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Data required for Criterion –I of NAAC

1.2.1. Percentage of new courses introduced.

Program: MCA

Total No. of courses (Theory + Labs)

Course Description
Year Course name Code 1/3 2/3 3/3 Total
in Ac. Year
Introductory Programming MCA 1001
Digital Logic and Design Lab *MCA 1052
Business Processes *MCA 2004
Computer Networks MCA 3002
Computer Networks Lab *MCA 3052
Soft Skills-I *MCA 3054
Software Testing Methodologies *MCA 4003
Theory of Computation *MCA 4004
VR10 VR10 VR10
2013-14 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab *MCA 4051
(17) (21) (15)
& Testing Tools Lab *MCA 4053
2014-15 Soft Skills – II *MCA 4054 53
03 08 08
Software Project Management *MCA 5004/A
Software Quality Management *MCA 5004/B
Cloud Computing *MCA 5004/C
Advanced Computing Techniques MCA 5004/D
Distributed Systems *MCA 5005/B
Soft Computing *MCA 5005/C
ADBMS Lab *MCA 5051
Mini Project *MCA 5053
IT Fundamentals *15MCA2101
Computer Organization 15MCA2103
Probability and Statistics 15MCA1105
MCA15 VR10 VR10 53
IT Fundamentals Lab *15MCA2151 (17) (21) (15)
Professional Communication Practice Lab *15MCA1254
Computer Networks 15MCA2203 08 -- ---
Object Oriented Programming Through 15MCA2204
Operating Systems 15MCA2205
Total No. of courses (Theory + Labs)
Course Description
1/3 2/3 3/3 Total
Course name Code in
Database Management Systems 15MCA2301
Advanced Java Programming 15MCA2302
Web Development *15MCA2304 50
Industrial Management *15MCA2305
Database Management Systems Lab 15MCA2351 MCA15 MCA15 VR10
Web Development Lab *15MCA2353 (17) (18) (15)
Software Engineering 15MCA2401
Mobile Application Development *15MCA2402 --- 13 ---
Data Warehousing and Data Mining 15MCA2403
High Performance Computing *15MCA2405B
Computer Graphics 15MCA2405D
Mobile Application Development Lab *15MCA2452
Data Mining Lab *15MCA2453
Database Administration/Pr *15MCA3502
Programming in Scala *15MCA3502B
E-Commerce *15MCA3502C
Struts 2 *15MCA3502D
Python Programming *15MCA2503 MCA15 MCA15 MCA15 49
Human Computer Interaction *15MCA2504A (17) (18) (14)
Cloud Computing 15MCA2504B
Web Mining *15MCA2504C --- --- 12
Big Data Analytics *15MCA2505A
Information Retrieval System *15MCA2505C
Wireless and Mobile Networks *15MCA2505D
Python Programming Lab *15MCA2551

 Consider courses completely new or modified courses (with min. of 15-20% modification)
 Identify complete new course with * mark

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