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Science Lesson Plan

Kara Tippey
Students at this young age are curious and want to explore their world. This experiment provides a hands on
opportunity for learning with an easily observable outcome and explanation of part of how plants work with water.
Young children need to understand how to care for plants in order to better care for our environment and this
lesson is a stepping stone to achieving that goal.
(CAEP K-6 1.a)
II. Goals/Objectives/Standard
A. Goals:
-Students will show understanding of how plants need water.
-Students will be able to observe and record an experiment.
B. Objectives:
-After completing this lesson, students will be able to explain that plants need water.
-Through completing this experiment, students will observe and record an experiment.
C. Standard: K.LS.3 Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans)
need to survive.
(CAEP K-6 3.c)
III. Management Plan:
 Time: Total – 35 minutes
Beginning of day: 20 minutes
-Anticipatory Set: 5 minutes
-Lesson: 15 minutes
End of day: 15 minutes
-End of lesson: 10 minutes
-Closure: 5 minutes
 Space: Anticipatory set will be done at the rug then students will set up experiment on the table at the
side of the room where they will check on it throughout the day.
 Materials:
-Celery Stalks
-Food Coloring
 Behavior: Make use of sticker chart for good behavior. Ask further questions of students who are off-task.
Students will be grouped by seating into 5 groups of 4 students.

IV. Anticipatory Set

• “I had a friend record her students on a field trip. We are now going to watch the video she made with her
students. Watch to see how the students are thinking scientifically.”
 Watch The Magic School Bus clip at Watch from 6:58 to 11:10. This clip
shows the bus going in the water through the roots up to the plant’s leaf.

V. Purpose: “Just like our friends in the video, we will be working to discover more about how plants need water
to live. We are going to conduct an experiment with some celery, water, and food coloring to learn how
water helps plants. By conducting this experiment, we can figure out how to help plants grow.”


VI. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners—Students might get off-task since they are young.
Provide further questions for those who are distracted or not following instructions to bring their attention
back to the experiment. Since students are not required to write anything in this lesson, adaptations will not
be needed in that area.
(CAEP K-6 1.b)

VII. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

 “We will be putting some celery into a jar of water with food coloring. What do you think will happen?”
 Students will work in groups. Each group will have two containers and two stalks of celery. Demonstrate
for students before they do any of the steps. Fill one of the two containers at least halfway with water
and add food coloring, about 15-20 drops. In the other container, put the same amount of food coloring,
but no water. Put celery stalks in the containers. The water will spread through the celery and will be
visible because of the food coloring. Have students observe the celery during transition times throughout
the day, at least three times. Each time have the students draw a picture of what is happening with their
groups’ celery.
 In the last 20 minutes of the day, have students observe the celery one more time and draw a picture of
what it looks like.
 “Talk to a friend next to you and ask what thought would happen with the celery and how that is different
from what actually happened.”
 “Do you think anything else will happen overnight?”
 Check back in briefly the next day to see what happened to the celery.
(CAEP K-6 3.d)
VIII. Check for understanding.
 Questions to ask while students are observing.
 “How has the celery changed since you last saw it? Why has it changed?"

VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure

 At the end of the initial experiment. Ask for two students to share what they have drawn and explain
what happened to the celery.
 “Why did the celery turn a different color? Because we could see the water, thanks to the food coloring,
we were able to see how to celery absorbed the water. What does that tell us about how water helps


 Formative: While students are observing the experiment, watch to see how and what they are observing.
Listen to the conversations they have with their peers about their thoughts. Take notes on the level of
 Summative: Collect the drawings the students make of their observations. The next day, after students
have observed the experiment for the final time, have each group explain why they think the celery
changed. Take notes of their observations.
(CAEP K-6 3.a)


(CAEP K-6 3.b)
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. How could I further my questioning to allow for further exploration?

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