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Linda Castillo

Mrs. Yolanda Hernandez

Inglés básico para ingenieros
1 de noviembre de 2018


Quantum computing is computing using quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as

superposition and entanglement. Such a computer is different from binary digital electronic
computers based on transistors. Whereas common digital computing requires that the data be
encoded into binary digits (bits), each of which is always in one of two definite states (0 or 1),
quantum computation uses quantum bits or qubits, which can be in superpositions of states. A
quantum Turing machine is a theoretical model of such a computer, and is also known as the

"El camino a la oficina
del CEO no debería
ser a través de la
oficina del CFO, y no
debería ser por medio
del departamento de
marketing. Es
necesario que sea a
través de ingeniería y
-Elon Musk

universal quantum computer. The field of quantum computing was initiated by the work of Paul
Benioff[ and Yuri Manin in 1980, Richard Feynman in 1982, and David Deutsch in 1985.

As of 2018, the development of actual quantum computers is still in its infancy, but
experiments have been carried out in which quantum computational operations were executed
on a very small number of quantum bits. Both practical and theoretical research continues, and
many national governments and military agencies are funding quantum computing research in
additional effort to develop quantum computers for civilian, business, trade, environmental and
national security purposes, such as cryptanalysis. A small 20-qubit quantum computer exists
and is available for experiments via the IBM Quantum Experience project. D-Wave Systems
has been developing their own version of a quantum computer that uses annealing.



• With faster than superfast computing, machine learning would become faster exponentially,
along with the rapid progression of artificial intelligence.

• Quantum computers would revolutionize healthcare delivery. Apart from personalized

medicine becoming a reality, complex modeling of proteins in the genomes can be carried
out quickly. Such visualization could speed up research and new molecule development.

• Climate and weather predictions and solutions would emerge faster apart from the
development of superconductors and super magnets. Heavy calculations on gravity, space
travel would also become faster and easier.

• Quantum communications and quantum internet are also going to become realities. China-
based scientists have developed a quantum internet system that is impermeable to hacking.
The principle behind quantum internet is something called “quantum entanglement” where
data is not sent but mirrored with a pair of photons. When there is no data traveling, data
stealing also cannot take place!


• Unfortunately, there is a downside to the quantum computing industry.  The biggest

disadvantage is the fact that it has not been totally invented yet, and people are still making
parts and projections about what this computer shall resemble.  “Many of the scientists that
lead the field in quantum computing are still expecting decades before quantum computers
appear in the home or office (Danlu 2012).”

• Another downside to the quantum computing is that there are many things that need to
happen to make quantum computing accessible to the world.  “One fact about quantum
computing is that the quantum processor by D-Wave, needs to be kept at .02 K (Love
2013).”  For those who are not science majors, .02 K is below the temperature of the
universe, and very close to absolute Kelvin, which is the lowest temperature possible.  This is
a very hard temperature to maintain and control.

• Also, quantum processors are very unstable.  “Even when they first came out it was
impossible to test them without disrupting their very unstable state (Diep 2013).”  Now they
have figured out a new test, but in the Ted Talk, Andris Ambianis, a quantum algorithm writer,
also discusses how unstable the computers are.  This is a problem that needs to be solved
before quantum computers will appear on the shelves of a Best Buy nearest you.

• The main problem with quantum computing is to actually develop it as a personal computer,
and hopefully they will be in the price range of every day consumers.  It will be comparable
to when computers were first introduced.  They were the size of a room and were very
costly.  Then they kept getting smaller and smaller and eventually appeared on the market.


Quantum Computing Applications Researcher (IBM)

Join an elite team driving research and development of the industry’s most advanced quantum
computing hardware and software and helping our clients research quantum computing
solutions to their most pressing business challenges.

You will be given significant autonomy and flexibility, and are expected to deliver meaningful
impact to our business, customers, and the field.

Responsibilities include:

• Research applications, adaptations, or improvements of quantum algorithms for

strategic verticals, including chemistry, machine learning, optimization, finance, and
more. Develop software implementations in Python and Qiskit.

• Work closely with industry research partners in the IBM Q Network to identify problems
which show potential with quantum computing implementation, and engage in joint
research to develop proof-of-concept implementations of quantum solutions.

• Publish, present, and patent results.

• Write additional quantum computing software and work closely with the broader
quantum computing research team to drive forward the field.

• Develop and cultivate long-term client relationships.


Area: Computing

Techonology: Superconducting
Area: Computing

Techonology: ion

Google QuAIL


Area: Computing



Area: Computing/Communications
Microsoft research QuArC

Techonology: Algoithms
Area: Computing

Techonology: Algoithms


Area: Computing
Microsoft research Station Q

Techonology: Superconducting
Area: Computing

Techonology: Superconducting

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