Natalia Ołowska-Czajka Adwokat 2018-07-17 CV English

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Curriculum vitae

Personal data

Name and surname Natalia Ołowska-Czajka (former surname: Ołowska-Zalewska)

Professional title: Adwokat

(Polish equivalent of an English professional title “barrister”)

Telephone/fax 00 48 22 826 52 36/ 00 48 22 826 52 37



2010-2011 Course of Spanish law – a year and a half curriculum run in Spanish as a Spanish-
Polish co-operation with the University of Castilla - La Mancha in Cuenca, Spain
(Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha, Cuenca)

2004 Professional Exam in the Warsaw Bar Association (Okręgowa Rada Adwokacka w
Warszawie) with merit, entitling me to use the professional title „adwokat” -

2000 – 2004 Vocational training in Warsaw – start of professional career and appearances in the
courts of different instances within the territory of Poland, focusing on family law

2000 Entry examination to the vocational training in the both professional bars in
Warsaw: barrister vocational training and solicitor vocational training - admittance
to both of them, out of which the barrister one was chosen and followed

1998 – 1999 Course of law of England and Wales and the EU Law – a year and a half curriculum
run in English in co-operation with the University of Cambridge

1994-1999 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration, accomplished with a

diploma cum laude

Kancelaria Adwokacka Natalia Otowska - Czajka Adwokat

ul . Jasna 17 lok. 1, 00 - 003 Warszawa
Tel.: ( 22 ) 826 52 36 Fax: ( 22 ) 826 52 37
NIP: 125 088 40 93 Regon: 015760950
www. jasnal 7. pl sekretariat @ jasnal 7. pl

Professional experience

2004-now My own legal office, of family law profile, acting before the courts of all instances,
including the cross-border family law issues such as: cross border maintenance,
paternal authority issues & visiting schemes, child abduction which includes
representation before European Court of Human Rights in such matters e.g.
Nadolski and Lopez-Nadolski v. Poland (Application no. 78296/11) where interim
measure under art. 39 of the Convention was granted

2002-2004 Vocational training and practice in the Warsaw legal offices of individual advocates

1998-2002 CMS Cameron McKenna, the Warsaw branch in two divisions:

Mediation&Arbitration and Employment&Pensions


Since 2015 Fellow of IAFL – one of the two lawyers in Poland, active membership ever since,
attending many conferences and trainings, member of the organising committee

Since 2015
acting before the English courts in several cases as an expert in Polish Law

2014 Hague International Conference on Child Abduction and Brussels II revised –

commencing the activity of LEPCA the organisation of Lawyers in Europe on
Parental Child Abduction

2008-2016 Election by the National Convention of Advocates to be a judge in the Supreme

Court of Advocacy, re-elected three times every consecutive three years

2008-2012 Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska) – lecturer of law

Languages spoken: Polish, English, Spanish, German, Russian

7 August, 2018

Kancelaria Adwokacka Natalia Otowska - Czajka Adwokat

ul . Jasna 17 lok. 1, 00 - 003 Warszawa
Tel.: ( 22 ) 826 52 36 Fax: ( 22 ) 826 52 37
NIP: 125 088 40 93 Regon: 015760950
www. jasnal 7. pl sekretariat @ jasnal 7. pl

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