Science Lesson Plan

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Student-Teacher: Hind Saeed Date: 22\10\2018

EPC 2903 Primary Lesson Planning Year 2, Sem 2

Grade Level: 1
Learning Outcome : By the end of this lesson students will be able to..
Identify five senses
Identify smell
Identify taste
Identify sight
Identify touch
Identify hear
Understand that we have different ways of exploring the world with the help of our senses.
Resources Preparation (what do you need to do/make before
Question sheet class?)
Flashcards Ask questions regarding the five senses.
Print a suitable amount of worksheets for the students.

Key vocabulary/ Target Language

Human, senses, taste, touch, sight, smell, hearing,
hear, see, feel, listen.

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Show students five senses flashcards

Time: 15 min

Ask children to identify the different senses.

What part of our body do we use for the different senses.

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

Kahoot ‘our body’ quiz.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Science assessment (Write what body parts you can see and put the five senses in a
40 min

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Science assessment (Write what body parts you can see and put the five senses in a

Independent Experience (small group activity 3)

Science assessment (Write what body parts you can see and put the five senses in a
Closing (review learning -LO)
5 min

Explain how the five senses are important to us.


Assessment (to be done during activity time, who and what will be assessed?)
Students will be assessed to write what body parts they know, and whether they can put the five
senses in a correct sentence.

Reflection WWW/EBI
What I think went well I ignited their prior knowledge by mixing up the five senses with the wrong
picture, because I wanted to see whether they already know the name of each senses. During the
assessment I found out that some students mixed up between them or didn’t even know what it’s
called, so I had flashcards with me to make it easier for them. And then after they handed their
assessment, I asked them again to name the five senses and tell me where are they located to see
if they really understood or not.

Even better if I ensured everyone was quite while I organize the resources, while sticking them on
the board, the students kept talking to each other. And giving out clear instruction while explain
about the assessment or anything related to the lesson.
Behavior management
Their behavior management was good, even when in groups they were working silently because it
was independent work but only on the mat they chit chat a little.
I didn’t do differentiation for this lesson, we only swapped groups, for example one group will do the
kahoot quiz with the teacher, I will take a group to finish the science assessment with them, and the
assistant teacher will take one group, and there will be one group left, they will choose any corner
outside until we finish with the groups we have.
Next Steps in learning and teaching
The next steps in learning and teaching that I should I take into account is to ensure everyone was
quite while organizing my resources for the lesson and while I explained the assessment I didn’t
gave clear instruction to the students.

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