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ketika teman saya adalah artis , nizar seorang pemain sepakbola kelas dunia yang bermain di real

madrid pada posisi stiker, ia di gaji 10 ribu per detik jika di jumlahkan selama satu minggu mencapai 1
miliar, sejak saat itu ia susah di ajak bertemu di karenakan kepadatan jadwal ia bertanding. adapun
teman saya farhan ia adalah seorang presenter terkenal di indonesia, di setiap acara televisi indonesia ia
selalu di suruh menjadi presenternya. gajinya menjadi presenter mencapai 10 juta untuk satu acara. dan
sejak saat itu ia sangat susah di ajak bertemu.

when my friend is an artist, nizar a world-class football player who plays in real madrid on the sticker
position, he is on the salary of 10 thousand per second if the amount for one week reaches 1 billion,
since then he is difficult to meet in because of the density schedule he competes. as for my friend
farhan he is a famous presenter in indonesia, in every television show indonesia he always in order to
be presenternya. his salary becomes a presenter of 10 million for one event. and since then he was very
difficult to meet.

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