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Case: 12-17808, 11/19/2018, ID: 11092778, DktEntry: 181-1, Page 1 of 30

No. 12-17808

In The United States Court of Appeals

For The Ninth Circuit






On Appeal from the United States District Court

for the District of Hawaii, Case No. 1:12-cv-00336-HG-BMK
Honorable United States District Judge Helen Gillmor


Attorney at Law
242 Ku’ikahi Street
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Tel: (808) 533-4447

Attorney for Amicus Curiae

Hawaii Firearms Coalition
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Pursuant to Rules 26.1 and 29(a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate

Procedure, Amicus Curiae Hawaii Firearms Coalition, states that it has no parent

corporations, nor has it issued shares or debt securities to the public. The Hawaii

Firearms Coalition is a § 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation, and no publicly held

corporation holds ten percent or more of its stock.

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I. STATEMENT OF AMICUS CURIAE................................................... 1

II. SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT ............................................................ 3

III. ARGUMENT ........................................................................................ 6

A. The Big Island is Big, and Rural.................................................. 6
1. The Big Island is Big ........................................................ 6
2. Hawaii Island is 98% Rural .............................................. 7
3. Hawaii Island’s Active Volcanoes Isolate Communities
and Prevent Police ............................................................. 11
4. Police Protection Is Insufficiently Responsive.................. 14
5. Wild Animals .................................................................... 16
B. Hawaii County Has Never Issued an Open Carry Permit ........... 18
C. Even California Issues Carry Permits in Rural Counties............. 19
III. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................... 21
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ............................................................... 22

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Hawai’i Revised Statutes §134-9............................................................passim
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure 29(a)(4)(D)-(E) ...................................2
FRAP Rule 26.1 Corporate Disclosure Statement ........................................... 1
Ninth Circuit Rule 29-2(c)(2) .......................................................................... 2
Other Authorities
Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council,,

D. Paiva, “Hawaii has 10 of the world's 14 climate zones: An explorer's guide to

each of them,”, Nov. 10, 2015
zones-explorers-guide-each-them) ....................................................................1

“Hilo to ..., ”


AP, “Mars mission isolation simulation on Hawaii volcano ending,”,

Sept. 15, 2015 (

“Big Island of Hawaii Districts, (

island/districts.php) ...........................................................................................2

“Hawaii County, Hawaii,”

(,_Hawaii#Geography) (accessed
11/17/18)........................................................................................................... ..2

“Big Island of Hawaii Travel Guide,”, ( .....................................................................................4

(5 of 65)
Case: 12-17808, 11/19/2018, ID: 11092778, DktEntry: 181-1, Page 5 of 30


Wikipedia, “List of islands of the United States by area,”

( )

Mauna Kea Visitor Information Center, “Visiting the Summit”,,


C. Herreria, “Hawaii Had More Snow This Week Than Denver Or Chicago Has
Had All Year’”, Mar. 4, 2017
chicago_us_58ba1e31e4b05cf0f400c753) ............................................................5

D. Rice “Flake news: It's snowing in Hawaii”, Feb. 6, 2018


Mauna Kea Visitor Information Center, “Visiting the Summit”,,


“50 States Populations (2010 Census)”,,


J. Magin, “Number of homes destroyed by Kilauea eruption reaches 700, Hawaii

County officials say,”, July 9, 2018
destroyed-by-kilauea-eruption.html) (accessed 11/17/18); E. Klemmeti,
“Kīlauea’s Summit Collapsed Into Itself”, Oct. 17,
2018 (
summit-collapse-into-itself/#.W_BfoThKi70) .......................................................7

(6 of 65)
Case: 12-17808, 11/19/2018, ID: 11092778, DktEntry: 181-1, Page 6 of 30

CNN, “In pictures: Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano erupts,”,

cnnphotos/) ..............................................................................................................7

United States Geological Survey, “Mauna Loa”,,


J. Burnett, “Recalling 1984, when lava nearly reached Hilo,”, September 18, 2015
lava-nearly-reached-hilo/) .......................................................................................8

Hawaii Center for Volcanology, “General Info,”

( ................................9

State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, “WORK BEGINS ON CHAIN OF

May 30, 2018 (
craters-kalapana-road-evacuation-route/) ...............................................................10

U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Hawaii County, Hawaii,,


Unites States Census Bureau, “Quick Facts, Honolulu County”


Unites States Census Bureau, “Quick Facts, Los Angeles County”


USGS, “Maps,” Aug. 15, 2018.

( ...............11

F. Bertram, “Real Estate,”,

96771) ....................................................................................................................12

(7 of 65)
Case: 12-17808, 11/19/2018, ID: 11092778, DktEntry: 181-1, Page 7 of 30

T. Unefuku, “Mililani Mauka residents frustrated over influx of wild pigs,”, June 4, 2015 (
pigs_20180309114435954/1025678944) ...............................................................14

M. BRESTOVANSKY, “The problem of feral pigs,” HawaiiTribune-Herald.Com,

Monday, December 25, 2017 (https://www.hawaiitribune- ..................14, 15

J. McAdams, “With feral hog populations exploding all over the United States,
there are a lot of great places to hunt hogs,”, January 4, 2018
( ...........15

B. Namata, “Homeless man killed by dogs owned by Kalihi business,”, August 2, 2016 (
examiner-says-dog-behind-kalihi-homeless-mans-death/1025878566) ................16

M. Miyashima, “Two dogs survive vicious attack by hunting dogs on hiking trail,”, August 14, 2017, updated: Saturday, October 27th 2018,

Fox News, “Hawaii woman's dog shot, killed at Honolulu airport,”,
Mar. 31, 2017 (
honolulu-airport) ....................................................................................................16

K.Stone, “Sheriff Gore Aims to Issue More Concealed Gun Permits in San Diego
County”, Nov. 17, 2017
concealed-gun-permits-in-san-diego-county/) (accessed 11/17/2018). ..................17

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Amicus Curiae Hawaii Firearms Coalition (HFC), a non-profit, member

driven organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Hawaii with its

principal place of business in Honolulu, Hawaii, submits this brief in opposition to

the petition for rehearing en banc filed on September 14, 2018 (Dkt. No. 155).

HFC has an interest in this case because an erroneous en banc reversal of

the panel opinion will unconstitutionally deprive Hawaii citizens of the right to

adequately defend themselves, their family, and their property. HFC believes that

it is widely known in the State of Hawaii and the County of Hawaii, that the State

of Hawaii and the County of Hawaii have historically refused to even consider

issuing a permit to carry a firearm to an otherwise qualified citizen, except security

officers, and that this conduct deprives Hawaii citizens of their right to self-defense

pursuant to the Second Amendment.

HFC seeks a rule of law that is uniquely tailored to Hawaii Island’s rural

circumstances, which are explained below and in the attached declarations of

retired Hawaii County Police Lieutenant Don Watson and Retired Hawaii County

Police Officer Thomas Fratinardo. See HCFAdd-1 and See HFCAdd-3,

respectively. HFC seeks a rule of law that does not prohibit citizens from

defending themselves, and advances legal protections for liberty, free speech, and

the bearing of arms. Hawaii Firearms Coalition promotes legislative and legal

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action, as well as research, publishing, and advocacy, in support of people’s civil

liberties. Hawaii Firearms Coalition litigates firearm-regulation cases, and it has

consistently advocated for a principled interpretation of the United States

Constitution to prevent government from violating the basic civil rights of its


Members of HFC have provided informed analysis in a variety of firearm-

related cases, including Fisher vs. Louis Kealoha, et al., 855 F. 3d 1067 (9th Cir.

2017), Roberts vs. City and County of Honolulu, Civ. No. 15-00467 ACK-RLP,

and Roberts vs. Ballard, et al., Civ. No. 18-00125. As discussed in the Argument

below, the right to armed self-defense and due process are among our basic civil


This brief was not authored in whole or in part by any party’s counsel. No party,
counsel, or other person — other than amicus curiae and its counsel — contributed
money intended to fund the preparation or submission of this brief. All parties
have consented to the filing of this brief. Fed. R. App. Rule 29, 9th Cir. Rule 29-2.

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Hawaii County, Hawaii, is a sprawling, rural, 4,028.4 square mile county2;

located in the southeast corner of the Hawaiian Archipelago3, the most remote

island chain in the world.4 Hawaii County is made up entirely of Hawaii Island,

also aptly known as the, “Big Island” or just “Hawaii Island”. Hawaii Island is

very unique and unlike anywhere else in the world, boasting 10 of the world’s 14

climate zones.5 One would have to travel from Alaska to Costa Rica to find the

same number of climatic zones found within Hawaii Island. It is located 214

miles by air from the state capital, Honolulu, approximately 2,400 miles by air

from the continental Unites States, and approximately 4,500 by air from North

This figure is approximate, Hawaii County is the only county in the United States
that continues to grow. Recently, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake precipitated the
eruption of Kilauea Volcano on Hawaii Island’s east side. Over several months
these vents sent molten lava roaring through villages and destroying more than 700
homes in Leilani Estates, Kapoho, and neighboring communities before dumping
into the Pacific Ocean. 850 acres, or 1.36 square miles of new land were created
along the southeastern coast.
The Hawaiian Island archipelago stretches some 1,500 miles from South Point,
on Hawaii Island, northwest to Kure Island, which is located just northwest of the
most northwest inhabited Hawaiian Island, Midway Island.
Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council,,
(accessed 11/17/18).
D. Paiva, “Hawaii has 10 of the world's 14 climate zones: An explorer's guide to
each of them,”, Nov. 10, 2015
zones-explorers-guide-each-them) (accessed 11/17/18).
(11 of 65)
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Korea. 6 Hawaii Island has the world’s most active volcano, Kilauea; so barren

and unforgiving that NASA chose Hawaii Island volcanoes for training to simulate

the surface of the moon and the isolation of Mars.7 Hawaii has two snow capped

mountains, both over 13,500 feet high, and 266 miles of rugged, remote coastline.

Hawaii County’s 4,028 square miles are made up of 9 districts; South Kona,

North Kona, South Kohala, North Kohala, Hamakua, North Hilo, South Hilo,

Puna, and Ka’u.8 With its 922 square miles, Ka’u District alone is more than

twice the size of Los Angeles County, but with a population of only 8,500.9

Hawaii County has no freeways, and relies almost entirely on two lane

highways10. See HFCAdd-4, 6. Roads can become blocked and communities

isolated by lava flows. A relatively large segment of the population lives “off

grid” in remote, rural, sparsely populated areas with very few police officers

available. See HFCAdd-4. Some areas lack county water and rely on rain water

“Hilo to ...”
( (accessed
AP, “Mars mission isolation simulation on Hawaii volcano ending,”, Sept. 15, 2015 (
isolation-simulation-hawaii-volcano-ending/) (accessed 11/17/18).
“Big Island of Hawaii Districts, (
island/districts.php) (accessed 11/17/18).
“Hawaii County, Hawaii,”
(,_Hawaii#Geography) (accessed
The highway near the airport area in Kona is being widened.
(12 of 65)
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catchment, some lack electricity and rely on solar energy, and some lack telephone

service. See HFCAdd-4. Many lack all three utilities. Various populated and

unpopulated areas of Hawaii Island, including major highways and recreational

areas, have spotty or non-existent cellphone coverage. See HFCAdd-4.

Frequently, it is impossible for citizens to contact emergency assistance without

traveling several miles or more to get cellphone reception. See HFCAdd-4.

Once police are contacted, police response times may take over one hour. See

HFCAdd-5. Because of the unique, volcanic, rural nature of Hawaii Island, the

citizen’s of Hawaii Island cannot always rely on police protection and must always

be prepared to defend themselves and their families.

Hawaii County is a uniquely rural, outlier jurisdiction. Hawaii County

citizen’s live in a unique environment. Dangerous situations must be addressed

quickly, and because the police department frequently cannot give timely

assistance, Hawaii County citizens must defend themselves and their families. We

agree with the panel and Mr. Young that HRS §134-9 is not properly tailored to the

unique needs of the citizens of Hawaii County and cannot pass any type of

scrutiny, including intermediate scrutiny. Rehearing En Banc should be denied.

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A. The Big Island is Big and Rural

1. The Big Island is Big

Hawaii Island’s 4,028 square miles account for two thirds11 of Hawaii

State’s 6,422.612 square miles. This means that Hawaii Island is almost twice the

size of all the other Hawaii islands combined. Hawaii Island is the largest island

in the United States, even larger than Kodiak Island, Alaska,13 and has five active


Rising 13,803 feet above sea level, Mauna Kea is slightly taller than Mauna

Loa and is the State’s highest point.15 Mauna Kea is dormant. With its remote,

high elevation, dry environment, and stable airflow, Mauna Kea's summit is one of

“Big Island of Hawaii Travel Guide,”, ( (last accessed 11/17/18).
Hawaii State also includes 4,508 square miles of water, for a total area of
10,931 square miles. The land mass of the islands is 6,423 square miles. See
(last accessed 11/17/18).
(last accessed 11/17/18).
Kilauea, Mauna Loa, Hualalai, Mauna Kea and Lo’ihi. Between 1912 and
2018, there have been at least 50 Kilauea eruptions, 12 Mauna Loa eruptions, and
one Hualalai intrusion of magma. Mauna Kea most recently erupted only about
4,000 years ago. Lo’ihi, the submarine volcano is located off the south coast of
Kilauea, erupted twice between 1950 and 1996.
Mauna Kea Visitor Information Center, “Visiting the Summit”,,
(accessed 11/17/2018).
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13,803 foot snow capped Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea snow and observatories,
from Kona16 Kilauea Volcano erupting in

the best sites in the world for astronomical observation.18 Mauna Loa and Mauna

Kea are frequently snow capped in the winter months.

2. Hawaii Island is 98% Rural

According to the State of Hawaii, Hawaii County has, “3,942 square miles

of rural land where 70,300 people reside [with] an average of 18 people ... in every

square mile”, and “87 square miles of urban land where 114,800 people reside,

C. Herreria, “Hawaii Had More Snow This Week Than Denver Or Chicago Has
Had All Year’”, Mar. 4, 2017
chicago_us_58ba1e31e4b05cf0f400c753) (accessed 11/18/18).
D. Rice “Flake news: It's snowing in Hawaii”, Feb. 6, 2018
(accessed 11/18/18).
Mauna Kea Visitor Information Center, “Visiting the Summit”,,
(accessed 11/17/2018).
(15 of 65)
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[with] an average of 1,300 people live in every square mile”. See HFCAdd-9,

Urban and Rural Areas in the State of Hawaii, by County: 2010, Hawaii State Data

Center. Thus, Hawaii County is 98% rural19. Hawaii County’s rural area has

fewer persons per square mile than any state in the 9th Circuit, except Alaska (one

person per square mile) and Montana (seven persons per square mile).20 Yet,

fifty-nine years after statehood, the State of Hawaii and Hawaii County still refuses

to issue permits to carry in Hawaii County.

See HFCAdd-16.

3,942 square miles divided by 4,028 square miles equals 97.9 %.
“50 States Populations (2010 Census)”,,
( (accessed
(16 of 65)
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Many homes on Hawaii Island are “off grid”. Off grid homes may rely on
water catchment, solar electricity, and septic tanks. Some have attachment to the
electrical grid, but nothing else. Many have no postal delivery and no telephone
service. Cellphone coverage across the entire island can be spotty or non-existent.
Homes with no cellphone coverage are completely isolated from the outside world.
A few geographically large neighborhoods consist entirely of poorly

maintained dirt or gravel roads narrowly cut through dense ohia21 and fern forests,

with no street lighting. The rough gravel roads are narrowly cut through dense

Ohia and fern forests.

Amakihi Street, Typical Rural Street, Satellite view of Amakihi St., with
Mountain View, Hawaii Island.22 realty sales marker. See footnote 17.

Ohia is a species of flowering evergreen tree in the myrtle family that is
endemic to Hawaii. Its height varies, 65 to 80 ft tall in favorable situations, and a
much smaller shrub when growing in boggy soils or rocky ground.
F. Bertram,
96771) (accessed 11/17/18).
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These neighborhoods are sporadically populated with small to medium sized

homes, usually on one to twenty acre lots. Most lots in these neighborhoods are

unoccupied and have never been cleared or developed and remain in their natural

forested state. Others were developed, then abandoned, and are now overgrown

with vegetation. Most often, the dense forest has tall, spindly ohia trees that are

surrounded by thick, impassable ferns. Many homes are set back in these tropical

forests and cannot be seen from the road. The distance between occupied lots may

be one half mile or more. There are no mail boxes to mark the location of

driveways. Small, unmarked dirt driveways cut into the forest can be very difficult

for police officers to find, especially on dark, rainy nights. Citizens living in

these neighborhoods and in need of assistance must somehow describe the location

of their property to 911 dispatch See HFCAdd-4 .

Many recreational areas on Hawaii Island are very remote and accessible

only by four-wheel drive. Id. These remote areas can be found in the mountains

and along the coast. Id. It may be impossible for a citizen to obtain police

protection in these areas, because there is often no cellphone reception and no

means to contact the police. Id. Even if there is cellphone coverage, it may take

hours for a police officer to get the call, drive to the main station in his District,

obtain a four-wheel drive, drive to the general location, find a passable four-wheel

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drive road, and then travel slowly on the four-wheel drive road to the location.


3. Hawaii Island’s Active Volcanoes Create Lava Flows That Isolate

Communities and Prevent Police Protection

Kilauea Volcano is the world’s most active volcano and has been erupting

almost continuously since 1983. Kilauea’s eruptions and lava flows have

physically isolated citizens by surrounding inhabited areas with impassable lava.

The 2018 eruption covered 13 square miles of land, destroyed over 700 homes and

added 850 acres (1.36 square miles) of new coastal land to the island23.

J. Magin, “Number of homes destroyed by Kilauea eruption reaches 700, Hawaii
County officials say,”, July 9, 2018
destroyed-by-kilauea-eruption.html) (accessed 11/17/18); E. Klemmeti,
“Kīlauea’s Summit Collapsed Into Itself”, Oct. 17,
2018 (
summit-collapse-into-itself/#.W_BfoThKi70) (accessed 11/17/18).
(19 of 65)
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Hawaii Island lava flows are a recurrent problem, blocking roads and isolating
communities and residents from emergency assistance. Gas masks can be needed
to protect residents from toxic fumes.24

Rising 13,380 feet above sea level, Mauna Loa is the world’s largest active

volcano.25 By adding another 16,400 feet from the sea bed to sea level26, at 30,085

feet, Mauna Loa is the tallest mountain on earth.27 Id. Mauna Loa has erupted 33

times since its first well-documented historical eruption in 1843. Id. Mauna Loa

produces large, voluminous flows that have reached the ocean eight times since

1868. Id. Mauna Loa is certain to erupt again with large, voluminous flows. Id.

According to media reports, Mauna Loa’s 1984 lava flow came within four miles

of Hilo, the county seat28.

CNN, “In pictures: Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano erupts,”,
cnnphotos/) (accessed 11/17/18).
United States Geological Survey, “Mauna Loa”,,
The islands rise directly from deep ocean water. The Pacific Ocean is 16,000
feet deep just 16 miles from the area where Kilauea’s lava entered the ocean in
Combining the volcano's extensive submarine flanks 16,400 ft to the sea floor
and 13,680 ft subaerial height, Mauna Loa rises 30,085 ft from sub marine base to
summit, greater than the 29,029 ft elevation of Mount Everest from sea level to its
summit. Id.
J. Burnett, “Recalling 1984, when lava nearly reached Hilo,”, September 18, 2015
lava-nearly-reached-hilo/) (accessed 11/17/18).
(20 of 65)
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1984 Mauna Kea lava flowing toward Hilo29. Simplified map of historical lava
flows at Mauna Loa volcano30.

Over the past 50 years, lava flows have cut off roads and isolated

communities. According to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park website,

“... [T]ens of thousands of [] archeological sites have

been buried under lava since 1969.
Since 1986, lava has flowed repeatedly over Chain
of Craters Road/Highway 130. The Park's acreage has
been increased by hundreds of acres and nearly 9 miles
(14.5 km) of road have been inundated by the flows. In
June 1989, Waha‘ula Visitor Center and associated
buildings were burnt and covered by lava. The Waha‘ula
Heiau was surrounded by lava more than once and finally
buried entirely in August 1997. The Kamoamoa village
site, heiau, campground, picnic area, and black sand
beach were covered by lava in November 1992.”
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, “Drive Chain of Craters Road,”,
( (accessed 11/17/18).
J. Burnett, “Recalling 1984, when lava nearly reached Hilo,”, September 18, 2015
lava-nearly-reached-hilo/) (accessed 11/17/18).
Hawaii Center for Volcanology, “General Info,”
( (accessed 11/17/18).
(21 of 65)
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Caterpillar high sprocket D-10 bull dozers attempting to clear Chain of Craters
Road covered by pre-2018 lava flow, to create escape route for Hawaii Island
communities isolated by 2018 lava flow. Built in 1965, Chain of Crater Road has
had segments blocked by Kilauea lava flows 41 of the past 53 years31. Started in
May, 2018, the reinvigorated project to clear Chain of Craters Road and create an
emergency escape route for Puna residents is not complete.

4. Police Protection Is Insufficiently Responsive

Only 200,381 people live on Hawaii Island’s 4,030 square miles, with many

in remote, rural areas. The population density is only 46 persons per square

mile.32 But, see HFCAdd-10, showing 18 persons per square mile. This compares

State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, “WORK BEGINS ON CHAIN
May 30, 2018 (
craters-kalapana-road-evacuation-route/) (accessed 11/17/18).
U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Hawaii County, Hawaii,
(22 of 65)
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with 1,586.7 persons per square mile on Oahu33 and 2,419.9 persons per square

mile34 in Los Angeles County. While L.A. is a great big freeway, there are no

freeways on Hawaii Island. For the most part, a single two lane highway encircles

the island, and a one two lane road bisects the island. See HFCAdd-5, 6.

When a main thoroughfare is blocked by either lava flows, auto accidents, or

landslides caused by frequent heavy rains, alternative routes are sometimes not

available and police cannot respond to calls for help, leaving citizens unprotected

and vulnerable to attack.

Images of Recent Lava Flows on Hawaii Island, showing neighborhoods cutoff by

lava 20 feet thick.35

Unites States Census Bureau, “Quick Facts, Honolulu County”
( (accessed 11/18/19).
Unites States Census Bureau, “Quick Facts, Los Angeles County”
17#PST045217) (accessed 11/18/19).
USGS, “Maps,” Aug. 15, 2018.
( (accessed
(23 of 65)
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5. Wild Animals

a. Wild Pigs

Wild pigs are very common in Hawaii and on Hawaii Island and can weigh

more than 250 pounds and boar can have tusks more than five inches long. See

HFCAdd-5 . Id. These boar usually live in the forest, but are commonly seen on

the road and in urban areas36. Id. They can be very dangerous, and deadly when

cornered. Id. Wild pigs often come into residential property to forage37.

Wild pig sows and piglets in Hilo38. This boar was taken in Hawaii39.

T. Unefuku, “Mililani Mauka residents frustrated over influx of wild pigs,”, June 4, 2015 (
pigs_20180309114435954/1025678944) (accessed 11/17/18).
M. BRESTOVANSKY, “The problem of feral pigs,” HawaiiTribune-
Herald.Com, Monday, December 25, 2017 (https://www.hawaiitribune- (accessed
M. BRESTOVANSKY, “The problem of feral pigs,” HawaiiTribune-
Herald.Com, Monday, December 25, 2017 (https://www.hawaiitribune- (accessed
J. McAdams, “With feral hog populations exploding all over the United States,
there are a lot of great places to hunt hogs,”, January 4, 2018
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Pig hunters use dog packs to track and corner the pigs. Id. The pigs are

killed by stabbing the pig in the heart while the dogs harass the pig and hold it

down. Id. Almost all pig hunters carry permitted handguns for protection from the

pigs. Id. Hawaii County residents who are not hunting and not a security guard

are not permitted to carry firearms for protection against these wild pigs.

Pig hunters and hikers have access to, and often use the same trails. Id. Pig

hunters cannot hunt in all areas accessible to hikers, but hikers can usually hike in

most areas designated as hunting areas. Id. When the dogs chase a pig, the pig

will sometimes run to a trail in order to run faster. Id. Hikers hiking on these

trails are in great danger of being attacked by these wild pigs. Id. Workers on

Mauna Ranch have been attacked and injured by wild pigs. Id.

b. Wild Dogs

During the pig hunt, dogs often get lost and are abandoned. Id. These lost

dogs become feral and can be very dangerous and can form packs. Id. Wild and

domestic dogs have been known to attack and kill people, older horses, domestic

farm sheep, and livestock. Id. In 2016 a man was killed by dogs in Kalihi, on

Oahu.40 A year later, two hunting dogs attacked and nearly killed two dogs on a

(accessed 11/17/18).
B. Namata, “Homeless man killed by dogs owned by Kalihi business,”, August 2, 2016 (
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hike with their owner.41 Just one month before that, a Honolulu Airport security

officer shot and killed a dog when the dog broke its chain and came after the

guard.42 If the security guard had not been armed, he could have been seriously

injured, or killed.

B. Hawaii County Has Never Issued an Open Carry Permit

California and Hawaii are the only restrictive “may issue” states in the 9th

Circuit. However, “may issue” as applied to Hawaii is a misnomer. In Hawaii,

“may issue” actually means “will not and has not issued”. The facts support this.

Carry permits have never been issued in Hawaii County to non-security-

guard citizens. Notwithstanding numerous opportunities to do so, neither the State

of Hawaii nor the County of Hawaii has offered a declaration or documentation

that a carry permit has ever been issued in the County of Hawaii to anyone other

than a security guard. As the panel opinion pointed out, “ [c]ounsel for the

County acknowledged as much at oral argument, stating that, to his knowledge, no

examiner-says-dog-behind-kalihi-homeless-mans-death/1025878566) (accessed
M. Miyashima, “Two dogs survive vicious attack by hunting dogs on hiking
trail,”, August 14, 2017, updated: Saturday, October 27th 2018,
hunting-dogs-on-hiking-trail) (accessed 11/17/18).
Fox News, “Hawaii woman's dog shot, killed at Honolulu airport,”, Mar. 31, 2017 (
shot-killed-at-honolulu-airport) (accessed 11/17/18).
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one other than a security guard—or someone similarly employed—had ever been

issued an open carry license.” Panel Opinion at 51. See also, Oral Arg. at 13:18-

13:29, 16:30-17:28. Hawaii Attorney General’s recently rendered Opinion 18-1

utterly fails to provide any reference to Hawaii County, or any other county, ever

actually issuing an open carry permit to a non-security-guard citizen. See


With Opinion 18-1 the State of Hawaii and the County of Hawaii, through

the State, attempt to convince this Honorable Court that HRS §134-9 and Hawaii

County Police Department Rules and Regulations Governing the Issuance of

Licenses to Carry Concealed and Unconcealed Weapons currently, and

historically, allow the issuance of carry permits to non-security-guard citizens.

However, curiously, the State fails to include any reference to open carry permits

to non-security-guards that were actually issued over the past 20 years. See

HFCAdd-19. This secret, undisclosed, undocumented number of open carry

permits issued in Hawaii County is apparently zero, or so low that divulgence now

would undermine their specious argument that HRS §134-9 is not a total ban on

the issuance of carry permits to non-security-guard citizens.

C. Even California Issues Carry Permits in Rural Counties

Even under the California scheme, “may issue” really means “will issue” in

most rural counties. California allows its individual counties to draft their own

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policies to implement California’s carry statutes43. In California’s rural counties,

an otherwise qualified applicant need only state that the purpose of the carry permit

is for self-defense. Of California’s 58 counties, 34 counties only require an

otherwise qualified applicant to merely “check” “self-defense” on the application

form to be issued a carry permit, and nine counties issue carry permits to applicants

that show reasonable good cause. See HFCAdd-29 - 34. Two counties require an

applicant to show heightened good cause, four counties require an applicant to

show exceptional good cause, and nine counties do not issue carry permits to

regular, otherwise qualified applicants. See HFCAdd-29 – 34. All 43 California

counties that routinely issue carry permits are rural counties, so is Hawaii County.

See HFCAdd -29 - 30 for larger map; See also HFCAdd -31-34 for larger chart.

K.Stone, “Sheriff Gore Aims to Issue More Concealed Gun Permits in San
Diego County”, Nov. 17, 2017
concealed-gun-permits-in-san-diego-county/) (accessed 11/17/2018).

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Montana, Idaho, Arizona and Alaska are rural and do not require a permit to

carry. Washington, Oregon and Nevada are predominately rural and are “shall

issue” states. As shown above, most rural California counties, pursuant to

county policy, are “shall issue” counties. Hawaii County is also rural; yet,

Hawaii County has never issued a carry permit to a non-security-guard. Hawaii

County is an outlier and rehearing en banc should be denied.

III. Conclusion

The Petition for rehearing en banc should be denied.

Respectfully submitted, this the 18th day of November, 2018.

___/s/ Donald L. Wilkerson_

Donald L. Wilkerson #5730
Attorney for Amicus Curiae
242 Ku’ikahi Street
Hilo, Hawaii 96720

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I hereby certify that:

1. This brief complies with the type-volume limitation of Ninth Circuit

Rule 29-2(c)(2) because this brief contains 3,868 words, excluding the parts of the

brief exempted by Federal rule of Appellate Procedure 32(f).

2. This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Federal Rule of

Appellate Procedure 32(a)(5) and type style requirements of Federal Rule of

Appellate Procedure 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a

proportionally spaced typeface using Microsoft Word 2016 in 14-point Times New

Roman font.

DATED: Honolulu, Hawaii, November 18, 2018.

__/s/ Donald Wilkerson___

Donald L. Wilkerson
Attorney for Amicus Curiae

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On this, 18th day of November, 2018, I served the foregoing Brief by

electronically filing it with the Court’s CM/ECF system, which generated a Notice
of Filing and effects service upon counsel for all parties in the case.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed this the 18th day of November, 2018.

__/s/ Donald Wilkerson__

Donald L. Wilkerson
Attorney for Amicus Curiae
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