Manual Adaptador TCP Ip para Mcu

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Operating instructions


TCP/IP adapter

Date Designation No. 4618 en

Issued: 18/03/09 EW-Epj/Obs Koc. p. 1/97 p.
Modified: 06.05.2010 Epping
Approved: 07.05.10 Epping
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\meyer\Eigene Dateien\#wip\Snmp\4618 EN TCP IP ADAPTER FOR MCU(A6573043).DOC
Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

1 Safety instructions and used symbols............................................................ 8
2 General .......................................................................................................... 9
3 Bus systems/interfaces .................................................................................. 9
4 System requirements ..................................................................................... 9
5 Installation and commissioning................................................................... 10
5.1 Configuration of the network interface ....................................................... 10
5.1.1 Configuration of the network interface via TCP/IP........................................ 10
5.1.2 Configuration of the network interface via the MCU service software
(serial interface X100) ........................................................................................ 12
5.2 Hardware options ........................................................................................ 13
6 Web interface............................................................................................... 14
6.1 The start page .............................................................................................. 14
6.2 Initialization................................................................................................. 17
6.2.1 Configure presentation of active alarms .......................................................... 19
6.3 SNMP settings............................................................................................. 21
6.3.1 SNMP mib-2/system settings ............................................................................ 21
6.3.2 SNMP communities ............................................................................................ 22
6.3.3 SNMP traps .......................................................................................................... 22
6.3.4 Download DC-MCU-MIB ................................................................................. 24
6.4 Security........................................................................................................ 25
6.4.1 Password for the web interface ......................................................................... 25
6.4.2 Password for issuing remote commands through the web interface ............ 25
6.4.3 Password for the service software .................................................................... 25
6.5 Email............................................................................................................ 25
6.6 Remote commands ...................................................................................... 27
6.7 Encrypted access to the web interface......................................................... 29
6.8 RCCMD....................................................................................................... 30

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

6.8.1 Installation of client software "Multiserver” ................................................... 30

6.8.2 Activation of the RCCMD service.................................................................... 34
6.8.3 Setting up RCCMD receiver pools ................................................................... 35
6.8.4 Deleting RCCMD receiver pools ...................................................................... 36
6.8.5 Setting up RCCMD tasks ................................................................................... 36 Trigger condition: alarm source .................................................................. 37 Trigger condition: Trigger if alarm is ......................................................... 37 Receiver....................................................................................................... 38 Receiver: IP Pool......................................................................................... 38 Receiver: IP address and port...................................................................... 38 Parameters ................................................................................................... 39 Delay [s] ...................................................................................................... 40 Frequency [s] ............................................................................................... 40 Active .......................................................................................................... 40
6.8.6 Testing RCCMD tasks ....................................................................................... 41
6.8.7 Examples of RCCMD batch files ..................................................................... 42 Log file with mains errors ........................................................................... 42 Net-send message ........................................................................................ 43 Sending emails ............................................................................................ 43 Cascading messages .................................................................................... 44
7 Modbus MCU over TCP/IP......................................................................... 46
7.1 General ........................................................................................................ 46
7.2 Modbusparameter ........................................................................................ 46
7.3 Modbus table overview ............................................................................... 46
7.4 Additional informations for the Modbus interface acc. to manual 4452 ... 49
8 TEBE MCU monitor software .................................................................... 50
8.1 General ........................................................................................................ 50
8.2 Set-up........................................................................................................... 50

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

8.3 Operation ..................................................................................................... 51

9 TEBE MCU service software...................................................................... 52
9.1 Set-up........................................................................................................... 52
9.2 Operation ..................................................................................................... 52
10 Firmware update.......................................................................................... 53
11 Fault diagnosis............................................................................................. 55
12 General ........................................................................................................ 56
12.1 Software developed by Benning and open source software........................ 56
12.2 Source code supply...................................................................................... 56
13 Appendix ..................................................................................................... 57
13.1 Benning DC-MIB overview ....................................................................... 57
13.1.1 dcIdent .................................................................................................................. 58
13.1.2 dcPowerSystem ................................................................................................... 60
13.1.3 dcController ......................................................................................................... 62
13.1.4 dcRectifier ............................................................................................................ 63
13.1.5 dcBattery .............................................................................................................. 66
13.1.6 dcLoadDistribution ............................................................................................. 69
13.1.7 dcACBackup........................................................................................................ 72 dcBypass...................................................................................................... 72 dcInverter..................................................................................................... 76
13.1.8 dcBatteryTest ....................................................................................................... 79
13.1.9 dcControl.............................................................................................................. 82
13.1.10 dcConfig ............................................................................................................... 83
13.1.11 dcAlarm ................................................................................................................ 84 dcWellKnownAlarms.................................................................................. 86
13.1.12 dcAuxiliary .......................................................................................................... 95
13.1.13 dcTraps ................................................................................................................. 97

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

Index of figures:
Figure 1 Network settings ......................................................................................................................................11
Figure 2 Confirmation of the network configuration .............................................................................................11
Figure 3 network configuration via the service software .......................................................................................12
Figure 4 jumper network interface .........................................................................................................................13
Figure 5 Start page of the web interface (1)...........................................................................................................14
Figure 6 Start page of the web interface (2)...........................................................................................................14
Figure 7 Structure of the web page ........................................................................................................................15
Figure 8 Web page Initialisation ............................................................................................................................17
Figure 9 Configuration of the display of active messages .....................................................................................19
Figure 10 Example for an active message in red....................................................................................................19
Figure 11 Example for the configuration of the display of active messages..........................................................20
Figure 12 Active message in yellow ......................................................................................................................20
Figure 13 Active message in green ........................................................................................................................20
Figure 14 SNMP settings .......................................................................................................................................21
Figure 15 SNMP mib-2/system settings.................................................................................................................21
Figure 16 SNMP Communities..............................................................................................................................22
Figure 17 SNMP trap receiver ...............................................................................................................................22
Figure 18 SNMP test trap.......................................................................................................................................23
Figure 19 SNMP trap (boost).................................................................................................................................24
Figure 20 dcAlarmTable ........................................................................................................................................24
Figure 21 Download link SNMP MIB ...................................................................................................................24
Figure 22 Email configuration ...............................................................................................................................25
Figure 23 Example of an email ..............................................................................................................................26
Figure 24 Remote commands of the web surface ..................................................................................................27
Figure 25 Remote command successfully executed...............................................................................................27
Figure 26 Error executing command......................................................................................................................28
Figure 27 Setting the time in the MCU ..................................................................................................................28
Figure 28 Safety instruction ...................................................................................................................................29
Figure 29: Client installation..................................................................................................................................31
Figure 30: Client installation..................................................................................................................................31
Figure 31: Client installation..................................................................................................................................32
Figure 32 Installation dialogue...............................................................................................................................32
Figure 33 Configuration dialogue ..........................................................................................................................33

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

Figure 34 Confirmation dialogue ...........................................................................................................................33

Figure 35 Installation successfully completed .......................................................................................................34
Figure 36 Activation of the RCCMD service.........................................................................................................34
Figure 37 Configuration of the RCCMD receiver pools ........................................................................................35
Figure 38 Configuration of the RCCMD service ...................................................................................................36
Figure 39 Testing the RCCMD service..................................................................................................................41
Figure 40 UPSMAN email configuration ..............................................................................................................44
Figure 41 Modbus Service .....................................................................................................................................46
Figure 42 Modbus table view digital inputs...........................................................................................................47
Figure 43 Modbus table view analog inputs ..........................................................................................................47
Figure 44 Link print view (Modbus table view) ....................................................................................................48
Figure 45 Hint during initialization (Modbus table view)......................................................................................48
Figure 46 Communication problem Modbus MCU ...............................................................................................49
Figure 47 TEBE MCU monitor software...............................................................................................................50
Figure 48 System dialogue of the monitor software ..............................................................................................50
Figure 49 Message protocol via TCP/IP ................................................................................................................51
Figure 50 Options of the service software .............................................................................................................52
Figure 51 TEBE MCU Service Software...............................................................................................................52
Figure 52 Maintenance...........................................................................................................................................53
Figure 53 Firmware update (1/2) ...........................................................................................................................53
Figure 54 Firmware update (2/2) ...........................................................................................................................54
Figure 55 Reboot after Firmware update ...............................................................................................................54
Figure 56 graphical overview dcmcuMIB .............................................................................................................57
Figure 57 dcIdent ...................................................................................................................................................58
Figure 58 dcPowerSystem .....................................................................................................................................60
Figure 59 dcController ...........................................................................................................................................62
Figure 60 dcRectifier .............................................................................................................................................63
Figure 61 dcBattery................................................................................................................................................66
Figure 62 dcLoadDistribution ................................................................................................................................69
Figure 63 dcBypass................................................................................................................................................72
Figure 64 dcInverter...............................................................................................................................................76
Figure 65 dcBatteryTest.........................................................................................................................................79
Figure 66 dcControl ...............................................................................................................................................82
Figure 67 dcConfig ................................................................................................................................................83

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

Figure 68 dcAlarm .................................................................................................................................................84

Figure 69 dcWellKnownAlarms ............................................................................................................................86
Figure 70 dcAuxiliary ............................................................................................................................................95
Figure 71 dcTraps ..................................................................................................................................................97

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

1 Safety instructions and used symbols

These operating instructions contain important information for the
installation and operation of the MCU TCP/IP adapter. The manual must
be retained and observed at all times!

Many different symbols are used for the individual components of the remote
monitoring system and in these operating instructions; the following table
shows the meaning of these symbols:

Indicates instructions which must be followed to avoid danger to


Indicates instructions which must be followed to avoid material


All further symbols and pictograms are explained at the appropriate places in
these operating instructions.

The components of the remote monitoring system MCU are

designed as built-in units. The components are electronic equipment
that can lead voltage and current which is dangerous for human

The following instructions must therefore be strictly observed at all times.

1. The MCU TCP/IP adapter should be installed, operated, repaired and

maintained in strict accordance with the instructions in this document.

2. Ensure that only fully qualified and authorised personnel have access to
the system; only this personnel may open the unit.

3. When working with the unit, use only properly insulated tools which are
approved for the voltages in question.

4. All persons working with the unit must be familiar with first-aid measures
for accidents involving electricity.

5. Always observe the regulations of the local power supply company as well
as other safety regulations.

6. The passwords used for programming the unit must not be disclosed to
unauthorised persons.

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

2 General
The Remote Monitoring System MCU is a microprocessor-controlled
monitoring and control device. With this system, it is possible to monitor and
control all the main components of a power supply system.

For monitoring the power supply system via a computer network, the MCU can
be extended via the serial port with a TCP/IP adapter.

The MCU TCP/IP adapter therefore allows more rational and efficient
employment of maintenance and service personnel.

A flexible and user-dependent use as well as a significant volume reduction of

each individual system component have been the overall goal for the
development of the components for this new series.

3 Bus systems/interfaces
The SUB-D interface X100* serves as interface to MCU 1. The RJ45 interface
X600 serves as interface to the Ethernet network. This is a 10 MBit interface.
The power supply of the adapter is effected via X500 (9 – 36V DC, 2W).

The optional interfaces X10, X200, X400, X401 are currently not supported.

4 System requirements
The remote monitoring system MCU consists of various hardware and software
components. Some components are absolutely necessary, others are optional.
The following description of the MCU TCP/IP adapter allows safe installation
and commissioning of the system.

can be changed to X101 (internal configuration)

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

5 Installation and commissioning

After assembly, connection and commissioning of the MCU TCP/IP adapter,
all components are unreservedly ready for operation.

The safety instructions must be observed at all times during
assembly, connection and commissioning!

The components of the MCU are designed to be operated in closed dry rooms.
The maximum permissible ambient temperature is 55°C. Upon assembly,
attention must be paid that the components are not exposed to aggressive
substances and the passage of cooling air is not impaired.

To enable you to carry out the commissioning, the entire power supply system
with all the components belonging to the MCU has to be wired and connected
to the power supply system. The MCU TCP/IP adapter is connected to the
service interface of MCU (MCU 1000/2000+: X6, MCU 2500: X110)
(recommended cable connection: part no. 734624) and apart from the voltage
supply only requires the network interface to be configured. For the installation
of the top-hat rail, the adapter can be fitted with a support rail adapter (part no.

5.1 Configuration of the network interface

5.1.1 Configuration of the network interface via TCP/IP

It is possible to set up the network interface of the adapter via the network area
of the web surface (settings -> network). The adapter is delivered from the
factory with a static IP address:

IP address:

Net mask:

Default gateway:

The factory host name of the adapter with activated DHCP operation is: MCU

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

The password-protected service area of the adapter is accessible from the web
interface via "Network" (default password: benning):

Figure 1 Network settings

After adapting the network settings, the parameters are confirmed with the
button "apply", and the following page appears:

Figure 2 Confirmation of the network configuration

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

5.1.2 Configuration of the network interface via the MCU service

software (serial interface X100 2)
The configuration of the adapter is configured via the serial interface using the
menu "Components" Æ TCP/IP adapter (external):

Figure 3 network configuration via the service software

can be changed to X101 (internal configuration)

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

5.2 Hardware options

Independently of the software settings, the selection between static IP address
and DHCP operation can be made with a plug-in jumper. The set IP address
and the set host name (for DHCP) are not changed.

Figure 4 jumper network interface

X120 Function
3+5,4+6 IP configuration from software settings
1+3,4+6 Operation with static IP address
2+4,3+5 DHCP operation with host name MCU
1+3,2+4 reserved

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

6 Web interface
6.1 The start page
After successful linking into the network, the TCP/IP adapter is available under
the set IP address or the set host name (for DHCP):

Figure 5 Start page of the web interface (1)

If you are not automatically forwarded to the start page set, click here to get to
the start page:

Figure 6 Start page of the web interface (2)

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

The web page of the adapter is structured as follows:

page header with system title and

manufacturer logo

current position

navigation bar main display

Figure 7 Structure of the web page


Site info: general information on the system at the site of installation

System info: system information about the TCP/IP adapter


Show protocol: show current measured value and active messages of the

Measurements: show current measured value of the system

Active alarms: active messages of the system

All alarms: all available messages of the system

Protocol history: show the last 10 message protocols of the system

Show raw protocol: Shows the MCU message protocol

Hide raw protocol: Hides the MCU message protocol

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter


Language: Manual language selection for the web surface

Network 3: Configuration of the network interface

SNMP 4: Setting the SNMP configuration (communities, trap receiver


Security 5: Password settings for the web interface and for access via
MCU service software.

E-Mail 6: Settings for the email receiver in the event of faults, and the
mail server configuration.

Remote commands 7: Interface for sending service commands (e.g. switch

to boost, etc...)

Initialization 8: Input fields for description of the system and connected


Maintenance 9: Access for updating the firmware of the TCP/IP adapter /

restarting the TCP/IP adapter.

Access to these pages is password-protected (web password).
Access to these pages is password-protected (web password).
Access to these pages is password-protected (web password).
Access to these pages is password-protected (web password).
Access to this page is password-protected (remote command password).
Access to these pages is password-protected (web password).
Access to these pages is password-protected (web password).

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

6.2 Initialization
Basic settings for the operation of the TCP/IP adapter can be made via

Figure 8 Web page Initialisation

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In addition to the settings such as Manufacturer, Model, Start page, it is also

possible to activate and deactivate Network services. Additional setting

Upload picture and schematic: On a separate page, you are able to upload an
image or a wiring diagram of the system, if necessary.

Site info settings: Input fields describing the system at the site of installation.

Rectifier/battery/load distribution/by-pass/inverter settings: Here it is possible

to enter text manually for individual components, which can be called up via

Configure presentation of active alarms: Here, you are able to determine the
colour of the active MCU messages on the web interface.

MCU type selection: On this page, it is possible to select the MCU connected
to the adapter (DC-MCU or AC-USVMCU).

Note: A change of the MCU system resets the adapter to its

factory settings!

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

6.2.1 Configure presentation of active alarms

On this page, you are able to set the display of active MCU messages in the
protocol display in the web interface.

This allows a change of the display of active messages not indicating a fault of
the power supply system..

Figure 9 Configuration of the display of active messages

The factory setting for active messages is red. This means that a red LED
indicates active messages in the record display. Exceptions are the messages
„Rectifier in float charge“, „Inverter operation“ as well as „Inverter operation
XX“ (XX stands for the address of the unit during the inverter operation) –
these are indicated by a green LED (default setting).

Figure 10 Example for an active message in red

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

If this message is to be shown in the record display e.g. with a yellow LED,
this message must be configured as follows:

Figure 11 Example for the configuration of the display of active messages

Then, if active, the message is displayed as follows:

Figure 12 Active message in yellow

In addition to yellow, active messages can also be indicated by a green LED:

Figure 13 Active message in green

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6.3 SNMP settings

The following settings for SNMP operation are offered from this page:

Figure 14 SNMP settings

6.3.1 SNMP mib-2/system settings

Figure 15 SNMP mib-2/system settings

These settings can be opened later under

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

6.3.2 SNMP communities

Figure 16 SNMP Communities

The settings under SNMP Communities are divided into two access types:

ƒ SNMP access restriction only with community strings

ƒ SNMP access restriction with community strings and IP address

The access type must first be set under SNMP access control, and saved by
clicking Apply.

The user can then create his own individual settings in the respectively
activated access control range. Changed settings must always be confirmed by
clicking Apply. The new settings become active immediately after this

6.3.3 SNMP traps

Sends a test trap to all registered

trap receivers (before the test, save
the receivers with Apply).

Figure 17 SNMP trap receiver

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

Under SNMP traps, a pool of SNMP trap receivers can be set up. After
entering the trap receivers, the pool must be saved by clicking Apply.

The button Send test trap sends a test trap to all entries in the pool, with the
test trap structured as follows:

Figure 18 SNMP test trap

Note: A test trap without additional bindings is sent.

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

The following figure shows a trap including the specified bindings:

Figure 19 SNMP trap (boost)

The dcAlarmTable for the above example looks like this:

Figure 20 dcAlarmTable

6.3.4 Download DC-MCU-MIB

You can download the SNMP-MIB via this link:

Figure 21 Download link SNMP MIB

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

6.4 Security

6.4.1 Password for the web interface

The password for the protected ranges of the web surface can be set in this
Default setting: benning

6.4.2 Password for issuing remote commands through the web interface
The password for access to the remote commands through the web interface
can be set in this form.
Default setting: service

6.4.3 Password for the service software

The TCP/IP adapter allows the Benning TEBE MCU Service or TEBE MCU
Monitor software to access the MCU directly via a TCP/IP network. The
password for this access can be set in this form.
Default setting: service

6.5 Email
Settings for sending emails in the event of errors in the system:

Figure 22 Email configuration

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

The adapter sends emails dependent on the MCU filter programming. This
refers to error protocols automatically sent by the MCU. If the adapter receives
an unrequested error protocol from the MCU, an email will be sent. In addition
to the latest measured values, this email also includes the active alarm
messages from the power supply system:

Figure 23 Example of an email

In addition to the access data for the mail server, a user-defined subject line can
be configured for the emails to be sent. This subject line can be completed by
place holders that contain additional information on the MCU system:

/M The parameter /M is replaced by the model designation (input field

under Initialization).

/S The parameter /S is replaced by the system serial number (input field

under Initialization).

/N The parameter /N is replaced by the system device name (input field

under Initialization).

/D The parameter /D is replaced by the device description (input field

under Initialization).

/O The parameter /O is replaced by the operation point identification of

the system (is set in the MCU).

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6.6 Remote commands

this page can be used to send so-called remote commands to the MCU.

Note: Remote commands must have been released in the internal

configuration of an MCU.

Figure 24 Remote commands of the web surface

After a command is clicked on, the message Command successfully executed
appears on the following web page:

Figure 25 Remote command successfully executed

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

If a remote command has not been released by the internal MCU programming,
the message Error executing command appears:

Figure 26 Error executing command

If the serial interface is temporarily busy due to internal queries, the message
Port currently busy appears.

Most remote commands require no further user input. Setting the time in the
MCU is an exception:

Figure 27 Setting the time in the MCU

When Javascript is active in the web browser, the time of the operating system
in use is automatically entered in the fields of the form.

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

6.7 Encrypted access to the web interface

Access to the web interface as described above generally takes place without
encryption through the HTTP protocol. In this process, data such as access
passwords for service functions are transmitted in plain text via the network.
The data can thus be read along by persons who have access to the transfer

If the configuration data and other content of the web surface are security-
sensitive in their field of use, the BENNING TCP/IP adapter offers the
possibility of opening the web surface through the secure protocol HTTPS. In
this process, all data travelling in both directions is encrypted before
transmission, and only decrypted again by the receiver. This prevents any
interception of the content transferred.

In order to open the web surface of the TCP/IP adapter through an encrypted
connection, enter https:// in the address field of your browser instead of
http:// .

For example:

Your web browser now establishes an encrypted connection to the TCP/IP


Note: As the encryption certificate that secures the transfer is not

known to your web browser, this will usually issue a warning

Figure 28 Safety instruction

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To continue the process, the warning message must be confirmed by clicking

"Yes". In other web browsers, a similar dialogue is displayed. A security
exception may need to be added. To do this, choose to view the certificate and
then add an exception for this certificate.

For advanced users: it is possible to check the certificate before establishing the
connection on the basis of its SHA1 fingerprint. The SHA1 fingerprint of the
certificate used is:

The RCCMD function of the TCP/IP adapter allows the user to manage events
in the connected system with a high degree of programming freedom. Using
the RCCMD service, it is possible for example to perform a controlled
shutdown of the IT system in the event of a fault with the power supply, or to
alert personnel.

For this purpose, the RCCMD client software needs to be installed on the target
system (e.g. on a Windows server), to use which the separate purchase of a
software licence is necessary. If a previously configured (error) state now
arises, a notification is sent to the RCCMD client through the TCP/IP adapter,
allowing it to react. The notification can contain the name of a batch file to be
executed, and further parameters such as the latest measured values.

6.8.1 Installation of client software "Multiserver”

At the client's end, the user has to install the shutdown software "Multiserver"
(part number 707403). Below follow step-by-step instructions for the Windows
installation, but the process is similar with other operating systems. For further
details, see the respective manual ("USV Management Software User Manual",
Benning description no. 3708).

Starting the RCCMD wizard displays the following screen:

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

Figure 29: Client installation

A valid licence key must be entered in the input field "Licensekey".

In the following dialogue, enter the port that is to be used for receiving
RCCMD packets in the field "Use Port". The default number for this port is
6003. This must naturally also match the configuration of the receivers in the
TCP/IP adapter configuration (see below).

Figure 30: Client installation

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

Furthermore, a pool can be specified with RCCMD server addresses from

which the client to be installed will receive commands. No entry means that
any RCCMD server can send commands to the client.

The following page (see figure) can be left unchanged. As no UPSMAN is

installed, the point "UPSMAN alive checking" is inactive. The option of
RCCMD traps is not supported by the TCP/IP adapter. The RCCMD
redundancy function is likewise not supported.

Figure 31: Client installation

The next figure shows the page on which the actions can be set for the
corresponding RCCMD messages. The TCP/IP adapter only supports the
"Shutdown" and "Execute" signals, so only these two batch files are important.
The "Mail" and "Message" signals are not supported by the TCP/IP adapter.

Figure 32 Installation dialogue

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

The "Configure" button can be used to configure the Shutdown.bat, i.e. the file
that is executed if a shutdown command is received. The following figure
shows the default after a successful installation on a Windows computer.

This can be configured as desired.

Figure 33 Configuration dialogue

When this has been set as desired, the client settings are confirmed by clicking
the Install button. One more message will appear asking whether the
installation should really go ahead. This question must be answered "Yes", see
following figure.

Figure 34 Confirmation dialogue

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

If the installation has been successful, a message should appear as in the

following figure to notify you of the success.

The client runs in the background and waits for commands arriving from the
RCCMD servers, e.g. from a USV-MCU.

Figure 35 Installation successfully completed

6.8.2 Activation of the RCCMD service

The RCCMD service is deactivated in the as-delivered state. It can be activated
on the "Initialization" page:

Figure 36 Activation of the RCCMD service

After the option "RCCMD support" has been activated and confirmed, a new
item "RCCMD" will appear after updating the web page in the "Settings"
menu. If the menu item is not immediately visible, refreshing the view in the
browser window will help (F5 key). Below the RCCMD menu item is the
dialogue for configuring the RCCMD service.

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6.8.3 Setting up RCCMD receiver pools

To command a large number of RCCMD clients simultaneously, it is possible
to set up pools of receivers in the RCCMD configuration.

For example, the pools can be used to perform a controlled shutdown of all
computers in a department in the event of a mains failure. For the
administration of the receiver pools, there is an input mask on the RCCMD
configuration page, which can be reached using the menu item "RCCMD".

Figure 37 Configuration of the RCCMD receiver pools

To set up a new pool of receivers, select the item "Create new pool" in the field
"Receiver pool". In the following field, Pool name, a unique name must be
entered for the pool. This name appears later as an option when selecting the
configuration of the RCCMD tasks.

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In the text field RCCMD receivers, the individual computers in the pool can
now be specified. It must be ensured here that the input format specified is
adhered to. The receivers are addressed by reference to their IP addresses and
port numbers. The individual bytes of the IP address are specified separated by
dots, followed by a colon and the port number. The individual entries in the
pool are separated by commas. Example:,,

6.8.4 Deleting RCCMD receiver pools

To delete an existing RCCMD receiver pool, all receivers listed must be
deleted from the input mask. After accepting the changes, the pool is deleted
from the system.

6.8.5 Setting up RCCMD tasks

Setting up RCCMD notifications takes place using what are known as RCCMD
tasks. Such a task is the allocation of an event or state to a specific RCCMD

Figure 38 Configuration of the RCCMD service

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To set up a new task, this must be entered in a free line in the RCCMD task
table. There are a total of 20 lines, of which five are always displayed per page.
It is possible to navigate through the pages using the buttons "< previous page"
and "next page >".

Note: If changes have been made to the table, these must be saved
using the button "Apply changes" before navigating to the next

To describe the respective fields in the table:

Task no.

sequential identification number of the RCCMD task from 1 to 20. Trigger condition: alarm source

In this field, the message can be selected that will function as the trigger
condition for this task. If a protocol has already been received from a
connected MCU system, all messages in the protocol are displayed in a list to
select from. In this case, the desired message can be chosen from the list and
selected using the upper radio button.

If the desired message is not included in the list, it is also possible to enter the
message protocol identification manually. To do this, the lower radio button
must be activated, and the identification must be entered in the adjacent input
field. Note: You should only use this variant if you are familiar with the
allocation and configuration of the message identifications in the MCU system. Trigger condition: Trigger if alarm is

In this field, the state of the adjacent input is specified that is to lead to
execution of the RCCMD task. Together with the input, the trigger condition is
defined under which the RCCMD task is to be executed.

Example: alarm source:battery test and trigger if alarm is: activate

=>This condition triggers the RCCMD task when a battery test has been started
and is running.

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter Receiver

In the receiver field, the receivers for an RCCMD task are specified. It is
possible here both to specify a single receiver by means of its IP address and
port number, or to specify a previously created pool of receivers (see section on
receiver pools). Receiver: IP Pool

If the option "IP Pool" is selected, a previously defined pool of receivers can be
selected from the adjacent drop-down list.

If the RCCMD task is executed, the RCCMD packet is sent to all receivers
listed in the pool. A pool can contain up to 100 different receivers. It is thus
possible, e.g. in the event of a power supply failure, to perform a controlled
shutdown of a pool of servers or of all computers in a department or on a floor. Receiver: IP address and port

If the lower option in the receiver field is activated, the RCCMD command is
sent to a single receiver entered here.

In the IP address field, the IP address is specified for the computer that is to
receive the RCCMD command – i.e. the computer on which the RCCMD client
software is installed. This can e.g. be a server that should automatically be shut
down in the event of a mains failure.

In the port field, the IP port is entered, on which the RCCMD software of the
receiver will receive the commands. The port is configured during the
installation of the RCCMD service and is preset to 6003 as default.

If you have not specifically changed the port number, enter 6003 here.

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter Parameters
It is possible to pass parameters to the RCCMD service on the target PC. These
parameters are normally used to execute a batch file, which then performs all
further desired actions. The filename of the batch file to be executed must be
the first entry in the parameters field. It must be remembered here that the
filename of the batch file must be specified relative to the installation directory
of the RCCMD client. For example, if the RCCMD service is installed on a
Windows computer under C:\RCCMD, and if the batch file to be executed has
the filename C:\RCCMD\BAT\mybatch.bat, the parameter entry must start
with "\BAT\mybatch.bat".

It is possible to transmit further parameters to the executed batch file. These

must be entered after and separated from the name of the batch file by spaces.
Using these parameters, it is possible to transmit information such as measured
values or the name of the MCU system to the opened batch script. It is thus
possible to include the most important system parameters in automatically
generated alert emails.

A number of place holder expressions are defined, which can be replaced by

current values at the time when an RCCMD task is executed. These place
holders are listed in the table in the upper section of the RCCMD configuration

/H The parameter /H is replaced during execution by the current

host name as specified in the network configuration.

/L The parameter /L is replaced during execution by the location

description of the system. This entry is found below

/N The parameter /N is replaced during execution by the operation

point identification. This is automatically transmitted by the
connected MCU system.

[measured value identification] The expression is replaced by the current

value of the measured value identification in the brackets. Only
the numerical value is specified here, with units of measurement
etc. not being inserted. An overview of the available measured
values is provided by the page "Show protocol". If the raw
protocol is displayed on this page using the "Display raw
protocol" link, the protocol identifications of the respective
measured values can be selected.

Note: If the "Parameter" field remains empty, the "Shutdown"

action is executed by the RCCMD service, as configured under
"Execute at shutdown signal from RCCMD server" (see Chapter

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter Delay [s]

The value "Delay" makes it possible to define a minimum period of time for
which the trigger condition must be active before the RCCMD action is
executed. This can, for example, be used in the event of a fault with the power
supply to define a minimum period for which the fault must last before IT
systems are shut down. Alert sequences can likewise be set up for multiple
RCCMD tasks with the same trigger conditions and graded delay times, which
progressively alert more personnel in the event of a fault. Frequency [s]

The parameter frequency can be used to specify the time after which the
RCCMD command should be repeated while the trigger condition persists. It is
thus possible, for example, in the event of a fault to regularly send alert emails
with current measured values on the remaining reserve capacities of an
emergency power supply system. The repetition only becomes active here
when the delay time has expired and the RCCMD action has already been
executed a first time. Active
The tick-box "Active" is used to determine whether the configured RCCMD
action should be evaluated or not. If this box is not ticked, the relevant
RCCMD action will be completely ignored and will never be executed.

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6.8.6 Testing RCCMD tasks

For testing fully configured RCCMD tasks, there is an input box below the
configuration table:

Figure 39 Testing the RCCMD service

If a previously configured task is to be tested, the task number must be entered

in the input field of the test mask. By clicking on the "Test RCCMD" button, it
is possible to force the triggering of the specified task a single time for test

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6.8.7 Examples of RCCMD batch files Log file with mains errors

An RCCMD task that in the event of an active mains error executes the batch
file "NF.bat" (in the RCCMD directory) to the IP address on port
6003 with a delay of 10s and at intervals of 60 seconds, and transfers the host
name and the battery voltages as command line parameters.

Note: The original directory used in the RCCMD client installation on the
relevant client PC is always taken as the starting point when additional paths
are specified, or the batch file is searched for in the original directory itself if
no additional specifications are made.

Task no.: 1

Triggering input: mains failure

Trigger in state: activated

IP address:

Port no.: 6003

Parameters: "NF.bat /H [UBAT]”

Delay[s]: 10

Frequency[s]: 60

The task number can be allocated freely by the user. It must lie within the
range of available tasks (1..20) and must not already be in use. Only one event
can be evaluated per task, or only one client can be serviced, or only one
distinct packet can be sent. The user must programme the reaction to the
message. The reaction to the message can be programmed as desired here, of
course, e.g. forward to other clients, send email etc.

A possible batch file NF.bat on the receiving client might then
look as follows:

@echo off
rem ***** protocol log with date and time *****
echo.RCCMD Event: ********** >> c:\rccmd\Mainsfailure.log
echo. | date | c:\winnt\system32\find /V "new" >> c:\rccmd\
echo. | time | c:\winnt\system32\find /V "new" >> c:\rccmd\
echo. Mainsfailure: %1 UBatt: %2 V >> c:\rccmd\
rem ***** add empty line
echo. >> c:\rccmd\ Mainsfailure.log

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter Net-send message

An RCCMD task in which a net-send message is sent to a computer called
ewlap03 in the event of mains failure after a 60-second delay. For this purpose,
the client PC that sends the net-send message (remember: it is always the client
that executes the action, the TCP/IP adapter only informs it which command is
to be executed) must have a corresponding batch file saved, which might look
e.g. as follows (here titled NS_BW.bat):

rem ***** Netsend Message

net send ewlap03 Warning: mainsfailure, Hostname: %1, UBatt:

The associated RCCMD task would have to be configured as follows:

Task no.: 1-20 (freely selectable)

Triggering input: mains failure

Trigger in state: activated

IP address:

Port no.: 6003

Parameters: "NS_BW.bat /H [UBAT]”

Delay[s]: 60

Frequency[s]: 0 Sending emails

To send notification emails, the email client must be configured. For this
purpose, the program "enable_mail.exe" is available. Please enter the name of
the sender and the name of your POP/SMTP mail server here. These details are
absolutely necessary for using the email service (see figure).

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Figure 40 UPSMAN email configuration

You can then use the "qblat.exe" file to send emails.

The following command: "qblat -t "" -s "Email event"

"Important information" for example sends an email to the address with the subject line "Email event" and the content
"Important information".

The associated parameter in the RCCMD task would have to be configured e.g.
as follows:

Parameters: mymail.bat /N /L

The task would thus execute the file "mymail.bat" with the parameters
"Operation point identification" and the "Host name".

A possible mymail.bat would then look as follows:

@echo off
call c:\rccmd\qblat -t "" -s "UPS E-Mail Event from %1"
"%1 at location %2 running in bypass mode"

echo on Cascading messages

If more than 20 RCCMD tasks need to be set up, an RCCMD receiver can
simultaneously be set up as a sender.

To do this, the client PC that is to forward the RCCMD message needs to have
a corresponding batch file saved, which RCCMD starts with the parameter "-s"
or "-se".
The client PC must naturally be connected to a secure powered supply, so that
it can also forward the messages in the event of a fault.

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This might look e.g. as follows (here titled rccmd_send.bat):

@echo off

start /b msg.exe %1 "BENNING RCCMD Message forwarded to and" -c:1

start /b rccmd -se "EXECUTE c:\rccmd\bat\mymessage.bat" -a

start /b rccmd -se "EXECUTE c:\rccmd\bat\mymessage.bat" -a

The associated RCCMD task would have to be configured as follows:

Task no.: 1-20 (freely selectable)

Triggering input: (freely selectable)

Trigger in state: activated

IP address:

Port no.: 6003

Parameters: "rccmd_send.bat ”

Delay[s]: 10

Frequency[s]: 0

On the client PCs and, the batch file

"c:\rccmd\bat\mymessage.bat" must be present.

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7 Modbus MCU over TCP/IP

7.1 General
Via Initialization Æ Modbus over tcp/ip it is possible to activate / deactivate
the modbus over tcp/ip service. The Modbus tables depend on the MCU filter
programming and is conform to Benning manual 4452 (Communication
interface MODBUS / MCU, chapter 4).

7.2 Modbusparameter
The Modbus server is available at tcp-port 502 with slave-ID 1.

7.3 Modbus table overview

If the Modbus service is activated, it is possible to view the Modbus addresses
for digital inputs and measurements via the link Modbus table view:

Figure 41 Modbus Service

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Figure 42 Modbus table view digital inputs

Figure 43 Modbus table view analog inputs

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Figure 44 Link print view (Modbus table view)

The link print view displays the Modbus table view without the navigation bar
in a seperate browser window.

During Modbus table initialization (after activating the service or after a cold
boot), the Modbus table view is not available:

Figure 45 Hint during initialization (Modbus table view)

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

If there is no connection to the MCU during the modbus initialization, the

modbus table view informs this:

Figure 46 Communication problem Modbus MCU

In this case, the adapter was unable to read out the required MCU configuration
data and the modbus service was not started. Please check the connection to the
MCU and restart the service by restarting the adapter.

7.4 Additional informations for the Modbus interface acc. to manual

The Modbus service in the TCP/IP-Adapter supports beside the measurement
channels 0-123 (addresses 703-826 and 830-1821) also the MCU 2500
measurement channels 124-198. They are located in the same data format at
the addresses 2048-2196 and 2304-2903).

The modbus softwareversion is located at address 1918 with the following



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8 TEBE MCU monitor software

8.1 General
The TEBE MCU Monitor software permits remote monitoring of a MCU-
controlled power supply system via a TCP/IP network:

Figure 47 TEBE MCU monitor software

8.2 Set-up
For monitoring a power supply system with the TCP/IP adapter, the system
must be configured in the monitor software. Under the menu Settings, the
system parameters are entered under the menu item "systems". The TCP port is
49152 and the default password is "service".

Figure 48 System dialogue of the monitor software

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8.3 Operation
After setting up the system the monitor software automatically connects to the
entered TCP/IP systems and waits for message protocols of the systems. In the
case of a fault / operating state change the MCU sends a MCU message
protocol to the monitor software via the TCP/IP adapter:

Figure 49 Message protocol via TCP/IP

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9 TEBE MCU service software

9.1 Set-up
From the main window access is obtained via the menu "Settings", menu item
"Options", tab "Connection to MCU" to the input mask for link configuration.
Please enter here either the IP address or the host name of the adapter. As
factory setting, the port 49153 is used as TCP port. The default password is

Figure 50 Options of the service software

9.2 Operation
Operating procedure via the TCP/IP interface corresponds to the operating
procedure via the serial interface.

Figure 51 TEBE MCU Service Software

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10 Firmware update
It is possible to install Firmware updates through the web interface:

Figure 52 Maintenance
The link "Firmware update" takes you to a web form for uploading firmware

Figure 53 Firmware update (1/2)

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After selecting the firmware file and confirming with "send file", the update
takes place:

Figure 54 Firmware update (2/2)

Note: The process can take several minutes and must never be

After successfully uploading the firmware, the adapter can be restarted with the
new firmware by clicking "Reboot":

Figure 55 Reboot after Firmware update

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11 Fault diagnosis
The TCP/IP adapter does not react to the IP configuration set:

Æ Check the position of the jumpers on X120 (see chapter on Hardware

Access to remote commands is denied:
Æ The password for access to the remote commands is different from the
password for the other web options.
Remote commands are not issued successfully:
Æ The remote commands have to be released in the configuration filter of
the MCU.
Information on the software licence for this product

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12 General
The software incorporated into this product includes various software
components to which Benning or third parties own the proprietary rights.

12.1 Software developed by Benning and open source software

The proprietary rights to the software components developed or written by
Benning and to various relevant documents that are incorporated into this
product are the property of Benning and are protected by copyright, by
international treaties, and by other relevant legislation. This product
furthermore makes use of open source software and software components to
which third parties own the proprietary rights. This includes software
components that are used under the terms of a GNU General Public Licence
(hereinafter GPL), a GNU Lesser General Public Licence (hereinafter LGPL)
or other licence agreements.

12.2 Source code supply

Some licensors of open source software require the distributor to provide the
source codes with the executable software components. GPLs and LGPLs
include similar conditions. Further details on how to obtain the source codes for
the open source software and information on the GPL, LGPL and other licence
agreements can be found on the following website:

Unfortunately we are not able to answer questions on the source code for the
open source software. The source code for software components in which
Benning holds the proprietary rights is not made available.

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13 Appendix
13.1 Benning DC-MIB overview
MIB release: Jan, 22nd 2010

iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) benning(27383)


Figure 56 graphical overview dcmcuMIB

The availability of the specifiy states, measurements and alarms

depends on the MCU filter configuration.

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13.1.1 dcIdent

Figure 57 dcIdent

dcIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcObjects 1 }

dcIdentManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The name of the DC-power system
::= { dcIdent 1 }

dcIdentModel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION"The DC-power system model
::= { dcIdent 2 }

dcIdentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the DC-power
::= { dcIdent 3 }

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SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..63))
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION"A string identifying the DC-power
This object should be set by the
::= { dcIdent 4 }

dcIdentDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..127))
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A possibility for the administrator
to describe the power system."
::= { dcIdent 5 }

dcIdentSystemInstallationDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..15))
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A string containing either the date
of system installation or acceptance
date (YYYY-MM-DD).
This string can be set by the
::= { dcIdent 6 }

dcIdentNominalValues OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..127))
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A string containing nominal output
power values of the system, e.g.
48 Volts / 3000 Amps / 3000 Ah.
This string can be set by the
::= { dcIdent 7 }

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13.1.2 dcPowerSystem

Figure 58 dcPowerSystem

dcPowerSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcObjects 2 }

-- UBBR i
dcPowerSystemBusbarVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.01 Volt DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the busbar voltage."
::= { dcPowerSystem 1 }

dcPowerSystemTotalRectCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.1 Amp DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the total rectifier current."
::= { dcPowerSystem 2 }

dcPowerSystemTotalBatteryCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.1 Amp DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the total battery current."
::= { dcPowerSystem 3 }

-- ILOATOTi (DC-Load Amp.)

dcPowerSystemTotalOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.1 Amp DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the total system output
::= { dcPowerSystem 4 }

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-- PLOACURi (DC-Load Watt)

dcPowerSystemTotalOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "Watts"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the present total system
output true power."
::= { dcPowerSystem 5 }


dcPowerSystemStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of the power system describing
the rectifiers and the batteries.
Bit 1: Float
Bit 2: Boost
Bit 4: Battery Test
Bit 5: Discharging
Bit 6: Maintenance"
::= { dcPowerSystem 6 }

-- NURERRi:2 URGERRi:3 GRSi:4 else:1

dcPowerSystemFault OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The fault of the power system. The most
important fault level is displayed.
Bit 1: Normal
Bit 2: Minor
Bit 3: Major
Bit 4: Information"
::= { dcPowerSystem 7 }

-- TPLAi
dcPowerSystemTemperature OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.1 degrees Centigrade/Fahrenheit"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The power system ambient temperature."
::= { dcPowerSystem 8 }

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13.1.3 dcController

Figure 59 dcController

dcController OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcObjects 3 }

dcControllerSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The DC-power system's controller serial
::= { dcController 1 }

dcControllerSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The DC-power system software version(s).
This variable can be different from the
This variable may or may not have the same
value as dcControllerAgentSoftwareVersion
in some implementations."
::= { dcController 2 }

dcControllerAgentSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The DC-power system's (snmp) agent serial
::= { dcController 3 }

dcControllerAgentSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The DC-power system agent software version.
This variable can be different from the
This variable may or may not have the same
value as dcControllerSoftwareVersion in
some implementations."
::= { dcController 4 }

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13.1.4 dcRectifier

Figure 60 dcRectifier

dcRectifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcObjects 4 }

dcRectifierNumRectifiers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of rectifers or rectifier-shelfs
utilized in this system.
This variable indicates the number of rows in
the rectifier table."
::= { dcRectifier 1 }

dcRectifierTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A list of rectifier table entries.
The number of entries is given by the value of
::= { dcRectifier 2 }

dcRectifierEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DCRectifierEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to
a particular rectifier."
INDEX { dcRectifierIndex }
::= { dcRectifierTable 1 }

DCRectifierEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dcRectifierIndex PositiveInteger,
dcRectifierFirmwareVersion DisplayString,
dcRectifierStatus INTEGER,
dcRectifierFault INTEGER,
dcRectifierVoltage INTEGER,
dcRectifierCurrent INTEGER,
dcRectifierAddress NonNegativeInteger

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dcRectifierIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PositiveInteger
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The rectifier identifier."
::= { dcRectifierEntry 1 }

dcRectifierFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The rectifier's firmware version."
::= { dcRectifierEntry 2 }

-- RECXXOFFi:1 else:2
dcRectifierStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current state of the rectifier. Rectifiers
can be on or off. "
::= { dcRectifierEntry 3 }


dcRectifierFault OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This integer holds a bitmask for the rectifier
Bit 0: Low Input
Bit 2: Communication
Bit 3: Temperature Fan
Bit 7: Rectifier Failure"
::= { dcRectifierEntry 4 }

dcRectifierVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.01 Volt DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the rectifier voltage."
::= { dcRectifierEntry 5 }

dcRectifierCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.1 Amp DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the present rectifier
::= { dcRectifierEntry 6 }

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dcRectifierAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The address of the rectifier in the system."
::= { dcRectifierEntry 7 }

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13.1.5 dcBattery

Figure 61 dcBattery

dcBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcObjects 5 }

-- FUSBATi:0 DDCi:1 FANi:2

dcBatteryMainFault OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a fault of the main
components affecting more than one battery
string, e.g. deep discharge contactor.
Bit 0: Main Fuse Fault
Bit 1: Main Contactor Fault
Bit 2: Batteryroom Fan Fault"
::= { dcBattery 1 }

dcBatteryNumBatteries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of batteries.
This variable indicates the number of rows
in the battery table."
::= { dcBattery 2 }

dcBatteryTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A list of battery table entries.
The number of entries is given by the value of
::= { dcBattery 3 }

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dcBatteryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DCBatteryEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to
a particular string of batteries."
INDEX { dcBatteryIndex }
::= { dcBatteryTable 1 }

DCBatteryEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dcBatteryIndex PositiveInteger,
dcBatteryFault INTEGER,
dcBatteryVoltage INTEGER,
dcBatteryCurrent INTEGER,
dcBatteryTemperature INTEGER,
dcBatteryModel DisplayString,
dcBatteryAddress NonNegativeInteger

dcBatteryIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PositiveInteger
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The battery identifier."
::= { dcBatteryEntry 1 }


dcBatteryFault OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The fault of the battery string.
Bit 1: Temperature Fault
Bit 3: Test Fault
Bit 4: Fuse Fault
Bit 5: Contactor Fault
Bit 7: Other Fault"
::= { dcBatteryEntry 2 }

dcBatteryVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.01 Volt DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the battery voltage."
::= { dcBatteryEntry 3 }

dcBatteryCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.1 Amp DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the present battery current."
::= { dcBatteryEntry 4 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcBatteryTemperature OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.1 degrees Centigrade/Fahrenheit"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The battery temperature."
::= { dcBatteryEntry 5 }

dcBatteryModel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..15))
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION"A string identifying the battery string,
e.g. VHB/4/300Ah."
::= { dcBatteryEntry 6 }

dcBatteryAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The address of the battery in the system."
::= { dcBatteryEntry 7 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

13.1.6 dcLoadDistribution

Figure 62 dcLoadDistribution

dcLoadDistribution OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcObjects 6 }

dcLoadDistributionNumLD OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of load distributions.
This variable indicates the number of rows
in the load distribution table."
::= { dcLoadDistribution 1 }

dcLoadDistributionTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DCLoadDistributionEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A list of load distribution table entries."
::= { dcLoadDistribution 2 }

dcLoadDistributionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DCLoadDistributionEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a
particular load string."
INDEX { dcLoadDistributionIndex }
::= { dcLoadDistributionTable 1 }

DCLoadDistributionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dcLoadDistributionIndex PositiveInteger,
dcLoadDistributionVoltage INTEGER,
dcLoadDistributionCurrent INTEGER,
dcLoadDistributionPower INTEGER,
dcLoadDistributionDescription DisplayString,
dcLoadDistributionStatus INTEGER,
dcLoadDistributionAddress NonNegativeInteger

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcLoadDistributionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PositiveInteger
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The load distribution identifier."
::= { dcLoadDistributionEntry 1 }

dcLoadDistributionVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.01 Volt DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the particular load voltage."
::= { dcLoadDistributionEntry 2 }

dcLoadDistributionCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.1 Amp DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the particular load current."
::= { dcLoadDistributionEntry 3 }

dcLoadDistributionPower OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "Watts"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The particular load power."
::= { dcLoadDistributionEntry 4 }

dcLoadDistributionDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..15))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The description of the particular load string."
::= { dcLoadDistributionEntry 5 }

-- 2:FUSLOAXXDCi 4:LOAXXOFFi 1:sonst

dcLoadDistributionStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of the particular load fuse.
Bit 1: OK
Bit 2: Fuse Blown
Bit 4: Contactor Open"
::= { dcLoadDistributionEntry 6 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcLoadDistributionAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The address of the load distribution in
the system."
::= { dcLoadDistributionEntry 7 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

13.1.7 dcACBackup dcBypass

Figure 63 dcBypass

dcBypass OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcACBackup 1 }

dcBypassNumBypass OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bypasses.
This variable indicates the number of rows
in the bypass table."
::= { dcBypass 1 }

dcBypassTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A list of bypass table entries."
::= { dcBypass 2 }

dcBypassEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DCBypassEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable
to a particular bypass."
INDEX { dcBypassIndex }
::= { dcBypassTable 1 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

DCBypassEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dcBypassIndex PositiveInteger,
dcBypassHardwareVersion DisplayString,
dcBypassStatus INTEGER,
dcBypassFault INTEGER,
dcBypassInputVoltageSource1 INTEGER,
dcBypassInputVoltageSource2 INTEGER,
dcBypassOutputVoltage INTEGER,
dcBypassOutputCurrent INTEGER,
dcBypassFrequency INTEGER,
dcBypassActivePower INTEGER,
dcBypassReactivePower INTEGER,
dcBypassComplexPower INTEGER,
dcBypassAddress NonNegativeInteger

dcBypassIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PositiveInteger
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The bypass identifier."
::= { dcBypassEntry 1 }

dcBypassHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The bypass hardware version."
::= { dcBypassEntry 2 }


dcBypassStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current operation mode of the bypass.
Bit 1: Mains Operation
Bit 2: Inverter Operation
Bit 3: Service Bypass Operation"
::= { dcBypassEntry 3 }


dcBypassFault OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a fault of the bypass.
Bit 1: Major Fault
Bit 2: Minor Fault
Bit 3: Switchover Blocked"
::= { dcBypassEntry 4 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcBypassInputVoltageSource1 OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the bypass input voltage
of the primary source."
::= { dcBypassEntry 5 }

dcBypassInputVoltageSource2 OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the bypass input voltage
of the secondary source."
::= { dcBypassEntry 6 }

dcBypassOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the bypass output voltage."
::= { dcBypassEntry 7 }

dcBypassOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the present bypass output
::= { dcBypassEntry 8 }

dcBypassFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.1 Hertz"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The present bypass frequency."
::= { dcBypassEntry 9 }

dcBypassActivePower OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "Watts"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the present active bypass
::= { dcBypassEntry 10 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcBypassReactivePower OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the present reactive bypass
::= { dcBypassEntry 11 }

dcBypassComplexPower OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the present complex bypass
::= { dcBypassEntry 12 }

dcBypassAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The address of the bypass in the system."
::= { dcBypassEntry 13 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter dcInverter

Figure 64 dcInverter

dcInverter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcACBackup 2 }

dcInverterNumInverter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of inverters in the power system.
This variable indicates the number of rows
in the inverter table."
::= { dcInverter 1 }

dcInverterTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A list of inverter table entries. The number
of entries is given by the value of
::= { dcInverter 2 }

dcInverterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DCInverterEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable
to a particular inverter."
INDEX { dcInverterIndex }
::= { dcInverterTable 1 }

DCInverterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dcInverterIndex PositiveInteger,
dcInverterFirmwareVersion DisplayString,
dcInverterStatus INTEGER,
dcInverterFault INTEGER,
dcInverterOutputVoltage INTEGER,
dcInverterOutputCurrent INTEGER,
dcInverterAddress NonNegativeInteger

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcInverterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PositiveInteger
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The inverter identifier."
::= { dcInverterEntry 1 }

dcInverterFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The inverter's firmware version."
::= { dcInverterEntry 2 }

-- 1:INVXXOFFi 2:sonst
dcInverterStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current state of the inverter."
::= { dcInverterEntry 3 }

-- 1:INVXXi 6:???(currently unused) 8:???(currently unused)

dcInverterFault OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the fault of the
Bit 1: Inverter Failure
Bit 6: Overtemperature Fan
Bit 8: Output out of Tolerance
Bit 11: Output Fuse Fault
Bit 12: Overload"
::= { dcInverterEntry 4 }

dcInverterOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the inverter output voltage."
::= { dcInverterEntry 5 }

dcInverterOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The magnitude of the present inverter output
::= { dcInverterEntry 6 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcInverterAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The address of the inverter in the system."
::= { dcInverterEntry 7 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

13.1.8 dcBatteryTest

Figure 65 dcBatteryTest

dcBatteryTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcObjects 8 }

dcBatteryTestNumBatteries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of batteries.
This variable indicates the number of rows
in the battery test table."
::= { dcBatteryTest 1 }

dcBatteryTestTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A list of battery table entries."
::= { dcBatteryTest 2 }

dcBatteryTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DCBatteryTestEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable
to a particular battery-string test."
INDEX { dcBatteryTestIndex }
::= { dcBatteryTestTable 1 }

DCBatteryTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dcBatteryTestIndex PositiveInteger,
dcBatteryTestEndVoltage INTEGER,
dcBatteryTestDuration INTEGER,
dcBatteryTestDischargedEnergy INTEGER,
dcBatteryTestType INTEGER,
dcBatteryTestResult INTEGER,
dcBatteryTestDate DisplayString,
dcBatteryTestTime DisplayString,
dcBatteryTestAddress NonNegativeInteger

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcBatteryTestIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PositiveInteger
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The battery test identifier."
::= { dcBatteryTestEntry 1 }

dcBatteryTestEndVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "0.01 Volt DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The battery string voltage at the end of
the battery test."
::= { dcBatteryTestEntry 2 }

-- ZVODi
dcBatteryTestDuration OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The duration of the last battery test in
::= { dcBatteryTestEntry 3 }

dcBatteryTestDischargedEnergy OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This discharged energy during the last
battery test."
::= { dcBatteryTestEntry 4 }

dcBatteryTestType OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The type of the last battery test."
::= { dcBatteryTestEntry 5 }

-- 2:VODNEGi 1:sonst
dcBatteryTestResult OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The result of the last battery test."
::= { dcBatteryTestEntry 6 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

-- nicht verfügbar / not available

dcBatteryTestDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..15))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A string containing the date of battery
test start (YYYY-MM-DD)."
::= { dcBatteryTestEntry 7 }

-- nicht verfügbar / not available

dcBatteryTestTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..7))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A string containing the time of battery
test start (HH:MM)."
::= { dcBatteryTestEntry 8 }

dcBatteryTestAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The address of the battery in the system."
::= { dcBatteryTestEntry 9 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

13.1.9 dcControl

Figure 66 dcControl

dcControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcObjects 9 }

-- 1:DL 2:LA 3:TB (MCU Fernwirkbefehle / MCU remote command)

dcControlMode OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object controls the system mode
. batteryTest(3) starts a battery test and
setting the mode to float(1) or boost(2)
will manually stop a battery test."
::= { dcControl 1 }

-- 1:EN (MCU Fernwirkbefehle / MCU remote command)

dcControlRestartFaultyUnits OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { restartFaultyUnits(1)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object restarts all faulty units in the
system. After setting this object (1), the
agent responses with 0 if executed."
::= { dcControl 2 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

13.1.10 dcConfig

Figure 67 dcConfig

dcConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcObjects 10 }

dcConfigFloatVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
UNITS "0.01 Volt DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The float voltage of the system."
::= { dcConfig 1 }

dcConfigBoostVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
UNITS "0.01 Volt DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The boost voltage of the system."
::= { dcConfig 2 }

dcConfigStandByVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
UNITS "0.01 Volt DC"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The stand by-voltage of the system. E.g.
during a battery test."
::= { dcConfig 3 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

13.1.11 dcAlarm

Figure 68 dcAlarm

dcAlarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcObjects 11 }

dcAlarmsPresent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The present number of active alarm conditions."
::= { dcAlarm 1 }

dcAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A list of alarm entries."
::= { dcAlarm 2 }

dcAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DcAlarmEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to
a particular alarm."
INDEX { dcAlarmId }
::= { dcAlarmTable 1 }

DcAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dcAlarmId PositiveInteger,
dcAlarmDescr AutonomousType,
dcAlarmTime TimeStamp,
dcAlarmDevice PositiveInteger

SYNTAX PositiveInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for an alarm condition
This value must remain constant."
::= { dcAlarmEntry 1 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcAlarmDescr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AutonomousType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION"A reference to an alarm description object.
The object referenced should not be
accessible, but rather be used to provide a
unique description of the alarm condition."
::= { dcAlarmEntry 2 }

SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION"The value of sysUpTime when the alarm condition
was detected. If the alarm condition was
detected at the time of agent startup and
presumably existed before agent startup,
the value of dcAlarmTime shall equal 0."
::= { dcAlarmEntry 3 }

dcAlarmDevice OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PositiveInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION"This value shows the device that causes the
alarm or the value of a threshold level that
caused the alarm."
::= { dcAlarmEntry 4 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter dcWellKnownAlarms

Figure 69 dcWellKnownAlarms

dcWellKnownAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcAlarm 3 }

dcAlarmAgentCommunication OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a communication problem
from the agent to the DC-power system."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 1 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an alarm in the AC-input,
e.g. ac input fuse blown, ac input breaker
tripped or mains failure."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 2 }

dcAlarmRectifierFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an alarm of rectifiers,
e.g. broken rectifier, fan or temperature
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 3 }

dcAlarmBatteryFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an alarm of batteries,
e.g. fuse blown, symmetry or temperature."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 4 }

dcAlarmInverterFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an alarm of inverters,
e.g. input
fuse, fan."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 5 }


dcAlarmBypassFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an alarm of bypasses,
e.g. switch-over blocked."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 6 }

dcAlarmBattDischarge OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the battery is
in discharge mode."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 7 }

STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a low battery voltage."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 8 }


dcAlarmBusbarVoltageHigh OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a high busbar voltage."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 9 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcAlarmBatteryTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the battery
temperature is abnormal."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 10 }

dcAlarmLoadDisconnected OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a disconnected load."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 11 }

dcAlarmAllRectifierOff OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that all rectifiers are
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 12 }

-- N+1i, N+1RECi
dcAlarmNoRedundancy OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a loss of rectifier
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 13 }

-- FIDi (Brand), TEXTi (Ex. Temp.), OBPi (Objektschutz),

DOORACi (Schranktür), SMDi (Rauchmelder), DOOROOi (Raumtür),
WADi (Wassermelder)
dcAlarmExternalFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an external fault.
External faults are e.g. door open, smoke
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 14 }


dcAlarmAuxiliaryFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an auxiliary fault.
Auxiliary faults are e.g. air condition,
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 15 }

dcAlarmBatteryFuseTripped OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that a battery fuse has
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 16 }

dcAlarmDCLoadFuseTripped OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that a dc load fuse
has tripped."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 17 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

-- VODi
dcAlarmBatteryTestInProgress OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the system is
in battery test mode."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 18 }

dcAlarmBatteryTestFailed OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the battery test has
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 19 }

STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the system is in
boost mode."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 20 }

STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a general alarm."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 21 }
dcAlarmNonUrgentError OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a non urgent error."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 22 }

dcAlarmUrgentError OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an urgent error."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 23 }

dcAlarmMcuHasNoSatbusContact OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the MCU unit has
no contact to the SATBUS."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 24 }

-- MODi
dcAlarmModemNotResponsing OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the modem does not
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 25 }


dcAlarmBusbarVoltageLow OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a low busbar voltage."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 26 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcAlarmDeepDischargeContactorDropped OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a dropped deep
discharge contactor."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 27 }

dcAlarmFanRectifierFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that a rectifier
fan failed. The device id is given in the
dcAlarmDevice field."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 28 }

dcAlarmLoadFuseTripped OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a tripped load fuse."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 29 }

-- FUSi
dcAlarmFuseTripped OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a tripped fuse."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 30 }

dcAlarmLoadFuseAcTripped OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a tripped AC load
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 31 }

dcAlarmBatteryFuseOff OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a switched off battery
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 32 }

STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a switched off load
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 33 }

dcAlarmFuseRectifierTripped OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the fuse of the
rectifier given in field dcAlarmDevice has
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 34 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcAlarmRectifierOff OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the rectifier
given as dcAlarmDevice is off."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 35 }

-- SVPi
dcAlarmSurgeVoltageProtectionTripped OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a tripped surge voltage
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 36 }

-- THIGi
dcAlarmTemperatureHigh OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the temperature is
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 37 }

dcAlarmTemperatureSensorFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a fault of the
temperature sensor."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 38 }

STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a mains error."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 39 }

-- DEVi
dcAlarmDeviceFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a device fault."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 40 }

dcAlarmBatterySymmetryMonitoring OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an alarm in the
battery symmetry monitoring."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 41 }

-- EFAi
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an earth fault."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 42 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

-- EFA(-)i
dcAlarmEarthFaultMinusCircuit OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an earth fault in
the minus circuit."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 43 }

-- EFA(+)i
dcAlarmEarthFaultPlusCircuit OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an earth fault in
the plus circuit."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 44 }

dcAlarmDcDcConverterFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a DC-DC converter
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 45 }

dcAlarmBatteryTestError OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a failed battery test."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 46 }

-- BCIi
dcAlarmBatteryCircuitFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a battery circuit
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 47 }

dcAlarmBatteryExhaustivelyDischarged OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the battery was
discharged exhaustively."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 48 }

dcAlarmBatteryNotAvailable OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the battery is
not available."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 49 }

STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a reserved error."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 50 }

-- DOOi
dcAlarmDoorContact OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a door contact alarm."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 51 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcAlarmBypassSwitchOn OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the bypass
switch is on."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 52 }

dcAlarmStaticBypassSwitchoverBlocked OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the static
bypass switchover is blocked."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 53 }

dcAlarmStaticBypassOverload OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an overload of the
static bypass."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 54 }

dcAlarmStaticBypassOutputVoltageFault OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a fault of the static
bypass output voltage."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 55 }

-- FANi
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a fan fault."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 56 }

-- EMSi
dcAlarmEmergencyStop OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that an emergency
stop was executed."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 57 }

dcAlarmLoadCurrentHigh OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the load current
is high."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 58 }

dcAlarmMainsSwitchOff OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the mains switch
is turned off."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 59 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

dcAlarmOutputVoltageHigh OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the output voltage
is high."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 60 }

dcAlarmCounterCellContactorAktiv OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the counter cell
contactor is active."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 61 }

-- SESi
dcAlarmServiceSwitch OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an activated service
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 62 }

-- UPSi
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a fault of the UPS."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 63 }

dcAlarmOutputVoltageLow OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the output voltage
is low."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 64 }

-- WHIGi
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a high ripple."
::= { dcWellKnownAlarms 65 }

06.05.10 - Epping 94/97 4618 en

Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

13.1.12 dcAuxiliary

Figure 70 dcAuxiliary

-- nicht verfügbar / not available

dcAuxiliary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcObjects 12 }

-- nicht verfügbar / not available

dcAuxiliaryNumAux OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NonNegativeInteger
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of Auxiliaries.
This variable indicates the number of rows in
the auxiliary table."
::= { dcAuxiliary 1 }

-- nicht verfügbar / not available

dcAuxiliaryTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A list of auxiliary table entries.
The number of entries is given by the value of
::= { dcAuxiliary 2 }

-- nicht verfügbar / not available

dcAuxiliaryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DCAuxiliaryEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a
particular auxiliary component."
INDEX { dcAuxiliaryIndex }
::= { dcAuxiliaryTable 1 }

DCAuxiliaryEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dcAuxiliaryIndex PositiveInteger,
dcAuxiliaryDescription DisplayString,
dcAuxiliaryStatus INTEGER

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

-- nicht verfügbar / not available

dcAuxiliaryIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PositiveInteger
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The auxiliary identifier."
::= { dcAuxiliaryEntry 1 }

-- nicht verfügbar / not available

dcAuxiliaryDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A string describing the auxiliary component,
e.g. fuel level, configured in the agent."
::= { dcAuxiliaryEntry 2 }

-- nicht verfügbar / not available

dcAuxiliaryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current state of the component."
::= { dcAuxiliaryEntry 3 }

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Operating instructions MCU TCP/IP adapter

13.1.13 dcTraps

Figure 71 dcTraps

dcTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcmcuMIB 2 }

OBJECTS { dcAlarmId, dcAlarmDescr, dcAlarmDevice }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent upon a alarm in the system
appears. Binding in the trap is description
of alarm and the device that causes the alarm."
::= { dcTraps 1 }

dcTrapAlarmEntryRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE
OBJECTS { dcAlarmId, dcAlarmDescr, dcAlarmDevice }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent upon a alarm in the system
disappears. Binding in the trap is description
of alarm and the device that causes the alarm."
::= { dcTraps 2 }

assigned MCU alarm protocol shortcut

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