.
Students will respond with things such as “Play a game.” or “Subtracted numbers.”. Teacher will take this time to
review the targets allowing students to hear the academic language again. This will also allow students to reflect on
their own learning.

Independent Practice: Being able to take from ten is a basic skill that second graders need to know efficiently by
the end of the year. These students will continue to use this strategy to solve math facts all year. Outside of the
classroom, this strategy will allow them to solve facts in their heads for their whole life.

Instructional Materials, Resources, and Technology: Attach a copy of ALL materials the teacher and students
will use during the lesson; e.g., handouts, worksheets, multi-media tools, and any assessment materials utilized.

● Recording Sheet in Plastic Sleeve

● Spinner Sheet in Plastic Sleeve
● Dry Erase Marker
● Paper clip for Spinner
● Beans for Counters
● Ten Frames
● Document Camera
● Projector
● Projector Screen
● Poster Paper
● Sharpies
● Assessment COPY


Recording Sheet created by GSD

Spiner Sheet created by GSD
Ten Frames created by Jami Jech
** Grandview School District #200 created their own curriculum based on CCSS.

Poster Board for Modeled Work Recording Sheet (in plastic sheet) with Recording sheet for
numbers with one 10s

Ten Frames (in plastic sheet) with Recording

Sheet for numbers with more than one 10s

Spinners (in plastic sheet)

NAME:_____________________________ DATE: ______________________

2nd Grade Unit 1 Assessment:

Use The Take From Ten Strategy

Use the take from ten strategy to solve the following equations.

1. 18 -6 = ?
_____ - _____= _____+ _____

2. 15 - 8 = ?
_____ - _____= _____+ _____

3. 24 - 9 = ?
_____ - _____= _____+ _____ + _____

4. 33 - 5 = ?
_____ - _____= _____+ _____ + _____

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