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Search title:

No. Unique code Type Licensor

License, Know-
how, Trade secret,
Software, Other
1 RR20180122T00103 ≡

2 RR20170725T08002 ≡

3 RR20130325T02002 Trademark, Trade ≡

Sublicense, Patent,
4 RR20130225T01001 ≡

5 RR20150609T09002 Trademark, ≡
6 RR20130701T01002 Trademark, ≡
Copyright, Trade
secret, Patent

7 RR20130702T01003 ≡
Trademark, Brand,

8 RR20140617T06001 Trademark, ≡

9 RR20170109T06003 Trademark, ≡

10 RR20140715T05001 Trademark, ≡

11 RR20130527T04001 License, Copyright, ≡
Patent, Software

Trademark, Brand,
Cross license,
12 RR20131231T01001 ≡

13 RR20160414T07001 Trademark, ≡
14 RR20160506T06001 License, Software ≡

15 RR20150901T09003 Technology, Patent, ≡
Trade name,

16 RR20161027T04001 ≡
Copyright, Brand,
Patent, Trade

17 RR20160912T04002 Technology, ≡

18 RR20161010T06002 License, Software ≡

License, Patent,
19 RR20140919T05002 Trade name, ≡

20 RR20130722T06001 ≡

License, Patent,
21 RR20131114T07001 ≡
Copyright, Trade
22 RR20130906T07002 ≡
secret, Brand,
Patent, Trade
name, Software

23 RR20140520T01001 ≡
Technology, Patent

24 RR20170915T09001 License, Patent ≡

25 RR20131118T06001 Trademark, Trade ≡
name, Software

License, Patent,
26 RR20130317T08028 Cross license, ≡

27 RR20130317T03029 ≡
Goodwill, Software

28 RR20130410T03001 License, Copyright ≡

29 RR20130925T02001 License, Software ≡

Know-how, Cross
30 RR20130625T07001 ≡
license, Software

Know-how, Cross
31 RR20130626T07001 ≡
license, Software

32 RR20130425T08002 ≡
License, Software

33 RR20130421T04009 ≡
Copyright, Patent,

34 RR20130408T07003 ≡
Copyright, Patent,

35 RR20130410T07001 Trademark, ≡

License, Copyright,
36 RR20130415T07001 ≡

37 RR20130422T02001 ≡
Copyright, Trade
secret, Goodwill,
Patent, Software
38 RR20130422T02003 License, Software ≡

39 RR20130503T08001 License, Software ≡

License, Software,
40 RR20180305T00901 ≡

41 RR20130905T01001 License, Copyright, ≡

42 RR20151014T04001 ≡

43 RR20130418T01003 Copyright, ≡
Technology, Patent,
Trade name

44 RR20130317T07010 License ≡

45 RR20130405T02002 License, Trademark ≡

46 RR20130412T07001 License, Trademark ≡

47 RR20130412T07002 License, Trademark ≡

48 RR20130328T02001 License, Trademark ≡

License, Copyright,
49 RR20130403T02001 ≡
Trade secret,

50 RR20130319T03002 License, Trademark ≡

51 RR20130430T03002 License ≡

License, Cross
52 RR20130529T03001 ≡
license, R&D

License, Copyright,
53 RR20130701T01001 ≡
Trade secret,
Technology, Patent
54 RR20130625T06001 ≡
Trademark, Patent

55 RR20150424T09002 ≡

56 RR20150325T09002 ≡
Copyright, Trade
secret, Technology,

57 RR20130408T03001 ≡
Copyright, Brand,
Trade name

License, Brand,
58 RR20130408T08002 Trade name, ≡

59 RR20130917T07001 License ≡

60 RR20131114T07003 Trademark, Trade ≡

61 RR20131114T07002 Trademark, Trade ≡
Copyright, Trade
62 RR20130509T04002 ≡
secret, Brand,
Patent, Trade

License, Copyright,
63 RR20130712T02002 ≡
Trade secret,
Technology, Patent

64 RR20130423T04001 ≡
Technology, Patent

65 RR20160531T06001 ≡
Copyright, Trade
secret, Patent

66 RR20160523T06002 Trademark, Trade ≡

67 RR20160409T01001 Trademark, Trade ≡

68 RR20140211T01001 License, ≡

Sublicense, Know-
how, Copyright,
69 RR20130701T01003 ≡
Trade secret,
Technology, Patent
70 RR20171122T00808 Software, License ≡

License, Copyright,
71 RR20130703T04001 ≡
Trade secret,

72 RR201606714T06002 Trademark, ≡

73 RR20150901T09002 License ≡

License, Know-
74 RR20140109T01001 ≡
how, Technology

Trademark, Trade
75 RR20140728T05001 ≡
secret, Technology,
Patent, Trade

76 RR20180124T00904 License, Software ≡

77 RR20140520T02001 ≡
Goodwill, Patent
78 RR20140521T01003 ≡

79 RR20130317T01001 ≡
Trademark, Trade
secret, Patent

80 RR20130317T06004 License ≡

81 RR20130315T03001 Know-how, License ≡

82 RR20130322T02001 ≡
Copyright, Trade
secret, Patent,
Trade name

83 RR20130329T02001 License ≡

84 RR20130405T02001 License, Copyright ≡

85 RR20130507T08001 ≡
Copyright, Patent
86 RR20130528T08002 License ≡

Copyright, Trade
87 RR20130219T08001 ≡
secret, Technology,

88 RR20130716T08006 Trademark, ≡
Copyright, Patent

Copyright, Trade
89 RR20130326T07001 ≡
secret, Goodwill,
Patent, Trade

License, Copyright,
Patent, Other
90 RR20170621T07001 manufacturing ≡

91 RR20130603T09001 License ≡

92 RR20160908T06001 Copyright, Brand, ≡
Patent, Trade

93 RR20141118T04001 License, Brand ≡

License, Know-
how, Patent,
Software, Trade
94 RR20180308T02601 secret, Copyright, ≡

License, Software,
95 RR20180315T00901 Technology, ≡

96 RR20130716T04020 Trademark, Trade ≡
secret, Trade name

97 RR20130716T09021 Trademark, Trade ≡
secret, Trade name

98 RR20130626T03002 License, ≡

99 RR20130421T04034 Know-how, License ≡

100 RR20130423T02002 Copyright, Trade ≡
secret, Patent,
Trade name

101 RR20130424T07001 License, R&D, ≡
Trade name
102 RR20130410T07002 License, Trademark ≡

103 RR20130711T02002 License, Patent ≡

License, Patent,
104 RR20130317T06005 ≡

105 RR20130205T01003 License, Patent ≡

106 RR20130404T02001 Trademark, Trade ≡

107 RR20130408T07002 License, R&D ≡

108 RR20130412T07003 License, Trademark ≡

109 RR20130325T02001 ≡
Copyright, Trade
secret, Patent,
Trade name
110 RR20130321T02001 License, Copyright ≡

111 RR20130419T02001 License, Patent ≡

112 RR20171122T00905 License, Trademark ≡

113 RR20140521T01001 License, Patent ≡

114 RR20130716T04006 ≡
Technology, Patent

115 RR20160224T01008 License ≡

116 RR20160224T01007 License ≡

117 RR20140331T06001 ≡
Technology, Trade
118 RR20131219T06002 License ≡

119 RR20131231T06002 License ≡

120 RR20160420T01002 License, Copyright ≡

121 RR20160421T01001 Copyright, Trade ≡
secret, Patent,
Trade name

License, Copyright,
122 RR20170727T01004 ≡

123 RR20170918T09003 License, Software ≡

124 RR20140415T06001 Trademark, ≡
Copyright, Trade
secret, Patent

125 RR20171106T09003 License, Software ≡

126 RR20130926T01001 Trademark, Trade ≡

127 RR20130911T01001 ≡
Technology, Patent

128 RR20130403T08001 ≡
Technology, Patent

129 RR20130410T08002 License ≡

130 RR20130921T02002 Trademark, ≡
Goodwill, Patent

131 RR20131114T06001 ≡
Technology, Patent

132 RR20130502T08002 License, Copyright ≡

133 RR20150918T04001 Copyright, Trade ≡
secret, Technology,
Sublicense, Know-
how, Trademark,
Copyright, Trade
134 RR20161111T06001 ≡
secret, Brand,
Technology, Patent,
Trade name

License, Software,
135 RR20180305T00902 Technology, ≡

136 RR20130418T02001 Trademark, ≡

137 RR20130430T08001 License ≡

138 RR20130319T02001 Copyright, Trade ≡
secret, Patent,
Trade name

139 RR20130319T02002 License, Trademark ≡

Copyright, Brand,
140 RR20171120T00906 ≡

141 RR20130317T06019 License, ≡
142 RR20150421T04001 ≡

143 RR20130627T04001 License, Patent ≡

144 RR20150630T09002 License ≡

145 RR20171118T00903 License, Software ≡

146 RR20140204T06001 Copyright, ≡
Technology, Patent,
Trade name

147 RR20160804T06001 Trademark, Brand, ≡
Trade name

Copyright, Brand,
148 RR20171120T00905 ≡

Sublicense, Know-
how, Trademark,
149 RR20130416T06001 Copyright, Trade ≡
secret, Technology,
150 RR20130319T04002 ≡
Copyright, Patent

151 RR20170516T04001 ≡
Copyright, Trade
secret, Technology,
Patent, Software

Sublicense, Know-
how, License,
152 RR20130206T02001 ≡

153 RR20160922T06002 License ≡

154 RR20161011T04001 License, ≡
Technology, Patent

155 RR20130913T06002 Know-how, License ≡

156 RR20130919T06001 ≡

157 RR20130823T02002 Trademark, ≡
Copyright, Trade
secret, Patent
Copyright, Trade
158 RR20130612T03001 ≡
secret, Brand,
Goodwill, Patent,
Trade name

159 RR20130422T02002 License ≡

License, Trade
secret, Brand,
160 RR20130716T03005 ≡
Trade name,

161 RR20130625T03001 License, ≡
Technology, Patent

Sublicense, Know-
how, Trademark,
162 RR20130421T04018 ≡
Technology, Patent

163 RR20150213T09001 ≡

164 RR20130910T07001 License ≡

License, Copyright,
165 RR20130921T07001 ≡
Trade secret,
Technology, Patent
Copyright, Trade
166 RR20130927T02001 secret, Patent, ≡
Know-how, Trade

167 RR20131122T06001 Trademark, ≡
Technology, Patent

168 RR20131120T06001 License ≡

169 RR20130409T03001 License ≡

170 RR20130823T09001 License, Patent ≡

171 RR20130812T08001 Trademark, Trade ≡
name, Copyright

172 RR20130906T03003 ≡
Trademark, Trade
secret, Technology

173 RR20130412T08001 License, Patent ≡

174 RR20130807T03001 Trademark, ≡

175 RR20171122T00809 Technology, ≡

176 RR20140211T01002 Trademark, Trade ≡

License, Patent,
177 RR20130909T08001 ≡

License, Copyright,
178 RR20130712T03002 ≡
Technology, Patent

179 RR20160921TP001 License, Patent ≡

Copyright, Trade
180 RR20170525TP1002 secret, Technology, ≡
181 RR20160519TP6002 ≡
Copyright, Trade
secret, Brand,
License, Copyright,
182 RR20170623TN7001 ≡

183 RR20150610TN9002 Trademark, ≡
Copyright, Patent,

184 RR20150610TN9003 License, Copyright ≡

Copyright, Trade
secret, Technology,
185 RR20170803TN8004 ≡
Patent, Trade
name, Other

License, Patent,
186 RR20171206TN0901 ≡

License, Other
187 RR20170622TN1005 ≡

188 RR20161111TR6002 ≡
Copyright, Trade
secret, Technology,

189 RR20150701TR9001 License ≡

License, Software,
Copyright, Patent,
190 RR20171205TR0903 ≡
Trademark, Trade

191 RR20161027TR4002 License ≡

192 RR20161115TR4001 License, ≡

193 RR20160517TR1001 License, Patent ≡

License, Software,
194 RR20180125TR0102 ≡
Industry: Artificial intelligence software and other software products.


Licensor’s activities Licensee Licensee’s activities

Licensee is a company that develops

and markets infrastructure software that
enables businesses to
≡ exchange information reliably and
securely in real time, both internally and
with their partners, suppliers and

Licensor is engaged in marketing and

PREVIEW] computer software, which
Licensor is an artificial intelligence
software and engineering firm.
and related computer hardware, for
automated manufacturing and control

Licensor is one of the pioneers in the

field of artificial intelligence, artificial life
Licensee is an online and mobile division
and so called [UNDISCLOSED FOR ≡
PREVIEW] software robots for online
and mobile applications.

Licensee is creating products and

≡ services designed to improve the
experience of media.

Licensor is a family safety company,

Licensee is dedicated to creating
among other things, developing software
≡ technology-based products that reinforce
intended to keep children safe while
the importance of safety for children.
Licensor is a technology company,
specializing in media collaboration
solutions powered by patented video

compression technology that provides
television quality streaming video over
the internet.

Licensor engages in the business of

research and development of computer
software and hardware technologies and Licensee engages in the business of

the provision of related consulting travel products and services.
services as well as the provision of
management consulting services.

Licensor is active in the development of

Licensee is a language technology
speech recognition technology and
company with solutions for the personal
further developing that technology for
≡ computer, Internet and wireless markets
integration into, manufacturing, selling
targeting business-to-business revenue
and distribution of speech enabled
products and services.

Licensee is in the business of providing

Licensor produces, publishes, markets,
≡ compelling content to mobile telephone
distributes and exploits media content.

Licensee has developed certain radio

Licensor owns certain computer software
devices and systems along_x000D_
related to self-organizing and healing
≡ with hardware manufacturing capacities
networks, data compression, and radio
and plans to develop AMR (automatic
performance enhancement.
meter reading) devices and systems.

Licensor was established to develop

solutions for data input and virtual Licensee is a major Taiwan internet

interactivity through artificial audio-visual service provider.

Licensee is focused on subscriber-based


Licensor is in the business of electronic

direct marketing.

Licensor owns a software product known


Licensee implements various mobile

technologies including specialized mobile
business applications, wireless networks,
≡ mobile computers and provides a
comprehensive suite of consulting,
integration, deployment and support

Licensee develops and manufactures

software solutions that store, manage,
≡ and safeguard large quantities of data
created in a business and application

Licensor is a leader in the emerging

market for software-based identity
management solutions, providing

biometric, secure credential, law
enforcement and digital imaging
Licensor is in a business of developing,
selling, distributing and maintaining a
suite of software programs to be used by ≡
third parties to implement business
intelligence solutions.

Licensee designs, develops,

manufactures, markets and services

high-performance computing

Licensee is engaged in the business of

≡ providing software and related consulting

Licensor is a software developer and

application service provider.

Licensee is in the business of developing

and manufacturing products and
≡ providing services in the Internet,
enterprise networking, and
communications markets.

Licensor is a provider of intelligent

storage software solutions for servers,

professional workstations and digital
media workflows.

Licensor is in telecommunications Licensee is a subsidiary of

business specializing in the design, [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], one
development and distribution of of the world's leading providers of
telecommunications software and communications solutions and services

services, in particular high-quality Voice- including local, national and international
over-internet protocol (VoIP) services to telecommunications services, and
mobile telephone users and messenger higher-value broadband and internet
services. products and services.

Licensee is a technology company

providing software-enabled services in
the areas of healthcare transaction

processing, software solutions, and
professional services for corporate and
government clients.
Licensee develops, manufactures,
Licensor owns and develops certain
distributes and otherwise commercializes
wireless platform software and related
gaming equipment, games, operating
intellectual property to support the ≡
systems for gaming equipment and
integration and mobilization of "casino"
related products and services throughout
gaming applications.
the United States and other countries.

Licensors own certain wireless platform Licensee develops, manufactures,

software and related intellectual property distributes and otherwise commercializes
which supports the integration and gaming equipment, games, operating

mobilization of “casino” gaming systems for gaming equipment and
applications into “in casino” wireless related products and services throughout
gaming delivery systems. the United States and other countries.

Licensee is focused on marketing,

selling, and distributing a range of

Internet software applications and
services for cell phones worldwide.

Licensor has developed certain

information, expertise, know-how, show-
how related to a proprietary software ≡
program, marketed under the trade name

Licensee is an innovative software

products and services company
≡ specializing in providing healthcare
management and information systems

Licensor develops, markets and supports

software products that enable software

programmers to create enterprise class

Licensee is in the business of

Licensor is a broadband communications
≡ acquisition, development, licensing and
solutions provider.
protection of intellectual property.

Licensors provide innovative managed

solutions for turning data into revenue ≡
Licensor offers a multi-platform software
solution for fast, inexpensive and secure

file transfers both inside and outside the

Licensor is in the business of operating a

sports gaming website.

Licensor provides the infrastructure to

make mobile barcode scanning and its

associated commerce easy, universal,
and reliable.

Licensee's principal business is the

production, marketing and sales via the

Internet of a software product called

Licensee is a subscription-based,
≡ software-as-a-service provider of
education products.

Licensor develops, markets and supports

software products that enable software
programmers to create enterprise class ≡
applications, operating on Microsoft
Windows or Linux operating systems.
Licensee is a Russian based

communications distributor.

Licensee has expertise in advising

Licensor advertises, markets and sells
companies in direct response media
via internet a line of antivirus and internet ≡
campaigns, including radio and television
security products.
direct response commercials.

Licensee is a provider of recently

developed technologies for drug and
≡ medical device development

Licensor is in the business of developing

Licensee is in the business of operating
software solutions and applications for ≡
trading through the web.
enabling trading through the web.

Licensee currently operates three

≡ Russian television channels

Licensor is a sales and marketing

company that carries on the business of
licensing, integrating and operating
≡ Licensee is a marketing company.
products for other remote gambling

Licensor is a technology company,

specializing in media collaboration
solutions powered by patented video

compression technology that provides
television quality streaming video over
the internet.

Licensor develops digital media

management and workflow automation Licensee is focused on organizational

system software specifically for the matters.
entertainment business.

Licensee is engaged in the process of

Licensor is a vertically integrated, developing a software platform and

technology-focused media company. mobile container product for commercial

Licensee developed, marketed,

published and distributed social games
≡ and software applications that
consumers could use on a variety of

Licensee developed, marketed,

published and distributed social games
≡ and software applications that
consumers could use on a variety of

Licensee is in the business of mobile

Licensor is in the business of locating entertainment and distribution of mobile

and promoting recording talents. content for all kinds of mobile
communication devices to end users.

Licensor is a software developer and

application service provider.

Licensor has developed software,

including database managers and online

systems, for the operation of internet-
based entertainment sites.
Licensor is engaged in the business of
developing, manufacturing and
marketing software relating to integrated ≡
security building management

Licensee is the global market leader for

advanced programming and intellectual

property management solutions

Licensee specializes in internet social

working sites, where members of certain

social networks can cross pollinate with
other current social network sites.

Licensor is engaged in the business of

developing software [UNDISCLOSED ≡

Licensor is the developer of the software

Licensee develops and markets
solutions for the creation, manipulation ≡
computer software products.
and delivering of the digital media.

Licensee is the owner and operator of

several internet casino web sites.

Licensee is a provider of value-added

services and software to Tier 1 and Tier 2

telecommunications carriers and transit
network operators throughout the world.

Licensor is engaged in the business of

cyber security.

Licensor is a technology company,

specializing in media collaboration
solutions powered by patented video

compression technology that provides
television quality streaming video over
the internet.

Licensor utilizes, markets, develops and

sells software application to ≡
entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Licensor is leading the world-wide

commercialization of correlation ≡

Licensor is engaged in the business of

designing and developing technology,

systems and products in the nature of
electronic payments processing.

Licensee develops, markets, licenses

and supports software that enables users
≡ to communicate and conduct business
over the Internet, intranets, or other
online communications systems.

Licensee is a development stage

≡ company planning to sell licensed
Licensee provides a comprehensive
suite of state-of-the-art real-time 3D
animation software addressed to four
≡ main markets: 3D music visualization,
3D-interactive advertising, synchronized
3D multimedia entertainment, and 3D
gaming experiences.
Licensee is engaged in the design,
research and development, integration,
analysis, modelling, system networking,
sales and support of intelligent
≡ surveillance, three-dimensional facial
recognition and three-dimensional
imaging devices and systems primarily
for identification and access control in
the security industries.
Licensee is principally engaged in the
design, development, marketing, sale,
and support of customer intelligence
≡ software applications for the front office,
which include those areas of business
activity that involve customer
interactions, such as sales.

Licensor is in the business of operating,

Licensee is in the business of operating
marketing and recruitment of
platform on the internet.

Licensee is a start-up company

comprised of management and sales
Licensor develops educational software
≡ executives in education; its main focus is
programs and services.
on the sales and marketing of
educational software.

Licensee provides information

optimization products and software
Licensor is engaged in the development solutions that allow organizations to

of computer software. deliver an extensive variety of data into
analytic applications.

Licensee is a provider of rule engine

≡ software and services for mission-critical

Licensee is engaged in the business of

developing, marketing, and distributing
educational products and services for the

market that are implemented in
licensee's private learning centers and
sold to public and private schools and
Licensor is a sales and marketing
company that carries on the business of
licensing, integrating and operating
≡ Licensee is a marketing company.
products for other remote gambling

Licensor possesses substantial know-

how and other intellectual property in the

form of a functional computer-automated
stock tracking analytics program.

Licensee is a direct-to-consumer global

≡ marketer and distributor of consumer
goods and products.

Licensor is the developer of information

technology solutions targeted to records

compliance market and corporate
enterprise management software market.

Licensee is a company engaged in

marketing and sale of information
≡ technology solutions to healthcare
providers, including hospitals and

Licensor is a technology company that

Licensee is in the business of distributing
designs and develops [UNDISCLOSED
and supporting computer software
FOR PREVIEW] solutions for delivery to ≡
applications to its customers and
its target markets: aviation/homeland
security and healthcare.

Licensor is a company that develops,

enhances and supports software ≡

Licensor is a provider of digital content

across mobile devices.
Licensor is a company engaged in
reselling products which enable
≡ enterprises to apply rich internet
application technology to the wealth of
existing (legacy) applications.

Licensor is one of the largest handgun

manufacturers in the world.

Licensee is a developer of the

[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] Licensee offers software and services for
software, a leading application application and system development,

development framework for extension, integration and analysis to
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] enterprise customers worldwide.

Licensee creates Microsoft applications

for network infrastructure administrators

that provide for the modelling, planning
and documentation of data centers.
Licensor develops, markets and supports
software products that enable software
programmers to create enterprise class ≡
applications, operating on Microsoft
Windows or Linux operating systems.

Licensee provides web-based electronic

data capture and eClinical software and

services that streamline the clinical
research process.

Licensee develops and manufactures

products and provides services in the

Internet, enterprise networking, and
communications markets.

Licensor markets and sells software

which provides a comprehensive solution
to credit card fraud by addressing the
security needs of consumer clients,

credit card companies, banks and
merchants through instant verification
that is inexpensive to implement and
simple to use.

Licensor is a provider of customer

relationship management industry- ≡
focused solutions.

Licensor is developing e-commerce,

mobile entertainment software and online
brands for licensing and marketing to the ≡
online e-commerce and wireless
entertainment industries worldwide.

Licensee is a start-up company

comprised of management and sales
executives in education; its main focus is
Licensor develops educational software
≡ on the sales and marketing of
programs and services.
educational software titles serving
schools with grade levels from
kindergarten through higher education.
Licensee is a development stage
company that offers an easy to use
Licensor is licensee's software partner. ≡
technology platform that streamlines the
credit management process.

Licensor is a cognitive learning and

development company that builds

software tools for improving occupational
and brain health and performance.

Licensor is a company engaged in

Licensee is in the business of online
providing technology services and ≡
software licenses.

Licensor is a company engaged in

Licensee is in the business of online
providing technology services and ≡
software licenses.

Licensee is a development stage

company and was organized to engage
in creating, marketing and selling of
proprietary engagement marketing
≡ technologies and or acquiring
complementary technologies and or
other companies focused on the
development and marketing of such
Licensee intends to develop and provide
≡ social gaming mobile applications for
fantasy sports enthusiasts.

Licensee intends to develop and provide

≡ social gaming mobile applications for
fantasy sports enthusiasts.

Licensor is one of the top China national Licensee operates internet websites in

software enterprises. China.

Licensor develops technologies designed

to enhance the performance and security ≡
of wireless networking technologies.

Licensee is a company engaged in

providing software and services to end
users and enterprises that have a strong

need for high performance distributed
computing solutions for complex
technical and business problems.

Licensor develops, markets and supports

software products.

Licensor is a developer of software Licensee focuses on piracy management

security solutions. software.

Licensee function as a provider of mobile

≡ marketing systems and solutions for

Licensor is a provider of e-commerce

software platforms and services for the ≡
catalog and retail industry.

Licensee specialize in owning and

operating legal and licensed interactive

software-based games of chance

Licensee's goal is to be a strategic

acquirer and integrator of web-based

services and real time solutions

License is a developer, manufacturer and

≡ marketer of, among other things,
handheld computing products.

Licensee currently operates three

≡ Russian television channels:

Licensor is engaged in the marketing of Licensor is the largest online gaming

applications. operator in South Africa.

Licensor is the owner of all rights to

software applications compatible with
Licensee is a provider of interactive
mobile wireless platform, internet ≡
games and other content.
platforms and interactive digital TV

Licensor provides integrated classroom-

based, print and online products and
services that address the needs of ≡
students, parents, educators and
educational institutions.
Licensee is providing services in the

travel industry.

Licensee is a provider of
software, which enables application
≡ deployment and management across
multiple devices and network
connections while maintaining desktop
functionality and usability.

Licensor is in the business of processing

electronic transfers of funds.

Licensor is focused on licensing software

designed to enable customers to Licensee is a provider of various

enhance their email communications with Internet-related products and services.
voice and multimedia features.

Licensee's business plan is to further

develop and commercialize a software


Licensor is a publisher of financial and

business information [UNDISCLOSED ≡

Licensee is in the business of providing

≡ e-Business software and support

Licensor is engaged in developing a
multiplayer tournament [UNDISCLOSED ≡
FOR PREVIEW] software platform.

Licensor is the owner of technology Licensee is in the business of developing

which is capable of being adapted and and commercially exploiting computer

combined with other technology to create software for use in connection with the
authoring tools for the internet. internet.

Licensor owns certain distribution rights

to [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], an Licensee is a wholly-owned subsidiary of

Enterprise Management System (EMS) a development stage enterprise.
software development platform.

Licensor owns a software product known

as the Universal Electronic Payment ≡
System (U.E.P.S.).

Licensee is engaged in the marketing of

Licensor is engaged in development and
internet services to the customers of the
distribution of internet infrastructure
technology called [UNDISCLOSED FOR
companies and internet service provider
companies owned by licensee.

Licensee is the primary holding company

for the software business.

Licensee develops and provides

computer-based compliance training

products and services, which are
marketed nationally and internationally.

Licensee provides services involving

Licensor operates a business related to
recycling plastics, metals and other
intellectual property and product tracking
materials, remanufacturing products to
system software pertaining to measuring ≡
their original condition and distribution of
component materials from electronic
remanufactured products through
secondary markets.
Licensor operates as a diversified multi-

asset travel company.

Licensor offers a multi-platform software

solution for fast, inexpensive and secure

file transfers both inside and outside the

Licensee is focused on the development

and marketing of an interactive
≡ software product for the military, for the
purpose of creating software to store and
display memories and facilitate

Licensee is a development stage

company engaged in the technology
≡ industry. Licensee has an issued patent
to utilize technology that involves
connection to networks using data cards.

Licensor sells to retailers, installs and

supports its proprietary point-of-sale
(POS) sales processing and reporting ≡
system and markets these products and
services thru its website.

Licensee commercializes innovative

Licensor is a technology firm providing solutions for customers and retail

intelligent mobile marketing services. opportunities for segments of the medical
and recreational cannabis community.

Licensee is in the business of purchasing

and selling, both as principal and agent

for certain clients, rare coins, precious
metals and antiquities.

Licensor is an electronic payments


Licensee is a provider of end-to-end

≡ unified communication technologies for
the small to medium business market.

Licensor is a global supplier of integrated

casino and jackpot management ≡
solutions for the gaming industry.

Licensee is in a social network

≡ business._x000D_

Licensee is a developer, incubator,

≡ marketer and aggregator of mobile
application software, or “Apps”.

Licensee is in the business of developing

≡ and marketing applications software

Licensor designs, develops and licenses Licensee is a leading provider of

computer programs and provides related ≡ sophisticated software solutions

Licensee is a multi-national provider of

Internet core technologies, application

software and software services through
distribution network.

Licensee is a leading provider of solid

earth-modeling software.

Licensee is a company engaged in the

use of the battery technology for the

Uninterrupted Power Supply ("UPS")

Licensee is a company engaged in
commercializing proven space and
≡ defense technologies from NASA and the
Department of Defense into hardware
and software products.

Licensee is developing products and

services based on inference/expert

system and sensor data fusion

Licensee is developing products and

services based on inference/expert

system and sensor data fusion

Licensee is a company engaged in

providing video capture, management

and webcasting solutions in education,
business and government.

Licensee develops and intends to market

≡ a next-generation focused Internet site
for business professionals.

Licensee is a development stage

enterprise currently developing
≡ "intelligent" computer software training
and performance support products and

Licensor is a company, specializing in

media collaboration solutions powered
by patented video compression ≡
technology that provides television
quality streaming video over the internet.

Licensor develops Web-based electronic

catalog primarily focused on travel ≡
services distribution.
Licensor is engaged in the design,
development and manufacture of

computer-based simulation systems for
training and decision support.

Licensee is engaged in the development

≡ of an internet business to sell financial
software products worldwide.

Licensee is a corporation organized for

Licensor is engaged in the business of
the purpose of offering real estate
designing and developing computer-
≡ professionals and advertisers a reliable,
related software, websites, and related
high quality, niche marketing tool (the

Licensee is an early stage company

engaged in the payment processing
industry; specifically licensee provides
≡ electronic check services to businesses
of all sizes, payment services providers,
financial institutions and government

Licensor is engaged in the development

and marketing of interactive e-business ≡
I. Identification

Description of object Geographical scope

License under licensor's hardware, computer software, trade secrets and

know-how to use, reproduce, make derivatives of and distribute by
sublicense the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] technology, which is a real-
time artificial intelligence system, and products employing such technology; Global grant
Royalty-free license to licensor to use, reproduce, make derivatives of and
distribute by sublicense products employing the [UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW] technology.

License under licensor's software, technology and know-how to sell

computer products for manufacturers of automotive vehicles, automobiles, North America
buses, trucks and vans and parts for automotive vehicles

License to use licensed mobile games [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] for United States, Canada,
distribution and promotion. United Kingdom

Sublicense under all patents related to [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

video standard (ISO/IEC IS 14496-10) to use any product [UNDISCLOSED
Global grant
(commercial video encoded in compliance with the video standard sold to an
end user in connection with the end user’s request for the specific content

License to access, use, execute, display, market, sell, transfer and distribute
PREVIEW] Browser, which helps parents deal with threatening aspects of
Unspecified/ United States
child Internet usage, [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], which allows parents
to see on their computer screen, exactly what their child is seeing on their
screen, bearing the trademarks [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]
License to use and sell [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] (a toolkit that
provides application programming interfaces to control a media engine that
has support for the following main functions: video capture, video encode, The United Kingdom, the
video archive, video distribution, video chat); Licensee and its affiliates may European Union and the
use licensor's trademarks in conjunction with the distribution of the products Middle Eastern countries
and in their advertising, promotional and printed materials for the licensed
products and on the licensed products.

Licensor sells to the licensee under the licensor's know-how, patent,

trademark and brand rights the complete ownership rights with full rights to
modify, use or sell the computer programs (source and object code) and
Unspecified/ Global grant
associated documentation of the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] System
(software which allows to create professional-quality video emails in
seconds); Right to use licensor's brands [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

License to use trademarks and other service marks, software and

documentation for the purposes of carrying out the travel products and
services business; Licensor assigns to the licensee [UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW] trademark and its Chinese equivalent.

License under licensor's know-how, trademarks and technology to use the

speech [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software in object code form only
in connection with design, development and creation of licensed run time
Global grant
module application files to create a computer program comprising the
combination of one or more licensed run time modules [UNDISCLOSED

License to use licensor's trademarks, technology, logos and other materials

(including licensor’s real-time traffic information, estimated travel times
between designated points on a city's freeway system) in connection with The United States
marketing, sale and distribution of licensed mobile wireless traffic alerts and
traffic content delivered to consumers.

License to create products (mesh software providing a low-data rate, high-

reliability, high-redundancy scalable ad-hoc mesh network) derived from
licensor`s copyrighted software and suitable for implementing a mesh
Global grant
network consisting of mesh sensor nodes (e.g. meters), mesh routers, and a
mesh controller (e.g., gateway) for sale to third parties; License to the create
the products that embody the licensed patent for sale to third parties.

Licensor grants rights to the licensee to the source code of its educational,
health and wellness and entertainment programs in the form of mobile
applications on both the Android and iOS (Apple) platforms for the purpose
of branding and marketing such products and creation of the portals, Global grant
websites and e-marketing programs for the applications; Each party to this
agreement grants to each other an exclusive royalty free license of the
trademarks if required during the term solely for use in advertising the apps.

License under licensor's technology and trademarks to market and distribute

the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] system to recognized governmental
law enforcement agencies, as well as distribute and market the core Taiwan
technology as an integrated solution with the[UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW] system product.
License to use [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] Software comprising
software products, program documentation, source code codes and object
codes on the single [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] Software database for
the designed applications embodying programs for data operation (managing
registration, online ticketing, cataloguing property, broadcasting educational
information, scheduling tournaments and etc).

License under patent rights to market, use or sell e-commerce technology,

Global grant
bearing trademarks and trade names.

License to use [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]trademarks, trade names,

brand and know-how to operate and use system that uses the internet, email
United Kingdom
and a multi-tiered commission program for the purpose of advertising
websites and their goods and services.

License under licensor's visual communication subscriber line concept and

related technologies [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

Licence to use Universal [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software

products consisting of object code programs including microprocessor plastic
cards, conceptual scheme, payment terminals, microprocessor card readers, Burundi
PC interface board, personalisation equipment, security concept, back-end
demonstration system and their updates in machine readable form.

License under patent related to information collection using mobile

computers to make, use and sell [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]
United States of America
Development Platform, services or products that include the use of
and its territories
questionnaires answered remotely, software and software development

License under licensed know-how to use the specified source code of the
computer programs which run on the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]
operating system to create all derivative works of such computer programs
and to support resellers and end-users; License to market, distribute, use Global grant
and reproduce such software products; License to use trademarks
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] in the marketing and distribution of the
licensed software.

License under licensor's patent [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] to make,

use, or sell a product or to practice or sell services using a method that is
United States; Global grant
covered by claims of licensed patent in the fields of cellular telephone
Licensor sells to licensee all tangible and intangible assets (including
trademarks, trade names, patents, trade secrets, know-how, copyrights) and
all rights and obligations with relation to business intelligence software Global grant
solutions [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]; Licensor also assigns to
licensee a right to use [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] brand name.

License with respect to the front-end compiler software to use, modify, create
source and object code works from the associated source code and
Global grant
distribute object code from the source or its derivatives as part of a stand-
alone licensee's complier [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

License under patent rights to make, use, sell and import certain software
products known as [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], relating to data
integration, management and presentation and to use, copy, modify, Global grant
distribute, prepare derivative works, and compilations, perform and display
publicly related software materials.

License under trademark and trade name rights to use and operate
customized client-server system for multiplayer games and games of chance Global grant
software that enables users of Windows-based PCs connected to internet.

Licensor grants to licensee license to make, import, use, make

improvements and sell technology of facilitation of secure communications
Global grant
over networks related to the licensed patents; Licensee grants back to
licensor royalty-free license to use licensor's patents outside the field of use.

Licensor shall sell, contribute, convey, assign, transfer and deliver to

licensee all properties, assets, rights, titles and interests of every kind and
nature, owned, licensed or leased by licensor (some specific assets are
excluded); Licensee shall grant to licensor a worldwide, royalty bearing
Global grant
license to use [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] technology (software that is
designed to control a disk storage subsystem consisting of multiple hard disk
drives to share or replicate data among the drives) in licensor`s
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] product lines only.

A license to use the services (to distribute voice-over-internet protocol

Unspecified / Europe
services to mobile telephone users) and software.

License to use licensor's software platform which provides the adjudication of Global grant except
health benefit claims. Canada
Global grant (for all
applications except for
Distribution rights for wireless casino gaming applications developed by Three Card Poker game);
licensor for legal casino gaming venues, other lawful gaming establishments Global grant except for
(including racinos), on internet or other legal gaming means; License to Ireland, Wales, Scotland,
licensed software to market, distribute, deliver, lease, sublicense, import, England, the Channel
export and/or use the licensed gaming applications. Islands and the Isle of Man
(for applications containing
Three Card
Global Poker
grant (forgame)
applications except for
License to market, distribute, deliver, lease, sublicense, import, export and Three Card Poker game);
use casino software (supporting mobilization of casino gaming applications Global grant except for
into “in casino” wireless gaming delivery systems) in connection with Ireland, Wales, Scotland,
marketing, distribution and sale of wireless casino gaming applications England, the Channel
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]. Islands and the Isle of Man
(for applications containing
Three Card Poker game)
An exclusive right to market and sell the software products [UNDISCLOSED
FOR PREVIEW] under licensed software (a web safety software which is
designed to protect individuals from online predators, including pornography,
Global grant
sexual predators, sex offenders, cyber bullying, and additional software
applications that include products and services to scan and clean a
computer's hard drive or storage of information from its memory).

Licensor sells, assigns and transfers to licensee the technology related to

medical software program; Technology includes patents and all information,
data, schematics blueprints, drawings, trademarks, trade-names, copyrights, Unspecified / Global grant
designs expertise, and know-how related to software program

License to use [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] package for development

of collaborative videoconferencing products, and to manufacture, export,
Global grant
import, sell, license, use, and distribute derivative works of [UNDISCLOSED
FOR PREVIEW] software incorporated in licensed products.

Licensor appoints licensee as an authorized distributor of licensor's

commercially available software (database product that allows companies to
manage data closer to the customer and license services; Licensor also Europe
grants to licensee the right to authorize third party resellers to market and
distribute licensed products and sell licensed services.

Licensor assigns to licensee all rights to 6 patents related to

telecommunications and networking technologies, including [UNDISCLOSED
FOR PREVIEW]; Licensor grants to licensee a nonexclusive, royalty free
license for the term of each patent to use inventions, technologies and rights Unspecified / Global grant
embodied by the patents in the development, manufacture, sale and offer for
sale of its own branded products for sale directly or indirectly (including
through authorized resellers) to end users.

Licensors shall sell to licensee their rights to software products

[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] related tangible and intangible assets
Global grant
(including all right to copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, trade
dress), and all rights in third-party license agreements.
Licensor appoints VARs (value-added resellers) to promote licensor's multi-
platform software solution for file transfers, including [UNDISCLOSED FOR Global grant
PREVIEW] through VAR networks.

A license to develop software for a licensor's branded website, operations,

sportsbook trading, telephone betting operations, licensing, website hosting,
payment solutions, security and first line support of gaming related

License under technology rights to use computer software known as

[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], relating to [UNDISCLOSED FOR Global grant/ Unspecified
PREVIEW] based data transformation solutions.

Licensor sell, assign, transfer, convey and deliver to a licensee all rights,
titles and interests in and to certain legacy software product lines Unspecified/ Global grant

License under technology rights to install, store, upload, implement and

China, excluding Hong
display software in connection with performing the Internet content provision
Kong, Macau and Taiwan

Licensor shall sell, assign and transfer to the licensor patent, know-how,
trademark, copyright and technology related to software program, marketed Global grant
under the trade name [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

Right to sell [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], an online software product

Global grant / Unspecified
focused on teaching young children to read.

Licensor appoints licensee as an authorized distributor of licensor's

commercially available software [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]; Licensor
also grants to licensee the right to authorize third party resellers to market
and distribute licensed products and sell licensed services.
Licensor appoints licensee as licensor's reseller of software products
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] for sending SMS from computer.

Licensor appoints licensee as licensor's reseller of software products

[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] for sending SMS from computer; License United Kingdom
to distribute licensor's software.

Licence to use licensor's trademarks and other marks to advertise and

market antivirus and Internet security products [UNDISCLOSED FOR Global grant

License to patents, know-how and copyright, to create derivative works,

make, use, sell, distribute, import, export and lease [UNDISCLOSED FOR Global grant
PREVIEW] software in any field of use.

A license to use the system (web-based platform (software) which provides

online trading of binary options) in the licensee's website; Licensor grants a
royalty-free license to display trademarks, trade names and logos in the
licensee's website.

License to use licensor's advertising software package [UNDISCLOSED

FOR PREVIEW]; Licensor also provides a detailed analysis of the Russian Russia
television market.

Global grant, excluding

Licensor will provide to licensee [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] and make France, Spain, Italy,
the games available to the customers via the software [UNDISCLOSED FOR Poland, Denmark, USA,
PREVIEW] Turkey, Switzerland, The

License under licensed know-how, trade secret, copyright and patent rights
Global grant except South
to use, copy, compile, develop and market products related to image and
video compression applications.
Right under patent and trademark rights to provide access to the functionality
of a client-side content object, component or application that incorporates
and complies with the licensor's proprietary file format, specifications, and
Global grant
core technology that are incorporated into and used by a licensed product to
enable playback on proprietary client-side computer software program

License to use digital program system which is digital media management

The United States and
software emphasizing a touch-optimized web framework for smart phones

License under know-how, trade secret, patent and copyright to make, use,
copy, sell and distribute products and services based upon technology
related to digital dashboard/navigation tool, a software solution known as Global grant
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] for all for-profit commercial and industrial

The right to use [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] name and likeness in the
development, manufacture, marketing, sale and distribution of social Global grant
applications and social games [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

The right to use [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] name and likeness in the
development, manufacture, marketing, sale and distribution of social Global grant
applications and social games [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

Right to distribute mobile content [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] for all Germany, Austria,
types of communication devices. Switzerland

License to use and operate customized client-server system for multiplayer

Global grant
games and games of chance software [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

License to use and operate customized client-server system for multiplayer

Global grant
games and games of chance software [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]
Licensor shall sell to licensee all United States and foreign patents, patent
applications, trademarks, service marks, trade names, brand names, logos,
copyrights and related applications and other proprietary rights, including
software code, know-how, inventions, discoveries and improvements, test
Global grant
data, shop rights, processes, methods and formulae, trade secrets, product
drawings, specifications, designs and other technical information related to
integrated security control and management software [UNDISCLOSED FOR

Licensor sells to licensee [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software

(programming language used for designing electronic systems incorporating
Unspecified/Global grant
field-programmable gate-array), related trade secrets, copyrights,
technology, patents, know-how and other intellectual property.

License to modify and integrate licensor patented [UNDISCLOSED FOR

Unspecified/Global grant
PREVIEW] internet search technology into licensee`s products.

License to use and distribute customized version of [UNDISCLOSED FOR

PREVIEW] software known as [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] embedded
in licensee`s software products, as well as to use source codes, patents,
trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets related to the [UNDISCLOSED Global grant
FOR PREVIEW] for use by licensee`s customers, including end users,
service bureaus, time-share operators, systems integrators and value added

License to publish, use, reproduce, have localized, distribute, sale and resale
computer software programs designed for digital audio and video creation
and editing, bearing trademarks and trade names [UNDISCLOSED FOR Global grant
PREVIEW] in all channels of trade and through arrangements with original
equipment manufacturers.

License under trademarks and trade names to market, sell and lease online
computer software programs that enable the users to create virtual gaming Global grant
operation over the internet [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

Licensor appoints licensee as a distributor of the object code version of the

Global grant (excluding
software [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]; License under trademark rights
to market, distribute and use licensed product.

License under licensed know-how, trade secret, copyright, technology and

patent rights to use, copy, sublease, compile, develop and market products
Global grant
related to image and video compression applications which deliver, encode,
decode, compress, record, store and/or host images or video content.
License to design, develop and host the software program and hosting Unspecified/ The United
platform [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]. States of America

License to use [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] technology (a “system

developer’s kit” that provides application programming interfaces to control a
media engine that has support for the following main functions: video Global grant
encode, video archive, video distribution) in any manner, in licensee's sole

License to use [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] trademarks and goodwill

associated therewith to market and offer for sale products related to the
USA, Puerto Rico
tracking and mapping software and programs, as well as hardware and

License to use, demonstrate, market, sell or otherwise distribute

[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] internet mobile application, cloud platform
for the development and deployment of application and content-based
China, Hong Kong
mobile solutions, which simplifies the task of developing and deploying
applications that work on a broad range of mobile handsets and different
operating systems.

License to have software called [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

(document information retrieval, information extraction, and knowledge
discovery task, software) installed and operated and right to provide use of
Global grant
the software for K-12 education users to perform information retrieval,
information extraction, and knowledge discovery tasks, including N-
Dimensional Queries.

License and right to make, use and sell licensor's patents, technology, know-
how, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets and other intellectual property
in order to develop, prepare and sell licensed products (that are related to
Global grant
electronic payments processing) including: [UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW] processing, encryption and transmission of electronic and/or
mobile financial transactions and other applications.

License to exploit commercially an audio playback for java receiver software,

Global grant/ Unspecified
allowing WebCast users to hear live audio through a standard web browser.

Licensors sell to licensee all of their right, title and interest in and to patent
rights, trademark rights and assets relating to the [UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW] remote monitoring system for measuring the production of solar
Global grant
and other renewable energy systems and for transmission of the data via the
cellular network and potentially via microwave transmission network or
License to use and modify the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] beta
software (flagship real-time 3D Visualizer software) and to use, manufacture,
reproduce, market and distribute the documentation and the software and Global grant
any derivative products in object code form for use with the respective
designated equipment.

License under patent, trademark, trade secret, and know-how rights to make,
use, sell and import products and to practice any method of [UNDISCLOSED
FOR PREVIEW] software which is related to identification and face
recognition and practise it under licensor's trademark; Licensor shall deliver Global grant
all physical and intangible embodiments of the licensor intellectual property
necessary to enable licensee to manufacture and distribute the licensed

License to use source code for the client services platform currently used on
the site [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]; Licensor shall provide services
relating to delivery and installation of the software to licensee so that it is fully Global grant
usable by licensee with initial implementation to the point where it can be
used for licensee's clients.

License to exploit proprietary trading software for the purpose of developing

a [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] trading platform and introducing
Global grant
prospective clients; Licensor shall introduce end users to the licensee in
order to make such users to become the licensee's customers.

License under licensor's intellectual property rights to use, display, copy, sell,
market, distribute [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] an on-line managed
educational software; To copy, display, use, modify and distribute Global grant
documentation, training and marketing materials in connection with licensed
software and services.

License to use and distribute licensor's intellectual property incorporated in

Global grant
licensee's software products [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

License to copy and distribute the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] client

Unspecified / Global grant
bridge software.

Licensor sells, transfers and delivers to licensee the school management

software package [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] with all its patents, Global grant
copyrights and other intellectual property rights.
Licensor will develop licensee branded versions of the following licensor's
gaming products: [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

A license to develop and use the licensed technology (computer-automated

stock tracking analytics program), including know-how, trade secrets,
copyrights and patents, and to fully exploit the licensed technology by selling Global grant
products and/or services using the licensed technology._x000D_

A license to manufacture, market, distribute and sell the specific vocabulary

building educational product known as [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] United States, Canada,
with a right to manufacturer and duplicate the product line, the right to use United Kingdom, New
the name of [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] for the purpose of marketing, Zealand, Australia, Ireland,
distributing and selling the product line and the right to utilize the existing South Africa

Licensor sells to licensee its rights to tangible and intangible assets related
Unspecified / Global grant,
to enterprise management and records compliance platform; Licensor also
United Kingdom
assigns to licensee the right to license purchased applications.

License under licensor's source code, object code, technical information,

patents and copyrights to distribute, make copies of, and use licensor's
Global grant
software that assists healthcare institutions with managing information and

Licensor appoints licensee as a non-exclusive representative for the

solicitation of license agreements relating to the licensed products (software Global grant
of automatic threat identification and alert system).

License under licensor's brand, copyrights, patents, trademarks and trade

names to distribute, sell and otherwise market the [UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW] products and to license or sub-license such products on Global grant
licensor's behalf in object code format and to use and modify the source
code of the products and prepare derivative works.

License to use, copy, modify, distribute, disclosure, make derivative works of,
display or perform the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] platform, a custom
designed mobile browser, allowing for a single application to be deployed
and run on multiple devices regardless of operating system, screen Global grant
resolution, etc.; Licensee may combine the [UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW] platform with other technology and market such combination
under the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] brand name.
License under licensor's patents, designs, know-how, trade secrets. source
code and copyrights to use, exploit, commercialise and distribute to end North America, Hawaii,
users computer software, which uses a flexible user interface for internet South America, The
applications such as [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], create adaptors and Caribbean Islands
integrators based on its programming interfaces.

License under technology rights to commercialize, distribute, sell and market

USA and Canada for
software and hardware systems for caching and indexing Internet and
SchoolWeb and global
multimedia files on special servers at schools, homes and businesses,
grant for OfficeServer
bearing trademarks [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

License to use and operate customized client-server system for multiplayer

games and games of chance software that enables users of Windows-based
Global grant
PCs connected to the Internet to engage in services provided by licensee
sites and allows licensee to monitor and administer transactions.

License to use and operate customized client-server system for multiplayer

games and games of chance software that enables users of Windows-based
Global grant
PCs connected to internet to engage in services provided by licensee sites
and allows licensee to monitor and administer transactions.

Licensor sold to licensee all intellectual property used in connection with

[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] a software-based facial construction tool
Global grant
generally used in lieu of a police sketch artist; License also includes the right
to use the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] word mark and monogram logo.

Licensor agreed to integrate its bandwidth (a bandwidth management

computer software program known as [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW])
management technology and related intellectual property into future Global grant
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] offerings by licensee, and to provide
maintenance support services.

Licensor shall sell to licensee all tangible and intangible assets (patent,
trademark, trade name, trade secret, copyright, know-how) related to Unspecified / Global grant
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software product.

Licensor and licensee shall develop licensee's data center management

software product, [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] (used to manage, plan
Global grant
and provide cost analysis of IT infrastructure) in connection with licensor's
data center infrastructure management software platform needs.
Licensor appoints licensee as an authorized distributor of licensor's
commercially available software (database product that allows companies to
manage data closer to the customer, where capturing and organizing
United Kingdom
information is becoming increasingly critical) and license services; Licensor
also grants to licensee the right to authorize third party resellers to market
and distribute licensed products and sell licensed services.

License under the licensor's patent to [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] a

Global grant
web-based electronic data capture software.

License to make, import, use, make improvements and sell products and
services covered by patents relating to the facilitation of secure Global grant
communications over networks in the field of secure communications.

License under patent rights to use and exploit certain software, method and
system for verifying the identity of a user by a verifier in the course of an Global grant
electronic transaction.

Licensor appoints licensee as an independent representative and

independent contractor; Licensor grants to licensee the license to market,
distribute, use, display, promote and modify its software products (customer
relationship management database schema, business rules engine, Global grant
interoperability engine, web portal templates) except related to sports;
Licensor also grants to licensee the right to provide maintenance and
support services to customers of licensor, or of licensed products.

Licensor contracts with third-party developers to develop specific or multiple

Global grant

Licensor appoints licensee as licensor's reseller of software products

[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] for sending SMS from computer; License Norway
to distribute and upgrade licensor's software.

License under licensor's intellectual property rights to use, display, copy, sell,
market, distribute [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] an on-line managed
educational software; To copy, display, use, modify and distribute Global grant
documentation, training and marketing materials in connection with licensed
software and services.
Licensee acts as an independent sales representative to solicit contracts for
Global grant/Unspecified
license of [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] application.

License to use, enforce and otherwise exploit trading system (for trading of
instruments, investments, securities and assets) and all related intellectual Global grant

License to manufacture, make, use, copy, reproduce, distribute, prepare

derivatives, perform, market, display, sell, import and export Impact Unit
hardware, state-of-the-art computer and keyboard system which significantly
reduces the Global grant
number of keystrokes needed for direct voice-to-text transcription
and data capture services, bearing trademark [UNDISCLOSED FOR

License under patent rights to develop, manufacture and market licensed

product called [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW](in-flight messaging and
content delivery for airline and corporate jet passengers) for any ground
Global grant
based applications including [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] (software
that expands its in-flight capacity to include Chat, MMS, MP3, photo, video
and file transfer capabilities).

License under licensor's trademark, copyright and patent rights to develop,

market, distribute and sell, joint venture or otherwise freely and fully employ Europe, Russia, Mid-East,
certain technology (the software and processes for credit card, debit card, Asia, North and South
internet and other forms of financial security systems for electronic America
verification systems).

License to use, install and operate the physical card online-sales system and East China and Central-
to grant customers the right to use such software system. south China

North China, North-west

License to use, install and operate the physical card online-sales system and
China and South-west
to grant customers the right to use such software system.

License under technology and trademark rights to market and distribute

messaging platform for sending video messages allowing for the creation of
dynamic video messages via, but not limited to, e-mail, quick response Global grant
codes, and mobile appliance platforms other than those doing business in
the hotel and travel industry.
Canada, the United States
License to sell and market [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] analytic
and the United Kingdom
dashboard and right to establish re-sellers to sell and market licensed
(including the Republic of

Canada, the United States

License to sell and market [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] analytic
and the United Kingdom
dashboard and right to establish re-sellers to sell and market licensed
(including the Republic of

License under copyright in respect of “Linktone PETS Cellphone Games

People's Republic of China
Software V1.0” for the value-added telecommunication business.
License under patent, copyright, and trade secret to use software programs
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], including both object code and source
code versions of such programs, end user manuals, and other
documentation which accompany the generally available object code) for
licensee's own internal use, as well as for developing, manufacturing,
reproducing, supporting, marketing, distributing, sublicensing, and
demonstrating software that was generated by a compiler or an assembler,
and which includes all or any portion of the aforementioned object code and Global grant
does not include the aforementioned source code, as well as a license to
merge and combine the aforementioned software with other software to
create the generated software which does not include the source code, and
to modify, enhance, and create derivative works of the aforementioned
software, such as adding new features and functionality; License to use
trademarks and trade names of the licensed software programs in
License under licensor's copyright and source code to prepare derivative
conjunction with the marketing of the licensed software.
works of, use, execute, reproduce, display, modify and perform
Global grant
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software and distribute copies of, use,
reproduce and execute the object code.

License to copy and distribute licenses of the software, which gathers data
from a variety of sources, such as [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], and Germany, Austria,
organizes that data into a common structure or repository known as Switzerland

License to use technology, patents, copyright, trademark, trade secret and

know-how to install, use and apply the technology which is a web-based Global grant
electronic platform [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW].

European continent,
License to develop and perform software known as [UNDISCLOSED FOR
Scandinavia, the United
PREVIEW] and used in interactive television applications.
Kingdom and Eire
License under licensor's trademarks and trade names to market, make
copies and distribute software which helps to create trialware protected
Global grant
versions of software for distribution via the Internet, disk or CD-ROM, a
Win32 development kit [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW].

License under licensed technology and patent rights to access, use, exploit
and commercialize for all purposes augmented reality technology
Global grant
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]; Right to access the proprietary collection
of computer programs and related data [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW].

A license to make, import, use, sell, reproduce, distribute, display, perform or

otherwise exploit the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] technology
(technology, which provides a comprehensive development and deployment
platform for adding secure, interactive, intelligent mobile messaging
Global grant
capabilities to any application), [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]
trademarks, and patent application numbers 2[UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW]; Licensor shall disclose and deliver to Licensee any tangible

A license for an additional gaming and transaction processing software

Europe, South America
(licensee will use this software on it web sites).

License under licensor's patents to import, make, use, sell or sublicense

[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] technology (server based imaging
technology and web authoring tools) and derivative works of such
Global grant
technology; Licensor also transfers to licensee all right to server based
imaging technology, web authoring tools, all related source codes and

Licensor transfers all rights of ownership of the [UNDISCLOSED FOR

PREVIEW] technology (tool that can be used by virtually any business to
improve their communications, enhance their image, boost their advertising),
Unspecified/ Global grant
all source codes, current and future patents and licensing rights to the

A right and license under the copyrights and other intellectual property rights
in the software to use, reproduce, distribute and make derivative works
Global grant
based upon such software (a BPM software platform - business process
management software).

License to exploit the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and

technology rights for using, developing, manufacturing, importing and
exporting, marketing and selling of patient portal web application Global grant
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] and a doctor referral web application
Sublicense under brands, copyrights, know-how, patents, trade names, trade
secrets and trademarks and technology to operate sales and distribution Red Deer, Alberta

License under technology rights to use computer software known as

Global grant/ Unspecified
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], bearing trademark.

License to use, reproduce and distribute licensor's operating system

software and applications incorporated in handheld computing and
communications products, including [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]; Global grant
License to use, reproduce and distribute software updates and upgrades in
object code form to be used with licensed products.

License to use licensor's advertising software package (including its

automated system for the placement of television advertising, automated
document management system and media calculator modules); Licensor
also provides a detailed analysis of the Russian television market.

License to distribute and promote mobile game applications (Roulette, Slots,

Video Poker, Blackjack) through licensee's distribution channels; License to
use licensor's intellectual property rights (including copyright, patents, design
United Kingdom, Europe
rights, domain names, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, trade
names, goodwill, know-how, database rights and other) expressly granted in
the agreement.

License to distribute and promote gaming applications (fixed odd games

used on interactive television, multiplayer poker, bingo and blackjack used
United Kingdom
on telephony, and games where interaction is done through SMS, IVR, Web
or Wap).

License under copyright rights to use, market and distribute business

intelligent e-Commerce and e-Business software and related materials, Global grant

License under trademark rights to reproduce, publicly display, publicly

perform, install, execute, operate, internally transmit and otherwise use the
web-based software module which is designed to assist admissions officers
in marketing themselves and managing inquiries and communications with Global grant
the names and certain other data of students who have consented to have
their personal information furnished by licensor to the educational institutions
in which they have expressed interest.
License to use software that consists of an Internet web-based service for
brokering commercial transactions between buyers and merchants, used for
the services performed by travel agencies (e.g. reservation of hotel and
Global grant
motel facilities, reservation of travel on aircraft, trains, boats, reservation of
vacation packages, sightseeing and other travel destinations and rental of

License under licensor's patent to make, use, import, and sell

[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] Platform, any mobile groupware, personal
information management or calendar product offered by licensee, including
Unspecified / Global grant
without limitation the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], which enables
application deployment and management across multiple devices and
network connections while maintaining desktop functionality and usability.

License to install and use software for the purpose of electronically Unspecified/ United States
transferring funds. and China

License to use, reproduce, distribute, sell and lease software products which
consist of the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software capable of creating
South Korea
rich rich-media email messages and a hosting system, as well as provide
customer support.

Licensor agrees to sell, assign and transfer to the licensee proprietary

software program, marketed under the trade name [UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW] (a program designed to prevent unwanted intruders from Global grant
accessing websites), and related technology, patents, know-how, trade name
and copyright.

A license to use the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] for the internal

purposes of licensee and to promote and market the system and
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] trademarks, service marks and trade United States of America
names to actual or potential U.S. purchasers of investment units in the

License under copyright rights to use, market and distribute business

intelligent e-Commerce and e-Business software and related materials, Global grant

License under licensed know-how, trade secret, copyright, technology,

trademark [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] and patent rights to use mobile
payment application product related to transaction server configured to
Global grant
authorize payment transactions using mobile telephone devices, ghosting
payment account data in a mobile telephone payment transaction system
and mobile telephone transaction systems and methods.
Licensor agrees to sell, transfer, assign and deliver to licensee all of its right,
title and interest in and to the multiplayer [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] Unspecified / Global grant
tournament software platform and related patents, copyrights, know-how.

License under patents, copyright, trademarks, know-how and trade secrets

to make improvements, market, distribute and reproduce the source code for
the computer software known as [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] and any Global grant
computer programs, software, system or products based upon the
technology (source code) for internet authoring tool applications.

Sublicense to make, use, import, reproduce and sell Enterprise Management

Global grant except
Systems developed using [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software
Mexico, Canada
development platform.

Licence to use Universal Electronic Payment System (U.E.P.S.) software

products consisting of object code programs including microprocessor plastic
cards, conceptual scheme, payment terminals, microprocessor card readers, Ghana
PC interface board, personalisation equipment, security concept and back-
end demonstration system.

License under patents, know-how and technology to use, distribute and sell
the licensed products embodying or employing all or part of the licensed
patents or licensed technology that are sold as a bundled or unbundled add-
United states of America
on subscription products or services, including, but not limited to,
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] and all updates, enhancements and/or
derivatives thereof.

License to practice the methods and to make, use, sell, distribute, import and
export safe and secure email and document storage services available Global grant

Licensor sells all rights to its complete source code and supporting files for
the latest versions of [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software, licensor's
trademarks [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], licensor's web site addresses Unspecified/ Global grant
with all content, complete customer database, all inventory of software
packaging and marketing materials.

License to use the product tracking system software program pertaining to

the recycling of electronic devices, related documentation and databases in
recycling and remanufacturing services and to use related patents, Global grant
copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, know-how and other intellectual
property rights.
A license to the technology and software to use, reproduce, modify and
distribute those products: [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] Server, Plug-In
Modules, Client for BlackBerry, Client for Windows and PocketPC, Global grant
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]; Licensor also grants a license to use
certain physical property assets.

Licensor appoints distributors to act as agents in their countries and make

the marketplace aware of licensor's technology – multi-platform software Global grant
solution for file transfers, including [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW].

A license to use, market, sell and distribute certain technology and software,
which allows users to create and burn interactive digital memories on
Global grant
CD/DVD in software and products licensee sell and plan to sell to the

A license to utilize the patent (smart card with integrated fingerprint reader),
including the use, manufacture and sublicense of products; Licensee shall
make use of the patent for the purpose of developing software, systems and
products providing secure transactions over the Internet from home and Global grant
office computers, and providing an automatic method for connecting to
remote computers, and a method of delivering targeted advertising to
computers, and providing identity verification and access control.

Sublicense to use and make enhancements to the licensed assets (tangible

and intangible property related to point of sale system); All intellectual
Global grant/Unspecified
property related to point of sale system (patents, trademark, know-how,

License to use the technology branded as [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]

including automated marketing cloud and customer relationship
management platform, related code, modules and applications in connection Unspecified/ United States
with the businesses that advertise in, market to, or serve the lawful cannabis

License to use licensor's rich media application (for managing photos,

thumbnails, videos, metadata, product links and ad tags to video assets), its
Unspecified / Global grant
granular ad tag manager component and high-definition enabled viral
streaming media player for embedding into licensee's website.

License under licensed know-how, trade secret, copyright, technology and

patent rights to use, copy, sublease, compile, develop and market products
Global grant
related to image and video compression applications which deliver, encode,
decode, compress, record, store and host images or video content.
Licensor sells to licensee licensor's tangible and intangible assets related to
the provision of e-payments solutions, including patents, trademarks,
copyrights, trade secrets, know-how, other intellectual property, the name Global grant
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]; Licensor also discloses to licensee its
rights and obligations pursuant to agreements with third parties.

License under patent, trademark, know-how and copyright rights to create

client-side product incorporating licensed technology (creation and operation
of an alternative screen area which cannot be controlled by the underlying
Global grant
operating system); License to use, display, reproduce, transmit and install
licensed product for the purpose of allowing enterprise customers to evaluate
either party's respective products.

License to make, use, sell and export products and services related to
Global grant
patient data quickly software rights in the field of medical information.

Australia, England, South

A license for a proprietary instant on-line lottery software program (the game
Africa, Isle of Man,
which is played on-line is similar to the well-known land based lottery game
Liechtenstein, St Kitts and

License under licensor's patents to develop, commercialize and market

vision improvement software application in the field of near-vision Global grant
deficiencies and reading improvement.

License to reproduce, use, configure, install, perform, lease, display and

distribute tangible copies of the licensed software (related to table games),
the software associated with PGIC Non-CJS Systems on a stand-alone basis
Global grant_x000D_
or as integrated with the table games; A royalty-free license to use and
reproduce certain trademarks and trade names in connection with marketing
the licensed software._x000D_

License under the technical information (trademarks [UNDISCLOSED FOR

PREVIEW], trade secrets, know-how and other) to make, use, sell licensed
products (an Internet technology business concept called [UNDISCLOSED
Global grant_x000D_
FOR PREVIEW] which is a social media platform that allows members to
make posts to specific zones including: family, friends, acquaintances,
colleague, custom, dating, and community._x000D_

The right to sell a limited license for the system and method for data
Unspecified/Global grant
management to business entities that license or purchase licensee's apps.
License to use the licensed technology (the children's oriented global
computer network programming and Internet service currently being used as
The Children's Internet including but limited to a search engine, browser,
secure e-mail system, education and entertainment portals, and all its
Global grant_x000D_
proprietary characters and content, web pages, and home rooms) and
licensed mark [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] solely in association with
licensor's internet web site [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] and

License under licensor's technology to develop and market software

products for use in the encryption of data, secure network and telephony Global grant
systems and any related products.

License to incorporate into the licensee's application software, market,

develop, deploy and distribute to its customers [UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW] runtime [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW], application server, Global grant
component server, web application server and polyserver; Right to use
licensor's trademark and trade name in connection with licensed product.

License to the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] programs, information and

patent rights to distribute, co-brand, re-brand, use, sell, import, or otherwise Global grant_x000D_
distribute products ([UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software)._x000D_

A license to manufacture, develop, distribute, market, sell, license,

sublicense, rent and otherwise exploit the technology (including copyrights,
patents and other) entitled [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] (a fully
Global grant
functional web server software that occupies very little memory); Code of the
technology is approximately 100K bytes, which makes it a good fit in a
mobile internet device.

License under licensors' patents to primarily carry out marketing and

maintenance of the [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] Software program,
which performs subsoil modeling, including the rights to correct, adapt or Global grant
enhance the software program; One of the parties to the agreement is an

License under licensor's technology, know-how, trademarks, trade secrets,

prototypes, models and copyrights to manufacture, market, distribute, sell,
Global grant
modify and create derivative products of [UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW]software; One of the parties to the agreement is an individual.

License under patents, copyrights, trademarks, brand names, trade secrets,

know-how to create software enabling an automated system designed for the
settlement and collection of the credit card receivables and other consumer USA, Canada, United
debts, as well as to use, market and distribute such automated system; One Kingdom
of the parties to the agreement is represented by individuals; The agreement
is concluded between related parties.
License under licensor's copyrights to make, have made, import, have
imported, use, have used, sell, have sold, offer for sale, have offered for
sale, import, have imported and otherwise exploit [UNDISCLOSED FOR
PREVIEW] software for explosives detection, detection of weapons of mass
destruction, environmental monitoring and control, automotive and
transportation, power and gas management, water management, asset and
Global grant
personnel tracking, financial, business intelligence, supply chain
management, gaming, interactive radio and television, video and audio
processing, maritime security, building and structure security and
management, inference and sensor data fusion products for emergency
response applications, and artificial intelligence software development
License under copyright, know-how and patent rights to research, develop,
environments; One of the parties to the agreement is a non-profit entity.
distribute, import, use, sell and otherwise exploit software products, in
particular [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] (fractal encoding for buried
unexploded ordnance detection using electromagnetic and magnetic Global grant
geophysical sensors) and [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] (mobile
underwater debris survey system) and related materials; One of the parties
to the agreement is a non-profit entity.

License under copyright to make, import, use, sell and otherwise exploit a
real-time inference engine (software platform); One of the parties to the Global grant
agreement is a non-profit entity.

License under licensor's technology, patents, code, copyrights, trade secrets,

know-how, trademarks and trade names to develop, have developed, make,
have made, use and dispose products based on integrated speech, image, Global grant
and language understanding for creation and exploration of digital video
libraries software; One of the parties to the agreement is a non-profit entity.

License under patent rights to market, modify, develop and manufacture the
[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] technology, which is a software program
Global grant
used to search data for specific items (search engine); One of the parties to
the agreement is a non-profit entity.

License under licensor's human readable program listings, flow charts, logic
diagrams, input and output forms to use, modify, license, market and
Global grant
distribute [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software; One of the parties to
the agreement is a non-profit entity.

License to use licensor's technology, copyrights, know-how, patents,

trademarks and trade secrets and convey, develop, market, license and/or
sell products which contain end-to-end system of media management and
Global grant
collaboration tools, designed to be built into a variety of video applications to
support commercial media management functions; The parties to the
agreement are related.

License to use software known as [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] for the

purpose of developing, manufacturing, integrating, marketing, and licensing
an online travel products - travel reservations, book airline seats, issue
Global grant
airline tickets, book hotels, cars and holiday, packages, cruises and other
holiday destination packages; The agreement is concluded between related
License under copyright and patent rights to enjoy, commercialize and
exploit software known as [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] that provides
support for multi-user online collaborative interactivity in a broad variety of
applications employing a variety of virtual media over a number of networks, Global grant
and to make, use, sell and distribute relating products and services, bearing
trade name A[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]; The agreement is
concluded between related parties.

License to copy, duplicate, sell, distribute the software products such as

[UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software and user guides which operate
Global grant
on personal computer systems, and [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW]
written documentation; The agreement is concluded between related parties.

License to use the technology in order to market and sell the products and
services such as domain names [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] and
website that includes initial site production, general site maintenance and Global grant
use of licensor's properties web application and database; The agreement is
concluded between related parties.

License under patent to make, have made, use, sell and lease products
used in connection with online check processing; The same license is
granted on an exclusive, payment-free basis for a year before the main Global grant
license takes effect; One of the parties to the agreement is an individual; The
agreement is concluded between related parties.

License under licensor's [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software, object

code, server component, server administration component, and CSR
interface and administration component to develop derivative products such
Global grant except
as [UNDISCLOSED FOR PREVIEW] software for direct real time
communication between customers and producers marketing their products
through Internet e-commerce sites, and to market, distribute and sell such
derivative products; The agreement is concluded between related parties.
I. Identification of intangibles and legal owner of intangibles


Date of
Effective date Cessation date Duration terms

License shall continue for a period of 5

years from the licensee's receipt date of
$250,000 in equity or debt financing or
01/02/1989 unspecified 01/03/1989, whichever is earlier, or until
licensor has paid $700,000 in royalties;
License shall become perpetual after the
completion of the milestones.

01/08/1995 01/08/1995 unspecified The license is perpetual.

Licensee shall continue for a period of

36 months from the earlier of: product
06/03/2006 06/03/2006 unspecified
launch date, or 1/7/2006; License shall
automatically renew for 1 year periods.

License shall be automatically renewed

01/10/2007 01/08/2002 31/12/2010 for 5 year periods for the life of any of
licensed patents.

License shall last until 30/07/2005 and

shall be renewed automatically
15/12/2003 30/07/2005 indefinitely for 12-month terms so long
as licensee achieves certain revenues
form licensed products.
15/11/2006 15/11/2006 unspecified License is perpetual.

19/11/2003 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall be effective from 2009-08-

01/08/2009 01/08/2009 unspecified

License shall continue for 3 years from

03/03/2003, the effective date; License shall
03/03/2000 03/03/2000
projected automatically renew for successive 1
year period terms.

License shall last for a period of 1 year

01/12/2005 01/12/2005 after the launch date which is expected
to be 1/3/2005.

15/07/2005 15/07/2005 unspecified License is perpetual.

The initial term shall commence on

1/12/2013 and shall continue for a
period of 3 years with a 2 year option; If
01/11/2013 01/11/2013 not terminated at the end of the initial
term, the license shall automatically
renew for successive periods of 3 years

24/05/2006 24/05/2006 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall continue until the
December 31, 2006 and may be
renewed for the successive one year
term for up to a total of 20 years,
provided that licensee pays the annual
24/08/2004 24/08/2004 31/12/2006 renewable fee on the January, 1 for
each calendar year starting from the
January 1, 2006 in the amount of
$60,000 with subsequent increase of
$60,000 for every subsequent year up to
January 1, 2025.

28/05/2015 28/05/2015 unspecified License is perpetual.

25/02/2020, License shall last for a period of 20

25/02/2000 25/02/2000
projected years.

License shall continue for a period of

30/01/2005 30/01/2005 five years, afterwards it may be
extended for successive 1 year periods.

02/03/2000 unspecified Licence is perpetual.

License shall continue until the

31/07/2012 31/07/2012 unspecified expiration of the last to expire of the
licensed patents.

13/12/2002 13/12/2002 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall continue until expiration of

30/09/2005 30/09/2005 unspecified licensed patent; Licensor terminated this
license on 2006-01.
License is perpetual; Closing date had
12/12/2001 unspecified been anticipated to be 31/3/2002, but
was 13/3/2002.

28/03/2008 unspecified

License shall last until the expiration of

the last to expire licensed patent from
the effective date, or until the
abandonment of the last to be
abandoned of any patent application
16/10/2001 16/10/2001 unspecified
included in the licensed intellectual
property, or until the maximum period of
the time that licensor may grant to
licensee a copyright license, whichever
occurs later.

License shall continue for a period of 10

01/03/2007 01/03/2007 years from 1/4/2004 (effective date of
the original agreement).

License shall last until the expiration of

12/03/2008 12/03/2008 unspecified
the last to expire patent.

17/09/2008 17/09/2008 unspecified The agreement is perpetual.

License shall last for a period of 3 years;

25/09/2008, 25/09/2011, License term shall be automatically
unspecified unspecified renewed from year to year on an annual
basis on the same term.

01/07/2011 01/07/2011 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall continue for a period of 5
13/01/2006 13/01/2006 years and shall automatically renew for
successive 5 year periods.

License shall continue for 5 years and

28/02/2007 28/02/2007 shall automatically renew for successive
5 year periods.

License is perpetual, but only for a

period of 12 months licensee can market
and sell the software products through
30/06/2008 12/06/2008 unspecified
the Home Shopping Network, QVC, Inc.,
CVS Pharmacy, WalMart, and

31/05/2006 unspecified License is perpetual.

19/01/2007 unspecified License is perpetual.

01/01/2004 01/01/2004 License shall continue for 2 years.

License is perpetual; Agreement was

18/11/2003 18/11/2003 unspecified amended on 18/1/2005 and was still in
force in 2011.

01/01/2009 01/01/2009 unspecified Closing date is 15/1/2009.

01/01/2009 unspecified

License shall last for a period of 2 years;

13/03/2012, 13/03/2014, The term can be renewed for successive
unspecified unspecified terms of 1 year; Licensor terminated the

17/04/2003 17/04/2003 unspecified License is perpetual.

17/07/2012, License shall continue for a period of 3

17/07/2009 17/07/2009
projected years.

15/11/2006 unspecified License is perpetual.

12/04/2005 12/04/2005 unspecified License is perpetual.

01/08/2010, License shall continue for an unspecified

01/08/2010 unspecified
unspecified period of time.

01/03/2006, License shall continue for a period of 12

01/03/2005 01/03/2005
projected months.
License shall continue for 1 year and
19/09/2006 19/09/2006 shall automatically renew for successive
1 year periods.

License shall continue for 1 year and

20/07/2005 21/07/2005 shall automatically renew for successive
1 year periods.

In connection with an amendment of

24/03/2009 03/01/2009 31/08/2010 4/6/2009, license shall continue until

License continues until expiration of the

10/08/2005 10/08/2005 unspecified
last patent.

18/11/2009 18/11/2009 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall be effective from

01/01/2013 01/01/2013 unspecified 01/01/2013 and shall continue for an
unspecified period of time.

License shall last for a period of 3 years

01/01/2016, from the launch date; The term shall
30/01/2013 30/01/2013
unspecified automatically be extended for further
periods of 12 months.

14/04/2006 unspecified License is perpetual.
License shall continue for a period of 24
01/11/2006 01/11/2006 months; License shall be automatically
renewed for additional 12 months.

License shall last for a period of 10

01/01/2021, years from the effective date and may
01/01/2011 01/01/2011
projected be renewed for a further term of 10

License shall last until the expiration of

13/03/2015 13/03/2015 unspecified
the last to expire patent.

License shall last for a period of 1 year

starting from the release date of app or
8 months after the effective date; The
term shall be extended for a period of 1
17/10/2011 17/10/2011 year regarding the successfully releases
of products by the licensee and the
payment of $50,000 ($45,460 shall be
payable to licensor and $4,540 shall be
payable to Starz).

09/08/2013, License shall last for a period of 18

09/02/2012 09/02/2012
projected months.

10/09/2004 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall continue for 10 years from

01/03/2006 01/03/2006 1/4/2004 (effective date of the original

01/04/2004 01/04/2004 License shall continue for 10 years.
06/04/2009 unspecified License is perpetual.

29/04/2011 29/04/2011 unspecified License is perpetual.

09/07/2005, 09/07/2055,
09/07/2005 License shall continue for 50 years.
unspecified unspecified

License shall continue for the period of 3

years and shall be automatically
renewed for the subsequent 1-year
14/06/2002 unspecified period, provided that notwithstanding
any termination of the license licensee
shall continue to perform all the rights
granted to it on the perpetual basis.

License shall continue until March 15,

25/03/2002 25/03/2002 15/03/2004

License shall continue for a period of 5

14/01/2005, years, after which it shall automatically
14/01/2000 14/01/2000
projected renew for an additional period of 5

License shall continue for a period of 5

11/08/2004 11/08/2004 years; License shall automatically renew
for additional two year terms.

30/11/2007 unspecified License is perpetual.
License shall commence on May 8th
2017 and shall last until licensee has
08/05/2017 08/05/2017 unspecified
paid to licensor $500,000 as royalty

30/04/2007 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall continue for the period of 3

23/03/2005 23/03/2005 years and may be renewed for
subsequent 1-year term.

24/08/2015 24/08/2015 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall continue for a period of 50

25/11/2013 25/11/2013 years; License shall automatically renew
for successive 1 year periods.

License shall continue for a period of 2

years and shall automatically renew for
successive 1-year periods for an
15/05/2014, 15/05/2016,
15/05/2014 additional 10 years provided that
unspecified unspecified
licensor receives a minimum of
$5,000,000 in royalty payments for each
of the 3 through 12 successive years.

19/09/1997 19/09/1997 unspecified Duration terms are unspecified.

25/04/2013 25/04/2013 unspecified License is perpetual.

01/11/2007 01/11/2007 unspecified Unspecified.

License shall continue for a period of 5

19/01/2016, years and after such period license shall
19/01/2011 19/01/2011
projected be perpetual until termination of any

28/11/2007 28/11/2007 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall last for a period of 1 year;

19/04/2010 12/04/2010 License shall be automatically renewed
for additional 1 year periods.

License shall continue for a period of 18

27/08/2010 27/08/2010 months; After that, agreement shall
automatically renew for 1 year periods.

License shall continue until 30/4/2015;

Agreement was terminated on
21/02/2006 21/02/2006 30/04/2015 20/3/2012, when licensee acquired
licensed intellectual property from

15/02/2008, License shall continue for a period of 1

15/02/2007 17/02/2007
projected year.

31/08/2006 31/08/2006 unspecified Unspecified.

13/07/2012 13/07/2012 unspecified Unspecified.

30/10/2015, The term of the license is 3 years from

30/10/2012 30/10/2012
projected the effective date.

18/10/2010 18/10/2010 License shall last for a period of 1 year.

31/10/2006 31/10/2006 unspecified Unspecified.

License shall commence on February

28/02/2001 28/02/2001 2nd 2001 and shall last for a period of
30 years.

License shall continue for a period of 2

years. This license shall be
01/11/2007 01/11/2007 automatically renewed for additional 2
year periods every 2 years unless there
is an uncured default by licensee.

License shall last for initial term of 5

24/03/2002 25/03/2002 years; License shall be automatically
renewed annually.

License shall continue for a period of 5

20/10/2019, years; License can be renewed for an
20/10/2014 20/10/2014
projected unlimited number of additional 1 year
License shall be effective from the later
22/10/2010, of the advance payment date or
22/10/2010 unspecified
unspecified 30/11/2010, and shall continue until the
expiration of the last patent.

License shall continue for an initial term

01/01/2010, of 5 years from the effective date, and
01/01/2001 01/01/2001
projected shall be automatically renewed for an
additional term of 5 years.

License shall continue for a period of 10

01/03/2008 01/03/2008 years. Parties entered into agreement in

License shall continue for a period of 10

01/04/2014, years; Parties entered into license in
01/04/2009 01/04/2009
projected 2004._x000D_

03/06/2004 unspecified

License shall continue for a period of 5

08/09/2008 unspecified years and thereafter, the license will
remain in effect until terminated.

Closing date is 25/8/2003; License is

25/08/2003 25/08/2003 unspecified

01/11/2011 unspecified
License shall continue for 1 year,
01/10/2003 01/10/2004 30/09/2005
through 30/9/2005.

09/04/2009 unspecified

License shall last until the expiration of

the last to expire of the licensor's patent
12/08/2005 12/08/2005 unspecified
rights and any licensor's improvements
or licensee improvements.

19/09/2032, License shall continue for a period of 20

05/08/2012 19/09/2012
projected years.

License shall continue for a period of 3

10/10/2005 10/10/2005 years; Parties may agree to renew the

01/01/2008 unspecified

License shall continue for a period of 1

14/06/2005 14/06/2005 year and shall automatically renew for
successive 1 year periods.

License shall continue for 18 months

from 27/8/2010; After that, agreement
08/09/2010 08/09/2010 shall automatically renew for 1 year
17/06/2006 unspecified

License shall continue for 5 years;

30/06/2012 30/06/2012 Licensee may extend the term for two 5
year periods.

18/02/1997 18/02/1997 unspecified License is perpetual.

18/06/2008 unspecified

25/11/2019, License shall continue for a period of 10

25/11/2009 25/11/2009
projected years.

The term of license shall expire on

01/01/2008 01/01/2008 31/12/2008

The term of license shall expire on

01/01/2008 01/01/2008 31/12/2008

License shall continue for a period of 5

27/03/2017, years; License may be renewed upon
27/03/2012 27/03/2012
projected the mutual written agreement of the
License shall continue for a period of 2
11/09/2013, 11/09/2015, years from the date of the license;
unspecified projected License may be renewed for successive
periods of 1 year.

License shall continue for a period of 2

years from the date of the original
17/09/2013, 11/09/2015,
17/09/2013 license agreement; License may be
unspecified projected
renewed for successive periods of 1

License shall be valid until 2008-12-31,

01/03/2007 01/03/2007 31/12/2008
after which it may be renewed.

19/01/2006 19/01/2006 unspecified License is perpetual.

Licensee shall pay to licensor a royalty

03/10/2003 03/10/2003 31/12/2008 of 03/10/2003 and shall continue until

08/04/1998 08/04/1998 unspecified License is perpetual.

15/04/2030, License shall continue for a period of 20

15/04/2010 15/04/2010
projected years; License may be renewed.

30/05/2047, License shall last for a period of 50

30/05/1997 30/05/1997
projected years from the effective date.
License shall continue for a period of 3
years; License shall automatically renew
21/08/2002 21/08/2002 for additional 1 year terms unless
terminated earlier; The license was
terminated in 31/12/2005.

24/01/2013 24/01/2013 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall last for a period of 10

18/09/2006 18/09/2006 years; Licensee may extend the term for
additional 10 year terms.

01/01/2010 unspecified

20/07/2004 20/07/2004 unspecified

05/07/2005 unspecified License is perpetual.

15/03/2005 15/03/2005 unspecified License is perpetual.

01/09/2012 01/09/2012 unspecified License is perpetual.

20/09/2011 20/09/2011 unspecified Sublicense is perpetual.

17/04/2003 17/04/2003 unspecified License is perpetual.

25/06/2003 25/06/2003

01/01/2011 01/01/2011 License shall last for a period of 5 years.

21/04/2005 20/04/2005 License shall continue for 5 years.

27/05/2005, 27/05/2010, License shall continue for 5 years and

unspecified unspecified may be extended for 1 year.

01/06/1999 unspecified License shall last for a period of 3 years.

License shall continue for a period of 7

years; Licensee shall have the option to
renew the license with written notice to
27/04/2007 13/04/2007 the licensor to continue the services
provided no later than 180 days, and no
earlier than one year, before the license
02/09/1999, 02/09/2003, License shall continue for a period of 4
unspecified unspecified years.

License shall last until the expiration of

07/11/2003 07/11/2003 unspecified
the last patent.

03/08/2010, License shall last for a period of 5 years

03/08/2005 03/08/2005
projected from the effective date.

License shall last for a period of 30

09/08/2000 09/08/2000 months from the effective date and may
be renewed.

In September of 2005 licensee

abandoned licensed program due to the
27/04/2004 27/04/2004 unspecified
obsolescence of the software and its
limited applications.

The license is granted for a term of 1

01/05/2002, 01/05/2003,
01/05/2002 year and can be automatically renewed
unspecified unspecified
for additional term of 1 year.

License shall last for a period of 3 years

01/06/1999 unspecified and may be renewed for an unlimited

19/04/2013, License shall continue for a period of 3

09/05/2010 06/05/2010
projected years.
Effective date means the date in which
13/04/2009 unspecified the licensee launches full commercial
public service of the Black Jack games.

02/11/2015, License shall last for a period of 15

02/11/1995 02/11/1995
projected years.

License shall continue for an initial term

24/02/2005, 1 year and shall automatically renew
23/06/2004 24/02/2004
projected each year afterwards for a total term of 5

02/04/1997 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall last until the later of either

expiration of patent granted in this
15/08/2002 15/08/2002 unspecified agreement or until the last to expire of
the licensed patents, or after a period of
10 years.

24/05/2007, 24/05/2027, License shall continue for a period of 20

unspecified unspecified years.

14/03/2005 14/03/2005 unspecified

16/05/2012 16/05/2012 License shall continue for 99 years.
10/03/2006 10/03/2006 unspecified License is perpetual.

01/01/2009 unspecified

11/10/2010 01/03/2008 unspecified License is perpetual.

License is perpetual; Upon execution of

the Assignment and Assumption
22/12/2004 01/08/2004 unspecified
Agreement on 11/12/2009, this
agreement was terminated.

01/06/2009 01/06/2009 unspecified License is perpetual.

09/02/2015 09/02/2015 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall last for 5 years, and shall

16/08/2010 16/08/2010 automatically renew for additional 1 year

30/11/2007 unspecified License is perpetual.
13/01/2009, License is perpetual; Closing of
13/01/2009 unspecified
unspecified transaction occurred on 27/1/2009.

License shall continue for a period of 3

18/07/2006, years; License shall automatically be
18/07/2003 18/07/2003
projected extended for two additional 1 year

01/04/2004 01/04/2004 unspecified License is perpetual.

01/01/2006 unspecified

License shall continue until the date of

15/07/2011 15/07/2011 unspecified
expiry of the last of the patents.

License shall last for a period of 5 years;

License term shall automatically be
26/09/2007 26/09/2007 extended for successive renewal terms
of 5 years._x000D_

License shall last for a period of 500

08/05/2012 08/05/2012 years._x000D_

08/03/2013 08/03/2013 unspecified

License shall last for a period of 5 years;
05/11/2007, License will renew automatically in 5
10/09/2002 05/11/2002
projected year terms._x000D_

09/07/2003, License shall last for a period of 10

09/07/2003 unspecified
unspecified years after which it may be renewed.

01/04/2000 01/04/2000 unspecified

License shall last until: (į) the expiration

of the last to expire patent or (ii) 5 years,
whichever is greater; In the event that
05/11/2008 08/11/2008 unspecified the patent rights have expired prior to
the 5 year term, the term shall
automatically renew for succeeding 5
year terms at licensee's option.

License shall last for 30 years from the

18/01/2011 18/01/2011 date of execution of this agreement with
3 twenty year renewal options.

License is granted until the expiration of

granted patents, which shall expire in
13/11/2003, 01/01/2012,
13/11/2003 2012 and may be extended for the term
unspecified unspecified
of the patents arising from

12/12/2000 12/12/2000 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall continue until the

20/02/2003 20/02/2003 unspecified
expiration date of the patent.
License shall commence on March 15th
15/03/2016, 2006 and shall last for a period of 10
15/03/2006 15/03/2006
projected years after which license shall be
renewed for additional 5 years.

19/06/2003 19/06/2003 unspecified License is perpetual.

License shall last for a period of 10

28/09/2014, years from the effective date and may
28/09/2004 28/09/2004
projected be extended for an additional 10 year

License shall begin on October 22nd

and shall last for 20 years or until the
15/10/2001 22/10/1997 unspecified
expiration of last to expire patents,
whichever comes later.

The term of the license covers the

14/02/1997, underlying period of the patent as
14/02/1997 unspecified
unspecified provided for by federal law, which is 17

08/05/1997 08/05/1997 unspecified License is perpetual.

31/10/2007, 31/10/2012, License is granted for a term of 5 years,

unspecified unspecified which can be renewed.

License shall last until 31/12/2030 form

09/09/2011 09/09/2011 31/12/2030
the effective date.
License shall last for a period of 20
10/01/2022, years from the effective date and may
01/10/2002 01/10/2002
projected be renewed for three separate additional
terms of 5 years each.

08/12/1999 08/12/1999 unspecified License is perpetual

License shall last for a period of 10

26/10/2017, years, afterwards it shall be
26/10/2007 26/10/2007
projected automatically renewed for successive 1
year periods.

License shall commence on 2009-06-24

24/06/2008 24/06/2009 24/06/2028
and end on 2028-06-24.

License shall be effective from

27/08/1999 27/08/1999 27/08/1999 and shall continue for a
period of 5 years.

Restrictions of the use, exploitation,

Class of product limitation Exclusivity reproduction, further transfer, and further

Yes; Licensee shall not

market the licensed
product to the Department
of Defense or the National
Aeronautics & Space
Licensee has no right to assign the license
Agency until the end of
during the technology transfer period.
phase 1; Licensee shall
not enter into a delivery
product of the licensed
product until the end of
phase 2.
Yes; Licensee shall only
use the licensed products
for the automotive

Licensee has no right to transfer the

Yes license; Licensee has the right to
subcontract its rights and obligations.

Yes; All licenses granted

under the agreement are Licensee has no right to sublicense;
limited to a field of use to No Licensee has no right to transfer the
comply with the AVC license.

Licensee has a right to sublicense; Neither

party has a right to assign or transfer the
license, without the prior consent of the
other party.
exclusive in the
event that the
licensor will not
provide licensed
technology to any
other licensee by
developing enough
sales of the
licensed technology Licensee has a right to sublicense;
such that the net Licensee has no right to transfer or assign
receipts in the first the license.
22 months are in
excess of
US$5,000,000 or
prepaying royalty
fees within 22
months of the
Yesdate of Licensee has a right to sublicense.
this agreement in
the amount of

Licensee has no right to transfer the

No license; Licensee has a right to revoke the

Licensee has no right to sublicense or

transfer the license; Neither of the parties
have a right to assign the license, except to
their affiliates.

Licensee has no right to transfer the

No license; Licensee has a right to

Licensee has no right to sublicense or

assign the license; The product cannot be
used in automatic meter reading products
except as allowed for in a certain affiliate
agreement or otherwise mutually agreed to
in writing.

Yes; License is
exclusive for certain
medical and health
apps for a mutually
acceptable period
of time.
Yes; License shall Licensee has no right to transfer the
convert to non- license; Licensee has no right to
exclusive if sublicense; Licensee has no right to
licensee's annual reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble
revenue for any or attempt to discover a source code or
year is less than underlying ideas or algorithms of the object
US$1,000,000; code of any portion of the product;
License for Licensee agrees not to sell or market other
licensor's third party software title that is a direct
trademarks is non- competitor to the LPER Product in the
exclusive. territory.
Licensee has a right to sublicense;
Licensee has no right to transfer or assign
the license; During the term of the license
and for the period of 2 years after its
termination licensee shall not be engaged
or participate in the competitive business in
the USA or any other territory where
No Yes licensor or its affiliates have a presence;
deal with licensor`s affiliates, other
licensees, customers in order to obtain
similar or the same business, as well as to
employ licensor`s and its affiliates
employees; or in any other manner impair
Licensee between
shall not licensor
its affiliates
and its
during the term customers.
of the license and 2 years
No thereafter; Licensor has no right to assign
the license; Licensee has a right to assign
the license.

Licensee has no right to sublicense or

otherwise assign the license without the
prior written approval of licensor, except
that licensee shall transfer the license to a
UK company, which shall be the assignee
of the license.

Licensee shall not assign or delegate the

No license; Licensor has no right to assign or
delegate the license.

Licensee has no right to assign or transfer

No the licence; Licensor has a right to assign
the licence to its subsidiaries or partners.

License has no right to sublicense;

Licensee has a right to assign the license.

No; Provided that

the license is not
terminated and that
licensee is not then
Licensee has the right to sublicense in the
in material breach Licensee has no right to assign or transfer
field of computer video & web
of the license on the license; Licensee has a right to
conferencing; Licensee has no right to
31/12/2003, non- sublicense.
assign or transfer its licensed rights without
prior written consent of licensor, except for
trademark license
the right to sublicense and except for
shall become
assigning licensed rights to licensee's
affiliates or subsidiaries; License is also
granted to any entity controlling, controlled
by, or under common control with licensee;
Yes Yes
Licensor intends to enter into other
exclusive license agreements with
unrelated third parties in fields of use other
than licensed in this agreement; Except for
the license rights expressly granted to
licensee, licensor reserves all other rights
with respect to licensed patent; Licensee
will not cooperate with any third party in an
attempt to invalidate or challenge the
licensed patent.
Licensee has no right to transfer the right to
use licensor's brand name; For 3 years
licensor shall not engage in a business
competing with licensee, and shall not
receive services by any previous employee
of licensee.

Licensee has no right to sublicense;

Licensee has no right to distribute source
code or source derivatives to third parties
other than source code that is licensed to
customers solely for its use in connection
with the support or service.

Yes Licensee has a right to sublicense.

Licensee has no right to sublicense or

transfer the license; Licensee is required to
display licensor's trade name and
No trademark; Licensee shall not use
licensor’s trade names, trademarks, service
marks or other designations without
licensor's express written permission.

Licensee has a right to sublicense;

Yes Licensee has no right to assign the license
without the prior consent of licensor.

Licensee has no right to assign the license

without licensor consent.

Licensee has a right to sublicence;

Licensee has no right to assign the license.

Licensee has the right to transfer the

Yes; Licensor shall Licensee has the right to sell, lease, market
be the exclusive and exploit products similar to licensed
provider to licensee gaming application; Licensee is not
of licensed gaming required to give priority to licensed gaming
Licensee has the right to sublicense; From
applications. applications.
28/02/2007 through 24/08/2007, licensee
shall not promote, market, distribute, or sell
other wireless gaming system of any other
provider and shall only promote, market,
distribute, or sell licensed gaming
application; After 24/08/2007, licensee shall
continue to exclusively promote, market,
distribute, and sell licensed applications;
No; Non-exclusive
During the term of agreement, and for 1
right to market and
year afterwards, neither party shall interfere
sell the software
or hinder foregoing business relationship
products worldwide;
with the other, nor shall either party
Exclusive right to
disparage the other.
market and sell the
software products Licensee has a right to assign the license.
through Home
Shopping Network,
QVC, Inc., CVS
WalMart, and
Walgreens. For 3 years licensor shall not, in Canada
and the United States of America, offer
services or sell products that compete with
the services and products resulting from
the licensed technology.

Licensee has no right to transfer or assign

No the license without prior written consent of

Licensee may not reproduce licensed

products or service releases; Licensee
shall not assign its rights and obligations
without the prior written consent of licensor.

Licensor shall not make any sale,

Yes assignment or enter into any agreement
conflicting with this agreement.


Licensee has a right to sublicense;

Licensee has a right to assign the license.

Licensee has no right to assign or transfer

the license.

Yes; Licensee shall have

no right to use the
technology and licensed
Neither party shall have a right to assign or
product outside of the No
transfer the license.
licensed territory or
beyond provision of
services. The licensor shall not, for a period of 3
years from the closing date, individually or
in partnership or jointly or in conjunction
with any other party engage in, carry on or
provide services to, be employed by or
have an interest in, or otherwise be
concerned with any other business in
Canada and the United States of America
which offers services or sells products that
compete with the services and products
resulting from the technology.

Licensee may not reproduce licensed

products or service releases; Licensee
shall not assign its rights and obligations
without the prior written consent of licensor.
Licensee is not granted any other rights
except for marketing the licensed products;
Licensee is allowed to use licensed
products only for demonstration purposes.

Licensee is not granted any other rights

except for marketing the licensed products;
Licensee is allowed to use licensed
products only for demonstration purposes.


Licensee has the right to sublicense and

transfer its license without prior written
consent of licensor; Licensor retains a right
to make, use and sell licensed intellectual
property, without a right to transfer or
sublicense it.

Licensee has no right to sublicense;

Yes; Licensee may not
No Licensee has no right to transfer or assign
copy or modify the system.
the license.

Yes; The e-Gaming

License is also granted to the affiliates of
Offering will initially be
Yes licensee; Licensee and licensor has no
made available in English
right to assign the agreement.

Licensee has a right to sublicense;

Yes Licensee has no right to transfer the
Neither party has a right to transfer, assign,
sell or delegate the license.

Both parties have a right to assign the

Yes license; Licensee has a right to transfer the

Licensee has a right to sublicense;

No Licensee has no right to assign the license;
Licensor has a right to assign the license.

Yes Licensee has a right to assign the license.



Licensee has no right to sublicense or

transfer the license; Licensee is required to
display licensor's trade name and
No trademark; Licensee shall not use
licensor’s trade names, trademarks, service
marks or other designations without
licensor's express written permission.

Licensee has no right to sublicense or

transfer the license; Licensee is required to
display licensor's trade name and
No trademark; Licensee shall not use
licensor’s trade names, trademarks, service
marks or other designations without
licensor's express written permission.
Licensor shall not provide licensed software
to any other party; Licensee does not
assume licensor's liabilities; During the
period when royalties are payable, licensor
shall not solicit, influence, employ or
Yes engage any employee or consultant of
licensee without licensor's prior written
consent; Licensor shall not sell, pledge,
dispose of or encumber licensed
technology without licensor's prior written

Yes; Licensee shall not Licensee has the right to sublicense;

market GTI software as a Neither party has the right to assign the
standalone product, or license, except for the right of licensee to
other than as an assign the license in connection with
embedded component of acquisition of all or portion of its business
licensee. Licensee by hasthe
to sublicense;
Licensee shall not reproduce, license,
Yes; License is sublicense, translate and distribute Super
exclusive regarding Duper Music Looper software program
the Super Duper directly, including licensor`s catalog,
Music Looper website or other direct marketing effort, and
trademark and non- in the school channel both directly or
exclusive regarding through distributors; Neither party has the
the other right to assign the license, provided that
trademarks. either party has the right to assign the
license to an affiliate or in connection with
acquisition of the business.
Yes; Licensee shall not
reverse engineer, Licensee has no right to sublicense, except
decompile, disassemble Yes to affiliates; Neither party has a right to
nor copy the licensed assign the license, except to successors.

Licensee has a right to sublicense;

Licensee agrees that during the term of the
agreement, except with the written consent
of the licensor, it will not market, distribute
or license any telecommunication platform
that is competitive with the licensed
product; Licensee has no right to assign the

Licensee has no right to transfer the

license; Licensee has a right to sublicense.
Both parties have no right to assign the

Licensee has a right to sublicense and

transfer the license.

Licensee has no right to sublicense;

Licensee has no right to transfer or assign
the license; Licensor has no right to use
and license others to use the trrademarks
and licenced products within the exclusive
territory; License is revocable.

Neither party has a right to assign the

license without prior consent of other party.

Licensee has no right to transfer the

license; Licensee has a right to revoke the
license; The license is granted solely to
licensee, and not by implication or
otherwise to any parent, subsidiary or
affiliate of licensee, or any other third party;
Licensee has no right to sublicense or
distribute licensed product to any person;
Licensee has no right to assign or delegate
the license.
Yes; Non-exclusive
in countries other
Licensee has a right to assign the license;
than Japan, South
License is also granted to the sublicensees
Korea, Mexico, The
of the licensee; Licensee has a right to
United States of
America and its
Licensee has a right to sublicense;
Yes Licensee has a right to transfer or assign
the license.

Licensee has a right to sublicense;

No Licensee has a right to transfer or assign
the license.

Licensee shall not reverse engineer,

reverse compile, disassemble or otherwise
attempt to derive the source code of any of
the licensed software for any purpose;
Licensee agrees not to implement, develop,
No or engage in software development similar
in type or services to the software, or use
any other 3rd party solution; Licensee has
a right to assign the license; Neither party
has a right to sell, transfer or delegate the

Licensee has the right to sublicense and

transfer the license; Licensor will not sell
licensed products not through licensee;
Licensee has the right to develop, market
and distribute products competing with
licensed products; Licensor shall not divert
customers away from licensee for 3 years
after expiration of agreement.


License is transferable; Licensee has the

right to sublicense.

Licensee has a right to assign the license;

For a period of 5 years licensor agrees not
to compete with licensee.
Licensee has a right to sublicense;
Yes Sublicensee shall not be allowed to grant
further sublicenses to any other party.
Yes; But non-
exclusive right to
manufacturer and
duplicate the
product line, non-
Licensee has no right to sublicense;
exclusive right to
Licensee and licensor have no right to
Yes use the name of
assign the license._x000D_
David A. Kay for the
purpose of
distributing and
selling the product


Licensee has a right to sublicense;

Licensee has no right to assign the license.

License is also granted to the affiliates of


Neither party shall have the right to assign

the license without the prior consent of the
other party; Licensee has a right to

Licensee has no right to assign or transfer

No the license; Licensee has no right to
Licensee has a right to sublicense the

Yes; License is
exclusive for Licensee has a right to sublicense with the
SchoolWeb; prior consent of licensor; Neither party has
License is non- a right to assign the license without the
exclusive for prior consent of other party.

Licensee has no right to sublicense or

transfer the license.

Licensee has no right to sublicense or

No transfer the license._x000D_

No; Non-exclusive
Yes; Limited rights to use right for the use of
word mark and monogram WESSON word
logo. mark and
monogram logo.

No Licensee has no right to revoke the license.

Licensee may not reproduce licensed
products or service releases; Licensee
shall not assign its rights and obligations
without the prior written consent of licensor.

Licensee has the right to sublicense;

Licensee has no right to transfer the
license; Licensee shall not use licensed
system for creating and managing source
No documentation and conducting remote data
Licensee hasinright
clinical trial studiesLicense
to sublicense; using a is
Yes; License shall tablet
not personal computer
assignable; with stylus,
License granted touch
only within
automatically screen
the fielddevice, digitizing
of secure tablet, digitizer
communications pen
in the
become non- or similar
following mobile
areas: processing
Virtual device.
Private Networks,
exclusive, if Secure Voice Over Internet Protocol,
licensee has not Electronic Mail, Video Conferencing,
paid licensor at Communications Logging, Dynamic
least $2,000,000 Uniform Resource Locators, Denial of
after completion of Service, Prevention of Functional
a product by Intrusions, IP Hopping, Voice Messaging
licensee in the field and Unified Messaging, Live Voice and IP
of use that is PBX’s, Voice Web Video Conferencing and
available for beta Collaboration, Instant Messaging,
test. Minimized Impact of Viruses and Secure
Session Initiation Protocol.
Licensee has a right to sublicense;
Licensee has a right to assign the license.

Licensee shall not assign or transfer the

license without prior written consent of
licensor; Licensor will not engage other
No parties to maintain or support licensor's
customers without licensee’s consent;
Licensee shall not modify licensed

Licensee is not granted any other rights

except for marketing the licensed products;
Licensee is allowed to use licensed
products only for demonstration purposes.

Licensee has the right to sublicense and

transfer the license; Licensor will not sell
licensed products not through licensee;
Licensee has the right to develop, market
and distribute products competing with
licensed products; Licensor shall not divert
customers away from licensee for 3 years
after expiration of agreement.
Licensee has no right to subcontract and
assign its licensed rights and obligations
without prior express written consent of
licensor; During the term of agreement and
for 2 years after, licensor and licensee shall
not solicit any licensees of licensed

Licensee has the right to sublicense;

Yes Licensee has no right to transfer the

Licensee has a right to assign the license

to its affiliated companies.

Yes; Exclusive
license for Europe,
the Mid-East, Bank
of America,
Citibank, Wells
Fargo and
Wachovia; Non-
exclusive license
for Asia generally
but an exclusive
license for the
Licensee has a right to assign, contract or
Philippines and
sub-contract the license; Licensee has a
Indonesia; Non-
right to sublicense.
exclusive license
for North and South
America but if the
licensor does not
establish not less
than one paying
customer within 6
months North
American territory
shall become

Yes; Licensee has

a right to
Licensee has no
right to assign,
delegate or transfer
the license.
Licensee has no right to assign or transfer
the license; Licensee shall not load
licensed product onto a network server for
the purposes of distribution to one or more
other computer on that network or to effect
such distribution; Licensee shall not rent,
lease, sub-licence, loan, copy, modify,
adapt, merge, translate, reverse engineer,
Licensee has nodisassemble
right to assign or create
or transfer
Yes derivative worksLicensee
the license; based onshall the whole
not loador any
part of licensed
licensed productproduct; Licenseeserver
onto a network shall not
the purposesthe licensor’s trade mark,
of distribution to onecopyright
or more
other or any other proprietary
on that networknotice from
or to effect
such product Licensee
distribution; or the documentation;
shall not rent,
Licensee agrees thatloan,
lease, sub-licence, it willcopy,
not accept
grant amerge,
adapt, licensetranslate,
of, use, offer,
promote any social
decompile, media analytic
disassemble software
or create
Yes in the licensed
derivative worksterritory
based on other
or any
product.Licensee shall not
part of licensed product;
remove the licensor’s trade mark, copyright
notice or any other proprietary notice from
licensed product or the documentation;
Licensee agrees that it will not accept or
Yes; Licensee shall not
grant a license of, use, offer, distribute or
use or authorize others to
Licenseeany hassocial media
no right analyticlease,
to transfer, softwareor
use the licensed products
No in the licensed
pledge territory
the license; other has
Licensee thannolicensed
right to
directly or indirectly
outside of the licensed
Yes; Licensor shall
not grant a license
to any third party
that provides any of Neither party has a right to assign the
the rights granted license; Licensee has no right to
in the license sublicense.
before the second
anniversary of the
effective date.


Licensee has a right to sublicense;

No; Exclusive in
Licensor will not compete with licensee, nor
North American
authorize or permit any third party to
territory and non-
compete with licensee with respect to the
exclusive in
use of the technology within the exclusive
territories outside
territory; Licensee has no right to assign
North America.
the license.

Licensee has no right to sublicense without

the prior consent of licensor; Licensee has
a right to assign or transfer the license with
the prior consent of licensor.
sold into the
Yes; License do not
wireline enterprise
include marketing,
market on
distribution, use, display,
computers using
modification or revision of
DOS, Windows,
the licensed product in
Unix, Linux, Java or
relation to any wireless
Apple operating
products for J2ME mobile
systems; Non-
devices using encryptogen Licensee may appoint sub-distributors for
exclusive license to
for Java (ME) or system or the marketing and distribution of the
market and
operating system where licensed product; Licensee has no right to
distribute licensed
the wireless device is a assign the license.
products outside
mobile device that works
the field of use;
on the 2 1/5 through 3G
mobile phone network;
license to modify
The license do not apply
and revise the
to the product known as
license product;
"Titan" (a virus detection
license to use and
display licensed
product for the
purpose of testing,
demonstrating to or
training. Licensee has a right to sublicense
(sublicensees shall not have the right to
Yes grant further sublicenses), and to transfer
the license; Licensee has no right to assign
the license.

Licensee has the right to transfer the


Licensee has no right to transfer the

license; Licensee has a right to sublicense.

Yes Licensee has a right to assign the license.

Licensee shall have a right to sublicense;

Yes Licensee shall have no right to assign or
transfer the license.
Sublicensee has no right to sublicense
further; Sublicensee has no right to assign
the sublicense; Sublicensor has a right to
assign the sublicense.

Licensee has a right to sublicense;

Licensee has a right to assign the license.

Licensee has no right to sublicense;

Licensee has no right to manufacture,
develop, test, or support licensee products
without licensor's prior written approval;
Yes No
Licensor may assign the agreement without
restriction; Licensee may not assign its
rights or duties under this agreement
without the prior written consent of licensor.

Licensee has the right to sublicense

licensed applications.

Licensee has the right to sublicense with

prior written consent of licensor; Licensor
No will not enter into any agreement
inconsistent with licensor's obligations
under this agreement.

Yes; Licensee has

a right to
sublicense; License
is assignable by
licensee only with
the prior consent of Licensee has no right to sublicense;
licensor. Licensee has no right to transfer or assign
the license; Licensee shall use licensed
property solely for its use in connection with
the marketing services business; Licensee
shall not have any interest in any other
No business that is similar to any of the
marketing services business, the business
of providing electronic application tools to
educational institutions, licensor's test
preparation business, or any business that
sells any products, goods or services to
educational institutions.
Neither party has a right to assign or
transfer the license.

No Licensee has no right to assign the license.

Licensee has no right to transfer the

license; Neither party has a right to assign
or delegate the license without the prior
consent of other party.

License is revocable; License is non-

transferable; Licensee has a right to
Yes sublicense; Neither party has a right to
assign the license without the prior consent
of other party.

The licensor shall not, for a period of 3

years, directly or indirectly be concerned
with any other business in Canada and the
United States of America which offers
services or sells products that compete with
the services and products resulting from
the licensed technology.
Licensee has no right to transfer or assign
the license; Licensee has no right to market
the system or marks over the internet or by
other electronic means; Licensee has a
right to sublicense to certain permitted
licensees; Licensor has a right to assign
the license; Licensor has a right to delegate
its obligations to its corporate affiliates.
Licensee has a right to sublicense;
Licensor shall not be engaged in, develop
software, or be a party to the development,
marketing or licensing of any software
Yes which could reasonably be assumed to be
in competition with the software that is the
subject of this license; License is
assignable by licensee only with the prior
consent of licensor.

Neither party has a right to assign, delegate

or transfer the license.
Licensee has a right to sublicense; Neither
No party has a right to assign or transfer the

Yes; License is Licensee has the right to sublicense;

exclusive even to License is not valid in automobile repair
licensor. shops.

Licensee has no right to transfer or assign

the licence.

License shall be
against all others
only as to the use,
distribution and
Licensee has no right to sublicense or
sale of licensed
otherwise transfer the license; Both parties
products to any
have no right to assign the license.
residential or
business users of
internet access in
the United States of
Licensee has no right to revoke the license;
Yes Licensee has a right to transfer the license;
Licensee has a right to sublicense.

Licensor agrees that from and after closing

will not directly or indirectly invest or
engage in any business that is competitive
with the licensee's business lines; Licensee
has no right to assign the license.

Licensee has the right to sublicense;

Licensee has no right to transfer the
license; Licensee shall not contest the
validity or ownership of licensed intellectual
property rights owned by licensor; Licensee
shall not permit other persons to copy,
translate, disassemble or create the
licensed product.
Yes; Non-exclusive
rights for Splitware
Server, Splitware Licensee has a right to sublicense;
Server Plug-In Licensor shall refrain from engaging in the
modules, Splitware business relating to the licensed assets.
Client for


Licensee has no right to sublicense and

assign the license; Licensee shall have the
right to sell the software encompassing the
technology pursuant to the license to
clients and customers of licensee which
Yes Yes
shall be provided the perpetual right to own
and use such technology; Licensor shall
not compete with licensee’s sale of the
software and licensee shall not compete
with licensor.

Licensee has a right to sublicense;

Yes Licensor will not use the patent in any way
to compete with licensee.

Licensee has no right to transfer,

encumber, license, sublicense or otherwise
dispose any of the licensed property;
Licensee has no right to sublicense.
Licensee has a right to sublicense (except
for the right to sublicense to licensor's
competitors); Neither party has a right to
assign the license, except for licensee's
assignment to a third party (not competing
Yes with licensor) in connection with a bona fide
sale of substantially all of licensee’s assets
to such party; During the term of the license
and for 3 years after termination, licensor
Licensee has no right to sublicense or
shall not sell any interest in the technology
transfer in any way licensed software;
to a third party.
Licensee shall not reproduce, copy, or
otherwise use licensed software in order to
derive the source code or trade secret
Yes No
information; Licensee shall not modify or
merge licensed software into any system
other than licensed website; Licensee shall
not license licensed software, methods or
other technology to third parties.

Licensee has no right to transfer the

Yes license; Licensee has the right to
Until the closing date licensor shall not
attempt to enter into any agreements with
any parties concerting any business
transaction; For 2 years, licensor shall not
design, develop manufacture, market, sell
or license any product or provide any
service that is competitive with licensee's
products or services within 3 years prior the
closing of this agreement; For 2 years
licensor shall not engage in any business
competitive with licensee's business;
Licensor shall not use the name
“ChoicePay” in connection with business
related to sold assets.
Licensee has no right to assign or transfer
No the license; Licensee has a right to

Licensee has no right to use licensor's

name in any manner; Licensee has a right
to sublicense; Neither party has a right to
assign or transfer the license.

Licensee has a right to sublicense to

licensor's affiliates and/or subsidiaries.

License is also granted to affiliates of

licensee; Licensee has no right to
sublicense, assign and transfer the license;
Licensee may not modify, merge the
software with other software or distribute
Yes; Non-exclusive
the licensed software to any third party;
for the trademark.
Licensor shall not provide Progressive
Systems to any third party gaming supplier
for use with table games without the
consent of licensee. _x000D_

Licensee has a right to sublicense;

Licensee and licensor have no right to
assign the license._x000D_

Licensee has a right to sublicense.

Licensee has no right to
Yes sublicense._x000D_

Yes; Licensed product

shall be sold in retail, Licensee has a right to sublicense;
corporate and Yes Licensee has no right to transfer the
governmental license.

Yes; License does not

include right to distribute
Licensee has no right to assign or transfer
UNIFACE development
the license except for subsidiaries that are
licenses, general use No
at least 51% owned or controlled by
UNIFACE runtime licenses
UNIFACE mainframe

Licensee has a right to sublicense;

Licensee and licensor have no right to
assign the license._x000D_

Licensee has a right to sublicense;

Licensee and licensor have no right to
assign the license; Licensor shall not,
during the term of this agreement, develop
any product that competes with the

Yes; Exclusivity is
License is irrevocable, provided that
conditional on
licensee achieves an annual turnover figure
licensee distributing
of over €500,000; Licensee has a right to
a minimum amount
grant sub-licenses to its clients, affiliates or
of €75,000 in
third parties; Licensee has no right to
royalties per annum
transfer the license.
to licensors.

Licensee has a right to transfer or

sublicense; Licensee has no right to assign
license; Licensor has no right to assign or
transfer license.

Yes; Licensor shall not

use, market or distribute
any computer codes,
software, programs, know- Licensee has no right to sublicense;
how, trade secrets and Licensee has no right to assign or transfer
other materials developed the license; Licensor has the right to assign
in connection with the or transfer the license.
license, or services
competitive to the
automated system.
control, automotive
and transportation,
power and gas
management, water
management, asset
and personnel
Yes; Licensee shall not tracking, financial,
install licensor's software business
on computers that are not intelligence, supply
Licensee has a right to sublicense;
owned or leased by chain management,
Licensee has no right to assign the license.
licensee, its customers, gaming, interactive
related companies or radio and
sublicensees. television, video
and audio
maritime security,
building and Licensee has a right to sublicense;
structureNosecurity Licensee has no right to assign the license
and management, without prior consent of licensor.
inference and
sensor data fusion
products for
applications, and Licensee shall have a right to sublicense;
Artificial Intelligence Licensee has no right to transfer the
software license; Licensee has no right to assign the
development license without prior consent of licensor.

Yes; Licensor shall not

license licensed patents to Licensee has no right to sublicense, assign
Adobe, Loudeye, or transfer the license.
Convera, Virage or Avid.

Yes Licensee has a right to sublicense.

Licensee has no right to transfer or assign

Yes license; Licensee has a right to sublicense
the license.

Licensee has no right to sublicense or

No transfer the license; Neither party may
transfer or assign the license.

Licensee has a right to sublicense; Neither

No party has a right to assign or transfer the
license without prior consent of other party.
Licensee has a right to sublicense;
Licensee has no right to transfer or assign
the license without the prior consent of
licensor, provided, however, licensee may
assign, delegate or otherwise transfer the
license without the consent of licensor to
any corporation or other business entity
Yes that directly
or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is
under common control with
licensee or in connection with any merger,
consolidation, sale of all or substantially all
of licensee's assets, or any other
transaction in which more than 50% of
licensee's voting securities are transferred.
Yes Licensee has a right to sublicense.

Licensee has no right to assign or transfer

the license.

Licensee has a right to sublicense;

Licensor has no right to assign the license.

Licensee has a right to sublicense the

No license; Licensee has no right to assign or
transfer the license.
Specific features

Stage of
Extent and duration of legal Useful
develop Rights to enhancements, revisions, and updates
protection life

Both parties have a right to make derivatives of

the licensed product.

Licensee shall make and disclose to licensor any

modifications and enhancements to the licensed
products at both parties expense.

Licensor will be responsible for

obtaining all clearances for use of Licensor shall own all development products.
intellectual property rights.

Modifications or changes, made, or development

undertaken, by licensor to the licensed products
shall be made available to licensee.
Licensee has no right to modify, translate or create
derivative works based on the licensed software;
Licensee shall retain all rights and interest in the
License includes 1 trademark.
software applications and other data created by
licensee using the licensed software if authorized
by licensor.

All modifications to licensed technology,

trademarks and other materials related to licensed
content shall be owned by licensor; Upon the
expiration of the license, parties shall assign and
transfer to each other title and rights in and to
created or obtained technologies, software and
other intellectual property rights related to the
contents of the other party.

Licensor will provide enhancements to licensee at

no additional charge as part of the maintenance
and support services unless the enhancements
are so extensive that they would constitute a new

Licensor and licensee will jointly own the copyright

and patent of any substantially new applications
adapted by the licensee.

Licensor shall own all of the modifications to the

Licensor shall bear all costs and
Updates to the licensed software solely developed
expenses regarding maintenance
by licensor shall be made available to licensee
of the licensed software
without additional payments; Licensee has no right
database, including security
to make any modifications, improvements,
certification and all other
enhancements based on the licensed software.
necessary upgrades.

Licensor shall pay renewal fees to

maintain licensed patents;
Improvements made by licensor or licensee shall
Licensee shall assist to licensor in
be the property of licensor.
prosecution of the licensed

Licensee shall have a right to use and exploit any

of licensor's improvements and additions to the
system; Licensee shall disclose to licensor any
improvements made by licensee and such
improvements shall be the property of licensor.

All developed intellectual property shall be owned

by licensor.

Licensee shall not attempt to modify, enhance or

alter the licensed products without the consent of
licensor; Any modification, enhancements or
alterations shall be the property of licensor.

License includes one U.S. Patent.

Licensor represents that licensed

patent is valid.
Licensor and licensee recognize
the absence of patents, copyright
registrations, trade names
registrations and the like;
Licensor has good and
marketable title to purchased
intellectual property.
Licensee shall grant to the licensor a non-
exclusive, fully-paid, worldwide license and right,
including under all patents then owned by
licensee, to use for its own internal use and to
market and distribute a compiler product to third
parties that incorporates the latest released copy
of the licensed software developed by the
Licensor shall be responsible for
the preparation, filing, prosecution
and maintenance of licensed
patent rights; Licensee shall
reimburse licensor for all
reasonable costs relating to the
preparation, filing, prosecution
and maintenance of licensed
patent rights.

The Security Agreement dated

12/8/2005 between licensee and
licensor remains in effect and Licensor and licensee agree that both parties can
continues to apply with full force make any improvements.
and effect to the licensor patent

Licensor agrees to create a software compatible

with licensee's specifications; If licensee creates at
its own cost and expense software which is not
created in whole or in part by using the intellectual
property embodied in the services or software, all
right to it shall belong to licensee; If licensee
creates at its own cost and expense software
which is derived in whole or in part by using the
intellectual property embodied in the services or
software, all right to it shall belong to licensor, but
will be a subject of this license.
Licensor's software enhancements, improvements
Licensor warrants that licensed
and upgrades shall belong to licensor and shall
software is valid and enforceable.
also be licensed.

Licensee shall have all right to trade name,

Licensor warrants that licensed
trademarks, copyrights and other rights derived
software is valid and enforceable.
from the name “Casino on Demand”.

Licensee has a right to modify and create

derivative works, licensee shall own all
modifications; Licensee shall be the owner of any
name or marks that it creates for the licensed

License shall include all improvements,

modifications or variations.

Licensor does not warrant the

validity or enforceability of
licensed intellectual property

Licensor assigns to licensee

exclusive right to enforce licensed
patents and related inventions in
the United States and throughout
the world in the name of licensee.

Licensors own good title to

trademarks Connect CCB, Out
Licensee shall own derivative works of licensed
Front, Primal Access IM, Primal
software products.
Connect CCB, KPIPAK, Primal,
Licensor shall deliver to the licensee all
improvements to the licensed product.
Licensee's work products shall be owned by

Licensee shall have the right to

enforce licensed intellectual
property in its own name;
Licensee assumes all licensor's
liability related to alleged past
infringement of PHT Corporation’s
U.S. Patent No. 6,095,985.

Licensor shall have the sole ownership of all right

to the marks, the system, the technology, and any
enhancements and work products.

Licensee will be responsible for integrating the

software with existing back-office software,
including making all necessary modifications;
Licensor will make commercially reasonable
efforts to assist the licensee.

Licensee shall be the owner of the improvements

developed by licensee; Licensee will have the
right to cross license the newly developed
intellectual property for non-competitive markets
based under satisfactory terms as agreed to by
the licensee.
Licensor owns all intellectual property rights,
including any improvements to and derivations of
the licensed product.

License includes 1 US and 1

Taiwan patent; Licensor shall file
patents and trademark
applications at its sole option to
Improvements and modifications to the technology
protect and secure the licensed
made by licensee shall be subject to this
technology; Licensor, with the
assistance and cooperation of
licensee, shall prosecute and
maintain patents at licensee's
Licensor shall own improvements, modifications
and derivative works of licensed software made by

Licensor and licensee agree that all future

applications that involve licensed patents will be
shared equally between licensor and licensee; Any
new search engine technology that is developed
or acquired by licensee that does not involve the
licensed patents, or any derivative thereof, will be
the sole property of licensee.
Any derivative works, enhancements, upgrades
and updates of software solely developed by
Licensor shall maintain GTI
licensor shall be made available to licensee
software, provided that licensee
without charge in versions compatible with
shall pay to licensor 15 % of
licensed GTI software; Any revisions and
maintenance fees received by
modifications to the GTI software (GTI source
licensee on all its products in
code) solely developed by licensee shall be
which GTI software is embedded.
licensed to licensor on the irrevocable, perpetual,
worldwide and nonexclusive basis.

Modifications and updates to the licensed

products developed by licensor are included in the
license and shall be made available to licensee.

Licensee shall be the owner of the improvements

developed by licensee; Licensee will have the
right to cross license the newly developed
intellectual property for non-competitive markets
based under satisfactory terms as agreed to by
the licensee.
Licensor's developed intellectual property to the
licensed product shall be owned by licensee after
the royalty payment is ceased.

The licensed technology also includes all updates

and upgrades.

If requested by licensor licensee

shall execute and file applications
for registration of the trademarks
and licensed products at the
licensor`s expenses and upon
filing applications licensee shall
assign to licensor the applications
and all rights and goodwill in the
trademarks and licensed product.

In any case where licensor has designated a

vertical market extension or vertical market
specialization created by licensee as a platform
extension or platform specialization, licensee
grants to licensor non- exclusive, world-wide, fully
paid-up, royalty free license to use for themselves
and all their customers and licensees, in any way
and for any purpose as long as they are granted
to licensee by this agreement, directly and through
hosting services providers, any and all
Licensee shall be solely
responsible for applying for and
obtaining any approvals, All future technology developed by the licensor is
authorizations, or validations also licensed to licensee.
necessary to effectuate the terms
of the license agreement.

Licensed patents are issued and

filed, licensed trademark is
Licensee is the solely owner of all right to all
improvements, modifications, additions,
inventions, original works of authorship and

Updates and upgrades made by or for licensor

belong to licensor and are licensed to licensee.
Licensor acknowledges that all
licensed patents have been
registered in, filed in, or issued by
the appropriate patent offices of
each jurisdiction, and in each Any inventions made jointly by licensor and
case is currently in effect and all licensee will be owned jointly by licensor and
maintenance fees and renewals licensee; Licensee shall have the first right to file
thereof have been duly made. patent applications with respect to jointly owned
Licensor is not aware of any inventions in the name of both parties.
material claims made against it
asserting the invalidity or non-
enforceability with respect to any
of the licensed patents.
License includes any future additions and

Seller has taken steps to protect

and enforce its rights in trade
Both parties shall own the shared intellectual
secrets included in enterprise
management solution intellectual

Licensor shall prepare, prosecute

and maintain copyrights and
patents at licensee's expense; If Licensee shall modify and develop derivative
licensor elects not file, prosecute works of the licensed product; Licensor shall own
or maintain any copyright, then all modifications and derivatives of the licensed
licensee shall file, prosecute or product.
maintain the patents at its own

Licensor shall retain all right, title and interest in

any derivative works prepared by licensee.

Licensee shall own all rights to any

enhancements, modifications or derivative works
with respect to CAPSA platform that the licensee
Licensor shall disclose improvements to the
licensed technology to licensee; If licensee makes
any improvement to the licensed technology, it
shall transfer such improvement to licensor.

The intellectual property includes

4 U.S. trademark registrations on
the mark IDENTI-KIT, and 27
foreign registrations on the same

Licensor will provide licensee, at no charge, basic

enhancements and error corrections to the
licensed property.

Licensor has valid and

marketable title to intangible
Licensee shall have no rights to any licensor
improvements, modifications or enhancements to
the licensor patent rights; Licensee will keep
complete and accurate records of its research and
development performed in connection with the
licensor patent rights and licensee will make such
records available to licensor.

Modifications and enhancements of licensed

software products belongs to licensor and are
licensed to licensee; Competing products,
developed by licensee and not incorporating
licensor's source code, shall belong to licensee.
Licensor shall own all integration code developed
by licensor and incorporated into licensed
application; Intellectual property made by licensee
under this agreement shall belong to licensor.

Licensor owns all enhancements and updates of

licensed system and intellectual property; These
updates shall be included in the license.

License includes 1 registered


All developments shall belong exclusively to the

If any modifications, adaptations, amendments or
additions are made to the software, the intellectual
property rights in such modifications, adaptations,
amendments or additions shall vest in the licensor
and the licensee shall have a licence to use them
on the same terms as are set out in the license

If any modifications, adaptations, amendments or

additions are made to the software, the intellectual
property rights in such modifications, adaptations,
amendments or additions shall vest in the licensor
and the licensee shall have a licence to use them
on the same terms as are set out in the license

Licensor shall complete the

registration of any related
software products.

Licensee has a right to modify, enhance, and

create derivative works of the licensed software,
and all such enhancements, modifications, and
derivative works of the licensed software
developed by or on behalf of licensee shall be
owned by licensee.

Licensee shall own its developed derivatives of

the licensed product.

Licensor shall retain all rights to the

improvements, but such improvements shall also
be a part of the license.

Software developed by licensor shall be its sole

Title and ownership rights to any modified or
Licensee has no right to revised version shall remain exclusively with the
sublicense; Licensee has no right licensor.
to sell, lease, assign or transfer
the license; If licensee is provided
access to the licensed software or
to any software utilized by the
licensor in delivering the licensed
software, licensee shall not
Licensee has a right to use enhanced, modified or
reverse engineer, decompile,
improved licensed intellectual property.
disassemble or otherwise attempt
to discover the source code,
object code or underlying
structure, ideas or algorithms of
the licensed software and shall
not modify, translate, or create
derivative works based on the
Licensee shall own all right, title and interest in
licensed software.
derivatives and improvements.

If the licensee does create any derivatives, such

party shall own title and all intellectual property
rights with respect to any derivatives.

Licensor shall have sole

responsibility and discretion for
maintaining all licensed
Both parties own and grant to the each other
intellectual property, including
rights to any improvements to the licensed product
decisions regarding expenditures
developed by the party.
and filings of trademark, patent or
copyright applications and
Sublicensee shall cooperate with
If sublicensee develops any improvements, it shall
sublicensor in registration of
grant to sublicensor a perpetual royalty free
intellectual property at the
expense of sublicensor.

Licensee shall legend or mark

software developed by licensee
pursuant to agreements with the Licensor shall own developments developed by
United States Government or licensor, licensee and jointly by both parties;
other contractors so that licensor Applications for licensed products shall belong to
obtains protection under U.S. the party that developed them.
government restricted rights

Licensor shall own all enhancements and

developments of licensed applications.

Licensor holds valid and sufficient

rights to intellectual property.

Licensee agrees to assign to MRU Holdings, Inc.

MRU Holdings is the owner of any and all rights of licensee in any modifications
licensed technology. made by licensee, provided that licensee shall
have a license to use such modifications.
Licensee shall have a right to use any
enhancements to the licensed product.

License also includes any subsequent

replacements or successors of licensed software.

License includes 10 U.S.

Federally registered trademarks
and service marks and 49
common law trademarks;
Licensee shall cooperate with
licensor to obtain, register and Licensee has no right to modify the system.
enforce for licensor's benefit all
copyrights, trademarks, patents
and trade secrets with respect to
the system, software or marks at
licensor's expense.

All developments, improvements and

modifications are owned solely and exclusively by
the licensor.
Licensor shall make applications
to protect all patents, copyrights,
trademarks, trade secrets and
know how to the licensed If licensee develops any improvements to the
technology; Licensee shall make technology, licensee shall own all patent,
applications to obtain and copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and know
maintain all patents, copyrights, how to such improvements.
trademarks, trade secrets and
know how in the licensee's

Licensee shall not attempt to

modify, enhance or alter the
licensed products.

License includes U.S. Patents;

Licensor shall maintain in force
and actively protect the licensed
patents; Licensor shall promptly
pay all costs of any and all
continuations, continuations-in-
part, divisions, extensions,
reissues, re-examinations, or
renewals of the licensed patents.

Licensor shall disclose to licensee the

improvements to licensed software made by
licensor; Licensee shall own the improvements
made by licensee.
Licensor agrees that licensee has and will retain
all rights of ownership in any modifications made
by or for licensee.

Licensor shall have no rights to or ownership of

any refinements, additional modules,
enhancements or modifications of the technology
or the software made by licensee.
Patent related to the technology
has been approved by the United
States Patent and Trademark
Office; Licensor shall assist
licensee in obtaining the approval
of the patent in the United States All technological developments and improvements
and in other countries in which to the patent which are developed by the licensee
the licensor determines to file a shall be the property of licensee.
patent; Licensee shall bear the
costs related to defending and
enforcing the patent, including
legal fees and filing fees with
patent offices.
Licensor shall own all rights in to any
enhancements developed or created by licensee;
Licensor shall own all rights in to any
enhancements developed or created by licensor.

Licensee has a right to customize, extend and

enhance the technology.

Licensee shall be the owner of the improvements

developed by licensee; Licensor will have the right
to cross license the newly developed intellectual
property for non-competitive markets based under
satisfactory terms as agreed to by the licensee.
Licensor's registrations of
intellectual property are valid and

gy is in
the beta

Licensor shall provide to licensee the updates and

improvements with respect to the PGIC

All information created and developed pursuant to

Licensor will have the sole right to
this agreement will remain the exclusive property
file, prosecute, and maintain all of
of licensor; Improvement inventions made by
the software properties covering
licensee will be the exclusive property of
the inventions._x000D_
Licensor may, but is not obligated
to seek, in its own name and at its
own expense, appropriate further
patent, trademark or copyright
protection for its licensed
Any logos, designs and other artwork derived from
technology and mark in the U.S.
the licensed mark by licensee or by a third party
or in any foreign country; Licensor
shall be owned exclusively by licensor. _x000D_
grants to licensee the right to
apply for patents provided that
such patents shall be applied in
the name of licensor and licensed
to licensee._x000D_

Licensor shall own all developed modifications of

the licensed product.

Licensee shall observe all

applicable laws and regulations in
respect of and obtain all
necessary licenses, consents and
permissions required for the
marketing and license of licensed
application software.

Licensee shall own any new developments to the

software, but shall still owe licensor a license fee
of the product._x000D_

Licensee may seek patent or

copyright protection as it
determines in its sole discretion The
and shall pay for any costs; Until technolo
the full payment of $6,000,000 is gy is 16
License includes future derivative works.
made, licensee may arrange to year-old
register in licensor’s name United software
States and foreign copyrights and .
renewals thereof for the
License includes 2 France
Any improvements shall be owned by the party
patents, 1 Germany patent, 1
that created such improvements; If the
Canada patent, 1 U.S. Patent, 1
improvement is made by any of the licensors,
Italy patent, 1 Japan patent, 1
licensee shall be granted a non-exclusive license
Norway patent, 1 Netherlands
to such improvements.
patent, 1 United Kingdom patent.

Licensor shall own the patents

and trademarks; Licensee shall
Licensee shall modify and create derivative
apply for, prosecute, register,
products of the licensed product; Licensor shall
maintain and defend any and all
disclose to licensee any improvements and
patents and trademarks in United
developments relating to the software.
States and foreign jurisdictions at
its own expense.

Licensor shall use commercially

Computer code, software, programs and
reasonable efforts regarding
documentation, trade secrets, know-how and
initiation, prosecution and
other materials made and developed in connection
maintenance of all necessary
with the license shall be jointly owned by the
registrations towards trademarks;
License includes 1 US patent.
Licensee shall own and grant a license to licensor
for any derivative works of the licensed product.

License shall include 2 U.S.

patents; Licensee shall reimburse
licensor for a portion of patent Licensee shall create and own its derivative works
expenses; Licensor shall of licensed products; Licensor shall own all
prosecute international patent derivative works created by licensor; Both parties
coverage for some or all of the shall jointly own derivative works created jointly.
patents in certain major industrial

Licensor shall inform licensee about any updates

License includes 3 U.S. patents
or upgrades it has developed; Licensee shall own
and 7 patent
all derivative works that licensor or licensee shall
create; Licensee has a right to integrate the
updates and upgrades upon approval of licensor.
License includes 1 patent, 7
trademarks and 1 trade name.

Each party shall advise the other party of any

technical improvements and inventions relating to
License includes 1 U.S. patent; the technology and the licensed products; All the
Licensee shall bear the costs for improvements and inventions shall be the property
the prosecution of pending patent of licensor.
applications, as well as for filling,
prosecuting and maintaining
foreign counterpart applications to
such pending patent applications;
Licensee shall pay the costs of
preparation, filling, prosecuting Licensor shall own improvements by the inventors.
and maintenance of patents and
applications on patentable
improvements; Preparation and
maintenance of patent
applications and patents
undertaken at licensee's cost
shall be performed by patent
attorneys selected by licensor.
(Numbers from 1 to 4 reflect the distribution of functions, risks, costs and asse
Functions Risk

Defense and protection of

Unsuccessful marketing
research and marketing

Unsuccessful research
Design and control of

functions performed
Quality control over

and development
Research and


Expectation of future benefit

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

Licensor believes that the AVC

standard represents significant
advances in the field of digital
visual data compression, which ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
will make available innovative
new products and services to
the public.

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

Licensee believes it must own

the licensor's patent rights to
effectively raise funds to
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
develop and license products
and services which practice the
licensor patent rights.

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

Licensee believes that a strong

market exists for the ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

Licensee does not expect more

than 40% of its future gross
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
sales to derive from resale of
licensed products and services.

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

Licensee does not expect more

than 40% of its future gross
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
sales to derive from resale of
licensed products and services.
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

The agreement with licensee is

considered by the licensor as a
mid-term-solution and in order
to examine the system closely,
the licensor evaluate the ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
platforms capabilities and
flexibility to create a custom
trading platform for the
licensor’s future clients.

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
Licensee continues to develop
the website with licensor and
organizes a marketing and
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
rollout plan which it plans to
kickoff in second quarter of
fiscal 2013.

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
Licensee does not expect more
than 40% of its future gross
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
sales to derive from resale of
licensed products and services.

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

In the foreseeable future,

licensor expects to incur
significant expenses during the
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
development stage of the
identity protection/secured
transaction services business.

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

Licensor expects that subject to

the agreement, it will enhance
licensor's technology and ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
intellectual property portfolio
without using direct resources.

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
Unsuccessful marketing

Product obsolescence,
technological advances

of competitors

Infringement, time
consuming and costly

Functional analysis

Product liability

Bear the costs to support
the performance of

Bear the costs when
relevant risks come to

Provide compensation to
other parties performing
the functions

Research and
Costs & assets

development costs

Marketing costs

ns, risks, costs and assets between the parties. The first column represents Licensor, the second - Licensee.)

Knowledge of own
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
II. Characterization of the transaction
Licensee.) involving intangibles

involving the
use of
Knowledge of own

intangibles in

Transaction connection
involving with the sale
transfer of Royalty rate Base
transfer of of goods or
rights in
intangible the provision
of services (no
rights in
intangibles are

≡ √ ≡ Net receipt

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Sale

≡ √ ≡ Gross receipt
≡ √ ≡ Net receipt

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net selling price

≡ √ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross sum

≡ √ √ ≡ Gross payments

≡ √ ≡ Revenue
≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ transacted;
Product sold

Gross revenue;
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ √ ≡ Final price

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Receipt

≡ √ ≡
≡ √ ≡ Revenue

Licensing and
≡ √ ≡
support fee

≡ √ ≡ Net sale price

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ License fee

≡ √ ≡ Sale revenue
≡ √ √ ≡ Gross revenue

Net revenue;
≡ √ ≡ Gross

Net licensing
≡ √ ≡

Net sale
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

Territory list
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ √ ≡ Net income

≡ √ ≡ Net license sale

≡ √ ≡ License revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡
operating profit

Net sale
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Sale

Territory list
≡ √ ≡
≡ √ ≡ account fee;

≡ √ ≡ account fee;

Gross renewal
≡ √ ≡

Sublicense net
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Revenue / Profit

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ √ ≡ Gross proceed

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue
≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net sale

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ License fee

≡ √ ≡ Net receipt

≡ √ ≡ Purchase price

≡ √ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue
≡ √ ≡ Gross profit

≡ √ ≡ Net receipt

≡ √ ≡ Net profit

≡ √ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net sale

≡ √ ≡ Retail price

≡ √ ≡ Profit
Gross sale;
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Profit; Net profit

≡ √ ≡ Net profit

≡ √ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ License revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue
≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross sale

Net collected
≡ √ ≡

Net license
≡ √ ≡

Net service
≡ √ ≡ bureau access
fee; Fee

Net license fee

≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Total revenue
≡ √ ≡ Price

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Sale
Territory list
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross sale

Gross fee,
≡ √ ≡
payment, charge

≡ √ ≡ Net sale

account fee;
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ √ ≡ Revenue
≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Before tax profit

≡ √ √ ≡ Sale revenue

≡ √ √ ≡ Sale revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue
≡ √ ≡ Sale

≡ √ ≡ Sale

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross sale

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ √ ≡ Amount invoiced

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net amount
≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross sale

≡ √ ≡ Net win

≡ √ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross sale

≡ √ ≡ Gross sale

≡ √ ≡ Net Sale
≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenues

Net revenue;
≡ √ ≡
Net selling price

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ √ ≡ Net win

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net sale

≡ √ ≡ Net receipt
≡ √ ≡ Net sale

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

Gross fund
≡ √ ≡
transfer revenue

Total gross
≡ √ ≡

Net sale
≡ √ ≡

Average gross
≡ √ ≡
daily asset

≡ √ ≡ Net sale

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue
≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Final price

≡ √ ≡ Sale

≡ √ ≡ Net sale

≡ √ ≡ Net sale

≡ √ ≡ Sublicense fee
≡ √ ≡ License fee

≡ √ ≡ License revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net sale

Sale price; Fair

≡ √ ≡
market value

Net profit; Gross

≡ √ ≡

≡ √ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue
≡ √ ≡ Gross profit

≡ √ ≡ Sale revenue

Gross net
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Gross sale

≡ √ ≡ Net sale

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net sale

≡ √ ≡ Gross amount
≡ √ ≡ Net sale

≡ √ ≡ Gross sale

≡ √ √ ≡ Fee paid

≡ √ ≡ Net sale

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

Annual turnover;
≡ √ ≡
Royalty amount

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue
≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

≡ √ ≡ Sublicense

Adjusted gross
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Net revenue

Total gross
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Net annual profit

≡ √ ≡ Gross revenue

Net sale
≡ √ ≡

≡ √ ≡ Revenue

≡ √ ≡ Gross sale

Net gross
≡ √ ≡
III. Remuneration

Other payments

Compensation details Document title

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IV. Reference

Patent/trademark No. Patent/trademark synopsis

Patent/trademark image link Link

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