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Basic Information of Contributors to Journal of Research in Education Sciences

Date of
Serial Number (staff only)

Word Count 4,243

Natural Science Education

running head: the development science process skills test for Indonesian Student

Author Information

Name Affiliation & Position

First Author
Setiyo Prajoko Universitas Tidar, Lector

Co-Authors (1)Riva Ismawati; (2) Mohamad Amin; (3) Fatchur Rohman ; (4) Muhana Gipayana

Name: Setiyo Prajoko Fax / Mobile phone:+6285740110838


Information of
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Corresponding e-mail:

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I guarantee that the information I provide above is correct, that any part of the paper has not been

published or being reviewed else where, and that I did not violate academic ethics. The author alone

is responsible for legal responsibilities.

First Author Signature:

Editing Committee, Journal of Taiwan Normal University

Office of Research and Development
National Taiwan Normal University
No. 162, Hoping East Road, Section 1, Taipei 106, Taiwan
(Tel)886-2-7734-1319 (Fax)886-2-2363-8204

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