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M19" 18 18:42 FROM COURT FILE NUMBER 1803-22929 COURT COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH OF ALBERTA JUDICIAL CENTRE EDMONTON PLAINTIFF KERRY DIOTTE DEFENDANT THE GATEWAY STUDENT JOURNALISM SOCIETY DOCUMENT ‘STATEMENT OF CLAIM ADDRESS FOR SERVICE GUARDIAN LAW GROUP LLP ‘AND CONTACT 342 4 Avenue SE INFORMATION OF Calgary, AB T2G 0&5 PARTY FILING THIS DOCUMENT 403-457-7778 ATTN: Jonathan B. Denis, QC Jdenis@guardian.taw NOTICE TO DEFENDANT(S) You ate being sued. You are a defendant, Goto the end of this document to see what you can do and when you must do it. Note: State below only facts and not evidence (Rule 13,6) Statement of facts relieu on: 1. The Plaintiff, KERRY DIOTTE Is an individual resident in the City of Edmonton, in the Province of Alberta and at all material times hereto has been the sitting Member of Parliament for the federal electoral district of Edmonton-Griesbach. 2, The Defendant, THE GATEWAY STUDENT JOURNALISM SOCIETY (the "GATEWAY’) is a society duly registered pursuant to the Societies Act (Alberta) and ‘at all material times hereto is the publisher of THE GATEWAY” newspaper, the student newspaper at the University of Alberta, 3. On or about November 2, 2018, the Defendant, the GATEWAY falsely and maliciously published the following article on its web page,, the following article, the entirety of which the Plaintif, KERRY DIOTTE asserts to be defamatory: __M=18-"18 18:42 FROM aun T-790 0008/0009, F-771 2 SU president criticized for photo with controversial MP Critics say SU president Reed Larsen shouldn't have tweeted a photo of him and MP Kerry Diotte ‘Adam Lachacz ‘The president of the University of Alberta Students’ Union is facing criticism from current and former students regarding a photo he took with a controversial Member of Parliament. SU prasident Reed Larsen met with Edmonton Griesbach MP Kerry Diotte on Cctaber 24 and tweeted a photo of their meeting while in Ottawa during a visit for an advocacy week with the Canadian Alliance of Studént Associations (CASA). Several U of A students voiced concem over Larson's meeting with Diatte, who has a history of making racist remarks, |httpsi/ 122111220953 Bashir Mohamed @BashirMohamed Kerry Diotte is a racist, Its' very disappointing to see student reps cozy up with a racist who openly associates with white supremacists such as Faith Goldy. ‘Someone who he has refused to distance himself from and who he claims ‘made great again' .. Reed Larsen @uasupresident Had a tantastic evening @univcan homecoming event! Great conversations with folks like @KerryDiatte on the student experience in Canadal Can't wait to be back in #yow in November for @CASAACAE Advocacy Week as well! #ednpse #odnpali 2:56 PLM. ~ Nov 3, 2018 113 52 people are talking about this Ben Angus, a fifth-year political science studenit and former president of the Organization for Arts Students and interdisciplinary Studies, said he was not impressed with Larsen's association with Diotte, who he criticized for far-right stances such as supporting Faith Goldy in the 2018 Teronto mayoral election, 11-19-18 18242 FROM Bae T-730 0004/0009 F-771 i 3 “Larsen's (weet showed a considerable tapse:in judgment from someone who should be held to a higher standard,” Angus said, “Even if the president was not aware of Diotte's policies, he has shown no attempt to make a statement. about the photo or remove it from his page," Larsen said while he knows Diotie is a controversial MP, he stil represents U of A students living in the Edmonton Giresbach riding, “I meet with all sorts of political actors, Kerry Diatte being one of them,” he said, “Although he has, been a very controversial figure and has made some oor statements in the past, itis important | speak with him about student interests.” Diotte has been accused of making racist and insensitive marks in the past. In February 2016, Diotte tweeted out an image of 2 custom-made bingo card which he “played along’ with during question period in the House of Commons. Included on it were terms like "Syrians," “Inidgenous,” “First Nations,” and “middle class’. Critics of Diotte's behaviour include Edmonton | Mayor Don lveson, who said he'd be upset if similar behaviour happened at | city council, Diotte did not respond to multiple requests for comment from The Gateway. Larsen said he was speaking to Diotte about student work opportunities, including community service leaming and co-op placements, He sald he spoke longer with Diatte, approximately 20 to 26 minutes, and not to other MPs present as Diotte directly represents the same city as the U of A. “His politics don't always align with the University of Alberta Students’ Union,” he said, "However, it is my job to influence the perspective of elected officials.* (‘Article #1*) 4, Onor about November 5, 2018, the Plaintiff, KERRY DIOTTE served the Defendant, the GATEWAY with a notice pursuant to 8. 13 of the Defamation Act in respect of | Article #1. 5, On ar about November 6, 2018, the Defendant, the GATEWAY edited Article #1, delating some of the defamatory comments. 6. Onor about November 8, 2018, the Defendant, the GATEWAY falsely and maliciously published the following article on its web page,, the following article, the entirety of which the Plaintiff, KERRY DIOTTE asserls to be defamatory:

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