REMOVE 2018 English

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( Time : Two hours )

Student’s name: _____________________________( ) Class : ____________

Prepared by : MISS R.PARAMESHWARI Marks : _______________

Checked by : ______________________ Verified by : ____________________

( Head of English Panel ) (Afternoon Senior Assistant / Principal)
This paper consists of 9 printed pages


Section A :( 28 marks )
Question 1 : Read the passage below and answer the following questions

Last weekend, Chew and Thong decided to go to the Super First Shopping Complex. They went to
a sports shop to buy some new shuttlecocks. As they were looking for shuttlecocks , they passed by a
section where balls were displayed in a square glass box.
“Thong , is that a hockey ball” asked Chew.
Oh, no silly, that is a baseball. A hockey ball is heavier than a baseball even though the size is the
same. A ping pong ball is the smallest ,” replied Thong.
Chew and Thong then moved to another section. They saw many balls which were not round but
oval in shape.
“ What ball is this , Thong ?” asked Chew.
“ Well, that’s a rugby ball,” replied Thong.

Chew and Thong then moved on to another section. As they walked , they saw many items of
various shapes. There were colourful cones, and pyramids which were stacked up neatly on the shelves.
“Thong , where is the shuttlecock section?” asked Chew.
“Well! It’s right there. They are in the cylindrical containers near the racquets. There they are”
replied Thong.
“Oh! Now I see them,” replied Chew.
Chew and Thong went to the salesperson. They wanted to know if they could buy half dozen
“Oh yes, of course, you can,” replied the salesperson.
Chew and Thong paid Rm12 for the shuttlecocks. They then left the sportshop to the food court
for lunch .

Write the correct answer for the question below.

a. What were Chew and Thong doing in the shopping complex?


( 2 marks )
b. Which two balls look alike ?


( 2 marks )
c. Where were the shuttlecocks kept ?


( 2 marks )
d. Where were the baseballs kept ?


( 2 marks )
e. How were the cones and pyramids kept on the shelves ?


( 2 marks )
f. How much money did the boys spend in the sports shop?


( 2 marks )

Question 2 : Classify the shapes in the passage in this Bubble Map.

(ii)_________________ (iii)_________________


_ (v)_________________
(6 marks )

Question 3: Look at the picture below. Match the sentences in Column A with the sentences in Column B
to make complete sentences.


1.There is a round clock  facing the teacher’s table

Column A Column B
2.The windows are  on display on the cupboard

3.The rectangular cupboard is  square in shape

4.The Jalur Gemilang is  on the teacher’s table

1.There is a round clock

5.There is a potted plant  hung on the left-hand side of the
ock rectangular blackboard
6. The plant is
 in front of the cupboard
7.A rugby ball which is
 conical in shape
8.A sphere-shaped globe is  arranged in two rows

9.There is a square box  on the wall

10. The desks and chairs are  oval in shape is beside the

( 10 marks )
Section B: ( 30 marks )

Question 4: Fill in blanks with suitable adjectives given below

many every healthy silver dirty

fierce short new green fourteen

a. The ______________girl is my sister.

b. My father brought a ____________________ car yesterday.

c. Wash your _____________________ hands before you eat the food.

d. Jonathan came second in the round won the ____________________medal.

e. _________________ students to attend the school assembly every morning

f. A fortnight means _______________ days.

g. Watermelons are __________________in colour.

h. The ____________ dog is frightening the children.

i. We need to exercise to be ________________.

j. ___________________ Malaysians like to eat roti canai for breakfast .

( 10 marks )

Question 5: Underline the correct word to complete the sentences.

a. Yesterday, the firemen ( caught, catch ) a snake on the roof of my house .

b. “ Excuse me, ( do, did ) you have change for RM10?” he asked.

c. ( What, Why ) hasn’t the garbage been collected ?

d. Deepak’s family spent the night ( at, under ) a forest reserve to spot some nocturnal animals.

e. The mansion built by Mr Bong is the ( bigger than, biggest ) house along this road.

f. A group of Japanese tourists ( were, was ) at our fishing village last week.

g. Mafruz sent an email to his friend ( because, but ) he has not received a reply from him until today.

h. The trekkers encountered the ( most, much ) challenging trek during their trip to Taman Negara


i. Encik Aznil ( celebrate, celebrated ) his 60th birthday at a hotel yesterday .

j. One of my favourite sweet treats ( are, is ) the kuih keria.

( 10 marks )

Question 6: Fill in blanks using “can”, “may”, or “must”.

a. Andy _____________ sing and dance very well

b. You _________ go home once you have finished yor homework.

c. You __________ finish the cough medicine if you want to get well soon.

d. We ___________ visit Zoo Negara this Sunday if the weather is good.

e. We __________ hurry or we will miss the bus.

f. You ________ not talk during the examinations .

g. What a cloudy day ! It ___________ rain in the afternoon.

h. _________________ I borrow your book for while ?

i. __________________ you help me with my work?

j. “________________ I speak to Mr Khoo please” I said over the phone.

( 10 marks )

Section C: ( 27 marks )
Question 7: Write the correct responses in the space provided to fit the situations






( 12 marks )
Question 8: Study the pictures and the information given below. Then answer the questions that follow.

a. Complete the table with the correct answers.

Candidate Qualifications Talent

Muhd Ameer 1. _______________________ Debating, drawing
Represents school in athletics. 2. _________________ and
Active in the Debate Club; karate.
Best Student in 2009

3. ___________________ Library Head Prefect; 6. ______________________

4. ______________________ cooking and singing
Winner of the state-level
Spelling Bee Competition :

Lee Chong Wei 7. ________________________; 9. ______________________

Represented school in the cooking and
State. 10. _____________________
Level Treasure Hunt contest;
Winner of the Talent Quest
Organised by local schools;
8. _________________________

( 10 marks )

b. You are the team leader assigned to choose the winner of the Acheivement Award in your school. Who
would you choose ? Give reasons for your choice .

I would choose _______________________________________ because _______________________






( 5 marks )
Section D: ( 15 marks )
Question 9: You have won RM1 million in the Televista Malaysia contest. Study the pictures and the
notes given below, write about what you plan to do with the money. Write your answer in
between 80 to 100 words in the space provided.



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