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To: Dr. Greg Wickliff

From: Ivy Miriam Koshy
Date: 11/19/2018
Re: Planning Memo for Flyer

Dr. Wickliff,
As you proceed below, you will find the planning memo for my flyer.
My target audience is inclusive of anyone who is willing enough to
make a generous contribution or donation to families who have been
severely affected by the recent hurricane in NC.
In terms of distribution, the most effective methods might be through the
following: local schools, local organizations, local communities, small
businesses, and news-papers. In addition to this, I would also insert flyers
on counter-tops, tables and bulletin-boards in restaurants, café’s, and local
businesses. Furthermore, I would also like to hang up flyers in various
other places such as: laundromats, bus-stops, check-out counters, and
reception areas.
In terms of cost, I would most likely purchase 100 flyers for $76 through
Vista-Print. I would select this option mostly because it’s a fairly
reasonable and affordable deal which offers you the standard 8.5 in by 11
inch with a conventional style and template. This customized portrait

November 19, 2018

length is the ideal size for any type of flyer. Furthermore, I would prefer
something with a relatively simple lay-out, as well.
This flyer will be utilized, in an effort for me to assist hurricane victims
affected by this recent natural disaster in NC. My primary objective is to
gather proceeds and donations for displaced families who might have
been asked to evacuate and/or are currently seeking shelter, encountering
frequent “black-outs”/”power-outages”, and not to mention, also barely
surviving on limited means of basic provision.
 Logo –The symbol of the red cross will represent the American
Red Cross organization. This relief aid icon will also be illustrated
in the box that describes where all the proceeds/funds go to.

 Fonts –In terms of font, I might possibly utilize one of the four
fonts: Times New Roman, Century Gothic, Sans Serif or perhaps
Arial to create a professional and sophisticated format.

 Colors –In terms of the color scheme, I would prefer to utilize red,
black and white. In other words, I plan to employ a black fill effect
for the text-boxes and the letters engraved within the text can be
high-lighted in white or red. This distinct contrast between the
color of the text-book and the actual text will facilitate me in
conveying my message in a much more effective manner. Red is
typically associated with images of “emergency” or “disaster
relief”. Therefore, it won’t be necessary to employ other sorts of
colors that might otherwise be considered as flamboyant or

 Stock –I plan to utilize a matte coated stock for this flyer. I will
most likely employ this specific type of paper material simply
because I can enhance the appearance of a sophisticated, yet
modern and affluent feel to the marketing piece. In addition to that,
I want the look of a soft satin compressed feel which is also not as
thick as a cover. I also like the fact that matte coated stocks tend to
absorb light and deflect glare in contrast to the reflective nature of

November 19, 2018

a glossy touch. Not to mention the fact that this paper material
hardly ever leaves a stain or smudge. Furthermore, matte works
great with various designs and color patterns that aren’t particularly
bright or conspicuous. Also, as mentioned earlier, matte paper will
further supplement the look of a modern and smooth appearance to
the flyer, consequently making it even more visually appealing.

 Inks – The actual text and the relief-aid symbol are the only aspects
of the flyer that will be high-lighted or emphasized in the colors red
and white. However, the text-boxes will be depicted in a black fill-
Computing tools
Microsoft Word is where I will initially attempt to draft the text that will
be displayed on the Flyer. After that, InDesign is the software that I will
utilize to produce the final version of the business card. Then, I will send
this to a graphic printing company.


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