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CribMaster 11 Features

This document will outline the new features within the CribMaster 11 software and their basic use and func-

Tool Bags
Tool bags allow users to issue commonly used items with a single click. Users will have the ability to create,
edit, and delete tool bags assigned to them.

Keyword Filtering
Keyword Filtering allows the user to assign multiple keywords to an item to allow for easy filtering in ATR. It is
a compounding filter that will shrink the issue screen list as each keyword is selected.

Direct Export to Excel

Direct Export to Excel gives the user the ability to export grid data to Excel.

ATR Shopping Cart Screen

ATR Shopping Cart Screen allows users to add multiple items to a cart nad review and edit the carts contents
before issuing.

Smart Grids
Smart Grids is a CribMaster feature that is similar to Excel's conditional formatting. Users can create rules
that highlight records in a grid that meet certain conditions.

The Substitute feature allows users to view and issue items that have a cross referenced relationship with a
selected item.

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.Net Framework Upgrade

1. Download the ATR-DotNet45Upgrade.exe file from the FTP site. It can be found here: ftp://ft-
2. Place the file on the server hosting the CribMaster Web service.
3. Open the file. Confirm that the Destination Folder shown in the path below matches the path to ATR
folder for the installed web service. If not, update it to the correct path by using the browse button.
4. Once the path is correct, click the Extract Button. The files will be extracted into the ATR folder of the
web service.
5. To confirm that the patch was applied successfully, click the Sync button on an ATR that is connected
to the web service.
6. ATR will begin to download updates similar to a standard ATR upgrade. Once the update is down-
loaded, ATR will close.
7. Two command prompt boxes will display on the screen of the Tekvision. The upper box will say
Installing .Net 4.5 Framework. (This may take several minutes)
8. ATR may restart and appear on top of these boxes. That is fine, the .Net Framework upgrade can run in
the background while ATR is running.
9. Once the upgrade is complete, both boxes will close. To confirm that the upgrade is successful, sync
ATR and check the ATR status screen (on version 10.15.10614.16 or higher). If the upgrade was suc-
cessful, the .Net version reported in the System Info column for that Crib should be reporting as .Net
10. If there are multiple ATRs connected to this web service the update may pull down at varying intervals.
ATR only checks for upgrades during its scheduled sync interval which is an hour by default. The
upgrade can be forced by manually syncing ATR.
11. Once all active ATRs are reporting a .Net version of 4.5 or higher, users can upgrade to ATR 11

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Tool Bags
Tool bags allow users to issue commonly used items with a single click. Users will have the ability to create,
edit, and delete tool bags assigned to them. Tool Bags can be issued from both CribMaster Client and from

Activate Tool Bags in CribMaster Client

In the Issue/Return section of Configuration Options, check the box for Enable Employee Tool Bag.

Activate Tool Bags in ATR

In the Default Options section, set the Allow Toolbags setting to True.

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Tool Bag Management
The Tool Bag Management permission is for CribMaster Admins. This permission allows Admins to manage
and review all tool bags in the CribMaster system. This also allow Admins to create/manage public toolbags.

Note: If the tool bag is for a specific employee, the employee ID will need to be defined in the bag. If
no employee is defined the tool bag will be public. A tool bag that is public can be issued by any user.

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Tool Bag Tab
Users with edit employee permissions can create and modify existing tool bags to individual employees
through the Tool Bag Tab in Employee Properties. All Tool Bags stored in the systesm will be displayed here.
In CribMaster a new Toolbag tab will display in the employee properties screen. All tool bags assigned to the
selected employee wil display here. Users can edit, add, or delete tool bags from this screen.

In ATR, when the Tool Bags button is selected, the user will be taken to the Tool Bags screen. From here the
user will be able to view the suggested tool bag. Tool bags assigned to the user as well as public tool bags
will be available. The bags will be filtered to only show items that are present in the current crib. The user will
also have the ability to Issue, Clone, Edit, Delete, and Add a new tool bag from this screen.

CribMaster will also generate Suggested tool bags based on the users previous transaction history. If the
user removes the same items around the same time frequently, they will show up as the suggested tool bag.
Users can issue that bag or clone it and set it up as regular tool bag. The Suggested tool bag changes during
the day to reflect transaction during that time period.

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Keyword Filtering
Keyword Filtering allows the user to assign multiple keywords to an item to allow for easy filtering in ATR. It is
a compounding filter that will shrink the issue screen list as each keyword is selected.

To use Keyword Filtering, the ATR option, EnableSearchByKeyword, needs to be set to True .

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User can associate keywords to items in the Inventory Properties screen. On the properties screen of an item
and new field is present called keywords.
If a user has edit item permissions alone, they can start typing a keyword in this field and, if it already exists in
the system it will auto-populate, they can associate that keyword to that item. They cannot create a new
keyword from scratch.
If a user also has the Keyword management permission, they can create a new keyword in this field by typing
the keyword and clicking or tabbing out of the field. They can also select from existing keywords similar to an
employee with only edit item permission.

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The Keyword Management permission gives admins access to the Keyword Management screen. This
screen allows the admin to create new keywords and delete and add keword associations to items.

The following images are examples of how keywords are used in ATR.

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Direct Export to Excel
In CribMaster 11, users have the ability to export any grid to excel, pdf, csv, txt, or html format. Any formatting
or filtering done to the grid will also carry over to the export.

Right click on any column header in the grid. Select Export.

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In the window that appears, create the file name to save the export, select destinations folder, and file type.
Click Save.

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ATR Shopping Cart Screen
ATR Shopping Cart Screen allows users to add multiple items to a cart and review and edit the carts contents
before issuing. The Shopping Cart feature is only compatible with the ProStock, Toolbox, ProLock, and
POU machine types.
To enable the Shopping Cart screen, set the ATR Option ShoppingCartIssue to True.

This will add two buttons to the Issue screen: Add to Cart and Checkout. Add to Cart will add the selected
items to the shopping cart and the number on the button will increase as items are added.

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The Checkout button will take the user to the shopping cart view. In this view the user can review, edit, or
remove items from the cart before issuing.

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Smart Grids
Smart Grids is a CribMaster feature that is similar to Excel's conditional formatting. Users can create rules
that highlight records in a grid that meet certain conditions and are able to highlight data based on certain cri-
Users have the ability to modify text in the grid (Bold, Italics , Color) based on a user created rule against a
specific column.
The data bars and icon sets do not follow any rules and are used for a visual indicator of the different values in
the column selected.

Note: Any of the features that involve highlighting the background of a cell in the grid will not work in
CribMaster due to the CribMaster skins.

See the following screenshots for examples of Smart Grids use: 

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Smart Grids also allow the user to search multiple columns in a grid for a key word. Users can select the find
panel option and a new search box will open above the grid. A user can then enter text and any instance of
that text that shows up anywhere in the grid will be highlighted and the grid will shrink to only show those

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Users also now have the ability to apply smart filters to columns. By clicking the small icon in the top right
corner of a column header, users will see new options such as filter the list to values within a certain range and
the ability to search for text that beings or ends with certain values.

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Previously, CribMaster Client supported Item Cross-Reference relationships. Users could create multiple rela-
tionship types between items at the Item Properties level. Users then had the ability to view those rela-
tionships in the Issue Screen in CribMaster Client. However, there was no ATR support for this functionality.
With a new option, users now have the ability to view these relationship types in ATR and issue those related
items. To use this feature, the cross-referenced relationships first need to be established in CribMaster Cli-
ent. This can be done at the Item Properties screen using the XREF Items Tab.

Once the relationships are established, Users will then need to turn an Option on in ATR to view the substitute

With that option set to true, Users will now see a Substitute button on the Issue screen.

After clicking the substitute button, users will be taken to the substitute screen where all of the different rela-
tionship types will be displayed. This screen will be filtered by site. So users will only see items that are in

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bins within the same site. Users will also be able to directly issue items from this screen as long as the item is
in a bin within the same crib.

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