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School Name : Date:

Title: P.O./checks:

Sr.No 1:Module Name Charge's Implementation Which module
. per Module & training time you need
Address 1: payment time please mark
City: State: Zip:

Contact: Mobile Application : E-mail:

Attendance student& staff

Lecture Taken

Send Notification

Sent Notification



Upload gallery for teachers only


Lecture attendance report


Mark entry

Leave application


Only for management

Fees collection

Vendor payment

Pending fees report

New students data

All students Data

Send notification to staff

Staff attendance

Student attendance report

Faculty leave

ERP Software modules

One click all student data

Student leavening Certificate

Student Bonafide Certificate

Student Bus Pass

mark sheet

Bus tracking

Government reports

Advertisement Banner

Fees collection report

Vendor payment report

Employee form no 16

Question paper generation

New admission fee receipt

All fees receipt

Parches material management

Cash vouchers

Library management

Please smuggest us to any new format if you need and why and what is use for you will develop that
for the school.
----------------------------- ---------------------------

Name : Name:

---------------------------- ---------------------------

Behalf of company Sign school principal sign

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