Jewish Family Services of Orange County Public Relations Program

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g r o w with our family tree

2010 Public Relations Campaign

Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Jewish Family Service

of Orange County
g r o w with our family tree
2010 Public Relations Campaign

Laura Hantke
Sivonna Haas
Kim Galbraith
Janelle Maluenda
Philia Pak
Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Client Fact Sheet 2
Executive Summary 3

Campaign Plan
Background 5
Situation Analysis 6
Core Problems and 7
Key Public Profiles 8
Campaign Themes/Messages 10
Strategies and Tactics 11
Communication Table 12
Calendar 13
Budget 14
Evaluation Criteria/Tools 15

Media Relations Tools

News Release Outline 18
News Release 20
Feature Release Outline 21
Feature Release 22
Staged Media Alert Outline 25
Staged Media Alert 26
Media Pitch Email Outline 27
Media Pitch Email 29
Public Service Announcement 30
Spokesperson Biography 31
Blog 32
Website 34
Direct Mail 39
Brochure 41
Social Media - Facebook 43
Social Media - Twitter 44
Social Media - YouTube 45
Newsletter 46

Mission Statement 49
Research Summary 50
Bibliography 53
Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Introduction Jewish Family Service of Orange County


Jewish Family Service Orange County is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1966. Its
original mission was to help Jewish immigrants resettle in America, but today it offers older adult
services, counseling, support groups, financial empowerment coaching, and case management
services. JFSOC strives to create a loving, family environment where the individual can learn to
successfully manage life’s challenges. JFSOC differs from similar organizations in that it offers an
unparalleled level of individualization. The organization is committed to giving its clients whatever
they need to thrive, and its employees understand that will be different from person to person. In
this way, JFSOC is more like being in the care of a family member than the care of an organization.
JFSOC is undoubtedly a wonderful organization. The problem? Many members of its key publics
don’t know that. In fact, our research showed that many potential donors and volunteers don’t
understand what older adult services are; they think that this phrase implies medical care for
ailing seniors. This lack of information affects the whole organization; if the public doesn’t under-
stand exactly what JFSOC does, potential new clients won’t know to seek help from the organiza-
tion, and potential volunteers and new donors won’t see the incentives to give their time and
money. Even current donors may close their wallets if they aren’t reminded what this organization
does and why it is worthwhile.

So how to clarify JFSOC’s services and inform the public that it offers individualized, loving care?
When we saw JFSOC’s new logo, the answer came to us: Jewish Family Service Orange County is
your family tree. Donors are the roots of the organization, volunteers and staff are the branches
that reach out to others, and the clients are invited to find shelter in the shade.

We then decided to rename JFSOC’s services, to tie in the family tree theme, communicate just
what the services are, and add a bit of flair. Older Adult Services became “Seniors Branching Out,”
counseling became “Roots,” financial empowerment services became “Gaining Green,” special
needs commission became “Special Seeds,” Jewish big friends/little friends became “Trees and
Sprouts,” and women forward became “Full Bloom.”

Because the older adult services are JFSOC’s most popular services, we decided to make that
offering the focus of much of our campaign activities. However, our website, blog, and fact sheet
are all generalized materials that encompass the organization as a whole.

Our final recommendation, which has been worked into the budget, is for JFSOC to take on
college interns. Specifically, the organization should look for students with skills in website design,
photography, writing, and social media. Taking on interns both creates a presence in the college
community—which is rife with potential volunteers—and significantly cuts the cost of the cam-

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Introduction


Jewish Family Service of Orange County
1 Federation Way, Suite 220, Irvine, CA 92603-0174
Contact: Alan Zamosky
(949) 435-3460 ex. 357

Mission: To strengthen and empower families and individuals in Orange County, to

successfully manage life’s challenges.

Organization: Executive Director: Alan Zamosky

Number of staff: 5 fulltime, 8 part time
Marketing Committee: 9 volunteers

Facility: Tarbut V’Torah School

1 Federation Way, Suite 220, Irvine, CA 92603-0174

JFSOC offers many programs and services including: senior adult services which
are designed to promote and enhance the health and well being of the
senior community, counseling and support groups, a healing center for people
who need emotional support, volunteer opportunities, special needs commission,
special events, information and assistance, and financial empowerment.

Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Counseling is available on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
Visitors: Approximately 7,200 people per year in all of its programs.
Volunteers: JFSOC relies on volunteers to support its programs. Opportunities include:

• Jewish Big Friends/Little Friends- be a positive role model and mentor to a Little Friend
• Bikur Cholim- visiting those who are ill.
• Friendly Visiting & Senior Advocacy- visitations to individuals in-home or in facilities.
Spend an hour a week with someone who is isolated and alone.
• Project Caring- group visitations and programming of Jewish content in retirement and
skilled nursing facilities.
• Mitzvah Projects- community service projects for adults, teenagers, especially for bar
and bat mitzvah and high school youth.
• Hospice/Bereavement- provides comfort and support to the Jewish terminally ill and
their families. Training provided by Jewish Family Service and Vitas Healthcare
• Employer/Job Bank Associate/Intern - Identify Jewish business people in the
community for the purpose of creating a job bank for JFS clients.
• Be a mentor and provide positive life experience skills and
friendship to individuals in the Women Forward/3 Steps to Independence programs.

Introduction Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Executive Summary

About Jewish Family Service of Orange County:

JFSOC is an Orange County based non-profit that works to create a stable environment for
individuals in need, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion or age. By creating a network of
trained staff and volunteers, Orange County residents can come to JFSOC during the most difficult
stages of life to seek assistance; with the assurance they will be embraced with open arms and
given the tools they need to grow and succeed.
JFSOC offers a variety of services but struggles to clearly communicate these services to donor,
volunteer and client audiences, thus limiting the organization’s ability to reach new heights.
Campaign Goal:
This campaign will portray a more caring and appealing brand to JFSOC audiences, while redefin-
ing services and creating an exciting event to leverage media coverage and general JFSOC
awareness throughout the community.
Orange County Synagogues, Orange County Jewish business professionals, older adult caregivers
Grow with our family tree.
Overall this campaign will be considered effective if it increases the number of volunteers by
30% by July 2011, establishes 1 business partnership, maintains 85% continued donor support and
gains 40 potential donor relationships by December 2011 and increases client enrollment by 30%
in 15% of JFSOC programs and services.
To increase awareness of JFSOC, the campaign strategies will position JFSOC intern/volunteer
program as an opportunity to put practical skills to use while contributing to the growth and
development of individuals in need. It will also utilize social and traditional media as well as
personalized materials to create a transparent image that donors can access at his/her leisure to
better understand the impact JFSOC has on individuals’ lives and finally utilize general and event
related outreach to redirect individuals to the JFSOC website and gain understanding of the ser-
vices offered
The campaign will create an interactive an accessible online presence for JFSOC using various
social media outlets; host ‘Seniors Branching Out: Make Like a Tree and Leaf’ event and use event
to leverage media coverage; partner with synagogues, schools and community centers to offer
services and create volunteer/internship programs; reconnect with donor base using personalized
Proposed budget without interns is $7,575. The budget is reduced to $1,575 with an internship
program, which are mostly event related costs.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County


Campaign Plan Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Jewish Family Service of Orange County has humble roots that began with the simple goal of
helping those who were in need. Throughout the organization’s growth, it has helped many people
in various stages of life and has served as a haven for many in the Orange County community.
JFSOC is dedicated to changing lives through counseling services and support groups, many of
which are done on an individual basis. However, counseling services are just one part of JFSOC’s
helping tree. The most popular of JFSOC’s programs is its Older Adult Services. This program
allows senior citizens to socialize and interact with the local community by providing a public
transportation system via bus called Silver Streak. Though this may seem like a typical service, it
was not always so common a couple centuries ago.

It was not until the 1700s when it was finally recognized that children were key to an aging indi-
vidual’s survival. While parents were aging, children were moving away to get jobs and raise their
own families. Soon, these aging relatives began to realize that they needed assistance and that
they could no longer be completely independent. In a response to this growing concern, many
nonprofit organizations began building old age homes. However, these still only provided homes
and not any medical care or attention. Although many of the children could not afford to have
private nurses care for their aging parents, home care services were also growing at the time and
were able to aid in supplying poorer individuals with appropriate care (NY Senior Info). Between
the 1700s and 1900s, the numbers of people living to an elder age greatly increased and by 1930
the average life expectancy increased by 10 years. (Miami Herald). As the increase of senior citi-
zens steadily continues so do the demands of service from JFSOC. The market trend shows that
there will be a dramatic increase in the elderly population once the baby boomer generation ages.
This will mean there will be a higher demand for Older Adult Services but JFSOC may not have
enough supplies to respond effectively.

JFSOC formed in 1966 in the city of Garden Grove. The organization moved to several locations
before settling into its current office in Irvine. The purpose of the organization originally was to
help resettle Jewish and Russian immigrant families in the U.S. They do not offer resettlement ser-
vices any longer but have branched out into other areas of service such as bereavement support
and women empowerment. It has always been and always will be, JFSOC’s goal to help individuals
successfully manage life’s challenges.

In this economic climate, the biggest problem that most service based non-profit organizations
face is the proper funds to not only implement their services but to promote them as well. There
are many other non-profits within the area that compete with JFSOC and Charities of Orange
County is one that is also faith based and offers the same kind of services and counseling pro-
grams to the local community. Institute on Aging is another competitor that JFSOC has in California
because they concentrate their whole organization on elderly care while JFSOC spreads itself over
a hodgepodge of programs and services. Youth Family Services is another Orange County based
non-profit that offers counseling services and support groups for struggling families and for those
coping with harsh financial times.

Despite these factors, it is vital to focus on the present time and what can be done to further
improve the visibility of JFSOC today.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Campaign Plan

Situation Analysis
Today Jewish Family Service of Orange County is dedicated to providing very personal and
meaningful services to people of not only Jewish but also many other faiths. JFSOC clearly explains
this through their current mission statement, which says that their goal is to “strengthen and
empower families and individuals to successfully manage life’s challenges.” Although JFSOC has a
strong tie to its Jewish roots, doors are open to any person of any religion or even no religion. One
idea JFSOC is proud of and really adheres by is its ability to offer personalized services. It is a very
compassionate organization that is genuinely concerned for each person it serves. JFSOC makes an
effort to stay connected with each of their clients because once you are a part of their family tree,
you only become extended branch of the tree and not just another fallen and forgotten leaf.

The organization’s focus today includes many types of services including: counseling and sup-
port groups, volunteering opportunities, financial empowerment, information and assistance for
everyday “survival” problems, and older adult services. JFSOC has also recently added a program
focusing on special needs to support individuals and families with disabilities.

The older adult services program is designed to promote and enhance the health, well-being,
social connections, and independence of senior adults in Orange County. It offers a wide range of
services to help senior adults live safely in their own homes for as long as possible. The program
also includes a support system, care management and more.

One issue JFSOC wants to enhance is its outreach to volunteers as well as the reenergizing of
donors. JFSOC is also in the process of redesigning its logo, and altering its mission
statement and website. JFSOC wants to strengthen its social media, and overall enhance its image
to gain support and recognition within the community.

Campaign Plan Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Core Problem and Goals/Objectives

Key Problem: If Jewish Family Service of Orange County does not effectively publicize the
positive impact it has on the local Jewish and broader community to potential donors, low-income
families, synagogues, volunteers and senior citizens, it will risk losing current donors, potential
clients and the ability to attract new donors.

Goal: To rebrand JFSOC to project a clear and distinct image as a provider of highly personalized
services to individuals and their families.
•Update current mission statement by the end of June 2010.
•Create one new brochure for each service program by the end of November 2010.
•Design one newsletter for general public by the end of November 2010.
•Create one tagline for the organization by the end of May 2010.

Goal: To reenergize the current donor base through publicity and use of various social media.
•To increase publicity on JFSOC’s services by suggesting eight articles by the end of 2011
through local print and online media.
•To host an event by June 2011 that will be covered by two local news channels, two
local Jewish specific publications and five influential blogs.
•To effectively manage a Twitter account to communicate with at least 100 donors in the
form of “followers” by December 2011.
•To reach at least three Re-Tweets a week by donors through Twitter by December 2011.
•To create a JFSOC employee blog that will be updated three times a week, gain a reader ship of 20
views per day and receive one comment a week from readers by December 2011.
•To encourage four clients to share testimonials by October 2011.
•Utilize social media to upload informational flyers and brochures to 50 local community
websites, profiles and groups.

Goal: To increase JFS’ involvement in the Orange County Jewish community in order to attract
more volunteers.
•To establish a connection with at least 30% of all the synagogues in Orange County by
December 2011.
•To position a JFS employee as a spokesperson to visit three high schools, two universities and
three community colleges to speak on the importance of community service and ‘tzedakaah’ by
February 2011.
•To increase awareness and interest in Silver Streak by distributing 200 brochures/flyers
among the local Jewish and older adult community by June 2011.
•Establish a partnership with a for-profit organization to offer incentives to attract 10 new
volunteers per month by April 2011.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Campaign Plan

Key Public Profiles

Key Public: Orange County Synagogues
This public encompasses the congregations of the various Synagogues and Chabad Jewish Cen-
ters in Orange County, of which there are at least 20. This public offers opportunities to find both
donors and volunteers. The Jewish faith preaches the concept of Mitzvah, or good deeds, which
could motivate members of the congregation to become involved with Jewish Family Service of Or-
ange County. JFSOC has an opportunity to enter into partnerships with these synagogues. It would
be valuable to promote JFSOC’s services amongst the congregation using e-mail blasts or newslet-
ters handed out at services, which could both bring in donors and volunteers and inform potential
clients about JFSOC’s mission. There is also an opportunity to reach out to the synagogues’ youth.
Some are affiliated with the national organization United Synagogue Youth (USY,) and some are
not. Many have programs for children from grades 8-12. By reaching out to this public and appeal-
ing to their concept of good deeds, (and potentially offering them a way to complete their high
school’s required number of community service hours,) JFSOC could bring in long-term volunteers
for the senior visitation program.

Self-interests: Those who practice the Jewish faith are expected to perform Mitzvah which is
a term used to describe an act of human kindness. It would be personally self-fulfilling for the
person to give Mitzvah through JFSOC, which may have provided service for their synagogue and
fellow community members so essentially, the cycle of kindness goes in full circles. They give a
little and JFSOC gives a little.

Influentials: The Rabbi/ prominent congregation members, youth group leaders (for the younger

Key Public: Orange County Jewish BusinessProfessionals

This public is significant because businesses are common places for prospective or current do-
nors. Business and organizations often search for non-profit organizations they can donate to for
their own benefit. By becoming involved with a non-profit organization, businesses are able to
increase their credibility and enhance their brand. Businesses usually get involved by giving dona-
tions and may even be interested in becoming volunteers. Most even have a budget set aside for
philanthropic and non-profit donations.

Self-Interests: Fulfillment of Mitzvah, boost brand recognition, gain visibility in the local commu-
nity that could create more profit for their business, and being able to connect with the success
stories of the previous clients of JFSOC.

Influentials: Exective directors (CEO, CFO, VP and etc) and business employees. When one employ-
ee sees another doing a good deed, others feel obligated or inspired to follow.

Campaign Plan Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Key Public Profiles - continued

Key Publics: Adult Caregivers
Caregivers are people who take care of older adults, often grandparents, parents, spouses or
other older relatives. Caregivers may help with food shopping, cooking, house cleaning, paying
bills, giving medicine, hygiene, providing company or emotional support, and social activities.
Being a caregiver is an around the clock job and is very stressful. Though it is rewarding connect-
ing to a member of the elderly community the words responsibility, guilt, fear, even anxiety can be
associated with the role of caregiver. It is a daunting task to care for someone older than oneself,
especially if mental disorders are involved. Caregivers would be attracted to JFSOC because of the
benefits of the Silver Streak program for the elderly community.

Self interests: Caregivers need alternatives for elderly relatives that will provide needed social
experiences without leaving a caregiver with a feeling of guilt for handing his/her loved one off
to a stranger. They need to know that a program will be enjoyable and safe. They also have to be
assured that they can enjoy a few hours of respite and relaxation while grandpa is out meeting
others and seeing the world.

Influentials: Fellow family members, Family Caregiver Alliance, doctors, religious leaders, nursing
home staff, parents, educators.

Key Publics: Volunteers

This key public is vital to driving already established services. After speaking with key members
within JFSOC, it is apparent that this key public is representative of the growth of key services.
“Silver Streak” the elder transport initiative has dedicated and paid drivers, but in order to move
forward with the service more volunteer time is desperately needed to fill in gaps. Drivers must be
screened for DMV as well as a thorough background check, which may dissuade many volunteers
from supporting the effort.
Other volunteers for key services are needed within the organization. Key volunteers would bring
knowledge of employment issues as well as how to develop strategies to empower existing as well
as potential clients.
Volunteers serve as the backbone of JFSOC in that there contribution of time, energy and re-
sources supplement the already existing services within JFSOC.

Self-interests: Volunteers yearn to feel a part of the community as well as to provide valuable
service to those that are less represented or less able to do these things for themselves. They also
may be required to perform a certain amount of volunteer hours and JFSOC can be the outlet to
do so.

Influentials: Rabbis of various local congregations, senor service in the community, gerontologists,
elder care facility workers, volunteer organizations, OCTA

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Campaign Plan

Campaign Theme/Message

Campaign Theme: Grow With Our Family Tree

Key Public: Volunteers: Orange County Synagogues
Self Interest: As a leader of thought in the Orange County Jewish community, you are continually
searching for service opportunities to present to your members who are seeking ways to carry out
the Jewish calling to act kindly to fellow humans in the name of God.
Present issue: The universal understanding of “Mitzvah” has led to the creation of numerous Jewish
service organizations; you struggle to choose JFSOC among the others you are aware of.
Present non-profit as a solution: JFSOC offers unique volunteer experiences that encourage you to
put your professional skills to use while helping individuals in true need of family, emotional support
or simply social interaction.
Make appeal: After just a few short hours, you will leave the JFSOC headquarters with the assurance
that you have secured the successful future of your fellow Orange County Jewish community mem-
ber; you never know when you will be in need of such support in the years to come.
Adapted theme: Branch out to those who need a helping hand.

Key Public: Donors: Orange County Jewish Business Professionals

Self Interest: As an entrepreneur whose successful business provides income for families across
Orange County, you are concerned with what ventures you invest your valuable time in, and how
profitable they will be for you and your employees.
Present issue: The spiraling economy has put the need for business involvement with non-profits
on the fast track. Many non-profits request for you to donate your services or funding. Though you
want to do good, you also want to connect with a group that will create opportunities to expand
business, meet great hires and new clients to be more profitable.
Present non-profit as a solution: Partnering with JFSOC will help you develop equally beneficial
relationships with a family of like minded people, while promoting high, transparent standards of
ethics and business integrity.
Make appeal: By donating your well earned money through JFSOC, you will be able to see the fruits
of your labor in a way you never thought possible - through the success stories of JFSOC clients.
Adapted theme: Be the root of our community through your contribution to JFSOC.

Key Public: Potential Clients: Adult Caregivers

Self Interest: You are a loving family member of an adult in need, you seek
Present issue: You seek alternatives for elderly relatives that will provide social experiences without
feeling guilt for handing him/her off to a stranger.
Present non-profit as a solution: JFSOC has been an integral part of the Orange County service
community for the past forty-four years and has always believed in holding clients’
hand through all stages and hurdles of life.
Make appeal: Enjoy a few hours of respite and relaxation while your loved one is out exploring
the world under the care of people who love him.
Adapted theme: Stand under the shade of our love and become a part of our family tree.

Campaign Plan Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Strategies and Tactics

Strategy: Clarify JFSOC’ services in the minds of potential clients.
•Rename services so they are simple and easily understood by the public. (i.e. Change
‘Bereavement counseling’ to ‘Grief counseling’)
•Create a new slogan/tagline that clients can easily remember and that also further
reflects JFSOC’s mission.
•Create new eye-catching informational brochures explaining each service that is offered.
•Edit and re-design website to make it easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing for users.
•Host and publicize special Silver Streak event called, Seniors Branching Out, to promote
JFSOC Older Adult Services in the local community.

Strategy: Reenergize past donor community by showing them how their contribution is being posi-
tively used within JFSOC.
•Create direct mail piece or “invitation” to send out to donors. It will contain information
on the Seniors Branching Out event and a break down on how every dollar is being spent
within the organization.
•Create a blog about client testimonials to show how JFSOC has improved lives for
countless individuals.
•Make a video of a success story to put on YouTube that can be linked on the blog for
donors to view.
•Explain specifically what their money can get for the organization. (i.e. $25 donation =
pays for 8 seniors to be driven to play bingo once a week)
•Send hand written and personal thank you notes to each donor.

Strategy: Attract new donors by convincing them JFSOC is a worthwhile organization.

•Run human-interest stories in local community media and online blogs to grab the
attention of the donor through heartfelt testimonials.
•Contact local media to run a 45 second PSA about JFSOC.
•Utilize social media to reach out to young professionals.
•Set up a booth at a Jewish Community Center to hand out informational
brochures describing JFSOC services and also feature testimonials from past clients.
•Distribute donor informational pamphlets at local synagogues around Jewish holiday

Strategy: Recruit volunteers by projecting JFSOC as a safe haven that is filled with hope and
inspiration and emphasizing that volunteering is fun and worthwhile.
•Post personal blog posts by volunteers, explaining their experiences volunteering at JFSOC.
•Post live tweets from events that volunteers attend.
•Contact Jewish social groups and clubs at local colleges to let them know of our
volunteer programs in case they are looking for philanthropic work to participate in.
•Create a fun brochure showing pictures of volunteers in action and quotes from past
volunteers on how rewarding the experience was.
•Create a PSA showing volunteer opportunities for YouTube and local media outlets.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Campaign Plan

Communication Confirmation Table

Key Public Self Interests Influential Objectives Strategies Tactics Primary Message
Volunteers: OC Encourage spiritual Rabbis, leadership, Increase number Position JFSOC Website, Press Extend your branches to
Synagogues growth in the hearts members, family, of volunteers by intern/volunteer Room, EPK, Flier, those in need
of members friends 30% program as an Brochure,
Build a community opportunity to put Tables at outside
where fellow Jewish practical skills to locations to pass
people feel valued, use while out materials
safe and comfortable contributing to
the growth and
Ensure a bright and development of Direct mail piece,
prosperous future for individuals in inviting to
the temple need. contribute to
Donors: OC Jewish Create networking Executive staff, Establish 5 Utilize social andWebsite, Blog, Be the root of our family
Business opportunities to peers, CEOs, business traditional media Twitter, Facebook, tree
Professionals expand business, government partnerships as well as YouTube
meet great hires and officials, rabbis, personalized
clients and be more family materials to create
profitable a transparent
Develop equally Confirm 85% Media placement,
image that donors
beneficial continued donor pitch, alert, feature
can access at
relationships with support by story,
his/her leisure to
like minded Jewish
better understand
Promote high Create 40 Donor thank you
standards of business potential donor package
integrity by relationships
encouraging Jewish
ethical teachings
Potential Clients: Social alternatives for Medical staff, older Increase client Utilize general and Website, blog, Stand under our shade
OC Adult elderly relatives that adult, family, enrollment by 30% event related brochure, tabling of love and compassion
Caregivers will provide needed friends, fellow in 15% of JFSOC outreach to
social experiences caregivers programs and redirect
without leaving services individuals to the
caregiver with a JFSOC website and
feeling of guilt gain
Assurance Senior survey,
understanding of
programming will be senior invitations,
the services
enjoyable and safe
The ability to enjoy a
few hours of respite
and relaxation

Campaign Plan Jewish Family Service of Orange County

2010 August September October November December
Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4

Fall Internship Program

Post job X
Select interviewees X
Interview candidates X X
First Day X
Introduce Assignments X
Social Media
Blog X
Twitter X
Facebook X
YouTube X
Website X
Pages X
Sections X
Copy X X X
Images X X
Links X X
Launch Site X X X
Press Materials
Releases X
Annual Report X
Executive Bio X
Boilerplate X
High resolution pictures X X
General Flier X X
Brochure X X X

2011 January February March April May

Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4

Spring Internship Program

Post job X
Select interviewees X
Interview candidates X
First Day X
Introduce Assignments X
Senior Survey X X
Confirm locations X
Direct Mail X X
Confirm volunteers X X X X
Confirm partners X X X X
Confirm donations X X X X
Media Pitches X X X X
Media Alert X
Feature Story X
Donor Thank you package X

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Campaign Plan

Flyers Cost Adjusted Cost*
Design (In-house) $0 $0

Printing (300) $50 $50

Design (In-house) $0 $0

Photographer $1,000 $0

Copy Writing (In-house) $0 $0

Printing (250) $200 $200

Postage $50 $50

E-mail Blasts
Copy Writing (In-house) $0 $0

Design (In-house) $0 $0

Copy Writing (In-house) $0 $0

Photographer $1,000 $0

News Release
Copy Writing (In-house) $0 $0

Distributed via e-mail $0 $0

Social Media
Set-up $0 $0

Upkeep $0 $0

Special Event Media Alert

Copy Writing (In-house) $0 $0

Distributed via e-mail $0 $0

Media Pitch Letter

Copy Writing (In-house) $0 $0

Distributed via e-mail $0 $0

Spokesperson Bio
Copy Writing (In-house) $0 $0

PSA (Radio)
Script Writing $500 $0

Feature Story
Writer’s fee $2,500 $0

Special Event
Print Surveys (200) $30 $30

Invitations (150 at $3) $450 $450

Lunch for 30 $450 $0

Museum Admission (30) $300 $0

Disposal Digital Cameras (30) $450 $450

Photographer, 2 hours $250 $0

Family Photo Prints, 8x10 (30) $120 $120

Gasoline $200 $200

Thank You Cards $25 $25

Totals Cost Adjusted Cost*

$7,575 $1,575

*Adjusted price reflects the use of interns and the receipt of in-kind donations.

Campaign Plan Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Evaluation Criteria and Tools

Objective 1: To increase publicity on JFSOC’s services by suggesting eight articles by the end of
2011 through local print and online media.

Evaluation Tools:
•Gather data of previous media hits from 2009 and input data into an Excel sheet with
name of publication, date of publication and a photocopy (if possible) of the publication.
•Marketing committee will each set up a Google News Alert for JFSOC in January 2011 so
when a story or article is ever published online, mentioning JFSOC, they will be alerted via
email either on a monthly or weekly basis.

Objective 2: To effectively manage current Twitter account to communicate with at least 100
donors in the form of “followers” by December 2011.

Evaluation Tools:
•Set up a Hootsuite (a social media tracking tool) account by January 2011 to manage
mentioned tweets, follower’s tweets and to track the increase of followers.
•Review number of followers by December 2011.

Objective 3: To create a JFSOC employee blog that will be updated three times a week, gain
a readership of 20 views per day and receive one comment a week from readers
by December 2011.

Evaluation Tools:
•Set up a Google Analytics, a web analysis tool, account by January 2011 to track how
many visits are made to the page and to analyze from what location and what time most
visits come from.
•Create an excel sheet documenting amount of visitors at the end of every month until
December 2011.

Objective 4: To establish a connection with at least 30% of all the synagogues in Orange County
by December 2011.

Evaluation Tools:
•Create a thorough contact list of all the synagogues in Orange County by January 2011.
•After sending emails or phone calls to each by March 2011, keep track of which ones
respond on an excel sheet until November 2011.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Campaign Plan

Evaluation Criteria and Tools - continued

Objective 5: Utilize social media to upload informational flyers and brochures to 50 local
community web sites, profiles and groups.

Evaluation Tools:
•Utilize Flickr, Twitter, Facebook and PR Log to upload promotional materials.
•Create a new spreadsheet template to track which flyers and brochures are uploaded to
which sites and include the web address and date by January 2011.
•Set up Google Alerts, an email alert sent when a certain key word is found on a news article,
for JFSOC to track any coverage it might have gained through social media by January 2011.

Objective 6: To increase awareness and interest in Silver Streak by distributing 200 brochures/flyers
among the local Jewish and older adult community by June 2011

Evaluation Tools:
•Take inventory check of how many current flyers there are about Silver Streak and
compare that to the amount there originally was to find the number distributed. If the
original number cannot be found then try to backtrack at what locations these flyers were
distributed at (informational sessions, in the office, at senior centers, synagogues etc.) to
get a rough estimate of how many may have been distributed between January-December 2010.
•In January 2011, pre-plan at which locations and events these flyers/brochures will be
distributed. Once a thorough list is made, allot a certain amount of flyers for each. Extras
will be used within the office.

Objective 7: Establish a partnership with a for-profit organization to offer incentives to attract 10 new
volunteers per month by April 2011.

Evaluation Tools:
•Create a list of previous partnerships with local organizations, if any by December 2010.
•Create a list of all Orange County for-profit organizations and divide by industry
(i.e. restaurants, hotels, retail and etc.) by February 2011.
•Choose organization to partner with by April 2011 and use social media to promote this
partnership and attract volunteers.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County


Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools

News Release Outline

Key public:
Potential donors and volunteers for JFSOC.

Secondary publics:
Potential new clients for JFSOC.

Action desired from public(s):

For donors and volunteers: to give their money and time to the organization, thus ensuring
that our programs continue into the future. For potential clients, we want them to feel comfort-
able coming to JFS for help should they need it.

How does this action tie to the key public’s self interest?
The news release, which concerns JFS’s “Make Like a Tree and Leaf” event, will convince poten-
tial and current donors and volunteers that our cause is worthwhile and makes a difference in the
seniors’ lives. Thus, they will be motivated to carry out the Jewish tradition of mitzvah by support-
ing our organization.

Overriding message/theme:
Our event lets seniors have fun and make connections in a loving, social environment.

Primary messages:
Primary Message #1:
This event is new and is one of the many ways JFSOC is revamping its programming to
better serve its clients.
How will you support the primary message? (data, facts, testimonials, etc.)?
Quotes from the JFS CEO describing the rarity of this type of event (there hasn’t been one
since the organization’s founding 44 years ago,) and discussing other future plans for the
senior socialization services programs.

Primary Message #2
“Make Like a Tree and Leaf,” is a fun event for both volunteers and the seniors who
attend it.
How will you support the primary message? (data, facts, testimonials, etc.)?
Testimonials/quotes from at least one senior planning to attend and at least one
volunteer, preferably a volunteer photographer.

Primary Message #3
This event, along with JFS’s other senior socialization services, can really make a positive
difference in a senior’s life.
How will you support the primary message? (data, facts, testimonials, etc.)?
Testimonials from current senior JFS clients.

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

News Release Outline - Continued

Describe photos/graphics:
Because the event will not have occurred as of press time, we would be unable to include
a photo of the event. However, a photo of, say, a senior woman looking excited while
filling out her survey would be a good visual to include. (Note: this photo doesn’t exist yet;
we would have to take it ourselves.)

Third-party influentials:
As listed above, testimonials and quotes will be used throughout to bring a touch of
humanity/life to the story and add credibility to our cause. They will also help to clarify
exactly what “senior socialization services” are, as many potential donors and volunteers
don’t know.

Slogan or tagline:
Seniors Branching Out—“Make Like a Tree and Leaf.”

Production deadline:
This release will be sent out 2-3 weeks before the event, so the media and potential
attendees have time to clear their availability for the event.

Specific media to receive information:

OC Register,,, Orange County Jewish Life Magazine,
newsletters for surrounding synagogues.

Proposed follow-up with media, if any:

A short, follow-up story after the event, heavy on visuals, to follow up and tie it
all together.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools

News Release

Jewish Family Service Orange County

1 Federation Way, Suite 220
Irvine, Calif. 92603
Contact: Kerri Gee

For immediate release

JFSOC Invites Seniors to “Make Like a Tree and Leaf”

IRVINE, CALIF.—Jewish Family Service Orange County announces its first “Make Like a Tree and
Leaf,” event, a fun-filled day trip for 30 of JFSOC’s seniors. The event will be held on Saturday, May
28 from 9am to 2pm.
Participants will meet at the Samueli Jewish Campus, where they will board Silver Streak buses,
senior transportation vehicles sponsored by JFSOC. The buses will take them to three different
locations. Destinations will be determined via a survey distributed to 100 JFSOC senior clients, and
may include an art museum, shopping in Laguna Beach, or a trip to a local farmer’s market. Lunch
will be provided courtesy of Sarducci’s Capistrano Depot, a south Orange County Italian restaurant,
according to JFSOC CEO Alan Zamosky.
“I filled out my survey last week,” said Abigail Green, who uses JFSOC’s Silver Streak transporta-
tion program. “I’m hoping I get picked to go on the trip. I’d love to go see an art museum.”
The day will end with a return trip to the Hillel Jewish Campus, where participants will meet up
with their family members and loved ones. Photography volunteers will be on-hand to take profes-
sional photos of the families, as well as a portrait of the JFSOC family, including staff, clients, and
Alicia Horne, a volunteer from Chapman University, says she is excited to see the effect this
event will have on the senior attendees.
“I’ve been volunteering with JFSOC for about a year now as a friendly visitor for the seniors,
and I can say from experience that these events do so much to raise their spirits,” she said. “Just
getting them out of the house and socializing can do wonders.”
The “Make Like a Tree and Leaf” event is just one element of JFSOC’s plan to reenergize its
senior programming, according to Zamosky.
“We’re really focusing on streamlining and improving our current programs,” Zamosky said.
“We’ve always been proud of the work we do here, but it’s time to refresh our offerings, and this
event is our first step.”
Jewish Family Service Orange County, founded in 1966, is a nonprofit organization that offers
senior socialization services, bereavement counseling, support groups, financial empowerment
assistance, and case management. JFSOC strives to create a loving, family environment where the
individual can grow and thrive. For more information, please visit

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Feature Release Outline

Key publics:
Media outlets, newspapers, community news, editors, magazine

Secondary publics:
Donors, volunteers, clients (all secondary publics are potential and current)

Action desired from publics:

Donations, volunteer support, client referrals

Publics’ self interests:

Need to be involved in community, need to feel invested in an organization that provides a
valuable service, need to be personally involved in helping the lives of others.

Primary messages:
Primary Message #1:
JFSOC offers services that help to better the lives of the community. JFSOC sees the
potential in all people regardless of their situation. JFSOC provides hope to the seemingly

Primary Message #2:

Support for the primary messages will come in the form of a client testimonial whose life
has been impacted by the services and the people at JFSOC.

Describe photos/graphics:
Photo of client in everyday activities, photos of where he was before JFSOC became involved in
his life.

Third-party Influentials:
JFSOC case managers and staff.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools

Feature Release
Restoring life

IRVINE, CALIF. - His head hangs low and you can just barely make out the tears welling up in his
eyes as he wrings his hands searching for words that match the emotion coursing through him.
He tilts his head back and his blue weathered eyes glint with moisture as the dam breaks and the
tears begin to fall down his face and across the gleaming smile.

Jerry Rush lets out a halfhearted smile sitting with his back pressed against the chair his work
shirt still pressed at the edges but showing a days worth of honest work. The calloused hands flat-
tening out the dirty work pants that are marked by his toil.

But the smile alongside the tears say what he can’t. He sits up and steadies himself.

“I go to bed at night and can’t wait to get up the next day,” he says. “Everyday is a gift and I’m
not wasting any of them.”

Four years ago Rush called an alleyway in downtown Santa Ana home and everyday brought a
quest for escape into a world laced with alcohol and drugs. He was a shadow of the man he had
been in years prior dragged down by a series of events that he was not equipped to handle on his
own. He ended up turning to Jewish Family Service of Orange County and found a respite there
and people who were dedicated to bringing his life back into focus.

“Jerry was just one of those cases that when you looked at him you saw the potential but get-
ting people to see that for themselves is the real struggle,” said Nancy Alameh, case manager at

But before he found JFSOC Rush had to find the bottom first.
“ I had a family, a wife and a daughter. A good job and a home that I did yard work on every Sat-
urday morning,” Rush said.

Then it fell apart. Rush lost his job as a manager of a car restoration garage and he struggled to
find steady work. He began to drink, at first to dull the impact then to just feel numb to it all.

“I became a fixture in the bar and I began to look forward to getting up and finding that first
glass of escape,” he said.

It began with a trip to the bar in the evening after his 5-year old daughter was in bed for the
night once or twice a week. Rush would tell his wife he needed to walk but she knew where he
was going. Then it began to be every night with the unemployment checks and his wife’s job as a
day care teacher keeping the family afloat. His nights began spilling into mornings and he would
wake up hung over the next morning in his car - his cell phone a reminder of the pain and worry
at home when he didn’t call or return for the night.

“I don’t blame her for leaving, but at first I did. Now I see I gave her no choice,” Rush explains.
After almost a year of never knowing when and where he was his wife packed her and her

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Feature Release - continued

daughter’s things and left. She moved in with her mother 80 miles away and stopped returning his
phone calls when the alcohol destroyed their communication.

The house went next after the unemployment stopped. Rush simply stopped opening the mail
and the checks stopped coming in. His spiral continued until two years later he was pan handling
and combing the streets looking for the next chemical to take away his pain. The alcohol led to
drugs and he found solace at the end of a pipe filled with crystal meth.

“I felt invincible when I was high and I didn’t care whom I hurt to get the next round of that feel-
ing,” he said.

It was standing in a line for food at a soup kitchen in Costa Mesa that the first wake up call hit
him. His quest for escape the day before had not been especially fruitful and he was feeling the
burn to find his next fix but the hunger pains had started when the drugs began to wear off. Look-
ing around he began to see families in the street and instead of remembering his own family lost
in the haze a couple years before he began to feel greed for what they had. A bicycle he could
pawn, a basket of clothes he could barter with. Money in their pockets for the laundromat just
down the way.

He remembers telling himself that it was right there for his taking and he deserved to have what
he needed. He even got so bold as to walk up to a woman and her two young children and begin
to reach for their cart. And that’s when it struck him. He pulled his hand back and tried to smile
but the damage was done. The woman grabbed her daughter and yelled to her son to hold onto
the cart as she quickly crossed the street as traffic poured down it.

Rush left the area and never returned ashamed at where he had almost gone. He said he felt the
pang of guilt and sat for two days in an alleyway in Santa Ana before he drug himself to a shelter
for food. But it was not the final wake up call. A month later he lay drunk and high in his own feces
and urine in the gutter behind a strip mall. A storekeeper called 911 when Rush didn’t respond to
repeated attempts to get him to wake up. Two days later he awoke at the Western Regional Medi-
cal Center. That was the wake up call he needed.

The nurse found him crying in his bed, Rush said it was the first tears he had let go in more than
two years, and they came out in torrents. She talked to him and he found that the haze of alco-
hol and drugs weren’t there anymore to protect him. It all came rushing out. She referred him to
JFSOC in Irvine. In part because she felt it was away from the “sphere of influence” in Santa Ana.
He called from the hospital and a case manager came to visit him. His burn for the drugs and
alcohol making normal conversation now difficult, but the drive he had to leave the haze was fight-
ing the urge down.

A week after the stay in the hospital he was in a hotel room that JFSOC had found for him. He
went to their offices and set up counseling and worked with the employment development

“They had every avenue covered, from a place to stay to how to get clothes and where to wash

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools

Feature Release - continued

them, absolutely everything,” Rush said.

“Jerry is the reason we do what we do,” said Alan Zamosky CEO of JFSOC. “Nothing can compare to
having someone turn their lives around and then reach back and remember where he was and who
is still there.”

Rush has taken on the role of returning the kindness by sharing his story and how putting faith in
others ultimately led him back to finding the faith he once had in himself.

Back to the man sitting in the booth in the diner in Costa Mesa, four years removed from the alley
in Santa Ana, Rush with tears still streaming down his face and across the smile looks at the other
diners. He doesn’t wipe the tears away and he explains he’s not ashamed; he’s just a man. He is hu-
man with faults and weaknesses and for him that’s OK he said. He spent a year under the protective
wing of JFSOC and can tell a story about everyone he came across in his time there.

“He brings tears of joy to me every time I see him and that’s worth all the work together, he wasn’t
an easy guy to keep on track but once he was you knew it was going to stick,” said Alameh.

“I fell off the wagon more than once and they would just dust me off and put me back upright and
send me back out,” Rush said, “ eventually I didn’t anymore and then the pieces began to click for

He got a job as a mechanic at an auto body shop, and calls an apartment in Tustin home. He even
has a cat that his daughter found on one of his weekends that he has visitation. He has a bank ac-
count with a savings and a car that he put back together from the brink of the scrap yard. He likens it
to his own life.

“When I go to work and I put together a car that was broken it’s all I need as a reminder,” he said.
“Every life needs to be fixed at times and every person is worthy of that chance. Every person.”

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Staged Event Media Alert Outline

Key Public:
Local Media (COAST magazine, OC Metro, OC Register, 944, OC Life, OC Business Journal,, OC Family magazine, OC Jewish Life)

Action desired from publics:

To be featured in local media outlets.
How does this action tie to the key public’s self interest?
Human interest stories always draw reader attention to articles and an event like this is
something that warms the heart and draws attention towards a non-profit that may not
be well known but does amazing deeds.

Overriding message/theme:
Seniors Branching Out incorporates the theme of the organization and emphasizes the
social factor of the event.

Primary Messages:
Primary Message #1:
This is the first time this event will be happening, but it plans on being an annual event
from now on.
How will you support the primary message? (data, facts, testimonials, etc.)?
A quote from CEO of JFSOC exclaiming how there hasn’t been an event like this at JFS
since its founding 44 years ago.

Primary Message #2:

Wouldn’t you want your grandma or grandpa to have at least one day of fun?
How will you support the primary message? (data, facts, testimonials, etc.)?
Not many elderly people have the health to drive themselves to places so their social life
tends to sit on the back burner. A testimonial statement from a client of Silver Streak can
explain how JFS has changed that.

Describe photos/graphics:
Photographs will be taken by volunteer professionals at the culmination of the event, and
will serve as keepsakes for the participants and their families. They will be taken as family
portraits to emphasize the “grow with our family tree” theme of JFSOC.

Third-party influentials:
A quote will be used as the beginning introduction to the media alert to draw the atten
tion of the journalist or editor.

Slogan or tagline:
Seniors Branching Out – Make like a tree and leaf!

Production Deadline:
May 28, 2011

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools

Staged Event Media Alert


Senior Citizens experience a full day of fun and social activities, sponsored by JFSOC’s popular
senior transportation program.

Saturday, May 28, 2011 9am-2pm

1 Federation Way, Suite 220
Irvine, Calif. 92603-0174

WHAT: Jewish Family Service of Orange County is proud to be initiating its first annual “Seniors
Branching Out” program for its clients who normally do not get to be out and about as often
as they would like. This event will start at JFSOC’s offices in Irvine and buses sponsored by the
organization’s Silver Streak transportation program will take 30 seniors around Orange County to
destinations such as an art museum, the beach and a local farmer’s market. Lunch will be provided
courtesy of the Sarducci’s Capistrano Depot, a south Orange County Italian restaurant.

The day will end with a return trip to the Hillel Jewish Campus, where participants will be greeted
by their family members and loved ones. Volunteer photographers will be on-hand to take profes-
sional portraits of the families as a keepsake for the event. Portraits will also be taken of the JFSOC
family including staff, clients and volunteers.

WHEN: Saturday, May 28, 2011 9am-2pm

WHERE: 1 Federation Way, Irvine, Calif. 92603-0174

WHO: Jewish Family Service Orange County, founded in 1966, is a nonprofit organization that
offers senior socialization services, bereavement counseling, support groups, financial empow-
erment assistance, and case management. JFSOC strives to create a loving, family environment
where the individual can grow and thrive. For more information, please visit

Kerri Gee (949) 435-3460
Marketing Director

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Media Pitch Email Outline

Key public (audience):
OC Register, 944, Riviera, OC Metro, OC Family, COAST, OC Business Journal, UCI weekly

Action desired from public(s):

To publish a news story about JFSOC Silver Streak transportation program. n

How does this action tie to the key public’s self interest?
This would be a human-interest story that gives an opportunity for their readers to poten
tially relate to and to just enjoy reading.

Primary Message #1:
Silver Streak is a way for senior adults to get out in the world and enjoy life like
everyone else.
How will you support the primary message? (data, facts, testimonials, etc.)?
Explain where Silver Streak can take people (market, doctor’s appointments, to see family,
etc.) and how it impacts their lives.

Primary Message #2:

The Silver Streak program at JFSOC provides transportation to various places to seniors
who are unable to drive themselves.
How will you support the primary message? (data, facts, testimonials, etc.)?
Provide information regarding how many senior adults cannot drive, but need help getting
to various places and appointments.
Testimonial: Give examples of senior’s experiences on the Silver Streak, and provide
quotes presenting their gratitude.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools

Media Pitch Email Outline - continued

Primary Message #3:
Volunteers are always appreciated to help seniors get where they need to go, connect
with friends, be social, and enjoy life.
How will you support the primary message? (data, facts, testimonials, etc.)?
Show that seniors can live life they way they want to because JFSOC’s Silver Streak
program volunteers. Get quotes from volunteers about how rewarding and enjoyable their
experience is.

Describe photos/graphics:
Photos could include actual clients of JFSOC riding the Silver Streak with smiles on their
faces and excitement in their eyes.

Third-party influentials:
Testimonials and quotes from people who have experienced the Silver Streak would be
very influential, and could be used as promotion for future Silver Streak riders, because
they would show potential riders the positive experience Silver Streak provides. Personal
stories illustrating a day full of fun and adventure would definitely spark a potential
client’s interest.

Slogan or tagline:
“Seniors Branching Out”

Production deadline:
Ongoing story, many testimonials would be appreciated and encouraged for attracting
new people.

Specific media to receive information:

Local media for example: OC Register, 944, Riviera, OC Metro, OC Family, COAST, OC
Business Journal, UCI weekly newspaper

Proposed follow-up with media, if any:

Follow-up emails, thank you letters, emails providing further information and/or answer
ing specific questions

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Media Pitch - E-mail

Subject Line: Seniors Branching Out in Orange County

Bryan Miller

Dear Bryan,

To follow up with your recent article about Orange County’s need for older adult events and social
activities, I would like to invite you to attend one of the biggest senior events this Spring. Jewish
Family Services of Orange County are teaming up with Sarducci’s Capistrano Depot and the Laguna
Playhouse to send senior citizens on a wild scavenger hunt throughout the county. 30 participants
will fill two busses and venture throughout the town, participating in social activities. Each partici-
pant will be provided one video camera and be tasked with creating videos of specific tasks.

The hunt will end at JFSOC headquarters in Irvine, where 165 family members be waiting to cheer
them on to the finish. Maryanne Photography has donated services and will be taking family por-
traits; each senior will receive one complimentary framed 8X10.

What: JFSOC Make Like a Tree and Leaf Senior Scavenger Hunt
Where: 1 Federation Way, Irvine CA (Click here for directions)
When: May 28, 2011 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Please see our electronic press kit for more information

I will be in touch later today to see if you have any questions or to arrange an interview with
the CEO Alan Zamosky. (He’s been featured here and here for his excellence in non-profit work
throughout Orange County!)

Sivonna Haas
JFSOC Marketing

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools

PSA - Script for radio

Alan Zamosky:

“Hello, my name is Alan Zamosky and I am CEO of the Jewish Family Service of Orange County.
Here at JFSOC we are dedicated to extending out branches and growing our family tree. When
the unexpected happens, we are here to provide a shade of love, protection and compassion for
you to stand under. Ever since 1966 we have been providing the local community with the sup-
port they need during the most difficult times of their life. Whether it be a single mother looking
for that shoulder to lean on, or a son learning to cope with the loss of his father – we are provide
invaluable support through one on one counseling and personalized programs. Join our family and
be the roots of our tree by contributing to this organization that never stops branching out. Call us
at: 949-435-3460 or visit our web site at”

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Spokesperson Biography
Loving Her Life of Service for a Family of Services: Spotlight on Marcia Marcinko, Director of
Volunteers and Community Outreach, Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Marcia Marcinko is Jewish Family Service of Orange County’s recruitment guru. She manages
over 80 volunteers from four different recruitment centers across Orange County. Marcia screens
volunteer drivers for the Silver Streak senior citizen ride share program and works to expand the
campaigns to larger audiences.

Silver Streak is JFSOC’s free older adult transportation program created thanks to a grant award-
ed by the Orange County Transportation Authority. With the Silver Streak, Orange County’s senior
citizen population can travel, socialize, run errands and explore the city while under the care of
trained and trusted volunteer drivers; this program is offered at no cost to riders or caregivers. It is
just one of the many services JFSOC offers to Orange County citizens, as a way to develop a family
of support for any one in need.

Almost 30 years ago Marcia began working at JFSOC as a secretary. She was attracted to JFSOC
because of the non-profit’s emphasis on caring for others without judgment. Creating a family of
support to help nourish those in need resonated with Marcia. As a mother of three young children
in grade school, Marcia worked tirelessly to earn a living for her family while continuing to support
her local Jewish community. Her hard work and inviting personality moved her up in the ranks and
with time Marcia became the leader that she is today.

Marcia became known in the community as a resource for volunteer recruitment. She was
brought in board as an assistant director of Homework House, an organization that offers free
tutoring to “at-risk” school children in Orange County. Marcia works around the clock to connect
volunteers to her two organizations.

A woman of God and a lover of children, Marcia is out to improve the world around her. Her goal
is to invite as many individuals as possible to share the joy and fulfillment she experiences when
she volunteers to serve others. Marcia would be honored if you would join her Saturday, May 28,
2011, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to volunteer for the Seniors Branching Out: Make Like a Tree and Leaf
senior treasure hunt. Visit for details or email

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools


Our Family Tree A Look Into JFSOC

Posted February 2, 2011 About Us

JFSOC is an Irvine-based non-
Evelyn’s Story profit that offers senior social-
ization services, counseling,
Hello, my name is Evelyn P., and I’m a part of the JFSOC family bereavement support groups,
tree. I’m not a client, and I don’t work at the organization. But I owe and case management.
them everything.
Click Here to Visit Our Website
My mother, pictured at left, became a
widow in 2005 after my father, her husband
of 60 years, died of a stroke. She was, to say Followers
the least, heartbroken.
Over the next few months, I saw my
mother become more and more reclusive.
My father had been her world, and without
him it was like she didn’t know what to do
with her time. She began sleeping in later
and going to bed earlier. She hardly left
the house, she hardly smiled. Within a year
I saw my once vibrant, energetic mother
become listless and distant. I knew I needed Blog Archive
to get her help, but I didn’t know who to
turn to. q2011 (6)
uJanuary (4)
That’s when a friend from my synagogue told me about qFebruary (2)
Jewish Family Service Orange County. The employees there really took Not Just a Secretary
an interest in my mother; they talked her one-on-one and figured out Evelyn’s Story
exactly what she needed to start feeling like herself again, including
bereavement counseling. They also got her riding the Silver Streak, a
bus that took her to her doctor’s appointments, the grocery store, and
wherever else she needed to go. She began talking to the other riders
and going to social events. JFSOC became a regular part of my moth-
er’s life. Slowly, I began to see her reemerge from her grief and become
the woman she was.
My mother passed away in 2008. At her memorial service, I was
touched at how many people from JFSOC showed up. Friends, Silver
Streak drivers, even the receptionists at JFSOC’s office were there. They
shared fond, loving memories of my mother, and it really sank in how
much a part of the JFSOC family she had become. She died the happy,
outgoing woman I always knew her to be, and it was thanks to JFSOC.
I have since kept in touch with many of my mother’s friends
from JFSOC. I’ve never used their services myself, yet these incredible
people continue to reach out to me and make sure I’m okay. I can’t put
into words how much it has meant to me that my mother—and I—
could become a part of this wonderful family tree.

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Blog - continued

Our Family Tree A Look Into JFSOC

About Us
Posted April 30, 2011
JFSOC is an Irvine-based non-
Make Like a Tree profit that offers senior social-
ization services, counseling,
Hey there! I’m Greg; I’m a photography student at bereavement support groups,
Chapman University and a member of our Hillel organi- and case management.
Yesterday I volunteered at JFSOC’s first annual
“Make Like a Tree and Leaf,” event. In case you haven’t
heard about it, let me fill you in: JFSOC sent out a sur- Followers
vey to over a hundred senior citizens, asking them their
favorite places to go. Once they had their answers, JFSOC
picked 30 seniors for a dream day. They filled two buses
and took these incredible seniors to a museum, a farm-
er’s market, and out for lunch.
I tagged along to the museum, where I met this
amazing woman named Catherine. She used to be a high
school art teacher, but she’s been retired for 20 years. She
walked me around and taught me about each of the pieces.
Blog Archive
While we were walking she told
me that she hadn’t been out of the q2011 (6)
house much lately and had been re- uJanuary (4)
ally lonely, and that she felt like this uFebruary (5)
event was a turning point for her. uMarch (4)
Seeing her face as she got to expe- qApril (5)
rience something she loves--and Time for Change
watching her make new friends- Silver Streak Stories
-was an experience I will never Roger’s Story
forget. Day of Service Pics
Make Like a Tree
After the museum, lunch, and the farmer’s market, we headed
back to the Samueli Jewish Campus. JFSOC had invited all of the
seniors’ families to the campus for professional-quality family photos.
There was even a “JFSOC Family Photo,” for those who didn’t have loved
ones present.
I was actually there as a volunteer photographer, so I set up my
equipment and helped pose the families in front of backdrops. The
shots came out beautifully, if I say so myself! I’m so excited to send
them out to all of the families, and I’m even more exited to do this
again next year.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools


Grow With Our Family Tree

About JFSOC Connect



Get Involved


Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Website - continued

Grow With Our Family Tree

About JFSOC Our story Our mission Client testimonials Grants Connect
Leadership JFSOC News room Newsletters Events
We are a family of individuals who live to serve
Partnerships others regardless of age, race, religion or what
stage of life he/she is enduring. Since 1854 Donate
Students Jewish families have worked together to raise
funds, build communities and offer services
Get Involved that help the human race. Our network of
trained staff and volunteers will go above and
Contact beyond to nuture the ones we meet.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools

Website - continued

Grow With Our Family Tree

About JFSOC ROOTS Seniors Branching Out Connect

Helping With the Green Special Seeds Full Bloom
Our ROOTS programs offers counseling in a
Partnerships number of areas:
• Anger Management • Life Transitions & Changes Donate
Students • Anxiety & Depression • Mental, Physical and Sexual
• Addictive Disorders Abuse
• Family Conflict • Parent/Child Issues
Get Involved • Grief & Loss • Relationship Conflicts
• Intermarriage Issues • Separation & Divorce

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Website - continued

Grow With Our Family Tree

About JFSOC Schools Churches Businesses Lenders Connect

Services Hebrew school, volunteer programs and
counseling are only a few ways JFSOC has
Partnerships created working partnerships with Orange
County schools. Donate

Get Involved


Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools

Website - continued

Grow With Our Family Tree

About JFSOC Speaking Opportunities Professional Development Connect

JFSOC Internship Program
Our competitive Fall and Spring internship
Partnerships program allows students the opportunity to
turn classroom theory into practical skills and Donate
Students work directly with trained professionals. We are
currently hiring for the following:
Get Involved • Website/Graphic Design
• PR/Marketing/Copywriting

Make Like a Tree and Leaf!!
You’re Invited to...
About Jewish Family Service of Orange County
JFSOC aims to make sure that all people in the community are well-cared for, and that
anyone who seeks help will be welcomed with open arms. We help people through the guiding
ideals of Jewish tradition and are committed to providing compassionate and professional support
in a trusted and healing atmosphere.
We provide several programs with specific services that will support and assist those in
need. Services in counseling and psychotherapy, financial empowerment, support for older adults,
special needs and Holocaust survivor services.
Direct Mail
Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools
Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools

Direct Mail - continued

Jewish Family Service Orange County invites you to contribute to
the first ever, “Seniors Branching Out: Make Like a Tree and Leaf”
scavenger hunt

May 28, 2011, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Venturing throughout local restaurants, museums, parks and other
community centers... Ending at 1 Federation Way, Irvine

Make Like a Tree and Leaf is an opportunity for local businesses
and individuals to help seniors branch out, build friendships and
participate in energized activities. With your help, JFSOC can turn
this afternoon into a memorable experience for all.

Yes! I would like to contribute to Make Like a Tree and Leaf

q I would like to volunteer at the event
q My business would like to be apart of the
scavenger hunt
q I would like to donate to the event

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Brochure - front and back cover

Grow with our

family tree

Jewish Family Service of

Orange County
1 Federation Way, Suite
Irvine, CA 92603-0174

Phone: 949-435-3460 or
Fax: 714-445-4960

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools

Brochure - inside

Our Programs

Jewish Family Service
counseling program is to
empower individuals and Financial Empowerment
families to solve problems and
seek positive experiences. Jewish Family Service provides
assistance with improving your
Support Groups financial health as well as your
employment skills.
Jewish Family Service support
groups assist individuals with
life changes, anxiety and
depression, communication
skills, relationships, Healing Center
bereavement and parenting.
Jewish Family Service assists
familie that may be
experienceing stress due to a
Older Adult Services loved one in prison, jail or the
hospital through the Jewish
Jewish Family Service Older Healing Center.
Adult Services are designed to
promote and enhance the health,
well-being, social connections
and independence of older Come grow with us
adults in Orange County.
Jewish Family Service is always
happy to have the help of
volunteers and donors to make
our programs available to all
those in need. Your support
touches lives and your

Our Mission Statement:

To strengthen and empower
families and individuals to
successfully manage life’s

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County


Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools


Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

YouTube Site

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Media Relations Tools


Our Family Tree

Special Needs requires Did You Know?
The unemployment rate
special attentions and for people with disabili-
ties is an astounding 75%
JFSOC knows how to help in California, compared
with 12% for the general
People with special needs can often helped 80 individuals and families.
feel profoundly isolated and disenfran-
The good news is – when
chised with regard to critical issues af-
SNSS helps adults and families with individuals with a dis-
fecting their health, education, and well
special needs to navigate the incred- ability are given an op-
being. Their families can also feel very
ibly complex social service, educa- portunity for job training
alone, overwhelmed, and frustrated as
tion, and health systems, and to be and employment, they
they look for ways to help their loved
integrated into schools, synagogues, are 100% more likely to
and places of employment. The remain employed than
program is led by Dr. Jan Weiner, their non-disabled coun-
In response, JFS launched the Special a professor from the Department terpart (Cimera, 2009;
Needs Support Services Program (SNSS) of Special Education at Cal State Weiner & Zivolich, 2003).
in September 2009. This program was University, Fullerton. Jan is a tireless
initiated through the vision and mag- advocate for children who have And more
nanimity of local philanthropists who been excluded from mainstream good news -
recognized an unfilled need in our com- educational settings and segregated when indi-
munity. Since it began we have already from their typical peers. viduals with
are given
an oppor-
tunity to be
streamed, or
fully includ-
ed in school,
work, or the community
at an early age, they are
more likely to stay in-
cluded for their entire
life and less likely to be
institutionalized; and it’s
less costly to tax payers
over the long run (Zivol-
ich, Shueman & Weiner,
JFS is the first responder
for people with special
needs and their families.
Let us help you. We are
always a phone call away.

Media Relations Tools Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Newsletter - continued

S ervices for
program helps adults
by connecting them
to resources to meet
their basic needs, as-
sisting them to de-
velop an employment
and self-sufficiency
plan, connecting
them to legal and
other professional
services, and advocat-
ing on their behalf
with employers, land-
lords and others.


Words to live by -
“Our son, who was diagnosed at
an early age with Cerebral Palsy,
was unnecessarily segregated
Do not be wise in words
and deteriorating socially in
the Special Day class he was - be wise in deeds.
put in against our wishes. Our
marriage and our own health
were strained, as well. Life was
spiraling out of control. We felt Thoughts From JFSOC’s own Alan Zamosky, CEO
very alone in our research to
negotiate a proper placement here is little more gratifying than services they need - have freedom we celebrate continues
for our son. Thanks to JFS our witnessing how a timely interven- been overwhelmed by the in a variety of forms for many
lives are now spiraling into tion can dramatically improve an personalized support, guid- people. They include those who
control. With their very caring individual’s or family’s outlook ance, direct intervention come to JFS for help in breaking
support and knowledgeable on life. Our Special Needs Sup- and results provided by this the chains of hunger, prejudice,
guidance every step of the way, port program, like many of our relatively new JFS program. It fear and economic hardship to
we have someone to listen to programs, accomplishes this on a has been a privilege to play a name only a few. As we rejoice
our concerns and attend critical regular, often daily basis. People part in this. over the coming of spring and
meetings with us. Most impor- seeking only to maximize their our history of fighting for free-
As we approach the Passover dom as Jews, we should also ap-
tantly, our son is enjoying life potential - people who have only
holiday, it is important to re- preciate and strive for freedom
more. JFS serves as the second known the frustration of failure
member that the struggle for in all its forms for all people.
opinion when we need it most.” while attempting to obtain the

Are you concerned about

loved ones
with special needs and/or
their families?
Let JFSOC be part of your
solution... We’re here to help!

Jewish Family Service of Orange County


Appendix Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Mission Statement

Current Mission Statement:

To strengthen and empower families and individuals to successfully manage life’s


Modified Mission Statement:

To provide compassionate programs that strengthen families and individuals in need, at all
stages of life both in the Jewish and broader community.


JFSOC was already in the process of creating a new mission statement as well as a new
vision statement. The current mission statement felt too vague and didn’t address the
community as a whole. Using spefic language the new mission statement hopes to
give individuals a greater idea of who JFSOC is trying to reach.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Appendix

Research Summary

Interviews with JFSOC employees

In order to better understand the organization, we made the effort to talk with those who
worked within the organization. These people are the movers and shakers of the organization and
hearing their input would prove vital to the direction of the campaign.

Alan Zamosky- CEO

Nancy Almaleh- Case Manager/Advocate
Marcia Marcinko – Director of Volunteers and Community Outreach
Kerri Gee Semmelman- Board of Directors

JFSOC Insights

1. About 70% of those served are Jewish

2. Need and want to raise awareness about the organization and make clear to the
community what they already do.
3. Trying to change their image as “this quiet little organization.”
4. Want to be seen as innovative, alive and growing.
5. Currently in the works of opening up new offices in Anaheim and Santa Ana.
6. Want to mobilize spokespersons, utilize social media, and create a consistent branding
effort with all of their collateral materials.
7. They want a connection with the community.
8. Biggest challenge is raising community awareness, namely, increasing funding from donors
and letting the community know that they have their own separate office within the
Jewish community center.
9. They are often confused with Jewish Federation.
10. Of all the services offered, the older adult service is the most popular. It serves 2,200
people annually.
11. Currently utilizes 19 drivers for the senior transportation programs and wants to
recruit more.
12. There is a heavy screening process that volunteers go through for the “Silver Streak”
13. In the past, JFSOC did have an annual fundraiser when donors and community leaders
would gather, but has stopped the event due to the cost of it.
14. Currently there is a total of 80 volunteers. Recruiting for the volunteers is done through
the Volunteer Center of Orange County, Craigslist, and the City of Irvine’s Web Site.
15. Funding for JFSOC also comes in the form of grants.

Appendix Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Research Summary - Online Survey

Online Survey:
An online survey was sent out to young adults and student of Chapman University, to
better understand their relationships with the elderly community and the services that are
offered to benefit them. It was vital for our team to understand the middle person
between JFSOC and the organization’s main client, senior citizen.

Where do your senior relatives live?

Independently 80.70% 71 responses
With You 3.40% 3 responses
With Other relatives 13.60% 12 responses
Senior Home 2.30% 2 responses

How often do your senior relatives leave the house or wherever they are living?
Every day 67% 59 responses
Three times a week 20.50% 18 responses
once a week 11.40% 10 responses
Once a month 1.10% 1 response

How frequently do you visit your senior relatives?
More than once a week 10.20% 9 repsonses
Twice a month 29.50% 26 responses
A couple times a year 60.20% 53 responses

Do your senior relatives have a car and drive?
Yes 69.30% 61responses
No 18.20% 16 responses
One does 12.50% 11 responses

How do your aging relatives feel about Older Adult Services or Senior Care Management?
In favor 6.80% 6 responses
Against 19.30% 17 responses
Ambivalent 11.40% 10 responses
Haven’t mentioned it 62.50% 55 responses

Where would you find Senior Care Management for your aging relatives?
Internet 53.40% 47 responses
Newspaper 1.10% 1 response
Word of Mouth 45.50% 40 responses

Do your senior relatives like to socialize?
Yes 72.70% 64 responses
No 3.40% 3 responses
Occasionally 21.60% 19 responses
Don’t know 2.30% 2 responses

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Appendix

Research Summary - Identification of Publics

Preliminary Identification of publics

1. Senior citizens
2. Relatives of senior citizens
3. Low Income Families
4. People who have lost a loved one
5. Potential Volunteers
OC Jewish community (including high school students college students
and residents)
6. Potential Donors
OC Jewish business professionals
Relatives of current/past clients
Past clients
7. OC Synagogue Rabbis and administrative staff
Congregation Eliat, Mission Viejo
Temple Beth Emet, Anaheim
Congregation B’nai Israel, Tustin
Congregation B’nai Tzedek, Fountain Valley
Temple Beth Sholom, Santa Ana
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’a lot, Irvine
Surf City Synagogue, Huntington Beach
Temple Bat Yam, Newport Beach
Temple Beth David, Westminster
Temple Beth El, Aliso Viejo
Temple Beth Tikvah, Fullerton
Shul by The Shore
Temple Isaiah, Newport
Chabad of Irvine
Chabad of Laguna Beach
Chabad of Laguna Niguel
Chabad of Newport Beach
Chabad of Tustin
8. Single Mothers
9. Philanthropic Organizations
10. Current clients
11. Jewish inmates incarcerated in jail
12. Potential donors
United Way
Jewish Federation
13. Volunteer drivers

Appendix Jewish Family Service of Orange County


1. “About Us.” Orange Senior Center. Web. 16 Feb. 2010.

2. “Age Well Senior Services - Special Events.” Age Well Senior Services - A nonprofit serving
Orange County. Web. 16 Feb. 2010.
3. “Anaheim-based nonprofit helps seniors stay independent | meals, senior, adults - Life -
The Orange County Register.” The Orange County Register : The Orange County
Register Web. 16 Feb.2010
4. “Community Services - Bereaved Parents - Support group - YMCA OC.” YMCA of Orange
County. Web. 16 Feb. 2010.
<>. .
5. Counseling | Counselor | Seal Beach | Los Alamitos | Cypress | Orange County | Paradigm
Counseling, Inc. Web. 16 Feb. 2010.
6. “Counseling center for the poor closes | center, bennett, alpha - News - The Orange
County Register.” The Orange County Register : The Orange County Register. Web. 16 Feb.
7. Insight Counseling | Individual, couple, family, and group therapy in Orange County. Web.
16 Feb. 2010.
8. “OC METRO ? Orange County’s unemployment rate hits 8.3 in April.” OC METRO
Magazine. Web. 16 Feb. 2010.
9. “O.C. Teen Drug Arrests Soar; Treatment Lags; Law enforcement: Bookings climb 280% in
a decade, but agencies are helping fewer minors than five years ago.” ProQuest Archiver.
Web. 16 Feb. 2010.
10. “Orange county divorce rate - Archive Search.” Google News. Web. 16 Feb. 2010.
11. “Orange county unemployment rate - Archive Search.” Google News. Web. 17 Feb. 2010.

Jewish Family Service of Orange County Appendix

Bibliography - continued

12. “Senior center in Laguna Hills suffers financially | senior, center, services - News - The
Orange County Register.” The Orange County Register : The Orange County Register. Web.
16 Feb. 2010.
13. “California’s Elderly Deserve Better than This.” Web.
14. “State Budget Woes Affect Disabled Adult Programs.” 17KGET. Web.
iZZjSVvhoE-tpm1ohS5PEA.cspx >
15. “How The Economy is Impacting Families and Marriages.” Inland So Cal. Web.
rosen01.3ac3e1f.html> .
16. Ellman, Dennis. “Keeping Older Adults on the go- free educational seminar.”
Jewish Family Services, Jan. 19, 2010.
17. Gross, Daniel. “The coming charity crisis: How the struggling economy is hurting
donations,” Newsweek, June 18, 2008. Web.
18. Watkins, Tom. “Charities see donations drop as need spikes,” CNN Money, Feb. 13, 2009.
19. Kaldec, Dan. “Nonprofit squeeze: Donations down, volunteers up,” Time. March 19, 2009.
20. Strott, Elizabeth. “Charities face grim holidays,” MSN Money, Dec. 10, 2009.
21. Erbe, Bonnie. “Faith-based charities hit hard by economic crisis, and it’s their own fault,”
U.S. News and World Report. Feb. 20, 2009
22. Salmon, Jacqueline L. “Government cutbacks leave faith-based services hurting,”
Washington Post. Web., Feb. 19, 2009.
23. “The importance of keeping homebound seniors active, body, mind and soul.” Senior
Alternatives, Bay Area Senior Care. Web.
24. Fein, Esther B. “Empty Lawns: Aging in the Suburbs,” New York Times. July 19, 1994.

Appendix Jewish Family Service of Orange County

Bibliography - continued

25. Hernandez, Lance. “Santa Says Kids Just Want Food For Christmas.” The Denver Channel,
Dec. 17, 2008.
26. Press release, Jewish Family Services of Seattle. Aug. 8, 2009.
27. Press release, Catholic Charities USA. Feb. 3, 2010.
28. Classen, Carolyn. “Inaugural “Celebration of Caring” breakfast of Jewish Family and
Children’s Services.” The Tucson Citizen, Feb. 16, 2010.
29. IOA Website:
30. Agewise Newsletter:
31. Dinner a la Heart Site:


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