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The Hardcore Hundred Handbook
Back in October of 2010 as I was in my gym, The Forged Athlete, a amazing idea
came across my mind. It was telling me to create an intense and exciting new
“workout challenge” to either finish off or begin a workout.

As this thought came to my head and I was thinking to myself about how I could
challenge myself, my clients and athletes, I came up with the name, The Hardcore
Hundred which came to be a very popular weekly challenge workout I created
that combined mostly bodyweight specific movements that not only I could do,
but other people no matter where they were could do as well.

I coined these mini workouts as the, “NO EXCUSE” workouts.

The overall concept of “The Hardcore Hundred″ is easy…

Get 100 reps total as fast as humanly possible!

Sometimes it’s a little more complex than that, but you get the point.

The “Hardcore Hundred” just came to my head naturally as I love to train hard
and push the limits, so I felt this name was a perfect fitting.

So what started as some Hardcore Hundred posts on my blog to help challenge

people and get them inspired to train with more intensity and desire, turned into
this handbook you’re reading now.

There are 30 Hardcore Hundred workouts listed below for you to dig into and try.

Most of the first training sessions with the “Hardcore Hundred″ were bodyweight
based so pretty much ANYONE could do them. After about 20 of these Hardcore
Hundreds came out, I started to get questions about implementing other
resistance tools into the HH workouts such as bands, kettlebells, dumbbells,
barbells, sandbags ect.

As you’ll find in this manual, I’ve got specific HH’s that I’ve developed that include
different resistance training tools so you can go well beyond just the bodyweight
training realm.
The ultimate goal and direction I wanted to go with creating the Hardcore
Hundred… To give people no room for EXCUSES and challenge them beyond
their regular capabilities.

One thing I hate is EXCUSES!

This is one of the main reasons I created The Hardcore Hundred and have now
created this handbook. I want you to learn how to properly use Hardcore
Hundreds within your training program.

Basically it’s up to you… Hit up a Hardcore Hundred BEFORE or AFTER you main
training session. If you’re less advanced and just starting out, some of these
Hardcore Hundreds may be good enough for an entire workout.

You’ve got to test the waters a bit and see how it goes from there.

Also, it’s important to keep time of how long it takes you to complete your
“Hardcore Hundred″ sessions. This way you can come back later and challenge
yourself to beat your time from before!

I taped every single session so that you can attempt these at home so if you have
questions about any of the movements, simply click on the YouTube link for the

So, without further adieu, here’s are

the infamous “HARDCORE 100’s”
Hardcore Hundred 1

1A) 30 Dive Bomber Pushups

1B) 30 Strict Pullups
1C) 30 Pop Up Squats
1D) 10 5 Count Burpees
Hardcore Hundred 2

1A) 25 1 Arm Push Ups Each Side

1B) 25 Chin Ups
1C) 25 Pistols Each Side
1D) 25 Pull Ups

Hardcore Hundred 3

1A) Power Wheel Hand Walks x 100 yards (Forward and Back)

Hardcore Hundred 4

1A) 25 Burpee Box Jumps - I miscounted and only did 22.. It Happens!

1B)) 50 Sit Outs

1C) ) 25 Leg Raises

Hardcore Hundred 5

1A) 25 x Close grip - Rope Pull Ups

1B) 25 x Close Grip Push Ups
1C) 25 x Wide Push Ups
1D) 25 x Wide Pull Ups
Hardcore Hundred 6

1a) 25 Barrier Jumps - Side To Side

1b) 25 Side To Side Pull Ups
1c) 25 Cossack Squats
1d) 25 Side To Side Push Ups

Hardcore Hundred 7

3 Rounds Of:

10 x Bear Burpee
10 x Plyo Push Ups
10 x L Seat Pull Ups

Hardcore Hundred 8

1a) speed squats x 25

1b) Turkish get up x 25/ side
1c) speed squats x 25
Hardcore Hundred 9

33 - Muscle Ups
33 - Squat Jumps
33 - Toes To Bar
1 - Burpee

Hardcore Hundred 10

1A) 25- Wall Walks

1B) 25 - Rope Pull Ups
1C) 25 - Dip Bar Leg Raises
1D) 25 - Burpee Broad Jumps Over Barrier

Hardcore Hundred 11

All Movements Done with The Power Wheel

1A) Push w/ Pike x 25

1B) Leg Curls x 25

1C) Atomic Push Ups x 25

1D) Roll Outs x 25
Hardcore Hundred 12....

5 Rounds OF:

2 Rope Climbs
8/Leg Ice Skater Jumps

Hardcore Hundred 13

3 Rounds Of:
20 "Dirty" Burpees
10 Strict Pull Ups

1 Round Of:
10 Ring Muscle Ups

Hardcore Hundred 14

Do this circuit at the end of your normal workouts!

20 x Leg Raise

20 x Suspended Pike

20 x Side To Side Raise

20 x Suspended Knee Tucks

20 x V-Seats
Hardcore Hundred 15

Start out with 5 kneeling jumps.

Then do 5 rep rounds of:

5 Step Box Jumps

5 Plyo Push Ups
5 Plyo Pull Ups

Hardcore Hundred 16:

25 By Each Movement:

Single Arm Push Ups

Rocky Pull Ups
Rocky Abs
Double Unders

Hardcore Hundred 17:

Hit 5 reps per movement and do 4 Total Rounds For 100 Total Reps:

1A) Burpee


1C) L Seat Pull Up

1D) Lunge Jump (1 rep per leg = 1 total rep)

1E) Pop Up Squat

***REST 30 secs in a plank between rounds
Hardcore Hundred 18:

Do 10 rounds of:

1A) Pop Up Squats x 5

1B) Butt Drop Push Ups x 5

Hardcore Hundred 19:

Band Training Hardcore Hundred

4 Rounds:

1A) Band Squat Jump x 5

1B) Band Push Ups x 5

1C) Band High Pulls x 5

1D) Band Thruster x 5

1E) Band OH Squats x 5

Hardcore Hundred 20:

BW Playground Circuit

100 of everything:

Pulls, Squats, Lunges, Push Ups
Hardcore Hundred 21:

The Hardcore Hundred - Barbell Complex

This is a tough one!

4 Rounds of 5 reps a piece:

Power Clean

OH Squat

Push Press

Back Squat


Hardcore Hundred 22:

Here's a Tabata Workout challenge for you to try.

Two movements:

a) Full Kettlebell Swings

b) Chest to Deck Burpees

A tabata workout consists of 8 rounds of 20 seconds MAXIMUM effort with 10

secs rest in between.

The challenge is to get 100 total reps within the tabata workout.
Hardcore Hundred 23:

Suspended Hardcore Hundred

5 Rounds of:

1A) 5 Suspended Hip Extension with Y Raise

1B) 10 Pistol Assisted Muscle Ups

1C) 5 Reclined Face Curls

Hardcore Hundred 24:

Unique Bodyweight Workout x 5 Rounds

1A) 5 Pistols / Leg

1B) Back Handspring Push Ups x 5

1C) Ring Pull Ups x 5

Hardcore Hundred 25:

Push Up Hardcore Hundred

100 Push Ups for time
Hardcore Hundred 26:

Weighted Hardcore Hundred

Adding a weight vest to your bodyweight movements will increase the difficulty

For this hardcore hundred, I kept it basic with just 4 movements:

1A) Squat Jumps x 26

1B) Pull Ups x 24

1C) Lunge Jumps x 26

1D) Hindu Push ups x 24

Hardcore Hundred 27:

Hardcore Hundred - Burpee For Time

100 Burpee’s for time
Hardcore Hundred 28:

Hardcore Hundred Bodyweight Complex

Hit 5 reps per movement and do 4 Total Rounds For 100 Total Reps:

1A) Burpee


1C) L Seat Pull Up

1D) Lunge Jump (1 rep per leg = 1 total rep)

1E) Pop Up Squat

***REST 30 secs in a plank between rounds

Hardcore Hundred 29:

Full Body KILLER

1A) 25 Pull Ups

2A) 25 Barbell Thruster
3A) 25 Kettlebell Swing
4A) 25 Burpee Box Jumps

Hardcore Hundred 30

The “50/50”

1A) 50 Pistol Squats

1B) 50 Bar Muscle Ups

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