Autoevaluacion 1

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Preguntas-Capítulo 1

1.___________ is a collection of raw facts organized and processed so that it has

additional value beyond the value of the individual facts.

a) Data
b) Information
c) Knowledge
d) Expertise

2. Turning data into information is a process, or a set of logically related tasks performed
to achieve a defined outcome.

3. Two quality characteristics that are critical for data used in accounting for the
management of company assets, such as cash, inventory, and equipment are

a) flexibility and accuracy

b) security and relevancy
c) accuracy and completeness
d) relevancy and economical

4. Technology infrastructure includes all the hardware, software, Databases, networks,

people, and procedures that are configured to collect, manipulate, store, and process
data into information.

5. According to Jim Collins in his book Good to Great, those who build great
companies understand that the ultimate throttle on growth for any great company
is not markets, or technology, or competition, or products; rather, it is one thing
above all others: __________.

a. great customers
b. great systems
c. great leadership
d. great people

6. When considering the role of business managers in working with IS, it is useful
to divide information systems into these three types: ___________.

a) enterprise IS, group IS, and personal IS

b) small and simple, medium and multifaceted, and large and complex
c) operational, tactical, and strategic
d) management support, operational, and enterprise systems

7. Which of the following is not a key organizational complement that must be in

place to ensure successful implementation and use of the system?

a) well-trained workers
b) better teamwork
c) the latest technology
d) new decision rights
8. _________ are the primary device type used by people around the world to
communicate, go online, and access and share information.

a) Personal computers
b) Laptops
c) Smartphones
d) Tablets

9. The trend of consumer technology practices influencing the way business software is
designed and delivered is called the consumerization of IT.

10. SI is a computing environment in which a service provider organization owns and

manages the hardware, software, networking, and storage devices, with cloud user
organizations (called tenants) accessing slices of shared resources via the Internet

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