Eta Cantik Soal TOEFL

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7. According to the passage, 9.

It can be inferred from the

Audubon’s paintings passage that after 1893 Auduborn
A. were realistic portrayals A. unsuccessfully tried to
B. used only black, white, and develop new businesses
gray B. continued to be supported by
C. were done in oils his wife
D. depicted birds in cages C. traveled to Europe
D. became wealthy
8. The word “support” in line 13
could best be replaced by
A. tolerate
B. provide for
C. side with
D. fight for
Questions 10-19

These stories of killer bees in the news in recent years have attracted a lot of
attention as the bees have made their way from South America to North America. Killer
bees are reputed to be extremely aggressive in nature, although experts say that their
aggression may have been somewhat inflated.
The killer bee is a hybrid−or combination−of the very mild European strain of
honeybee and the considerably more aggressive African bee, which was created when
the African strain was imported into Brazil in 1995. The African bees were brought into
Brazil because their aggression was considered an advantage: they were far more
productive than their European counterparts in that they spent a higher percentage of
their time working and continued working longer in inclement weather than did the
European bees.
These killer bees have been known to attack humans and animals, and some
fatalities have occurred. Experts point out, however, that the mixed breed known as the
killer bee is actually not at all as aggressive as the pure African bee. They also point out
that the attacks have a chemical cause. A killer bee stings only when it has been
disturbed; it is not aggressive by nature. However, after a disturbed bee stings and flies
away, it leaves its stinger embedded in the victim. In the vicera attached to the
ambedded stinger is the chemical isoamyl acetate, which has an odor that attracts other
bees. As other bees approach the victim of the original sting, the victim tends to panic,
thus disturbing other bees and causing them to sting. The new stings create more of the
chemical isoamyl acetate, which attracts more bees and increases the panic level of the
victim. Killer bees tend to travel in large cluster or swarms and thus respond in large
numbers to the production of isoamyl astetate.

10. The subject of the preceding 12. The word “inflated” in line 4 could
paragraph was most likely best be replaced by
A. ways of producing honey A. exaggerated
B. stories in the media about B. blown
killer bees C. aired
C. the chemical nature of killer D. burst
bee attacks
D. the creation of the killer bee 13. It can be inferred from the
passage that the killer bee
11. The main idea of this passage is A. traveled from Brazil to Africa
that killer bees in 1995
A. have been in the news a lot B. was a predecessor of the
recently African bee
B. have been moving C. was carried from Africa to
unexpectedly rapidly through Brazil in 1995
the Americas D. did not exist early in the
C. are not as aggressive as their twentieth century
reputation suggests
D. are a hybrid rather than a 14. Why were African bees considered
pure breed beneficial?
A. They produced an unusual 18. What is NOT mentioned in the
type of honey. passage in a contributing factor in
B. They spent their time an attack by killer bees?
traveling. A. Panic by the victim
C. They were very aggressive. B. An odorous chemical
D. They hid from inclement C. Disturbance of the bees
weather. D. Inclement weather

15. A “hybrid” in line 5 is 19. Where in the passage does the

A. a mixture author describe the size of the
B. a relative groups in which killer bees move?
C. a predecessor A. Lines 2-4
D. an enemy B. Lines 5-7
C. Lines 11-12
16. It is stated in the passage that D. Lines 19-20
killer bees
A. are more deadly than African
B. are less aggressive than
African bees
C. never attack animals
D. always attack African bees

17. The pronoun “They” in the line 13

refers to
A. killer bees
B. humans and animals
C. fatalities
D. experts
Question 20-28

There is a common expression in the English language

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