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1-When BC retraces 38.2% of AB then the CD leg would be 2.24 projection of BC

2-When BC retraces .618% of AB then CD leg would be 1.618 projection of BC

3-when BC retraces 78.6% of AB then CD leg would be 1.27 projection of BC.


1-Point B is .618 retracement of the XA leg

2-Point C should be between .382 to .886 retracement of the AB leg. Ideally, retracement BC should be
between 61.8% and 78.6% of the AB price range.If the retracement is 61.8% then BC extension would be
1.618.whereas if the retracement is .786% then BC extension is likely to be 1.27

3-Another important aspect is that a AB=CD pattern should be present.

4-Point D should be the .786 retracement of the XA leg.


Bullish Bearish

It focuses on finding reversals at new highs(bearish) or new lows(bullish).

1-Point B is the 78.6% retracement of the XA leg

2-Point C is a .382 to .886 retracement of the AB leg.

3-Point D can be a 1.618,2,2.24,2.618 extension of the BC leg.

4-The most important aspect of a butterfly is the extension of the XA leg which is the 1.27 projection.If price
surpasses the 1.27 projection next ratio to look for is the 1.618 projection which has to be complemented by
the extension of the BC leg.


1-Point B has a retracement of less than .618,ideally a .382 or .50 %.

2-Point D is an extension of the BC leg which should be a mimimum of 1.618 to 2.618(1.618,2,2.24,2.618 etc)

3-D will be a .886 retracement of the XA leg


 The B point retracement must be a .382 retracement or less of the XA leg.

 It utilises a minimum 2BC projection which can extend to 3.618.

 In addition, the AB=CD pattern within the Alternate Bat is always extended and usually requires a 1.618AB=CD

 The pattern incorporates 1.13XA retracement as the defining element IN PRZ and marks the completion of pattern at
point D.

The Shark pattern has the following ratios.

 AB leg extends OX leg between 113% – 161.8%.B is the 1.13-1.618 extension of XA leg
 XA should not retrace more than 61.8% of OX.

 BC leg should be between 88.6% to 113% of the OX leg

 BC leg is also an extension of AB by 161.8% – 224%


 AB leg extends OX leg between 113% – 161.8%.B is the 1.13-1.618 extension of XA leg
 XA should not retrace more than 61.8% of OX.

 BC leg should be between 88.6% to 113% of the OX leg

 BC leg is also an extension of AB by 161.8% – 224%.If the 1.618 limit is not reached the
structure is not a valid 5-0 pattern.

 CD movement should be 0.5 retracement of BC

 5-0 incorporates a reciprocal a reciprocal AB=CD the BC leg is extended and the
AB=CD should be of equal length.this is very important.

B-point : should see a minimum of 0.382 retracement of XA and cannot close beyond
the 0.618 extension of that same leg.
C-point : should reach at minimum the 1.272 extension of the XA leg and cannot close
beyond the 1.414 extension of that leg. NOTE-the extension is of XA leg rather than AB leg
D-point : lies at the 0.786 of the complete XC move.


 AB leg can retrace anywhere between 38.2% up to 61.8%

 BC can retrace 38.2% – 88.6% of AB leg

 CD is an extension of up to 161.8% of XA leg and is also an extension of 224%

– 316% of the AB leg

 After the crab pattern is established, traders can take their positions at or
from point D (at the high or at the low of the price bar at D) targeting 61.8%
and 127.2% of CD leg.

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