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Theory Questions

1. Explain the benefits of NoSQL databases.

2. Explain CAP theorem and MongoDB as per CAP theorem.
3. Explain Schema Design and Modelling using Reference and Embedded Data models
along with examples.
4. Explain Update operations in MongoDB using $set, $unset, $inc, $push and
5. Explain Indexing in MongoDB, types of Index and properties of index.
6. Explain Replication in MongoDB by talking about master-slave replication and
replica sets.


1. Using mongoimport tool

a. Import people.json into a collection named people inside the database named
finalexam. Write down the command that you have used inside the terminal to
import. Also write down the number of documents imported.
b. Import restaurants.json into a collection named restaurants inside the
database named finalexam. Write down the command that you have used
inside the terminal to import. Also write down the number of documents
2. Use mongo shell to answer the question. Optionally you can use compass for help. In
the people collection,
a. Write a query to find the people whose first name is one of these 4 [
'Danielle', 'Stephen', 'Amy', 'Jason'] . You are expected to write a query that
looks like this db.collection.find(…) for this part of the question
b. What is the count of people from the above query. Write the query you have
used for getting the output.
3. Use mongo shell to answer the question. Optionally you can use compass for help. In
the people collection,
a. Write a query to find the people whose address has state as ’South Dakota'
and whose address has city as 'Port Margaret'. You are expected to write a
query that looks like this db.collection.find(…) for this part of the question
b. What is the count of people from the above query. Write the query you have
used for getting the output.

4. Use mongo shell to answer the question. Optionally you can use compass for help. In
the restaurants collection,
a. Write a query to find the restaurants whose star rating is greater than or equal
to 3.6 and less than 4.6 and whose cuisine is either of these 2 ['Indian',
'Italian’]. You are expected to write a query that looks like this
db.collection.find(…) for this part of the question
b. What is the count of people from the above query. Write the query you have
used for getting the output.

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