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Ruben Marrero Pernas / woof / Warg / Warg

Schwarz / wolfss / Ulfr / Schwarzweiler

Ruben Marrero Pernas (‘woof’) is a Cuban Zoosadist who recorded himself torturing,
sodomising, killing, mutilating, and pleasuring himself with the remains of at least
two dogs. There is strong reason to believe that he has done similar things to more

Alongside zoosadism, Pernas is also a prolific zoophilliac and dog-sodomiser. Pernas

has photographed and filmed himself fondling, fellating, and engaging in vaginal and
anal sex with his own dogs on the zoophile discussion board, BeastForum. Pernas has
also written detailed written accounts of detailed sexual encounters he has had with
animals, including animals that do not belong to him and animal carcasses.

Pernas came to the internet’s attention via his conversations with Levi Dane
Simmons (​‘​SnakeThing​’​). There, Pernas shared with Simmons photographic and
video zoosadist content. After the recent Zoosadism Leaks, 'woof' found himself as
the most notorious member of the exposed ring owing to the almost unique levels of
depravity of the content he shared with Simmons.
Table of Contents

Biographical Details 3
Dox 3
Accounts 3

Documented Animal Abuse 4

Documented Zoosadism 4
Documented Zoophillia 7
Documented Zoonecrophillia 9

Proving woof’s identity 10

woof is in Cuba 10
wolfss 12
wolfss is Schwarzweiler 14
Schwarzweiler is Ruben Pernas 15
Ruben Pernas is Ulfr 17
Warg Schwarz 19
Comparing Ruben with woof 21
Ruben Pernas is woof 25

Conclusion 32

Appendix A - 0001.rtf 34

Appendix B - 'Trios for friendship and also sex' 46

A final word 49

Contact 49
Biographical Details
Name​​: Ruben Marrero Pernas
DOB​​: 07/12/1988
Phone​​: +53 54711157
Address​​: 18310K Monterrey Street, Havana, Cuba.


BeastForum​​: ​

As 'Ulfr'

Agregame​​: ​
Amigae​​: ​
Backpacker Dating​​: ​
CubaRed​​: ​
Devoted Singles​​: ​
Tender Singles​​: ​

As 'Schwarzweiler'

DeviantArt​​: ​
FurAffinity​​: ​

Misc Accounts

NationStates ​(Schwarzheim): ​

Pinterest ​(schwarzwolf12): ​
Documented Animal Abuse
The following section, while avoiding featuring explicit images and video, does
include links to explicit images and video and includes details of instances animal
torture, murder, and mutilation.

Documented Zoosadism

Unknown Dog #1

In this abridged of his conversation with SnakeThing on 22nd May 2018, woof
describes what he did to this dog. The logs have been edited for brevity/clarity:

woof: Those pics are actually my own stuff from last weekend.
woof: She has a tight pussy
SnakeThing: Has, or had? *Giggles* :P
woof: She was a pitbul that I found last Friday and was a virgin also
woof: Removed he tits and inserted some in ass, others in pussy, then
batfucked ass to pussy. Made her eat oneor two of her tits. batfucked
her throat too.
SnakeThing: Ooh. Should've gotten a male doggo to rape'er, to. :P
Always wanted to see some dog on dog rougher-esque stuff before. Human
intervention, to, with that in mind. :P
woof: lol Also choped off her tail and used it to fuck her pussy.
woof: Amazingly, she was still standing after the batfuck. Chopped off
her head and then removed her pussy with the tail still inserted
woof: Not sure if a dog's dick inside a severed puppy's head have been
done before.
SnakeThing: Are you saying that's the thing you did or are you saying
that it hasn't been done generally? xD
woof: I'm saying both
woof: This was used with her

[Attached, a picture of a sharp stick of wood covered with ants]

woof: A wooden toy used to fuck a virgin bitch. Honey was applied to it
a few hours before so that fire ants would cover the toy. it was shoved
into a virgin bitch pussy minutes later.
woof: Forgot to say that the pussy, once removed, was fucked by a dog
and was left stuck behind the knot for a while.

woof shared with SnakeThing a set of photographs fully documenting this process,
which appeared in the logs. In these photographs, woof took pains (as he would in
the other major set) to blur/censor his arms and feet.

Unknown Dog #2

woof details what he did to this puppy below. As with the account of Unknown Dog
#1, this corresponds with the images of what happened to this puppy in the logs.

woof: I got the pussy [editor’s note: referring to her genitals, not
species] from a charity group. I had her one night at home and moved
here to where the fun would take place next morning. it was a forest
like area, with trees and the like. The lil pup was a female about a
month or less old. She was small. she was put on the floor and a log
was set. she was bondaged to that log and was fucked with a wooden toy
in ass and pussy. pussy was cut with a small blae to allow better acces
and fucked hard and deep so that you could see the toy pocking out in
her belly. Eventually ass and pussy became one single hole and the
pussy was removed. She was beheaded and her head used as a cumdump for
human and dog creampie alike. Her tail was removed too. Her head, pussy
and tail are now frozzen trophies inside a fridge.

While it initially seemed that this particular conversation in reference to Unknown

Dog #1, the fact that Unknown Dog #1 was tortured and killed on a bench and not
bound to a log suggests that he was actually speaking of this dog.
Documented Zoophillia

woof’s Rottweilers

Under the username 'wolfss', Pernas has posted numerous photographs and videos
on BeastForums of him fellating and administering/receiving penetrative sex from
one of his rottweilers. woof owns and has owned several rottweilers, both males and
females. To avoid clutter, we have condensed woof's rottweiler-related sex acts into
this spoiler.

Below are the links to woof's BeastForum threads where he documents what he does
to his rottweilers. These threads are all very explicit, and some contain zoophilliac
content from the get-go.

● 'VID_1.mp4’ woof engages in vaginal sex with his rottweiler. [​ ]
● ‘ROTT_FUN.avi’ woof is sodomised by his male rottweiler, lets it ejaculate in
his mouth, and encourages his female rottweiler to lick his own and the male
rottweiler’s penises. [ ​​ ]
● ‘My Rotty Cock., Rott cock suck and knot.’ woof fondles and fellates his
rottweiler. [ ​​ ]
● ‘My Bitch In Heat’ – he fondles his female rottweiler’s vagina. [​ ]
● ‘Male Dog Pics’ – he fondles and stimulates his male rottweiler’s penis. [​ ]

woof's German Shepherd

Under wolfss, Pernas has also molested and photographed his own German
Shepherd on BeastForums.

● 'My German Shepher Cock, Pics of gsd cock.' [ ​​ ]

This is believed to be the dog to which he attached the mutilated remnants of the
vagina/anus of Unknown Dog #1.
Unknown Puppy

On the 19th of March 2018, as woof, Pernas wrote:

woof: Played with a 4 month old pup yesterday but only for a lil while.
he humped really nice and had a beautiful cock. Wish I could spent more
time with him to take some pics.
SnakeThing: Oooh. Did he mainly dom' you or did you dom' him as well?
woof: I dom him, But was really quick. I was visiting someone and was
left alove with the pups for a few minutes while the owner was taking
out his car. He could be a good dom with time :D

Then, woof details what he would do with the dog if he had more time with it:

SnakeThing: Ooooh. What'd you do with'em? c: Humped his muzzle? o=o

woof: To start i'd fully pull back his sheath and lick his fully
exposed knot to then tie it up with a cord and keep it hard for as long
as I want, then, 'id play with his ball and tailhole. I'd rastrain hi
and put a metal ring with ductape in his mouth to make him lick my cock
whether he likes it or no. I could cum in his mouth or eyes, play soft
or hard with his balls and cock, etc....
woof: Could make another dog cum in his open mouth as well. His ass
would get special treatment that's for sure.
Documented Zoonecrophillia

For concision, we have excluded re-describing what woof did to Unknown Dogs #1
and #2 in the ‘Documented Zoosadism’ section.

Unknown Dog Carcass

On May the 24th 2018, as woof, Pernas mentions briefly an incident of


woof:I fucked a dead bith once. She wasn't hung tho and had a tight
virgin pussy
Proving woof’s identity

From the initial Zoosadist leaks, we could be reasonably sure of the following about

1. As he used Spanish language settings in Firefox, that he either spoke

English as a second language to Spanish or fluently spoke in English
and Spanish.
2. From comparative timings between himself and SnakeThing, he was a
resident in an EST-equivalent timezone.
3. That he was friends with friends with Kevin Patrick Perlstein, also
known as Illone.
4. He previously went by the handle 'Warg' on Telegram.

The following section details how from this initial data and from several hints in the
logs that one can arrive at woof's true identity. If you are disinterested in this chain of
reasoning, the final two spoilers under the 'Conclusion' section present us with a
summary of the evidence and the final damning nail in the coffin - direct contact with
woof is in Cuba

As per 1), woof used Spanish language settings in Firefox.

As per 2), woof had to be in EST owing to his relative timing to the PST-based
There was no other hard data indicative of his location. The only other seemed
tenuous and were much mocked at first. However, they in time proved vital to
narrowing down woof's location to Cuba. These leads were:

● The flora and fauna seen in woof’s pictures of zoosadism

● The ice cream parlour that woof photographed himself eating at and
claimed that he regularly visited

The first was successfully narrowed down by a Farms user - someone managed to
identify of the plants in woof's zoosadism evidence as mimosa trees, palms, and
elephant ears. This restricted the field of search to the South-Eastern US and the


That left the placematts. Much to the derision of many cynics, users began to start
looking for ice cream parlours throughout the narrowed-down region.
Despite the incredibly low odds of locating the parlour and the derision and active
opposition of many users, the unbelievable happened. The ice cream venue was
identified as​ Heladeria Himalaya,​ in Havana, Cuba.


The matts were a perfect match. It was beyond all reasonable doubt that woof was
based in Cuba, and probably in Havana. This accounted for observations 1) and 2) -
the Spanish-speaking and EST data - and also supported many observations made of
the logs, such as woof watching the sunset set over the west and his temperamental
internet connection.


In the hours after the public discovery that woof was based in Cuba, anons trawled
the web for accounts that matched the criteria of a zoophile/zoosadist based in that
country. The focus was on users preoccupied with dogs or wolves, and more
specifically someone with a loving of rottweilers (which woof describes in the logs as
the dogs he finds most attractive).

A match was quickly found - a BeastForum account. BeastForum is a forum

dedicated to discussing and proliferating materials pertaining to bestiality. A user
who had documented sexual encounters with many dogs, including rottweilers.

Their name was wolfss, a 30 year old Cuban male. And while they later stripped their
account of relevant information, anons successfully archived wolfss' page. This
revealed wolfss' date of birth (12th July 1988 and email address

BeastForum​​: ​

wolfss posted several videos of himself fellating, sodomising, and being sodomised by
dogs. In one of the videos ('VID_1.mp4'), wolfss briefly slips the camera whilst having
sex with his rottweiler and reveals his face.

Quickly, a Google Plus account was discovered to be associated with wolfss' gmail
account: Wolf Schwarz. ​Google Plus:​​ ​​​
wolfss is Schwarzweiler

A casual google search of 'wolfschwarz39' reveals as its first result a DeviantArt page
named Schwarzweiler.

DeviantArt​​: ​​​

Coincidentally the account is followed by Tuskyn, aka WolfyDNA, a user who was
implicated in the zoosadist logs.

Also coincidentally, there is a FurAffinity account under that name.

FurAffinity​​: ​​​
However, it seems that the user removed some content from the FA’s page favourites
after the ice cream revelation but before the page was archived. The following two
screencaps are from one anon who managed to get onto the FA profile before these
were scrubbed (but forgot to archive the page). These indicate that the user was
interested in sexual sadism against animals, particularly castration.

Returning to DeviantArt, the Google result in question is for a comment made by

Schwarzweiler, in which they state that their email address is

This user also states in another comment from two years beforehand that their email

Schwarzweiler is Ruben Pernas

Without knowing it, wolfss/Schwarzweiler had independently tied up the zoophillia

he engaged in on BeastForums with his real name.

Working Dog i​ s a networking and advertising site for professionals who work with
dogs. For those who register an account on Working Dog, the account under Ruben
Pernas is somewhat barebones. He is simply a Cuban Male.
Ruben Pernas on Working Dog​​: ​​​

Behind Working Dog's paywall, however, the viewer sees that Ruben Pernas' email is And they see that his DOB matches the wolfss account.
And they see his address.

Behind Working Dog's paywall, however, the viewer sees that Ruben Pernas' email is And they see that his DOB matches the wolfss account. And
they see his address.

From this, we can tie wolfss/Schwarzweiler with a real name. Ruben Pernas.

Ruben Pernas is Ulfr

Ulfr is Old Norse for ‘wolf’. There are several accounts named 'Ulfr' connected with a
30-year old Cuban male. One example is of the AgreGame Ulfr profile.
AgreGame​​: ​

This profile shows that the face of Ulfr matches the screencap of wolfss when he
accidentally exposing his face during 'VID_1.mp4 on BeastForum:

In addition, in another 'Ulfr' profile which shares images with the other Ulfr profiles
which were laid out at the top of this thread, there is the CubaRed profile of Ulfr. In
the days following the ice cream parlour revelation, the user in question took pains to
gut their profile, including scrubbing their earlier profile picture.
Thankfully, their feed was archived.

CubaRed Feed​​: ​

Alongside exhibiting his love of Nordic body art and German Shepherds, Ulfr also
engages in a comment chain which confirms that this Ulfr is the owner of the
wolfschwarz39 gmail account (and thus, wolfss), is interested in meeting like-minded
people on Telegram, and states that he has unorthodox sexual interests.

For concision, we have separated out this comment chain into Appendix B, which is
featured at the end of this document.

Interestingly, we see from Ulfr an association between the taboo/transgressive and

creative expression. Alongside this, there is an idealisation of an ‘internal society’
that is governed by its own law - a close-knit group of like-minded people who care
for not for the law of the outside.

This isn't unexpected for Ruben Pernas, who we know is the BeastForums poster

Is it possible to connect these two people: Ruben Pernas/wolfss/Ulfr, with the

zoosadist known as woof?

Warg Schwarz

A lead on this arises from a conjunction of facts 3) and 4) which we began with: that
woof was friends with Illone, and that he also went by the handle of 'Warg' at some

Our the 23rd of July, woof learned of the death of Illone. We know this is when he
discovered Perlstein’s death, as he abruptly changed the tone of an ongoing
conversation with SnakeThing to discuss it:
For more information about Illone, there was a good post in Kero’s thread in KF:

KF on Illone:​​ ​​​

​ osted a tribute on
Two days later, on July the 25th, a user named ​Warg Schwarz p
Illone’s memorial page:
Memorial Link:

Two things of interest lie in this message.

● Schwarz and Illone frequently exchanged ‘stickers’. We know that woof

prolifically sent stickers to SnakeThing in their Telegram conversations,
and thus this would fit the profile of woof’s communiques with another
close friend.
● The name ‘Warg Schwarz’. Five days after learning of Illone’s death (Jul
28th), woof himself states to SnakeThing that he and Illone used to talk
frequently under woof’s old main account – ‘Warg’.
Warg i​ s an Anglicisation of the Norse word ​vargr​. In Norse mythology, these
creatures are particularly menacing sub-species of wolves; there are three named
vargrs in Norse myth – Fenrir, Sköll, and Hati.

As Wikipedia also notes, Warg is used as a synonym for wolf or as a designator for a
large and particularly intimidating wolf in a variety of contexts across pop-culture
and genre fiction.

Wikipedia​​: ​

Comparing Ruben with woof

Now, let’s focus back on Ruben Pernas' CubaRed account:

CubaRed Archive: ​​​

On the extant profile, we can see that he has expressed an interest for
sadomasochism. Take a look at the profile page for ‘Parejo_Sw’ (literal translation:
‘Couple_Sw’), which posts about sadomasochistic sexual preferences. We see several
likes by Ulfr of their pro-S&M content.

Couple_Sw’s CubaRed:​​

Translating, we find an interesting comment from Pernas dated the 30th of March

‘There are no real limits. In reality it is the end of creativity, or

conditions of mutual agreement, which limits. Pleasure and pain are

Compare this with the logs ​and ​the earlier CubaRed comment chain where Pernas
reveals his Gmail account and connects his identity with Ulfr. Both Pernas and woof
seem to strongly associate sadistic sexual practices with pushing the boundaries of
creativity. From the logs:

One thing we should note is that in the days following the narrowing down of the
search to Cuba after the ice cream discovery the CubaRed profile was substantially
altered. The previous furry art that had served as his profile picture was taken down,
alongside all other images apart from he took of a lake (which appears on many of
the other Ulfr profiles).
However, Pernas did not alter his CubaRed profile’s biography. Note the parts bolded
and coloured blood red.

I'm not good for profiles> <According to those who know me, I'm more
like a lone wolf. I do not usually socialize much. But I worry about
those who are part of my pack.

Basically my interests are these:

Camping, hiking, mountain climbing, abseiling, weapons, knives and

tactical equipment, video games, books / magazines of interest,
camouflage, exploration, tunnels, ​stuff zoo and furry​​, castles,
forests. others ...

Animals. Wolves, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, bears, hyenas, foxes


PC and video games (shooters, RPG, horror survival, strategy etc ...) I
am something Nerd with video games.

Movies, action, science fiction, horror, adenturas, fantastic,


Draw on the PC

Music: rock, metal, instrumental, celtic, viking, pagan, dark music,

snuff porn gore,​​ grindgore ...

Books / stories / art related to wolves, dragons, sergals, furry,

anthro, gargolas ....

As part of his musical tastes, Pernas has listed 'snuff porn gore'. Maybe this was a
mistranslation? No. Those words are present verbatim in the Spanish original.

We also have the banner art of Pernas' CubaRed profile.

reverse image search yields a source – a DeviantArt upload entitled ‘hati and skull
celtic knots’:

DA Archive:

The artist explains that the piece depicts Hati and Sköll – two of the three named
wargs of Norse myth.

Going back to woof’s logs, it can be seen that he mentions replacing electric
equipment at some point in his career:

Now examine Pernas' Devoted Singles profile:

Devoted Singles: ​​​

There, he states in response to the question “What I am doing with my life”:

Just working everyday with a MRIscanner at a scientific facility,

taking the chance to camp and hike with my german shepherd or my
rottweiler when I can.

Hence, he has worked, like woof, with electrical equipment.

And also, note:

I have a big attraction for military stuff, guns, rappel, hunting (for
food) and military dog training (I worked with a K9unit and the work
with the dogs was fantastic)

Pernas has past experience with lots of dog work.


I'm part of a group that helps rescue stray/homeless dogs and we treat
them and take care of them until we find new homes.

Pernas has frequent access to the very sorts of strays that woof tortured, killed, and

Ruben Pernas is woof

A later leak from the zoophiles who outed the Zoosadists, independent of our
investigation, corroborates the association of Ruben Pernas and the address
discovered on Working Dogs with the Gmail/Yahoo accounts associated with wolfss.

One of the zoophiles who leaked the zoosadist logs, who hadn’t cleared his logs in
some time, released this screencap which they claimed that woof shared with him in
early 2017. It was for an appointment for a US visa. As can be seen, the visa
appointment is under the name 'Ruben Marrero Pernas'.

The Telegram user Some Internet Rando, who served as an intermediary and a party
to the zoosadist leaks, provided this information soon after the Cuba was raised as
woof’s location.
Whoever took this screen capture had to be scrolled down viewing their own visa
appointment. This is because:

● the first name in a Yahoo correspondent line shows the latest

respondent to the email chain, who is 'Daniel', and not the earlier
responder, 'yo' (ie, 'You', the Yahoo account holder)
● the [2] in the subject field indicates that there are no more than two
emails (including the sender's own) in the chain
● for FW to be the subject line means that the first email in the chain was
the one that was forwarded; forwarding an email starts a new chain

Thus, the user logged into at the time screencapped his own
visa appointment. And a zoophile who knew and interacted with woof and is involved
in outing zoosadists forwarded this screencapture, with the deleted TG account holder
(who said zoophile alleges was woof) stating that it was their visa appointment.

The name and address on the visa appointment corroborates the one found on the
Working Dog profile. The appointment was scheduled well before the zoosadist leaks
became public. The Yahoo account is the same used by Pernas to register for a
Working Dogs profile.

From the same source that released the visa appointment, there was also further
suggestion as to woof's identity - a screen capture of a DebMoney referral link which
woof sent.

DebMoney was a marketing referral scheme that has since been taken down. In the
screencap, see the full name of Ruben Pernas, his address, and a full cell phone

Unlike the other screencap, it’s undated (although taken after September 13th 2017,
as per the DebMoney newsfeed), and taken on a different browser than the Spanish
Firefox associated with woof, with the identified Chrome user being "Eduardo".

However, this would make sense if it was taken on a different computer than the
other screenshots. We know that woof likely used more than one computer, as he
mentions chatting to SnakeThing at work.
It also corroborates the other information that we have from Working Dog
identifying wolfschwarz39/schwarzwolf12 as Ruben Pernas, especially the phone

This is because the cell phone number given on DebMoney is linked to the
wolfschwarz39 Gmail account; upon going through the "forgotten account" process
and entering that number, Gmail sends a verification text. It only will do so for the
number listed on DebMoney.
Of course, numbers associated with accounts can be changed. But this number also is
likely associated with the schwarzwolf Yahoo account - the number tied to
verification also ends in 57.
Thus, there is no room for doubt. ​Barring there being a systematic, long-term
effort to deceive investigators which relied on...

● hiding misinformation behind a paywall on a niche dog professional

networking site for several years
● beginning the effort in January 2017 at the latest, more than 18 months
before the zoosadist leaks
● gaining control of a Yahoo historically tied to a prolific BeastForums
user (and indeed features messages from Tundra2055, a registered
BeastForums user)
● sharing photographs that corresponded with the BeastForums user on
social media sites under the name 'Ulfr'
● said deception only likely being necessary if investigators were
searching Cuba for suspicious possible zoosadists in the first place
● simultaneously exposing several other actors who can independently be
verified as being zoosadists themselves

...Ruben Pernas must be woof.

Given how unlikely and convoluted the alternative is, then, it is our judgement that
there is no reasonable doubt that Ruben Pernas, aka wolfss, aka Ulfr, is the zoosadist
known as woof.
So, on the one hand, we have woof. They:

● are based in Cuba

● are sexually sadistic (and record it)
● prey on strays
● associate their sexuality with creativity
● have worked with electrical equipment
● engages sexual activity with animals outside of zoosadist
● are particularly fond of Rottweilers
● have named an alt after a mythical Norse wolf (a warg)
● use Telegram to communicate with fellow zoosadists/zoophiles and
spread their content
● have many connections in the zoophile community
● have two screenshots attributed to them (at least one from 2017),
associating them by zoosadist leakers with 'Ruben Marrero Pernas'

Let us look at wolfss, Ulfr, and Schwarzweiler.

They are one person, as these accounts are tied together by a shared Gmail address
which each publicly states is its own, either in biographical information or in

As Schwarzweiler, they also indicated this person as far back as 2015 owned a Yahoo
account are tied with a professional profile behind a paywall identifying them as
'Ruben Pernas'.

Who is this Ruben? Well, he:

● is based in Cuba
● has filmed himself engaging in bestiality (as wolfss on BeastForum)
● has expressed an interest in sexual sadism
● has worked with with strays
● has framed his sexuality as creative exploration
● has worked with electrical equipment
● has a particular fondness for Rottweilers
● has named an alt after a Norse wolf (ulfr) and posts artwork depicting
● is acquainted with Telegram
● has stated that he likes ‘snuff porn gore’
● gutted much of his accounts from late last week, corresponding with the
ice cream parlour discovery
● has had screencaps of a visa appointment in his email inbox shared by
those who claim he is woof, with the address on the appointment slip
corroborating the address publicly attributable to Pernas
● has had screencaps of his phone number shared by those who claim he
is woof, with said phone numbers corresponding to verification
numbers of his two email addresses

We have evidence that stretches back over a decade. We know Ruben Pernas is an
animal abuser, as wolfss. We know he is affiliated in some way with the zoosadists, as
they have screencaps of the contents of his email inbox in the form of a visa

This is compelling. However, there is more.

To determine whether or not woof was Ruben Pernas, it was decided that direct
contact should be made. Emails were sent to both the associated Yahoo and Gmail

A reply was received from - this is the Gmail account

which is associated with the wolfss and Ulfr identities.

After several emails, it was arranged that a friend of woof - who is associated with the
zoophilliac leakers and was eager to extract information from woof - join a private
Telegram room to discuss the accusations and communicate our intentions to woof.
Through this friend woof sent some information (mostly already known) about
zoosadist activity.

Then, this friend agreed to put us in contact with woof. A user named 'test 010' joined
us and sent an .rtf document. The document in question perfectly matches the
samples we have of long-form writing of Ulfr and woof (including using
forward-slashes to break up text).

That did not deny the accusations emailed to him – but
only tried to excuse himself – is telling. That he did not correct being called “Ruben
Pernas” in correspondence is telling. The .rtf document in question, which featured
the email address used to contact him, could only have reached the accusers if the
owner of the Gmail account had read their correspondence.

The 4177-word document that was sent was entitled 0001.rtf. It is reproduced below
in Appendix A. Some redactions and edits have been made to facilitate ongoing and
future investigations into zoosadist groups. All redactions are indicated by square
Appendix A - 0001.rtf
Editor’s Note: For context and guidance as to this document’s context, please refer
to the ‘conclusion’ section. With the exception of redactions signalled by square
brackets, everything below is reproduced verbatim.

This is a long email and I will separate it’s parts using /////.

I understand your concerns and how difficult it is for you and your team/friends to
believe in my sincerity after everything I did and said. I assure you and promise that I
DANGER. I want to find peace and with your help, leave the past buried so that I can
start a new life away from my old life. We can stay in contact for as long as I have
internet if you want. I have no problems with that and we can talk on telegram if that
is ok.

Mr. [Redacted], I don’t see you as my enemy but I admit I fear you. I wrote this down
telling the truth in everything I wrote but I fear the uncertainty. I don’t know what
you will say. I confess that I’m not sure what your true intentions are and if you don’t
seek revenge on me as you said or if all you want is burn me to ashes even after I said
that I regret for everything. I don’t know who to trust and what to think at this point.

I’m doing my best to help you understand who I’m I and the events that led us here.

I truly left the wrong path and everything I used to be and do. I left darkness behind
and I don’t want to return to it in all my days on this earth. I have prayed god at night
asking forgiveness for my evil acts. And have told my closest friend of what I did. I do
want to be a new man with all my heart. You saw animal stuff but I saw more than
that. Thinking about it makes me cry because I wasn’t able to see the true nature of
what I was doing, seeing and listening. It was like a spell. Like two people living in
the same body while one could not control the actions of the other.
To tell the truth, that’s a lifestyle that even if you are not caught is a hollow horrible
life. You turn into a monstrosity and everything changes without you even noticing.
Before you know it you have turned into filth and all values and limits are gone. I
don’t know how to describe it. It’s too hard to explain.

I will explain how it started and how it ended.


The only reason I decided to stay and message [woof’s friend] was because I realized
that what I did was wrong beyond all scale for evil things and wanted to apologize
with him and let him know that I regretted for what I did. Why him? He always was
very good to me and I wanted to talk one last time with him. We were friends in not
distant past, very good friends. I'd stay up all night not going home to just video chat
with him and was awesome. Also wanted to let my old friends know that I was sorry
about everything and that I feel I disappointed them all with my actions.

I don't know if [friend] still sees me as a friend but I truly thank him for taking the
time to read my letter. He is someone I’ll never forget. I hold good feelings for him
and my old friends although I know I’ll not talk to them again. [Friend] and my
friends that I met years ago were very good to me and they will be in my memory for

I said to him when he asked (He can confirm) that I'd just stay sitting here waiting
for the hammer to fall full force on me.

I'm not in position to ask for anything but I'd like these messages/emails to remain
private and that any of this will never be published in public.
I will also include a message/letter I sent to my friend [friend] days ago where I
explain many things and apologize for everything. That letter was also an apology to
my old friends that I met many years ago before I took the wrong path.

That letter was the result of my conclusions after analyzing everything I had done to
that day both good and bad, and decided that the path I had taken was not the right
thing and not what I wanted for my present life and the future.


This was my letter/message to him:

This message was written to clarify some things and to apologize.

I beg you, read it through. I’m not asking for forgiveness. I’m just explaining my sad

First off, I want this message to stay private. This is only for you. You will do
whatever you want in the end but since this is a personal message I’d like you keep it
to yourself. I want to apologize for many things. I have known you for some time now
and we were good friends. We used to talk a lot and I did enjoy our talking. It was me
who didn’t have much to say most of the time but still loved to talk with you. I don’t
see you as my enemy and don’t have bad feelings for you, but circumstances most
likely have made you hate me at this point. I’ve done bad things and I want to
apologize for that. I’m apologizing about everything. I feel really bad because I
disappointed many good friends like [redacted] among others. I’ll never forget so
many years ago when I met you, [redacted]. I said to them that I didn’t have any
friends to talk with and they made a small group and invited me so that we could
talk, share things and enjoy the best each one of us in the group had to offer. I saw as
the group grew up with new members like [redacted]. Don’t know if he is still around
but his comments were funny. I remember they wanted to mail me some money for
my birthday. I didn’t say much at the time but their generosity and friendship was
heart touching and is something I have present in my mind to this day.

They must hate as well and I understand why. I just wanted to say that they have a
special place in my memory and heart. I’m sorry that things ended up this way. I
wasn’t like this when we met years ago. I stepped into the dark side led by curiosity
and a rumor of places where that which you’d think was impossible was actually
possible. I did search in secret and after some time, came across places so dark that
many would have nightmares for the rest of their lives if they could see what’s in
there. Reality would turn unreality and any concept of what good and evil is would
just vanish. There were no boundaries, no limits. I was shocked by what I saw and
the more I saw it the more I got into it.

The dark world is something peculiar you know. The moment you find it your soul
rips in half. A part of you hates it and want to leave it but the other part wants to
embrace it and stay. An inner fight takes place in you like to animals fighting.

The problem is that after some time seeing hellish things, you start to see it as just
something else not paying special interest to it anymore and even if you see others
doing dark things it won’t cause any effect on you. Feels like if a dark spell had been
cast upon you. I can’t describe it in any other way.

Now the recent events had a good effect on me albeit a painful one. Reading through
posts of people who found leaked content realized that some of the things done were
horrible and cruel beyond any possible scale. Their posts made me see things from a
different perspective. The perspective of normal loving people made me realize that
without noticing I turned into a monster. I was a lurker for the most part. In all that
time only did two bad acts for someone else. Contrary to what most people believe, I
did not enjoy what I did. It made sad actually and haunted my thoughts for a long
time. What made it bearable to some degree was seeing people happy for what I had
done which made me feel like it was nothing to worry about and the fact that both
animals were stray, in a very sorry state and would have died anyway.

People’s comments made me see the world from my former perspective and broke
the spell. The dark places are now gone and just like those places I’m leaving my old
life in the past. I’m starting a new life away from everything and will not look back
into anything dark in all my days. From now on I want to have a normal life like a
normal person and try to forget the past as best as I can.

I made mistakes and was taught a lesson. Lost my friends and will surely have lots of
troubles coming my way in the near future. Anyway, I just wanted to apologize for
everything and say good bye to my friends.


Want to tell you some stories and a bit about me and dogs.

As I said before I was always an animal lover in the right way. I was born and raised
countryside surrounded by animals and loved animals since a short age. Loved and
took care of countless animals in my childhood, adolescence and adulthood. I took
care of dogs for the most part. Mostly dogs that had been neglected by my neighbors.
Helped them in any way I could but was frustrating at times because many owners
would not support what I was doing and saw animals die for no reason.

Someone I knew, a neighbor next to my grandma’s house had two beautiful

Doberman pups. I loved them. They were so elegant and kind. Always up for jumping
playing and running all over the place. One afternoon, the female got a horrible
beaten only because she stood up on her hind legs and stole some food item from the
table. Suffice to say she came bleeding and I wanted to beat the owner really bad but
my mom didn’t let me. This was when I was in high school. One day she got sick with
gastroenteritis and her owner left her to die. I offered my savings to buy her in hopes
to take to the vet and save her but her owner said no and she died lying against the
fence. The male, was killed some months later when they hit him with their car. They
didn’t take the time to take him to the vet. At least I stayed there with him till the
end. I never forgot them. Their names were Shira and Simba. As a tribute to their
memory I put two SS after my name on BF, meaning Wolf Shira and Simba.
The first breed that I had was a stray Doberman. She had a TVT commonly known as
a venereal tumor that had not been treated for years and therefore she was in pretty
bad condition when I found her. She was active and all but had a hole as wide as a fist
in her shoulder and her parts were in bad condition.

She lived around a trash yard where she’d feed on rotten food and the like. One
afternoon after I saw her I brought up a pizza that I bought for her and she loved it.
That simple act marked the start of our friendship as I started buying pizzas for her
almost on a daily basis. She later moved after me and made sort of “nest” in an empty
space full of trees next to my home and I made a wooden house for her to keep her
dry from rain and fresh from the sun. She lived there and I fed her with dog meat,
egg and vegetables every day making her gain some weight. My mom didn’t like her
with her wounds but she agreed to accept her at home if I could cure her. Took her to
the vet but they said the cancer was too advanced to do anything so I did have her
and made her as happy as I could for as long as was possible.

I picked up another stray sometime later and called her Schwarz. She was a
Doberman mix and a really happy girl. All black and tan, with a tail like a pointer but
shorter and large ears folded back like bat wings. By happy I mean a dog that is hyper
active and loves running and going out for walks. Schwarz was how I named her and
we were very happy. I miss those days.

She passed away because my mom made me fix her and she got tetanus most likely to
reused blades/needles and stuff. Our vet clinics are usually located in garages and
places that are not very suitable for such activities. I cried lots when she got sick and
passed away. I did everything in my power to save her.

I could continue telling stories of dogs that I had but I don’t think you are interested
in stories. Some of the best and most loyal friends I have had were dogs. They have
loved me with everything and have been the only ones that have welcomed me
wagging tails when my family and everyone else have turned their back on me. I’ve
done the same for my dogs. I’ve been loyal to them day and night. They are my pack.
When bad things happen and you don’t know where to look, my dogs are the only
ones that have been there for me. I really mean it. I’m a dog person. I love dogs even
if my recent acts seem to state the opposite.

I was not into anything dark some months ago. A proof of this is the fact that I shared
all sort of personal information with many friends both furs and zoos. I did not have
any secret at the time, nothing to be afraid of. My nature is to be a very
communicative friendly person who likes to talk with friends and share anything.
From pics of what I cooked for dinner last night to the beautiful landscapes in the
mountains. I’ve been sharing stuff for years. This tells you that I had nothing to hide.
Had I been into dark things before, I’d never shared any real life info with them.


This is how my path into the dark started and how it ended. This is my true story and
I hope this can serve to prevent others from following my path, a path that leads to
self-destruction and pain for oneself and others.

Mr. [Redacted]. If you want to understand what made me do the things I did here it

I felt curiosity for dark things after hearing rumors of hidden places where things one
would never believe could happen were actually real. Some called it wonderland.
Heard of places where reality would turn into unreality. Heard stories of something
called, dark web or deep web. I had heard about it in movies but never in real life.
Anyway, I started my search for those places in secret and eventually found "mirrors"
of those places on telegram. I saw all sort of things that I will not mention here and
that I'd rather had never seen... I was introduced to sick music like Bushpig,
Snuffporngore, Butcher’s harem, and other very dark music.
I came to places like:


Those and other places are on Telegram and are real. In all those months I found a
few animal groups compared to the darker ones.

I was in shock when I saw what was in those places. If any of you have been there you
will know what I talk about and I don’t mean just about animals.

I saw people so dark that animal cruelty would seem like child’ splay compared to the
things they did. I saw people who would self-inflict mutilation and wounds in their
own bodies with their own hands and cutting tools. I saw a video of someone who
removed his own parts…Artists of flesh as I was told they called themselves. I saw all
kind of pics about dark, places, rituals, blood gore death, things that it is best not to
look at and music that I wish I had never listened.

I was told if you want to find wonderland, you must go all the way down the rabbit’s
hole. They didn’t say that wonderland would brand my soul.

Wonderland should actually be called hell land. I was told many things like “Light
blinds your eyes, darkness enlights your mind” I was told many thing that twisted my
mind and personality. It was a world of depravity and insanity beyond any
conception a normal person can have.

Those places and people had an effect on me; my soul was ripping in half. A part
wanted to desperately leave. The other wanted to stay. Was a mix of curiosity/hate
for those things but was much more and deeper… I was conflicted with myself. A big
internal struggle took place in me day and night. Like two opposing forces. Every
time I’d ask about it, they’d say it was normal and that would pass away eventually.

Eventually I told to myself it was just my head playing tricks on me because of what I
was seeing and after some time, things like gore, death, and all kind of darkness
seemed as normal as looking a a fruit hanging from a tree. It was not like I wanted to
do any of that in real life but the shock effect those things once had in my person was
now gone. Replaced by just apathy or maybe indifference if that is the right word.

I still had good feelings in me. Still loved animals, I had loyalty to my true friends
and the like but my indifference to gore, blood and death increased and indifference
became obvious. Also started spending more time away from my good old friends
from telegram. The ones I talk about above. They are amazing people!!! I would
spend more time alone at times. I was changing. I could notice but I could not find
out what it was or how to stop it.

There were several dark groups and channels. Many were public at first but became
private/secret some time later. I didn’t go to those places looking for anything
specific other than rare pictures and music, but after some months of brainwash my
mind had changed. Although I didn’t know it, I had been molded to indifference for
what I would find later. I was a wanderer for the most part. A lurker when one day
someone posted a video of animal stuff which was different to others I had seen
involving humans. It was after someone mentioned the word animal referring to the
video that I understood what animal cruelty is. This new topic caught my curiosity as
I had seen dark things with humans but never with animals. It was that, what opened
Pandora’s Box and led me to my demise.

I was introduced to some people into animal animal some time later. The things they
did was not nearly what I had seen done to/with humans and dead bodies. It was just
some light and often faked bondage and dildo play. I was told this was cruelty. Only
saw pictures of this and mostly pics of legs tied in normal position. Not
uncomfortable ones that I could see.
Someone invited me to a group some time later and saw more of the same. I looked
the same stuff for months not seeing anything new aside from old pics that were
traded by people at times.

One day new people joined. They were Shady people. They posted hard pictures that
even I had a hard time looking at. This was more similar to Zapp S’kred than
anything else and made me wonder I they came from there. One of them said to
know the producer. Unlike everyone else, these people liked gore and cruelty and
were secretive. They would only say a few words from time to time. I didn’t like those
things even at that point but I was just indifferent.

One day I was asked to produce two videos for them. They said everything they’d like
to see. I had fear of what I heard. They said they would reward me with things I could
not dream of.

I did as they wanted. It tore me apart, but did it. I cheated on them though and
lessened things as much as I could. What I got as reward were nightmares for weeks,
constant depression and the inability to talk of this to anyone.

They praised me for what I did, were more than happy in their own words. One day
they vanished. Their accounts said DELETED.

Took me a long time to recover. Other gore lovers said that I should not worry about
it that it was nothing...

I didn’t do anything dark after that but I did stay telling fake stories in a failed
attempt to feel any better. My internal conflict had since increased ever since. But
again it was partially stopped by people telling me that it was ok and was nothing. I
was living in a world of darkness.
One day everything was discovered. It didn’t matter much until I heard people were
very angry to say the least. I didn’t understand why until I saw their comments but
even after that, I was still trying to figure out why they were so angry. It took me two
days to realize why. I was still looking at things from the angle of the dark people and
world where I had been the last months. The moment I looked at things and facts
from the angle of normal people was like a veil had been removed from my mind and
eyes and I cried alone for days, especially at night because I understood the nature of
the things I did.

I regretted for everything and wrote a letter to an old friend. It was too late though. I
was beyond salvation. The world hated me and I was a monster, an aberration of
nature and all. But at least I was conscious of the things I did. I was free now.

I was told to leave, hide and regroup. I said I’d stay and that I’d leave everything
behind. Never again I’d step on the path of darkness and evil. Nothing could change
the past but maybe I could have a remote chance to change the future.

I said a to a good old friend that I was grateful to the people who called me a monster
and that stood up against me because it was thank to them that I saw my mistakes
and I asked him to make my message public for everyone to see.

Many bad people are sent to jail every day, many are locked for years, but how many
truly change their minds and regret the bad things they did? I don’t have an answer
for that.

I don’t know what the future will bring for me. I don’t know if those who know hold
power over me will really give me the opportunity to start a new life rather than burn
me to ashes as revenge one me but what I do know is that I have regretted for my
past actions and that I credit and thank those who did everything in their power to
find me and set me free.

That is how it ended.

My advice: Look not only for the dark animals groups but for the human dark groups
also. Those groups make you ready to do worst things you can think of. Those places
corrupt your mind and who you are and are like a drug. Once you get in you can’t get
out easy.

I know the things I did cannot be undone or forgiven. You have the power to destroy
me at any time. I’m just asking for a second chance. I’m no longer a threat nor now or
in the future.

Don’t do as I did. Please have mercy for that which mercy did not have.

Good day to you.

Appendix B - 'Trios for friendship and also
In this comment chain, Ulfr confirms that he is owner of the
wolfschwarz39 gmail account (and thus, is the zoophile known as
wolfss), and is interested in meeting like-minded people on Telegram.
He also states that he has unorthodox sexual interests.

Ulfr (23 March 2018)

Hi: 3 My friend and I are looking for a girl or two open-minded

girls to share tastes, hobbies and do high-level things. The 18
years and I 28. Both Caucasian white, tall, wild and mind of mind.
Unpredicted mind means that there are no limits other than the end
of the imagination. The limits that are put by mutual agreement
are simple conditioning, totally understandable and respectable
therefore. It has been very funny to me that many people say they
are open-minded and after talking to them they tell you that they
are little puppies next to you. : 3 We are great people. We simply
have ideas and ways of thinking that are not usually common in
Cuba. You can contact us at
I wish you all a good day: 3

Ulfr (3 April 2018)

I would say that when you have or create your own reality. Define
as open mind, the ability of a person to achieve a mental state
such that, no matter how exotic the things you hear or see, they
do not cause a negative reaction, but rather be able to appreciate
the things in a neutral way Usually when I talk about having open
mints, it means that you do not have in your eyes bandages of any
kind that distort the way the information reaches you. What are
bandages? There are many types, religious, political, social,
cultural, etc ... In short, open-minded people are those who,
regardless of the nature of what they see or hear, are able to
simply say "wow that is incredible ", or" hey looks great ", or" I
do not know if I would, A powerful will and desire to find things
that break with all the standards and traditionality that most
know and be willing to insert into other realities and put into
practice new ideas. I have arrived at these conclusions, after
observing the reactions of different people here and there. Others
may differ from my criteria. A powerful will and desire to find
things that break with all the standards and traditionality that
most know and be willing to insert into other realities and put
into practice new ideas. I have arrived at these conclusions,
after observing the reactions of different people here and there.
Others may differ from my criteria.
Ulfr (3 April 2018)

Actually there are people with an open mind as I describe it and

more ahun ... There are those who simply do not know limits going
beyond any guideline, conception or scale that could be used to
figuratively measure their "creativity" However it is very
difficult to find them since They are usually well hidden. Ahun if
you have access to internet and try to find groups of this kind of
people would not find anything, because they are not in the
"classic" internet so to speak, but they are in deep places ...
Regarding your second question, I assure you that everything I
wrote is taken directly from real experiences. There are people
who create their own reality in their mind, leaving that reality
on a purely mental level but not material. Those are the second
most frequent type. However, there is a third type, formed by
those who materialize their mental reality in the real world. What
happens is that often these realities seem distorted to the rest
of the world, or at least to the great majority, and therefore end
up forming or being parts of a hidden material reality that only a
few can access. Many people would be surprised if they could
contemplate the real size that these spaces can reach once they
have been put into practice.

Ulfr (4 April 2018)

It would be interesting to see what others think about it.

Ulfr (10 April 2018)

It would be great to meet more people in Cuba who think the same.
I know many people who think like that, only they do not come to

undefined.undefined (13 April 2018)

I also think that I have an open mind ... What happens is that
even on the internet we are few of us; and on the street we do not
tell anyone how we think about sex

Ulfr (13 April 2018)

Why not create a group on Telegram? Anyone can create a private or

secret group there. LEs pass the download link: Telegram is a platform that is easy to
use and does not require high speed internet, besides that as
almost no one knows it in Cuba because it is not restricted or
blocked . Once this group is created, you can chat, and share
virtually everything. New users can be added by direct invitation
from the group or administrators. In this way it is ensured that
ho are marauders.

Erlin.duran (17 April 2018)

The open mind is achieved by looking and checking what you really
like or do not do, just that most people are restricted by social
considerations, moral, etc., I agree with you in everything.

Ulfr (17 April 2018)

Something very simple happens. People fail to understand that you

can have your own partnership with your own laws while living in
"external" co-ownership like everyone else. You simply do not have
to allow the laws of the external society in which you are
inserted to influence your internal society. Your internal society
is one that you form with one or more people. Some call it a group
or a clan. I call her herd. The laws that prevail there will be
those that you define by mutual agreement. The external society
with its laws, norms and morality often hollow, etc. remain
outside. They have nothing to do with your group
A final word
When confronted, woof made excuses. He did not admit himself agency. We believe
this was merely a cynical attempt to deflect culpability. Why did woof continue to
gleefully converse with SnakeThing and other zoosadists right up until his activities
were leaked? Why did he never express any doubts about what he was doing? Why
did he suddenly change from publicly embracing the transgressive to condemning it?

There are few animal cruelty laws in Cuba. However, it is believed that Pernas works
for an organisation which could easily be brought into disrepute by his activities and
would rapidly eject and discipline him for his work.

It is also true that even in Cuba, where strays can be treat horrendously, that its many
Catholics still would feel disgust, revolt, and hate for a man such as Ruben Pernas.
Possibly to the point of action. And ironically, the fact that Cuba lacks much in the
way of rule of law or consistent application of legislation may ultimately be the force
that brings him to justice.

We encourage readers to do the one thing they can to ensure woof faces consequences
for his actions, and that any other zoosadists would be deterred from following his
path. We believe there to be a substantial flight risk from Cuba once the new year
begins and it becomes safe and viable for him to get out of the country. Hence, we ask
readers to spread this document now and to spread it to as many agents as they can.

For tips, queries, or contributions, please email:

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